Rating:  Summary: Not a bad idea, just poorly executed! Review: As much as I admire Harrison Ford play his usual good guy roles in films and teaching those good for nothing bad guys a lesson, I just couldn't get over the notion that AIR FORCE ONE, where we have the pleasure of seeing him play the President just provides one cliche too many. Yes, all presidents have been through trials and tribulations, but hopefully this won't become a reality as badly as it did on both the script and the screen. After a vicious Russian tyrant has been captured and arrested by American Troops, Ford and Presidential Party celebrate, where he gives a speech that he will not negotiate with terrorists - YET, Harrison...Yet! Now after the seemingly indistructible (yeah sure!) Air Force One is airborne, a mysterious Russian News Crew, who are actually Russian Terrorists lead by Gary Oldman as the lead bad guy, a terrorist so brutal, heartless, and unfeeling he made Hans Gruber in Die Hard seem like John Wayne by comparison, and Bruce Payne's Charles Rain in Passenger 57 seem like Count Dracula (well I admit at least his character had kind of a sense of humor). These monsters seize control of the jet and hold the entire 50 passengers, that is those left alive after a particularly bloody gunfight scene beforehand, hostage, few of which are the President's wife, daughter, Chief of Staff, Press Secretary, Security Advisor, the list is endless, and demand the release of the arrested leader, or they will execute a hostage every half hour. Get the picture? If you do maybe you can figure out what will happen next. Okay, let's consider the facts. Ford and Oldman are both great in the roles, they should be, so is Glenn Close as the Vice President, who can't tame or try to negotiate with Oldman for a simple forum for grieviances. I'll give it a plus for that much, but this film is just plain rotten, predictable, and after a while, downright dull. We know Ford is going to beat the tar out of and foil the bad guys, now matter how much precious hostages must be executed. Might I add a few are, the First Daughter witnesses deaths so gruesome she will have to spend years in Therapy coping with the trauma. We know everything will be all right in the end, but let's see if you can figure out these minor details; (1) How did they get the weapons on board in the first place? (2) Can 747 air jets really be THAT immune to bullets? There are guns fired all over the place, and no windows are ever shattered. If this were not the movies, all the terrorists would be sucked out, and hopefully this poor excuse of Summer Entertainment with it, and most importantly (3) If a terrorist ever holds a gun to Chelsea Clinton's head for the release of a Hitler-like tyrant then, and only then will Bill Clinton agree? If this is where our Presidential and Political beliefs are going these days count me out. So they you have it, just your typical American President versus Foreign Bad Guys flick with nothing really great to offer, except maybe bad taste, an unbelievable script, and nothing more than another example of the director trying to make us think and believe that propaganda will make us surrender to terrorist demands. Well, it just doesn't work here.
Rating:  Summary: Harrison Ford for President! Review: I don't care how cheesy or overly patriotic those cynical reviewers think this movie was. It's good, old-fashioned, edge of your seat entertainment. The president is a decent, moral man who loves his family and takes care of business in every sense of the word and right now I'd love to see his real life counterpart in office.
Rating:  Summary: Indiana Jones for President! Review: It really works! No one can deny that there is still a demand for the Cold War propaganda. It seems that nothing unifies people more than a presence of a common enemy, real or fictional. We need our daily portion of political brainwash as we need our morning cup of coffee. Wherefore, Russians are coming, as usual. They shoot machine guns. Moreover, they speak English with an awful heavy accent. They look as real as Indiana Jones looks a history professor. Again, Mickey Mouse doesn't look like a copy of a real mouse, but who cares, as long as it makes viewers feel good. Not only do those malignant Russians kidnap our president's family, they dare steal his baseball glove! In a face of such an assault, how not to believe in the divine American role to enforce global justice and happiness with the help of the air force? How blessed could we be to have an old boyscout for president! "Get out of my plane!" yells our eloquent hero, kicking one of the bad guys. "Go on with your paranoya blockbusters!" screams the cashbox to our Hollywood propaganda department.
Rating:  Summary: SUSPENSE AND ADVENTURE IN THE AIR Review: This is definitely one of Harrison Ford's best films due to the fact that the movie contains nonstop action with Ford as the president. Danger soon plagues the presidential jet when the bad guys manage to get seats on board on the plane while posing as news reporters. It is up to the president to save the day with the help of other passengers aboard the plane.
Rating:  Summary: Arguably the best action film of all time. Review: Legendary German film director Wolfgang Petersen brings on another heart-pounding, steel-reinforced, political action-thriller.The cold-war is over but that hardly means that some don't want to exert their muscle over the United States. This high-flying adventure is not just another "airplane got hijacked" type of movie. Rather, it is a special effects and stunt extravaganza which stretches the last vein of adrenaline and uses a great line-up of actors to do so. Harrison Ford leads the free world as well as the 40,000 foot high adventure as President James Marshall. A group of pro-Soviet patriates, led by who else but the most convincingly psychotic actor on screen, Gary Oldman , have taken over the presidential aircraft known as Air Force One in order to grab the Western world by the b---s (and they do a thorough job of it) in order to ensure that their leader, one General Radek, played by Jurgen Prochnow, ( Das Boot, The Man Inside, English Patient) is freed in order for him to attempt to restore his regime and take a shot at the title of the being new Stalin. The cast also includes Glenn Close as the swift-thinking, decision-making (or is she?) vice-president and Wendy Crewson, who has appeared in such films as The Doctor and To Gillian, On Her 37th Birthday, as the First Lady. This is not another Executive Decision or another Turbulence. Instead it is arguably the best action, A-list film of the year. The special effects enhanced by digital sound are remarkable. Starring: Harrison Ford Gary Oldman Glenn Close Wendy Crewson Directed by: Wolfgang Petersen ( Das Boot, In The Line Of Fire, Outbreak)
Rating:  Summary: Great Harrison Ford film Review: I am a big fan of Harrison Ford's movies, and Air Force One is no acception. There is tons of action, and the story is great. I honestly couldn't imagine any other actor being able to pull this role off, Harrison Ford was perfect as the President.
Rating:  Summary: Overly simplistic and far fetched Review: To look at "Air Force One" at surface value would do it justice. There is no deeper meaning, hidden emotion, political statement, or anything along the lines of what makes a movie great. Above all, it is far from showing the directing talent Peterson proved in "Das Boot." AFO isn't a BAD movie. It's just not a GOOD movie either. "Das Boot" was a classic. "In the Line of Fire" was a pretty good movie. AFO comes in last. The movie was filled with impressive action sequences, but that is not the reason people go out to see movies anymore. Take "Wild Wild West" for a recent example. On the defense for the movie, Gary Oldman does a good job as a POed pro-Soviet Russian idealist tyring to free a profound Soviet officer from a Russian prison. That part is not far fetched. There are quite a few profound pro-Soviet factions in Russia. Many of them have high powers in the government. The idea that the next in command leader of one of them can manage to hijack Air Force One with the mysterious help of the Secret Service (hmm...maybe his reason for joining them will be in the Special Edition) is where the plot becomes ridiculous. As always, Harrison Ford plays...Han Solo. How he manages to be one of my favorite actors still puts me at awe. Despite its obvious flaws, AFO has its moments of intensity and remains action-packed throughout. I wouldn't rush out to buy this one, but it is definitely a good rental.
Rating:  Summary: Sad to say the least. Review: I would rather watch my window cactus grow for the next hour and a half than spend it watching this pathetic excuse for a patriotic flick. This movie is the most deluded, clueless and far from the truth piece of trash I have ever seen. One of the things I could barely deal with was the insulting patriotic ignorance and horrible acting. Aside from that its full of ludicrous dialogs that could only seem real to a 5 year old kid. Did I mention a boring predictable plot? Oh and those evil Russians who do it for mother Russia, give me a brake. I have some Russian friends who couldn't believe idiotic depiction of Russians in this flick. If you are still stuck in cold war period go ahead and buy yourself a copy it will prolong the state of ignorance you are in.
Rating:  Summary: I never got air sick one bit . Review: I was very inpressed with the acting,and action, music,backgrond and more.A must kepper for action loving fans!
Rating:  Summary: Astonishing! Review: Astonishing that anyone could like this hoary potboiler. To call the characters 2 dimensional, would be to give them one dimension too many. The story was poorly written and stank (synopsis: Rah, rah, rah, USA, sis, boom bah!). Astonishing how may rounds of automatic gunfire the plane took without explosive decompression. Astonisihing how the characters slid from one plane to another on a rope (haw, haw, haw!). Astonishing that the director of Das Boot would sink to this crummy level. And most astonishing of all is how many reviewers thought this movie rated 5 stars! Truly awful movie. See it on free TV only, don't even bother to rent it. Besides the commercials will lessen the inanity of this turkey.