Rating:  Summary: Action-packed and edge-of-seat suspense! Review: I like this movie because it was action-packed and suspenseful. At first, I didn't want to see it but my dad made me. I'm glad he did. The DVD version has better sound quality and sharper imaging. I only gave it four stars because, even when the cold war was over, this American-made movie potrayed Russians as terrorizing commies.
Rating:  Summary: High rated action Review: Just take a bunch of terrorists,a president who don't do what they wanted:and "voila":Air Force One! Nice action fight's,thrilling scenes,and a nice sentimental moment!Just see for yourself!
Rating:  Summary: I WOULD VOTE FOR THIS GUY! Review: harrison ford is certainly better atportraying a president than anythingthat the country will have in the nearfuture.ford makes you believe(almost)that he actually could take on a 747full of terrorists that wiped out hisentire secret service detail,and defeatthem thoroughly.this is the kind ofaction movie that DVD was made for.the picture quality & special effectswill spoil you for wasting $8.00 pluscarfare,popcorn & soda,money to go toa movie,when you can see the same thing at home,a lot cheaper.
Rating:  Summary: Worth A Look Review: There were a lot of gaps in the plot but, then when isn't there? Lots of action, nail-biting suspense and another chance to see a sterling performance by Harrison Ford. My only real complaint was that Gary Oldman couldn't be a good guy..even once.
Rating:  Summary: Why couldn't they have just let it CRASH? Review: One of the most important aspects of a movie like this is for the film to make you actually care about the people who are held hostage. This film failed miserably in this endevour. If they'd killed everyone onboard, including Ford, I couldn't have cared less. You may get the idea I didn't like this film... and you would be mistaken. It's not that I didn't like it... ...it's that I DESPISED it. Complete TRIPE, with final "cliffhanging" sequence that is so hilariously moronic it had me laughing uncontrollably.
Rating:  Summary: A very bad film with some very good actors Review: This film is a real dissapointment. Harrison Ford gives a credible performance as the President and Gary Oldman pulls off his villain role with panache. But this movie simply doesn't work. Overall the film is completely illogical and frankly a bit too patriotic, especially for someone who comes from Europe. Maybe logic isn't exactly what people are looking for when they watch a "no-brainer", but this film is really too much.
Rating:  Summary: Average, overrated action movie (mild spoilers) Review: I still don't understand why everybody seems to love Air Force One so much. First of all, the ground-based subplot with Glenn Close as the vice president is boring and just detracts from the movie's momentum. Also, it's kind of interesting that the evil Secret Service agent tries to kill Harrison Ford at the end, even though none of the other villains are left to expose him and he could walk away without ever being suspected. There was some scene that actually explained WHY that guy was betraying the president, but thanks to some boneheaded editing it was cut out of the movie and that character was reduced to just another stock villain. In addition, almost all of the action sequences are sick mockeries of reality. Granted, I can sort of go along with having that much random automatic gunfire on an airplane without losing cabin pressure. But it's just ridiculous when the characters stand next to a big open hatch without getting sucked out into the sky and their hair just blows in the wind like they're standing in front of a movie studio fan. And the most unintentionally funny moment has to be when the plane crashes-- the whole shot, one of the most awful CG effects I've seen in a big studio movie, is pathetic and kind of sad. I don't understand why this film has been so successful and popular, especially since we've all seen MUCH better action movies from directors like James Cameron and John McTiernan. Cameron could make a better movie than this standing on his head. Sure the DVD is a nice way to show off your sound system, but there's something seriously wrong if you consider that reason enough to go out and buy this movie...
Rating:  Summary: "Get off my plane!" Review: DVD was made for movies like Air Force One. It is definately the the best DVD I know, not meaning the best movie, but the best DVD. It's maximum impact! The sound, the images, so crisp and clear, as close to theater quality as humanly possible! The DVD I think will even have a chance of surpassing it is Jurassic Park, but we'll have to wait a see if that's true. Of course the movie itself is nothing to sneeze at, it's fantastic! Wolfgang Peterson is a brilliant director, only he, mabye John McTiernan (director of Die Hard) could make an action movie this well. The sound is incredible, the special effects are superb (except for in the last scene) the score is rich and patriotic (hats off to Jerry Goldsmith) and the acting, well let me tell you about the acting. Harrison Ford, finaly a president you can like! His acting is unsurpassed as always, heck we even finaly get to see Harrison Ford cry in this film! And who makes him cry? Only the 2nd craziest actor in hollywood, Gary Oldman (Christopher Walken being the first) His portrayel of a Neo-Russian Radical is believable and terrifying. The other actors are fair in their roles. I had one problem with the film though, parts of it were kind of confusing. You find out right in the beginning who let the terrorists on the plane, yet the guy always seems to be on the good guys side even when he's fighting the terrorists, and oh, it's just too confusing to think about. The action of the film is so intense though that you'll hardly notice the first time, but once you've watched the film as many times as I have, you might notice. Once again this was the type of movie DVDs were made for, great action that makes for a great sound and video, without throwing away plot.
Rating:  Summary: Ford does it again, with some exceptions. Review: This will always be one of my fav. movies. The suspense, action, and terror (yes, I was in some scenes) are unmatched in the industry. The special effects were lacking in some areas though, as is the realism. I remember one scene when Ford is clearly shown in the movie to have ONE H&K MP5 submachine-gun. Yet, he uses about 50 rounds of ammo with one MP5 (the magazine can only hold 30). Yes, for you non-gun fanatics, I'm not making any sense, but that scene was just funny to me. And nevertheless, after he appears the run out of ammo on that gun, he conviently finds another terroist to steal one from. Very funny if you watch it a couple of times. Don't forget the posts about the plane never undergoing "explosive decompression" from all the 5.56 and 9mm rounds. All in all still a wonderful movie
Rating:  Summary: This is a great DVD and sound system demonstration Review: I like this DVD because I can skip over all the "disbelief" stuff written into this "popcorn fodder" and go write into the effects chapters. Wolfgang Petersen is one of my favorite directors and he knows how to do action films. The writing on this picture is not one of his best efforts but the editing and special effects make it shine. The KC-10 Tanker blowing up is spectacular along with the USAF F-15 fighters attacking the MiG's. The air to air rescue is believable from an operations standpoint but it takes two very skilled pilots to maintain speed and altitude for the transfers. The crash of AFO looks a a bit cheesy--could have been better done. The Jerry Goldsmith score is thundering and plays well over a nice sound system. The picture transfer and 5 to 1 dolby is first rate. This one is worth having.