Rating:  Summary: Great entertaining and fun movie Review: I really hate reading critics reviews of movies. Typically they are always wrong in their evaluation of a movie. What is a movie anyway other than entertainment, its not life, it is merely there to take us away from our daily life and have some fun. If you come out of a movie entertained then it has done its job.If you go to see an Arnold movie you are going to see an action movie. That being said this was more than an action movie Arnie did a fine job of acting as well as play the hero. I came away from the movie entertained and I enjoyed it. If you try looking any further into it then you just keep missing the point of a movie. Everyone reading this do me a favor. Never ever read a review and never ever see or don't see a movie based on a review. If you like action movies, if you like Arnold then see the movie and decide yourself if you liked it or not. Later.....
Rating:  Summary: Let's hear it for Arnie. I said hear it, not spear it. Review: You have as much chance of urinating against the side of Voyager Two than winning the national lottery. Never the less, my mate Nigel 'spunky' Turner says that when, not if, he wins it he will buy a copy of every great film Arnold Schwarzenneger has made over the last thirty years and then buy himself a large country estate to put them all in. Well, that takes care of the doorstop......
Rating:  Summary: A great movie to watch. Review: End of days is one great movie that you can watch If your bored,or your looking for a good time.The cast Is good,and the script Is well written.Gabrial Bryne does a wonderful job of playing the man,and Arnold always doe's a great job of playing his roles.The DVD Is also good with many bonus footage.If you havent seen this movie,check It out.You won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Arnie Movie Since The 6th Day Review: I Have been a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger's movies for a long time and when I first saw End Of Days I Loved it. It had everything a Schwarzenegger film needs Action,Suspense, and an awesome threesome between Gabriel Byrne as the devil and two other woman. No matter what so called critics said This film was a lot better than The 6th Day.
Rating:  Summary: End of Days Review: I've been going through the reviews that left this film with nothing more than one star. What's wrong with these people? They must all be fanatic christians or something, this movie was great. Arnold is funny as hell, he looks better than ever, and he did a great job acting this part. Gabriel Byrne is the perfect satan, calm, dark, and suave. His performance fit the part to perfection. The effects were great as well.
Rating:  Summary: I loved it Review: Sorry to all Arnold critics. I bought the movie, watched it alone, with a friend, with my daughter, and alone again. Of course, I adore Schwartzenegger in anything, but adding Gabriel Byrne to that mix, and I have spasms. Well, I know I won't be called to review any movies any time soon, haha, but I never listen to movie critics anyway. The harder they pan a movie, the more I seem to enjoy it. I thought it was a good fantasy movie about the end of time. With the dark touch that the Catholic church can add. And Gabriel Byrne is the perfect devil. Good looking, suave, and a lady killer... except to the one lady that is supposed to matter. I think it was an all around good time, and I did not waste my money on the video.
Rating:  Summary: I know whut I heared Review: The first movie since Arnold's heart problem, which by the way was probably caused by starring as Mr. Freeze in Batman and Robin, and it is an instant classic thriller. Arnold Schwarzenegger, plays Jericho Kane, a cop on the edge. Kevin Pollack plays his partner Bobby Chicago and Gabriel Byrne plays their nemesis Satan. They serve the city of New York trying to protect Christine York (Robin Tunney) from the grasps of Satan. Arnold says no way Jose to Satan as he fights to protect Christine. Arnold, as in all his movies, has a lot of big guns to fight Satan and provides great one-liners as usual. He resurrects his career with this film and it is probably the best since Red Sonja. Who said Arnold couldn't act? Arnold provides us with some great dramatic moments such as the time when he see a vision of his family in danger and pulls out a gun to try to fight them off. The Austrian Oak flexes his muscle and does plenty of blasting in this film. It has great stunts such as the helicopter chase and the explosions that Gabriel Byrne causes. Arnold wide screen is better than Arnold in the big screen. When it was all said and done I felt he definitely deserved an award for this film. Arnold looks better than ever in terms of physique. I would say he was probably doing weights until he passed out to get ready for this film. The sounds of bazookas shooting off sounded great in this dvd masterpiece. For fans like myself I hope Arnold decides to make the sequel or the prequel The Beginning of Days. If you are a real Arnold fan then this dvd is a must buy. I didn't think any movie could surpass the drama and action of Kindergarten Cop but then End of Days was released. End of Days has a great twist and ending that will keep you thinking for six days.
Rating:  Summary: what is the point? Review: What's the point of making yet another "Satan's child" movie, painstakingly weaving a travesty, shot by shot, scene by scene, from the multitude of other just as faceless and ephemeral films? Whatever it is, it is not an artistic one. And I wasn't expecting much, just a good action flick with some originality and humor. But they couldn't accomplish even that. Ah, as a guy once said, what's the use... Memorable moment: Arnold is fighting an elderly Italian woman.
Rating:  Summary: A new spin on SCHWARZENEGGER style fun. Review: In END OF DAYS, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays JERICHO CANE, a suicidal cop who gets caught in one of the largest events in history. After the murder of his wife and daughter, Jericho sees no reason to go on, but ends up becoming involved in a new case that could mean the end of the world for everyone. At the cusp of the millenium, Satan comes to Earth, taking a human body and walking the streets of New York City, searching for his bride, Christine York (Robin Tunney), in which, if her flesh is consumated by the prince darkness, it will literally be Hell on Earth as mankind knows it. Now, CANE, must protect her anyway that he can to be sure that SATAN doesn't bring about the END OF DAYS. MY REVIEW: This movie is hard to categorize as whether it's an action movie, a horror film, a spiritual/religious film or just a thriller type drama with great special effects. Director PETER HYAMS (The Relic, The Musketeer) directs this ensamble group of actors which include: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, ROBIN TUNNEY, KEVIN POLLACK, GABRIEL BYRNE and ROD STEIGER. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER deserves a lot of credit for his role, which can very well be related to MEL GIBSON's character in LETHAL WEAPON. What strikes me as odd is his ability to really show character and acting ability. I've never seen him do anything like this before. He really is a simple, caring, emotional human being who isn't just out there to shoot everything up and save the day. He cares for this girl and cares for the world, which is something ARNOLD has never done before. His age is starting to show, but he still pulls this one off, and still knows hard-core action. GABRIEL BYRNE deserves an Academy Award, pulling his Satan character off perfectly. There is nothing scary about his performance, it's just the fact that you can actually see the evil in his character. His lines are great, and his performance is spectacular. For those of you who might be thinking like ANTHONY HOPKINS as HANNIBAL LECTER- you've got it. It's that kind of chilling performance, that isn't scary, just fun and thrilling. ROBIN TUNNEY is probably the worst actress in this movie. Her character is very unbelievable. She can't work well with dialouge. This role was just obviously to serious for her to pull off with a charm. You literally have no feeling for this woman because she has no character built around her. TUNNEY works better as her role in VERTICAL LIMIT. This role might-as-well been given to MOLLY SHANNON!!! ROBIN TUNNEY just couldn't pull it off. KEVIN POLLACK plays BOBBY CHICAGO, the hilarious sidekick pal, opposite SCHWARZENEGGER. His lines are great, and will make you laugh a lot of the time. His character is realistic and often fun. He's of course the comedic humor of the film, which every film has to have at some point. ROD STEIGER just looks like a priest to me, and that's what he is, and plays a good one. There couldn't have been a better choice. Just take one look at him and you'll know. Potentially the story for the film is interesting, but considering that writer ANDREW MARLOWE (Hollow Man, Air Force One) was trying to follow the book of REVELATION, I take away half a star. The story is inaccurate, although fun and action packed. This is one of the best scripts he's ever written. I was in awe by the directing of PETER HYAMS who's past credits include 2010 and THE RELIC. He really worked well with the majority of actors and pulled the story together. He deserves some credit as well. The special effects were above average, from the explosions to train wrecks and so on. STAN WINSTON's SATAN creature was top notch and could scare the heck out of even ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER! If the majority of people don't give this movie credit for its story and acting, they have to at least give credit to the special effects. I look at this film as a serious one, specifically because I'm a Christian myself and I find this story a very compelling one. Although the film is very inaccurate, it is still an entertaining film which is more serious than most people think. It's funny to see people put this film down when it's something they couldn't do in a lifetime. Why don't people like this movie? It's simple. People look at movies in different directions than others. Most people think of this one as a cheap piece of nonsense that tries to use a biblical story as a backdrop for a special effects actioner starring ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. I look at it as all around good-time fun. The really STRANGE sex scene and language wasn't needed, which could've possibly lowered the rating to a PG-13. And if you pump up ROBIN TUNNEY's character to a solid, than you got a five star movie. But the way it lies, in my eyes, it deserves four stars. No one can deny this movie is entertaining, but no one can deny that this film also has its failures....
Rating:  Summary: "What an adventure, chills the bone at every turn!" Review: I must say this is Arnold's best since Predator. Arnold Schwarzenegger is Jerico, a police officer that comes face-to-face with Satan himself. My favorite part is when Satan makes his appearance in the New York church building. And the scariest part to me is when Schwarzeneggger goes to where Mr. Hell holds the girl, Christine York (who is chosen to bare his child), and his best friend gets killed. The most action-packed sequence is when Cristine and Jerico/Schwarzenegger almost get killed when the train crashes. You really must see this movie, anyone who doesn't has to get in the 21st century and start taking a look at some recommendations. NOTE TO PARENTS: This film contains sexual content/nudity, language, and gore. Not recommended for ages under 18.