Rating:  Summary: One word, "Super" Review: I'v seen this movie for about 6 times now, but the criterion was like a whole new experience. If you like Sean Connery and Nicolage Cage, than this movie is a must have.Video: The video is very good, just like most criterion DVD's. Audio: The 5.1 track is a bit more agressive on the surround channels then the DTS track. But still I prefer the DTS track cuz it's a bit more controlled on the low frequency. Extra's: There are enough extra's on the disc, they are not that good but the "Movie Magic" is very cool. To be honest I expected a little more from the extra's. But this is not a reason not to add this title to your collection. Conclusion: One of the best title's in my collection.
Rating:  Summary: good collection of extras, but dumb movie Review: Any time there is a Criterion Collection release it is cause for some joy. Criterion discs are almost without fail full of tons of bonus goodies that you can't find anywhere else, save the odd laserdisc collecter's set. But the unfortunate side is that Criterion gives the royal treatment to some lackluster films, like "Armaggedon" and "The Rock". If you liked "The Rock" you will have plenty to celebrate here -- anamorphic presentation, 5.1 stereo, etc, etc. And it will give your home theater system a real workout. I really didn't like this movie much, but I gotta admit -- this DVD sounds GREAT!! But the biggest problem is with the movie itself. It sinks under its own weight. The action sequences certainly are visually and aurally impressive, but too little attention was paid to intelligent dialogue and scriptfare. But that is of little interest to producer Jerry Bruckheimer, or so I assume. Is "The Rock - Criterion Collection" worth owning? Probably not, if you value having some dignity and taste in your home DVD library. Is it worth renting for all the extras and killer sound? Heck yeah!! It is good for some dumb fun, but don't dignify this kind of moviemaking by making it a best-seller in the home DVD market. Rent it, enjoy it (allowing for the dumb parts), and forget it. There will be another dumb Michael Bay/Jerry Bruckheimer action-fest along soon enough. Oh Nicolas Cage, how far you have fallen since "Leaving Las Vegas"!
Rating:  Summary: good movie, good dvd Review: This is one of my favorite movie's of all time so i was exited abot the criterion dvd even though i just bought the old standered dvd last decemeber, but this is still a great addtion to your dvd libiary even though I think it could have had more bonus feature, here's a breakdown of what it does have: some great and funny outake's ,a few behind the scene's special effect's feautrettes and the trailer and tv spot's although this is a different trailer then the one on the old dvd.a experct from a documentry about acletraz and a sixteen minute interveiw with producer jerry bruckimier. This is good, but being a criterion disc with this high of a price I felt it lacked something. I have not watched the movie or listened to the commentry yet so I don't know how informative it is or if the tranfer is better on this disc. I just think a great dvd is one that will take you day's to get thourgh all the feautres I used all these feature's in one sitting. Here are some of the titles I am reffering to The toy story box set, The dinosaur collector's edtion, The abyss special edtion, glory special edtion, and the wonderful do the right thing criterion collection. This is still a dvd to buy though even if you have the old rock dvd.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular Film! Review: The Rock fires on all cylinders; it's full of action, plot, suspense, and great acting. You'll care about the main characters, you'll actually think that you didn't waste your time for once, and you'll probably watch it again! More movies should be like this.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome DVD! Review: If your a fan of The Rock then this is the ultimate DVD collection to own. I own the original DVD release as well and that version just can't compare! The lack of true 16x9 enchancements really show through. The Criterion version contains a complete digital transfered widescreen enchanced for 16x9 edition! The quality is outstanding, really looking 100% better in 16x9 mode on a WEGA tv. The new version also includes a DTS soundtrack (also has DD 5.1) something that was missed in the original release. I feel DTS is superior to DD 5.1 and when I always purchase the DTS versions for my collection. There is also a 2nd DVD full of extras including outtakes, documentaries, interviews, storyboards, and more. There is also audio commentary by Bay, Bruckheimer, Cage and Ed Harris on the first DVD. If your a fan of The Rock or other movies by Michael Bay/Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer you owe it to yourself to pick this version up!
Rating:  Summary: Very satisfying. Review: Typical outrageous blockbuster and a great guy flick. A geriatric Sean Connery and a spastic Nicholas Cage must defeat a a bunch of renegade marines, led by Ed Harris, who have taken over Alcatraz Island and threatened to lauch poison gas missiles into San Francisco. Connery basically plays an old James Bond and Cage basically plays his zany Hollywood persona. Mostly explosions, gunfights, chasing around and fairly good one-liners. Extremely entertaining and worth repeated viewing.
Rating:  Summary: Michael Bays Best! Review: This movie is definetly Bays best!This is awhole lot better than Bad Boys,or Armmagedeon!This is a slam-bang action movie that has some great military action!
Rating:  Summary: Who DOES Michael Bay know at Criterion? Review: How is it that this director of summer shoot-'em-up blockbuster fare has managed to have not one, but TWO of his films (the other being "Armageddon - Criterion Collection") accepted into the exclusive Criterion family, a label typically reserved for "important classic and contemporary films"? Granted, "The Rock" was enjoyable. With cheesy dialogue like "I'll take pleasure in guttin' you, boy!" and "I drive a Volvo--a beige one", what's not to like? And, rest assured, Criterion will make this one look gorgeous. All those explosions in downtown San Francisco, not to mention Sean Connery's fiery dive through the furnace once on the Rock will look fantastic, especially after you've adjusted your TV's color settings with the color bars Criterion will most certainly include on the DVD. You'll thrill to the car chases in San Francisco, as Sean Connery pilots a stolen Humvee with reckless abandon! You'll gasp as Nicolas Cage, who does a masterful job of playing Nicolas Cage, narrowly escapes a doomed Ferrari F355 from a hurtling, derailed streetcar! You'll shudder as Ed Harris' mercenaries gun down an entire Seal team in the Alcatraz shower room (all except, that is, Sean and Nicolas, who then manage to overtake a battalion of money-hungry assassins by distracting them with lines like, "Hi, my name's Stanley Goodspeed. Glass or plastic?")! Yeah, this will be fantastic. Meticulous lines recreated in Criterion-perfect subtitles. They may even feature foreign subtitles, thereby making "The Rock" an international masterpiece. Probably some deleted scenes....that means more cheesy dialogue! And audio? Guaranteed! Nothing but the best. The problem is, unfortunately, that you've seen it all before. If not, you probably saw it the following summer, only it was called "Con Air". I suppose Criterion, in their efforts to represent all genres of the film spectrum, must not overlook the high-budget summer blockbuster. In this regard, "The Rock" satisfies, even if the material is recycled and touched up with new, stupendous dialogue. Any film purist will appreciate the care which Criterion will apply to this print, as they apply to every other movie under their discriminating title. For some people, that's enough. There you go--I've defeated my own argument. Put me down for a copy. Kudos to Michael Bay and his boys for doing it again.
Rating:  Summary: Finally... Review: I knew there was going to be some sort of special edition for "The Rock" because of "Armageddon". In this prison actioner, disgruntled general Frank Hummel (Ed Harris) has seized Alcatraz with the help of sixteen former marines, some normal, some beyond psychotic. With the tourists hostage, Hummel threatens the city of San Francisco with an ultra-deadly toxin, easily in the form of missiles. Former British spy turned Alcatraz escapee turned convict John Mason (Sean Connery) and an FBI agent (Nicolas Cage) with a particular profession to overtake the prison and save the day. Filled with plenty of kinetic action sequences including an amusing car chase down the hills of the Bay City, "The Rock" is a satisfying action film that succeeds on all levels from it's characters to it's somewhat unbelievable story. With the aid of Jerry Bruckheimer's expertise, "The Rock" is a great action film. It's about time they put out a special edition for this movie.
Rating:  Summary: It's been... AWHILE!! Review: A friend of mine wanted to buy the DVD 2 years ago but I told him not to buy it because it doesn't have much extras, and some day, they'd release a better DVD than the previous one. Ha ha ha! At last, it's about that time to have this Criterion Collection DVD in my hands. Great actors, great action sequences and great music! A worthwhile addition to your own collection.