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Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl

Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Review: Johnny Depp never ceases to amaze. And he goes way, way over the top in his portrayal of Jack Sparrow in "The Pirates of the Caribbean." Dressed and coiffed like the love child of Bob Marley and Madonna and chewing, swallowing and spitting out all the scenery in a performance that reminds me of a bugged out John Barrymore at his twitchy best, he is a marvel to behold. Depp is the antithesis of what any sane person would think of as a normal (whatever that is, by the way) Jean Lafitte type pirate: he prances, he minces about, he's down-an-out, he pouts yet he is a superb fencer and one-on-one fighter and prodigiously physically adept. He's not a wimp by any means just a conflicted man with lots of issues.
Orlando Bloom, who seems to be getting the teenage heartthrob marketing build up and is light and photographed as lovingly as Keira Knightley our damsel-in-distress, is effective as Will Turner, the blacksmith with a secret.
The only problem with this roller coaster ride of a movie is that it is too long. Gore Verbinski should have known better particularly after his taut directing of last year's "The Ring." And like that third piece of bittersweet mousse cake with white chocolate ganache frosting: too much of a good thing is just too much.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Olando is sooo Hot. Great Movie!
Review: I am in love with this movie!!! I saw it 3 times in theaters!!!!!! My mom thinks I'm crazy but I love the movie!!!!! Disney did a really great job with this movie..Its the #1 movie ever!!! Its my fav. movie now!! When it comes out I am so gonna get it!!!!! And Orlando Bloom is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HOTT!!!! If u dont think so u are crazy! He did a great job acting in this movie along with Johny Dept! From the previews u would think it was nothing but action, but it was a comedy too!!! Johny Dept was sooooooooooooooo funny in this movie!!! I laughed all the time!!!!!!!!! For those of ya'll who have'nt seen this movie, u go get some money and go and see it right now! You will love it!!!!! And Orlando Bloom is soooo HOTT!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "and really bad eggs"........"a pirates life for me!"
Review: There's not that much to say about this film accept for its pretty darn good. The plot's as silly and nonsensical as they come, there's no blood and gore (its Disney after all) but its still a proper sweeping, swashbuckling rollercoaster, with appropriate roushing score, well placed CGI and good acting.

Oralndo Bloom (as blacksmith Will Turner) and Keira Knightley (playing Jonathan Pryce's daughter Elizabeth Swan) are well played, as are the lesser characters (such as Geoffrey Rush as a wickedly hammed up evil pirate Captain Barbossa and Jack Davenport as the wrong guy for the heroine).

But as I'm sure you've grasped Jonny Depp is pretty special. Previously I had only seen Depp in a handfull of films, including the abismal Sleepy Hollow, Blow and From Hell. He was never on my "stand out" actor list - not bad, just not that good. Boy did I get a wake up call. Here playing the swaying, camp, intellegent-but-bizarre Captain Jack Sparrow, Depp carries the film. His character gets all the jokes and gestures but they are made ten times more funny and relevant by his delivery. His slurring British accent barely falters and Captain Jack really comes across as a rock and roll star of the Caribbean Seas (its wishful thanking but in terms of acting quality-not character quality, Sparrow is hardly realistic-Depp deserves an Oscar-if there's any merit left in the award).

Yes, you know how the love triangle is going to work out, that there will be a happy ending and all will turn up Disney but I deny anyone who's seen this film to tell me they didn't enjoy it. Pirates' is genuinely funny and well paced and unlike so many of this years blockbusters (Hulk, T3 etc...) the film is not built around Special Effects (computer imagery is sensibly used). See the film, you know you want to. And then you'll want to see it again.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Oh my word this is one of the best movies i have ever seen! i have seen it three times in the theater and can't wait to buy it and watch it again! Johny Depp ROCKS! I think this is definately his best performance....not to mention he looks really super hot. (typical chick i know)Great story, awesome actors, kewl special effects. i highly recommend seeing it if you haven't already.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Welcome to the Carribean, Love.
Review: My God... Disney made a good movie. And not just a good movie, but easily the best movie of the summer. Sorry American Wedding, Tomb Raider II, and T3, you just weren't in the right league.
Depp is awesome and, while followed by an excellent supporting cast, steals the shows with witty remarks for all occasions. This movie is great, and for one who plays Dungeons and Dragons as much as I do... well, let's just say I'll be playing a roguish pirate for a while.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Wonderfully fun, but parents be warned...
Review: First of all, if you read just about any of the reviews on this site, you will realize that almost everybody loves this film. Including myself. This was wonderfully fun to watch, and was even better the second time I saw it. The acting, the beautiful camera shots, the plotline, the comedy, the action - all were great.

However, these be dangerous waters for parents. I decided to not let my kids watch the movie until they are much older. My qualms were not just with the occasional gore and scary skeletons. In addition, the movie actually recommended piracy (stealing, remember?) in some cases! They state frequently that the rules are just guidelines. Plot spoiler: Keira at the end says to Orlando, "You're not just a blacksmith, you're a pirate" as if that is a good thing, and that is why he won her heart. Disney could have skipped that final applause for piracy, and I would have been much happier with the film. These are the hero and heroine of the show. Parents should think about how firm their kids are on moral stances before allowing them to watch this. When children are little, they are in formative years. At least watch it first, parents.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Pirates of the Caribbean is a superb film consisting of all the criteria for a BLOCKBUSTER! Among many reviews I have read about this movie, a striking 95% of critics rave that this movie has got it all! Components of a good movie are improved to make this movie one of the best ever made.

You wonder how good this movie could really be? Picture award winner Johnny Depp and award winner Orlando Bloom in the same movie. Believe it now?

In short, a young lad by the name of Will Turner (Bloom) leads a blacksmith's life. All of this changes when he meets his childhood sweetheart Elizabeth Swan, played by the stunningly beauitful Keria Knightly. She is kidnapped by the evil pirate Barbossa (Rush) for she holds the pirate's necessity. Will Turner sets out to save her, but anamazingly humorous Johnny Depp, playing mischievious pirate Jack Sparrow accompanies him. They journey through stormy seas to save Elizabeth before Barbossa and his men can do any harm to her.

Out of the very, very, very few reviews claiming it to be a failure, this movie is exceptionally done and is a must see. Add this review to your pros when you are debating to see the movie and you will be on your way.

Also, the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Disney World/Land is really good, try it when you go!

By the way, what do you think about a Pirates of the Caribbean 2? :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My new favorite movie off all time!
Review: This is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. It totally surpased The Hulk and Terminator and all other movies I've seen this summer. Pirates Of The Caribbean is an excellent movie. It is one of those movies you know you'll like from the very beginning, and I haven't seen a movie like that in a long time! It's got great acting, great driecting, great script writing (with many unexpected and intelligent scenes). And of course, Keira Knightley who plays Elizabeth Swan is the hottest woman to ever walk on the face of the earth. So, this movie has everything you could ever want in the movie. It is my favorite movie of all time, right up there with LOTR. So what are you waiting for? GO SEE IT NOW! I saw it two days in a row and have now seen it 4 times and I'm going to see it many more times. Definatly worth your money! By the way, don't forget to sit through the credits to watch the special scene at the end!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best movie this summer
Review: this movie has everything; outstanding cast (johnny depp, orlando bloom and geoffrey rush), action and humour. the music is awesome and the costumes are great. the story itself is very original and the special effects which are used give the film a completely new insight to the classic pirate-movie. johnny depp has once again, been able to capture his audience through his amazing acting skills, and the handsome and charismatic orlando bloom has also shown great capability to get into a role after the acclaimed lord of the rings trilogy. it is, without doubt the best movie this summer.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Smashing!!!
Review: Literally. More things get blown and/or broken to bits in this film than in the last three I've seen combined. However, this isn't a bad thing, as the action makes for some of the most spectacular scenes in my recent memory.

The film starts out promisingly, and sets itself up fairly quickly. Elizabeth Swann (played irritatingly feministic by Keira Knightley), on her way to the Caribbean with her father, the governor of one of the islands, saves the life of a young lad floating amidst the wreckage of a - what else? - pirate ship. He wears about his neck a gold coin, which curious Elizabeth can't help but filch. (She later explains that it was to save young Will Turner from being branded a pirate, but that failed to convince me that she wasn't just being sticky-fingered. She is a pirate wanna-be, after all.)

Flash-forward eight years. (At least, that is how long the film says it is, although the two protagonists seem to have aged more than that.) Elizabeth is now a beautiful socialite (with an impassioned hatred of corsets) who spends her days warding off unwelcomed advances. Will is a less-than-brawny blacksmith (who is, I must add, very nicely toned, just not as bulky as I expected of a blacksmith) who never seems to get any credit for all his work and practises three hours a day with swords. (Jack Sparrow suggests this implies Will needs to get a girl.) Will does have one, though she's the classic maiden-adored-from-afar-off: he's been smitten with Elizabeth since he set eyes on her. She, it seems, harbours an affection for him that she will not quite admit to.

Into this mix comes (or rather, floats) Jack Sparrow (sorry, that's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow), the "best pirate I've ever seen." His entrance into the film is absolutely brilliant comedy, so I won't spoil it for the dozen or so people who haven't seen the film yet. Johnny Depp handles this role so well, makes Jack Sparrow so hysterically outlandish, that he makes you completely forget that pirates are indeed very nasty things instead of incredible comics with freaky eye-makeup and braided beards. (This is more than made up for by Geoffrey Rush, who as Captain Barbossa convinced me that he was indeed a very, very nasty thing.)

Capt. Jack manages to get captured - and escape - several times before the "real" action begins. These scenes are hilarious; I laughed aloud so often it was good I had the theatre to myself. He runs into Will Turner, who defends Elizabeth from a perceived offence in a swordmatch that is absolutely breathtaking. I have never, ever seen swordplay so fast, so clever, and so funny all at once. Some have called Orlando Bloom the next Errol Flynn, and I heartily agree: he handles himself well in his roles, and his polished good looks and lightning-fast moves look splendid onscreen. He's got just enough "darkness" to him - those smoldering brown eyes, that dark, slightly uncontrollable hair - to make him believable. (And this comes from a woman who doesn't even profess to be a Screaming Fan-Girl.)

As with most action flicks, the plot is disposable, but not too stupid; if you are going to see a Pirate Film, you're likely not expecting a deeply insightful social commentary anyway. As it's not at all necessary to the enjoyment of seeing the film, I shan't bother summarising it at all.

The screenplay itself sizzles with wit, especially from Jack (who has all the best lines in the film), and the stunts and lavish costumes are enough to keep one thorougly enjoying oneself. (Who can object to slightly tight silk trousers and flowy shirts open to the waist, exposing tanned, toned bodies? Not me!) The locations are absolutely gorgeous - I wouldn't be surprised if the Caribbean cruise lines are booked solid after people see some of the places in this film!

There's not much in the movie to warrant a PG-13 rating - some doe-eyed looks, hand-holding, and one kiss at the very end are the limit of the onscreen romance - but I think this was more for caution than content. Some children might find the undead crew turning to skeletons in the light of the moon rather frightening (my mother did, but she has never been one for zombies). This is really handled fairly well, though, as the macabre effect is lightened by a quirky sense of humour. (The idea of a disembodied arm having a fight with a person is hilarious to me.)

There really is only one minor quibble I have with this film: I could have done without Elizabeth. (I don't know that Will Turner would have appreciated this much, but he could always have had me instead...) In her day she'd have been locked up in a convent for her conduct; it simply wasn't acceptable. Strong-willed, smart-aleck heroines may work in modern-day films, but I found her distractingly anachronistic in a "period" piece. (For instance, trouser-wearing is completely out of the question.) Playing her slightly more demurely girl-like would have suited me much better.

All in all, it's no stirring insightful piece, but that's not what we go to the movies for. It is, however, a rollicking good time, one of the best experiences I've had in the theatre for years. See it, and be sure to bring a handkerchief - you WILL laugh yourself to tears.

~ Megan Stoner

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