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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Can you say Shocked?
Review: I remember when I was growing up my brother was a fan of the X-men I didn't really get them then, I wasn't much of a Comic book fan myself. And when I heard about the movie comming out I admit I rolled my eyes. But when I saw the previews I was amazed. Was this what my brother used to find so fascinating? Why didn't I go for this! And when I saw it I was amazed again. The charecter Logan really strikes me as an amazing person. I feel for him almost instantly. He's a mutant, and he dosen't know who he is or where he came from, all he knows is that someone put metal into his body and some how he survied the process (even if he remembers very little about it). He spends his life as a stray, he never interacts with others except in bar fights.

Then he meets Rogue. Another mutant who's running away from the world herself. She's young, she only in her mid-teens, and she's not ready to take the world head on. He reluctantly bonds with her and when he's attacked by Sabertooth and rescued by the X-men both of them are thrown into a world where everything is diffrent. This movie has amazing special effects, layered charecters and a good over-all plot. If your a sci-fi freak or a fantasy buff like myself, you should see it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Of Mutants And Men
Review: Rarely does a movie come along that works so well on so many levels, with the appeal to engage an audience of young and old alike. "X-Men," directed by Bryan Singer, is one of them. Simply put, there is something here for everyone; there's the obvious story (which is excellent, by the way) which can be taken at face value and will be the attraction of the wider audience, and then there is the allegory to ponder for those who choose to go the distance (sorry, folks, no clues; you have to do it on your own, it's part of what makes this movie so good). Just be advised, there is a whole lot more to this movie than meets the eye, and it's so well done and delivered, from the directing to the outstanding performances to the dazzling special effects. Singer has done a superb job of bringing this all to the screen; his pace and timing couldn't be better, and he seems to have an innate sense of what makes this material work, and how to put it across. This film could so easily have become just another sci-fi "B" rated throw away in the wrong hands, but with Singer at the helm, and with such a great cast, it doesn't come anywhere near sinking to that level. There is also a restraint in the use of the special effects here that makes them all the more spectacular, and again, Singer must be given credit for that as well. As far as the performances, this movie should launch the relatively unknown Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) toward stardom. He's charismatic and has a magnetic screen presence; he's given Wolverine real depth and credibility and emerges as the star of the show. Anna Paquin (Rogue) also stands out, creating a truly empathic and sympathetic character that makes her accessible and allows her to connect with the audience. Other notable performances are turned in by Patrick Stewart (Professor X) and Ian McKellen (Magneto). The supporting cast includes Halle Berry (Storm), Famke Janssen (Dr. Jean Grey), James Marsden (Cyclops), Bruce Davison (Senator Kelly), Tyler Mane (Sabretooth), Rebecca Romijn-Stamos (Mystique) and Ray Park (Toad). There is a depth to this story of mutant's living among us that comes, quite frankly, as a pleasant surprise. The dialogue is believable, and the characters are distinctly drawn and avoid stereotype. Again, there is nothing about this movie that can be dismissed out-of-hand; even the mutant's names are cryptic, which adds yet another level to the story. Whether or not it was the conscious intent of the author and creator of the X-Men is open to speculation; what is important is that it works, and makes it all that much more engaging. "X-Men" is destined to become a huge success, and will no doubt spawn welcomed and eagerly anticipated sequels. This movie is further evidence that since "The Matrix" came into being, the genre of Science Fiction has risen to an unprecedented height, the progression of which began with George Lucas and "Star Wars" in 1977. Since then the cinematic Universe has never been the same, and "X-Men" is proof that it will only continue to expand in the future.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It is worth viewing even if you don't know whow X-men are
Review: I have never read a comic book about the X-men, but I enjoyed the TV cartoon very much. I didn't know what to expect about the movie, but I was impressed. The only thing is that some of the characters didn't develop that much; Storm for instance, she is one of my favorites. The movie is very realistic and the special effects are great.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better Than Expected
Review: While I expected some cheesey, pathetic, low-budget attempt at recreating a comic book, what I saw was actually a great movie!

By shifting the focus of the film to character development, with the special effects being just that, effects, we were able to get a glimpse at some real depth.

There is a lot of underlying, dead-pan humor in this movie, which was also a pleasant surprise. Non-comic book fans can really get into this, and the fact that they left it open ended for a sequel is all the more exciting.

In case you were wondering, Jackman made a FANTASTIC Wolverine!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome!
Review: I have to say I was very skeptical about this movie. There were so many things that could go wrong and some of them probably did. But heck I didn't notice. The movie was put together very nice. Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart were the definant standouts playing their roles like nobody else could. This was a story of people born different, mutants. Humans being the scared sheep that we are freak out when people with power unknown to us start popping up. Hatred is born from fear. I loved how they did the Martin Luther King and Malcom X thing. When you think about it Professor X (Patrick Stewart) is Martin Luther King and Magneto (Ian Mckellan) Malcolm X. Prof X want mutants to coexist peacefully with mutants but Magneto will have nothing of it. After his experience with the Nazi's in WW2 he is prone to hate those who hate him. He shall have none of it anymore. WAR is his choice. Professor X and his X-Men are Earth's only true line of defense against Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants but can they truly stop him? And if they can at what cost? Well you'll have to see the movie first my friend.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An All Around Winner
Review: Before I give my review, I have to say that I wrote a review for this movie once before. But for some reason, Amazon cut mine and all the other reviews. A poor decision (I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought so), but it doesn't bother me as much as you'd think; I just thought I should mention that. Now, on to my review.When I was little, I worshipped the X-Men. From Wolverine's short temper and great one-liners, to Archangel's mechanical wings, to Gambit's power of 'charging' objects to explode (he was (and still is) my favorite character); I loved it all. But years have passed, and now I'm a seventeen year old who has long since dumped the comic book world. I've completely outgrown that stage of my life and you'd think I'd remember nothing from it; let alone laugh at all of it. Guess again. One thing I should mention, is that you could know nothing about the comic books and still enjoy this movie (except for that yellow tights joke).In this story, it centers around Rogue (I believe it was Anna Paquin, I could be wrong though) who ran away from home after sending her boyfriend to the hospital just by giving him a kiss. She eventually meets up with Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) in Canada and they eventually meet up with Professor X (Patrick Stewart) and his X-Men. Elsewhere, there's a very large uproar over mutants and super-villian Magneto (Ian McKellen) and his team believe a war is brewing between humans and mutants. Magneto believes that mutants are far superior to humans, while Professor X simply wishes for mutants to be accepted. A war between humans and mutants never happens, but one between the mutants themselves does. Obviously, the script was written in four days. It's far from ground breaking, but it's effective and gets the job done. None of the actors will get an Oscar for this film, none of their characters were given time to develop. All the actors were underused which is sad given the cast's talent, and believe me, this cast doesn't get any better. The costumes are amazing and deserve mention. From Storm's (Halle Berry; who was yet another talented actor who was underused) white hair, to Mystique's (Rebecca Romijn-Stamos; not that you'd know it was her) skin to Sabretooth's (Tyler Lane) entire outfit; you'll want to go to Xavier's school of mutants. The special effects rival those of "Star Wars: Episode One" which isn't an easy task. One thing I wish the film had more of is bad guys. I didn't even remember Toad (Ray Park; whom you may remember as Darth Maul from "Star Wars: Episode One") when I was an X-Fan (he must've came afterwards, as I have no clue as to who he is or what he's even doing here). They could've had Juggernaut or Apocalypse instead. Oh well, this movie practically screams sequal at the top of it's lungs for the ending. Nightcrawler? Psylocke? Jubilee? Gambit? One can only hope they consider them. It didn't bring back my comic book desire, and I still prefer Tim Burton films, but this was well worth seeing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: X Marks The Spot!
Review: This is by far the best comic - movie adaptation I have ever seen. The direction was excellent. The introduction of the characters is well set up. Wolverine is the main character and he and Rogue are our entry vehicles into this story. The principles and rules of this world set up by almost 40 years of comics are well abided by. The little triangle between Wolverine, Jean Grey and Cyclops is integrated into the story. Complete with the tension between Logan and Scott Summers. Hugh Jackman even threw in Wolverines trademark Bub, and his sarcastic commenting. The only thing that bothered me was Mystique being able to hold her own against Wolverine, he would pummel her. The only person who could seriously challenge Wolverine is Sabretooth. If you are unfamiliar with the comic universe, do not be dissuaded. This film is for everyone. From comic fans to those who have never heard of an X - Man, there is something in this for you. This film had great sound and effects. The cast was perfect. One of the most important parts of a movie, the story, is excellent also. This is worth seeing more than once on the big screen and is also one to preorder as soon as it is available.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An X-cellent film!
Review: Let me tell you something. I did not like the X-Men comic books at all, and I really enjoyed this movie. The story is set in a time in which ordinary human beings fear those who possess certain mutant-like characteristics. Anyway, a teenage girl named Rogue (Anna Paquin) happens to be one of them; by kissing her boyfriend, she puts him into a coma! Understandably upset, Rogue leaves her home and meets a man similar to herself in a bar. His name is Logan (or Wolverine, as he prefers to be called), and he has the ability to extend sharp metal blades from his knuckles! Rogue convinces him to let her travel in his car, but the two soon get into a major accident. They are rescued by "Storm" and "Cyclops," two X-Men. They are also mutants, and attend a school for "people like them." Professor Charles Xavier invites Rogue and Logan to stay at the school. They reluctantly agree, and soon find themselves facing a war against Xavier's rival, Magneto. The actors and actresses in the film are great, and the special effects are incredible! This movie has it all: action, thrills, and chills. I recommend "X-Men" to anyone who enjoys adventure and/or action films.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A total surprise for me: I LOVED this movie!
Review: My experience with the X-Men goes like the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." I first saw an X-Men comic book a few years back, and wondered why anyone on earth would ever want to read it. Fast forward to the summer of 2000, when I surprise myself by buying a ticket to see the X-Men movie. What I expected was a movie in which the special effects supported cardboadr acting and a mindless shoot-em-up plot. What I got was not only a movie with blow-you-away special effects, but also with an intriguing, always-interesting storyline and excellent acting. I mean, how do you make superheroes just like normal human beings? Chalk up a 10 for Hugh Jackman and Anna Paquin, respectively, for managing that seemingly impossible task. To sum it all up, this is a totally great, fun movie that I hope will spawn a sequel that is just as enjoyable. This is coming from someone who is about 8 trillion light years from being a comic-book-nerd, so believe me when I say that you have to see this movie to believe it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I'm not even a fan of the comics and I still like this movie
Review: This was seriously a great movie, whether or not you like the comic books. Sure, if you do then it adds a little more to it. But even if you dont, there's still the whole combo of great cast, great effects and story to make it all worth your seven bucks.

In the story, a young girl named Rouge leaves her home in Mississippi and travels north, ending up with a group of mutans known as the X-Men. They take her and her friend, Logan aka Wolverine, and in and helps them use their powers wisely. But a group of other mutans, lead by Ian Mc Kellan, thinks there is a war brewing between mutans and the rest of humanity. And he, along with his group intend to fight it.

Once again, it is well worth the seven dollars.

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