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Rating: 1 stars
Review: I went into this movie with an open mind, and left feeling like I wasted my $8. This movie lack the great story and special effects of movies like: Batman and Robin, Supergirl, Battlefield Earth, Happiness and Enemy Mine. Patrick Steward as Prof. X? AWFULL. They should have casted Wayne Newton (he has more acting chops). As for the rest of the cast, I thought their acting left alot to be desired. Personally, besides Newton as Prof. X, I would have had as Wolferine, Steven Segal; Storm, Sally Field; Cyclops, Robert Downey Jr.; Jean Grey, Rupaul; and Magnito, Nipsey Russel.

Note to Brian Singer. Re-watch these classics, and if it's not too late, make the sequel much better.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Comic-Based Movies at its best
Review: I'm not an avid comic reader, so I've never actually read "X-Men" before( though this movie made me want to read it). Still, the storyline was easy to follow, and I could tell that a lot of characters had to be cut so that the few which remained had enough depth to give the movie some dimension. Bryan Singer is an absolutely awesome director; he is at his best again with an ensemble cast ( much like his '95 thriller "The Usual Suspects"). My personal favorite is Wolverine and Magneto: Hugh Jackman can't be replaced, and Ian Mckellen shines also.

What makes "X-Men" so interesting and different from regular good guy-bad guy action movies the most, though, is that there isn't that obvious distinctness which seperate them. Magneto and his pack seem like they're all evil and the X-men all good, but they are not without its flaws. They aren't Supermen; they are human. But those are the traits which make them seem like true heroes-at least in my viewpoint.

Don't miss the action sequences also-they're completely breath-stopping! 4.5/5

Rating: 4 stars
Review: Just when I thought comic adaption was a dead genre, X-MEN by Bryan Singer of the Usual Suspects fame has scripted a movie packed full of stupendous CG graphics and more importantly an enchanting allegory to life.

The clash between Magneto and Professor X and the human intensity in the action-packed drama captivates, because of a tight script and a well-ensembled cast boasting credible acts from Anna Paquin as Rogue and the enigmatic Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. It dissects a human drama between the difference of a mutant and ordinary, of race and segregation, and it makes the audience feel for the idiosynacractic ways that the mutants handle their grief of being ostracized. Professor X is suitably diginified; Ian McKellen as Magneto is embittered.

The fluid CG graphics add a sparkle to the action scenes where you see Wolverine and Storm wielding their power against Toad and Mystique and Bryan Singer has impressively incorporate so many characters in one show and yet able to make each and every hero alive. The only thing you blame is - there isn't deep characterization for every one of them, but that's understandable.

It's such fun and nostalgia to see your heroes and heroines battle out,criticizing the accuracy of the portrayal. But in the end - you realize the impact of X-MEN's popularity is the grandeur of the solid human dissection between good and evil.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wolverine, and the X-men.
Review: X-men opened Friday. Today is Sunday, and I have already seen it twice, and I'm going again Thursday. If you think this is going to be a glowing review, you're DARN STRAIGHT!My expectations where off the charts for this movie. I hate when I do that 'cause I usually get let down. NOT IN THIS CASE! IT EXCEEDED MY EXPECTATIONS. Everything was great about this movie. The characters, the effects, and especially the story line. It stayed true to everything I know about the X-Men, which isn't as much as some, and Wolverine, which I know quite a bit about. What can I say I'm a bit of a Fan-Boy. Heck I have a tatoo of Spider-Man on my arm. By the way, if they screw up that movie, I'm gonna be pissed!The story revolves around Logan, or Wolverine, as he likes to be called, when he first comes in contact with the other mutants, or X-Men at Prof. Xaviers school for gifted youngsters. He's a rebel. A cigar smokin', beer drinkin' , out of control SOB.But he is as cool as hell. He has a metal skeleton, and metal claws that prorude from his knuckles when he gets pissed, and has to hurt someone.He is a wild man but, he has a soft side. I don't want to get into it too much cause I don't want to give any of the movie away, so that's all I'm going to say about the plot.James Marsden does a great job of playing Cyclops, as do the rest of the cast in their roles.Here is a list.Femke Jansen.......................Jean GreyHal Berry................................StormAnna Paquin...........................RougePatrick Stewart........................Professor XSir Ian McKellan......................MagnetoTaylor Dane.............................SabertoothRay Park..................................ToadRebecca Romaijn Stamos........MystiqueBut the actor who is going to get the most attention from this movie is Hugh Jackman who plays Wolverine. This guy was pretty much an unkownbut he played this part perfectly. Just enough insanity along with heart. He was Wolverine.Doug Ray Scott was supposed to do this part, but he had to do another little summer movie, which by the way is going to be crushed by X-Men, called Mission Impossible 2. Which I won't see until it comes out on video, because car chases just don't thrill me that much. He is going to be kicking himself for doing that instead of X-Men.It's only Sunday, and the totals are already up to 57million. So they probably haven't even confirmed what it made today.The reason it's doing so well is not because of the F/X, it's because they actually, finally did a comic book movie right.They made the characters so you cared about what happened to them, and it wasn't just a bunch of senseless F/X.The two sides were actually fighting for something they believed in. I WANT TO BE WOLVERINE!I'm going nuts I have to end this review.THE GOODI can't say enough good about this. It's a great film you can take your whole family to see, and everyone from kids to adults will love it.THE BADYeah right!THE BOTTOM LINEIf you only see one film this summer, seriously, make this the one you see. And see it more than once. You'll enjoy the second time even more. One other thing, go to a theater with good sound and picture quality.Overall I give this my highest rating A+.I liked it better than Green Mile, and Fight Club.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An short but an fine fastasy action adventure film.
Review: The Plot: Erik Magnus Lehnsherr(Ian Mc Kellen) who`s is a different person than anyone else with a power in him. Who become an ruthless villian also known as Mangneto, he has three different powerful villians working with him, Victor Creed/Sabretooth(Tyler Mane), Mortimer Toynbee/Toad(Ray Park) and Raven Darkholme/Mystique(Rebecca Romijh-Stamos). But these people with different powers all sort of knids, also known as mutants. A man named Logan/Wolverine(Hugh Jackman in a standout performance) meets a young troubled teenage girl named Marie/Rogue(Oscar winner Anna Paquin), she can held by touching anyone and she also dangerous, once she gets held, she could kill that person. But the both person meet different warriors are good, they used thier powers for good. Dr. Jean Grey(Famke Janssen), Scott Summers/Cyclops(James Marsden), Orono Munroe/Storm(Halle Berry) and Prof. Charles Francis Xavier/Professor X(Patrick Stewart). Also known as the member of an letter X as X-men. Mangneto is planning something more than evil and death, but he needs one of good mutants to set his gold. DVD`s will have Deleted Scenes and a lot more extras on the DVD. An good original fantasy film, directed with visual style by Bryan Singer(The Usual Suspects, Apt Pupil).

DVD`s has strong anamorphic Widescreen(2.35:1) transer and Excellent Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround. A must for Comic Book fans. Grade:B+. Super 35.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The geek movie to end all geek movies
Review: I am a geek, however I do not bite the heads off chickens at local fairs. The term has come to encompass quite a few meanings over the years. In high schools it is used to describe academically inclined individuals with a slight build or those that fall outside of the "in crowd". In my time I have come to embrace these people as my own. We are generally more interesting than the musclebound idiots that made our lives hell for those formative four years. I don't hold grudges though. I have actually come to appreciate the lessons I learned as a young geek. I learned how to think myself out of uncomfortable and sometimes even dangerous situations. I learned to use those things that seperated me from the mainstream to my advantage. These qualities became the definition of my being all those years ago and have developed into the talents I have come to love and appreciate above all of my other attributes. I also enjoy films with lots of action, humor and things getting blown up. If this sounds at all like you; you too will love the X-Men.

This film deals with the core characters that even those who have just seen the Fox saturday morning cartoon will recognize. Storm, Rogue, Cyclops, Professor X, Jean Grey and of course... Wolverine. Hardcore fans will undoubtedly miss their own favorite mutants, but I feel that Bryan Singer selected the best characters for the story and uses them, and their powers, beautifully.

Singer also realizes that the measure of heroes are the villains that they have to deal with. Magneto and his league of evil mutants are sketched broadly, but with enough attention to the details to make them come alive and even seem sympathetic. Fans of the comics will pick up on some very subtle nuances that Singer placed there for us while those new to the Mutantverse will enjoy the action and (very) cool effects.

The performances are dead on with Hugh Jackman standing out above and beyond everyone's expectations. The long and short of it is that he just became Wolverine. There were stories relayed from the set that he got so into his character that at one point he had actually sustained an injury while suspended in a harness and wasn't helped down for quite a while because no one knew he was actually hurt. I am really looking forward to seeing him in other roles in the future.

The script was a little loose with some cheesey dialogue at times; but this is a comic book movie. Some of that has to be expected. Being the first film in the series the requisite broad strokes are there to set up the remaining flicks in the series. I have to say that this was a far better set up than Phantom Menace. If only Halle Berry had never asked "Do you know what happens to a toad that gets hit by lightning?" The movie would have been perfect.

The suplements listed seem interesting and will include a "documentary" that was shown on Fox detailing Senator Kelley's political views on how to deal with the "mutant menace" as well as other nice little goodies. (I am a geek you know. I like my tech goodies)

At least give X-Men a rent. I guarantee you'll be back and adding it to your cart soon.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Smart Comicbook Flick
Review: This is a fine rendition of the Marvel Comic of the same name. Although Hollywood has often turned to comics lately, they're rarely done one this well. Once you've accepted the basic premise that humanity has suddenly and spontaneously mutated to the extent that any of a host of "superpowers" are rampant in the population, then you are off for a romp. If you can't buy this, then stay away! The casting is superb--apparently Hugh Jackman was a late substitution, but he is so good it is hard to imagine anyone else in the part. Patrick Stewart as Professor Charles Xavier and Ian McKellen as Magneto are also perfect for their roles, and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos will be in the dreams of every teenaged boy who sees this film for years to come. I have to admit that I found the character and portrayal of Toad by Ray Park so totally over-the-top (yes, he has a long sticky tongue and hops around...sheesh!!) that it was absurd--it really detracted from the overall effect. But for the most part, Marvel Comic characters and stories have always had more depth than their DC counterparts, and the movie takes full advantage of this. Even the bad guys are motivated not primarily from a desire to do evil, but from self-preservation. Special effects in this film were fantastic, the plot was reasonably complex and interesting, characters had some depth--the criticism that there were simply too many characters is valid, but after all the film wasn't X- *MAN*....and of course, we are set up for a sequel. If they keep this quality, I'd be happy to see it--I thought this was the best comic treatment I've seen since the original Batman with Michael Keaton. It ain't Shakespeare, but hey, even Shakespeare had odd people with strange powers in his plays (Midsummer Night's Dream, for one example)....

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: X-MEN
Review: I never thought it could be done. X-men is better than blade, spawn, batman, and the crow, put together. Bryan Singer wasn't my first choice for directing this movie (I probably would have gone with richard donner), but after seeing it I am glad he was put in charge. This movie is the best since the original superman. You won't find as much action (or comedy) in any of the other comic based movies. I give credit to the big M, Marvel comics and stan lee, for giving us a great film. The acting is very good, not cheesy at all. Hugh Jackman is the new hero of the day, as he is the one and only WOLVERINE. I give credit to everyone involved in this movie. This is definetly the one to get, whether your a comic fan or just an action fan, x-men delivers.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: X-zactly like the comic!!
Review: X-Men was the movie I waited for the most. I really wanted to see how closely they followed the comic. And I gotta say, it's pretty dang close. Hugh Jackman was perfect for the role of Wolverine. So Were Patrick Stewart, Tyler Mane, Famke Jannsen, & Ray Park (Even though He wasn't like the toad in the comic, he kicked ...) Although a few of my favorites weren't in there (Gambit & Beast) I still consider X-Men one of my favorite movies.

PS Whoever wrote the one saying that Jubilee wasn't in it, she was. It was just an Extra part When Rogue was in one of her classes

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good Thriller
Review: Unfortunatly, I haven't read the comic book of this (marvel)ous phenomena. But I am not that much sad after watching the movie. The movie is different than the comic book in some ways as I learned from the others. So, the lovers of X-men can be a little depressed. But some minutes later they will forget it and get in the REAL ACTION! As a movie X-men, with special effect, charismatic characters (Wolverine, even I want to be like Wolverine at the moment, Cyclops, Storm, Doctor, and Xavier), and unique concept, is a real action film. You don't know what director Spike would make in the next scene. He makes Wolverine nearly kill 17-year-old girl, or numerous games with Mystique, or high-speed action. This is a must seen movie and also should be bought as a DVD. Good work to al of the crew of X-MEN.

P: S: The cause of unfinished story at the end is to prepare the medium for the 2nd X-Men movie. You'll all wait for it enthusiastically.

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