Rating:  Summary: Spider-man, a movie with an intricate web of fun! Review: I actually got to see Spider-Man on May 3rd! In Japan it is highly unusual for a movie to come out on the same date as in America, there's unusually at least a 3 month wait. But surprisingly, I was able to see "Spider-Man" on May 3rd by getting reserved tickets! And I must say, the movie was so much better than I expected (and I had expected a lot!)High school student Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is while very smart is the school freak. His only friend is Harry Osborne (James Franco), son of scientist Norman Osborne (Willem Dafoe). He is also very much in love with Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) though he won't approach her. So he goes through life ignored and made fun of. But Peter's life is about to be turned upside down when at a high school excursion to the museum he is bitten by a genetically enhanced super spider. At first thinking none of it, he goes back home where he lives with his Uncle Ben (Cliff Robertson) and Aunt May (Rosemary Harris). But the next day, he wakes up to find himself with perfect vision and also a more muscular body! Stranger things happen in school where he finally realizes that the bite he got has given him special abilities which spiders have, from amazing agility, strength, extraordinary senses, and web flinging powers. He soon finds out though that with his new powers comes great responsibility. Norman Osborne has got a split personality, the other side of him being the evil Green Goblin. Peter knows that someone has to stop him... could that someone be 'Spider-Man'? I must say that "Spider-Man" has got it all! *ACTING*: Kirsten Dunst is very believable as the not-so-perfect Mary Jane with her family and love problems. You can't help but feel for her character. Then there's Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborne/Green Goblin. His scene where he confronts 'himself' in the mirror was remarkably well down, it takes an enormous amount of talent to be able to portray two different personalities like that. And I mustn't forget Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man/Peter Parker. He can show his expressions so well, from his shy smile to Mary Jane, his turmoil of grief, his determination to stop Green Goblin, and his excitement when he first tries out his superpowers. You can't help but become attached to his character. Though I have never read any of the Spider-Man comics, my father has and he was so delighted to find that the editor of the newspaper seemed to be right out of the comic book, from his looks to his attitude. *PLOT*: Intriguing plot, making the two hours of the movie seem to flick by so fast. The story has plenty of surprises and twists, making the whole entire time very enjoyable. The first thirty minutes or so was very light, I was laughing a lot on the mishaps of Peter Parker's previous life to becoming Spider-Man. But from then on it became a little bit more serious, the ending climaxing to explosion of action and excitement! The end might put off some people but I found it highly satisfying. I can't tell what happens but I must say that the end definitely calls for a sequel! As for the humor and seriousness of the film, I always believe that most all movies should have the right balance of these two points. And Spider-Man was great, having plenty of humor to keep my laughing yet a serious tone to it which was essential to the movie. *ACTION AND F/X*: The action is so well done that through the last hour or so of the movie I was on the edge of my seat! All of the confrontations of Spider-Man and the Green Goblin were very exciting, the last 'battle' (as there usual is) the most tense. As in the trailers, Spider-Man does not only get to fly and fling himself through the air, he also gets to do a lot of hand-to-hand fighting and kung-fu. Applause to the fight coordinator. The F/X were pretty real yet had a sort of comic book feel to it making it very easy to watch and enjoy. Watch Spider-Man fly through the air, send out webs, twist in the air in what seems like impossible moves, and fight evil with the agility of... well you know, a spider! *PG-13 RATING*: The film is rated PG-13 for 'stylized action and violence' but I think think there should be added 'and for some language'. So my conclusion is, "Spider-Man" is a GREAT film and I most definitely will be getting the DVD as soon as it comes out! Maybe see it in the theaters a few more times :-). I also recommend two other super-hero movies which are my favorites, "Superman" with Christopher Reeve and "The Shadow" with Alec Baldwin. "Batman" was also interesting though it didn't make much of an impression on me.
Rating:  Summary: Ultimate Movie Matrix's Little Brother Review: I just saw this movie on opening night here and as expected, it was packed. I waited for 3 hours before getting my ticket, but it was worth it. The special effects were breath-taking, the cast was the best, the showdown was excellent. I think this is better than the Matrix. It only had one problem that would have givin it 3 stars, but the plot, cast, special effects, and showdowns were too good. The problem was that most of the movie's special effects moved so fast, it was impossible to watch it all without getting a headache. But, this is the best movie I have ever seen. It is a must see to ever Marvel marveller and to newcomers as well.
Rating:  Summary: Loads of fun Review: Go in expecting pure entertainment and unbelivable fantasy and you'll have a great time with Spider-Man. It is funny, exciting, thrilling and (unfortunately) romantic. The only big negative I had was the gratuitous wet t-shirt shot. It just wasn't necessary, and given that this movie will draw a lot of kids it was actually quite tasteless. Outside the first wall climbing sequence which was pathetically bad (obvious wire work), the rest was excellent (albeit obvious CG). Video quality was excellent as well as the 3D sound (especially the voices in the Green Goblin's head at the Mansion).
Rating:  Summary: It is finally here Review: I recently saw the Spider-Man movie, and all I can say is Encore Encore. The acting was superbly done, the action in the fighting scenes really captured what Spider-Man is, and while the digital scenes were slightly fake the overall image left in your mind is one of utter amazement. Many people say that the story lacked complexity like Training Day or Beautiful Mind. Well all I have to say is that Spider-Man is not about philosophical emotions or deep thoughts. It is about ordinary life in which extraordinary things occur. That is all. That is what Spider-Man has always been about. If Sam Raimi had done that then it would have ruined the movie. Thank God Raimi was faithful to the comic book and did not make it in to something it is not. Also Tobey was fantastic as Spider-Man I will admit that I had my doubts but after seeing this movie I will no longer doubt that man's talent both with the emotional and physical aspects of acting. He really brought Peter Parker and Spider-Man to life and made both characters believable. If I thought that a comic book movie have stood a chance to be nominated for an Academy Award I say the Tobey should get best actor.
Rating:  Summary: BEST MOVIE BASED ON A COMIC BOOK Review: At first I use to think Batman(1989) was the best movie based on a comic book and nothing could top it. Then came X-Men(2000) which is also a great and one of my favorite movies but still wasn't quite as good as Batman but very close. After watching this movie I have proven myself wrong. Spider-man topped Batman. The movie was nothing but excellent. The acting was great and Tobey Maguire was perfect for the roll as Spider-man. Special effects were phenominal. Danny Elfman did great composing the musical score, just as he did in Batman and Beetlejuice. I did not look away from the movie screen not once. This movie kept me hooked from the moment the titles began until the ending credits. I really don't think I have anything bad to say about. If you haven't already, go see the movie...
Rating:  Summary: WE HAVE A SPIDERMAN DYNASTY!! Review: Sam Raimi couldn't have chosen a better man to play Spiderman than Tobey Maguire (Peter Parker). He really is the essence of the comic book character. Silent , restrained,humility, humble, but with a spark of life beyond those great blues of his. The cinematography was stupendous. Willem Defoe plays Norman Osborn/and his alter ego 'The Green Goblin ",He does a tremendous job as no one can look as sinister and or loving. Kirsten Dunst plays Mary Jane, the girl that Peter has been in love with since the first grade . And cannot tell her how he feels as he is a tad backward when it comes to talking to girls. An up and coming star is James Franco who plays Harry Osborn, Defoe's son and a friend of Peter Parker. All in all folks this was a great flick and they have already signed Tobey to Spiderman 2 and 3. The action is great the musical score keeps you on your toes. This is a must see for all who enjoy the super hero genre. And of course for all who think Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst hotties. ciao yaaah69
Rating:  Summary: No tangled web here. Review: With a classic comic book hero like Spider-Man, one would think a better story would be developed along with the effects, which are not that great anyway. Spider-Man has his usual costume, no problem with that. But The Green Goblin as an armored suit must not be seen again. Nothing scary about him when you cannot tell what he is thinking by facial expressions. And there is not one ounce of chemistry between the hero (or his alter-ego) and Mary Jane. I started reading the book based on the screenplay, and I can no longer tell if the film was trying to do too much--maybe not enough. The previews and the recall of certain posters were more intriguing....
Rating:  Summary: Interesting but too long Review: Well I went to see the one of my childhood heroes today "Spider-Man". Tobey Maguire (Peter Parker/"Spider-Man"); Willem Dafoe (Norman Osborn/"The Green Goblin"); Kirsten Dunst (Mary Jane Watson); James Franco (Harry Osborn); J.K. Simmons (J. Jonah Jameson); "Macho Man" Randy Savage ("Bone Saw" McGraw); Rosemary Harris (Aunt May); Cliff Robertson (Uncle Ben); Bruce Campbell; Joe Manganiello (Flash Thompson); Bill Nunn (Robbie Robertson); Elizabeth Banks (Betty Brant); Ted Raimi (Hoffman); Richard C. Everbeck (Eddie Brock). Toby Maguire as "Spider-man" once again brings his boyish charisma to the screen; he is a very talented actor with a lot of richness and depth. Cliff Robertson and Rosemary Harris do their equally stellar jobs. The entire supporting cast also held their own. The movie unfortunately lacked a definite style, the director Sam Raimi, got what he wanted; ''He's a real human being. He has problems. ... This was my hero from my youth." What we did not get was the excitement of a Batman movie or the balance of a Superman movie. Willem Dafoe chews up the scenery as "The Green Goblin" in classic comic book style. After the first hour I started watching my watch and wondering when the movie would end. The scenes seemed thrown together and the movie was at least twenty minutes too long. It should play well on television. I would have liked to see Joel Schumacher direct a sequel.
Rating:  Summary: CLASSIC! Review: I have waited half of my life (nine years) for this movie to be made. I remember back then when they were thinking of James Cameron directing and having Michael Beihn (Terminator, GI Jane, The Rock) as Spider-Man. However I don't think Cameron or Beihn could have made this film as good as Raimi and Maguire. This is Spider-Man the way I always pictured the movie would be (heck, it's better than what I imagined it would be). The fact that Raimi is a true Spider-Fan radiates throughout this magnificient triumph! He has brought out a film which remains true to the original comic books (okay a few logistical changes here and there), and the action has that vague comic book style melodrama that entertains but doesn't come off as cheesy. My friends who were huge ED fans were pleased to see Bruce Cambell make an appearance. I was also pleased to see Oscar-winner Cliff Robertson. If you are a huge Spider-Fan like me, this movie was made for you and you'll love it! In fact, if you don't love this movie there must be something horribly amiss with you.
Rating:  Summary: Classic Superhero Movie Review: I saw the movie opening night. I was expecting it to be good but kind of expecting it (with the way movies are these days) to be way to fast like Peter gets bitten by this spider and then in a matter of 10 minutes he becomes Spider-Man. But this movie had everything a classic superhero movie requires: Time. Time for the hero to be able to realize what he can do with his powers and maybe about a half and hour to 45 minutes into the movie he becomes the real Spider-Man. And that is exactly what this movie had. The movie starts of with Peter Parker, a senior in highschool who has been pretty much the classic movie "nerd" at the beginning. He has been in love with the girl that lives next door to him, Mary Jane. But you know the story: She has some big jock boyfriend and she dosn't even notice Peter. So then one day while they are all on a field trip looking at a spider exhibit, a spider with all of the abilities of different spiders put together gets loose and bites Peter. The next morning Peter wakes up and goes through the day learning that he has incredible strength, agility, keen spider scenses, the ability to shoot webs, and the ability to climb walls. His best friend, however, has a rich father who is working on a new kind of experiemnt: A type of superhuman thing that leads whoever it is tested on to become very violent and angry. He tests it on himself and eventullay leads himself to complete insanity. And as you probably already know he becomes the Green Goblin. But the problem is Spider-Man does not know that the Green Goblin is his best friend's father which comes out in an incredible ending that will definitly have a sequal. The Spider-Man movie made me think of all the different superhero movies that I watched when I was younger. All of the superhero movies now though just start to fast and end in dissapointment. But Spider-Man was just like watching the past superhero movies (Batman, Superman, etc.) Come back for a trip to the future. This was truly a great and fun movie and I reccomend it to anyone who is looking for an action packed classic superhero story.