Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: The movie was really good! The special effects were a mix between "Charlie's Angels" and "The Matrix". The storyline was really good. The romance part of the story was a little weak but oh well. You can definetly sense a sequel (although I already knew there was one coming).
Rating:  Summary: WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I, like probably a lot of people, went into this wondering if this movie truly would live up to it's hype. I was hoping it would, but wasn't sure. Then it didn't. It went way beyond the hype it was given. While I liked the special effects and action, what really captivated me was the story and the performance by Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker rather than as Spider-Man. As Spider-Man, he was definitley good, but as Parker he had a wider range of emotions to work with, and he had definite chemistry with Kirsten Dunst who plays Mary Jane Watson. Her performance was excellent as well. In fact, everyone's performance was either good or perfect. Good see right away, you will not regret it.
Rating:  Summary: One Wild Ride Review: Not recommending this movie just because you don't like the way Spiderman looks while swinging with his webs is the stupidest thing I ever heard of. If you read Ebert's review or saw his show recently then you know what I'm talking about. For one thing I think those scenes with him web slinging look flawless. Even if it looked totally [bad] I still wouldn't give the film a bad review because of it. Sam Raimi (Darkman, Army of Darkness) does a fantastic job of bringing Spiderman to life on the big screen. Raimi who is a big fan of Spiderman himself was perfect to direct this movie and I hope he directs each and every sequel because no one is better for the job. I was a big fan of the Cartoon show in the 90's and everything I loved about is here. I was a little surprised that Newsday which is usually picky and loves giving low ratings actually gave it ****, I didn't expect such a high rating at all. After seeing the movie I understand why though. It has everything, action, romance comedy and drama. It's the perfect date movie too I must add. The action scenes are incredible for one thing, the movement's quick and if you blink you might miss something but to me that's what made it fun. Tobey Maguire and Kirstin Dunst are just adorable together, they share a lot of cute and heart warming scenes. Tobey's perfect in this movie, enjoyed his performance so much that I wouldn't mind seeing him get an oscar nomination. He has so much to overcome in this movie and each and every feeling he shows...you believe. That's how good he is. William Dafoe is also very good as Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin. An experiment gone wrong creates this split personality for him which drives him completely insane. Although he wears this Green Goblin costume and raises hell with glider inside he's still a decent man that has a love for his son who he has been too busy for a lot of the time. It puzzles me how Raimi manages to throw all these things together so nicely in just a 2 hour movie. What are you waiting for check out this movie, trust me it's probably the best comic book movie ever made "yes even better than Superman and X-Men".
Rating:  Summary: Keeps you on the edge of your seat!!!!!! Review: There's one word to describe this movie... WOW! It was really good. The movie kept you on the edge of your seat the whole time! You never lost intrest! It was amazing, and you felt like you were swinging off of buildings with Spider-Man. It was amazing!!!!! I've never read any Spider-Man comic books or anything, but I really enjoyed this movie!
Rating:  Summary: hot Review: This is without a doubt one of the best movies i've ever seen i first thought that since most of spider-man was in computer graphics it wouldn't look realistic but you can't tell whats real and whats not.
Rating:  Summary: Webbed Feat Review: On March 19th, 2002, I stated in a review of the book, "Behind the mask of Spider-Man: The making of the movie" that I couldn't wait to see the film. Well, almost 2 months later, I have seen it and here's my take on the film.. If you are familiar at all with character and his origin, then you don't need much of a history. But just in case you are not, here's a very brief plot description. Average High School student, Peter Parker, (Tobey Maguire) gets bitten by a genetically altered spider, while on a field trip. Soon after, he develops powers and abilities like a spider.... The film is very faithful to its comic book story, with only minor differences, that don't matter much. Maguire is very good as Peter/Spiermam. He is able to balance the geeky dorkdom of Parker, early in the film, and the daring-do of our hero, quite effectively. The rest of the cast is good too (with one notable exception, more on that in a moment) Kirsten Dunst as love intrest, Mary Jane Watson, gives her the proper amount of spunky-cuteness, without overkill. James Franko as Harry Osborne, Peter's pal, puts his best foot forward. Now for that notable exception, I thought the worst perfomance in the film was given by actor Willem DaFoe. As wealthy businessman and Spidey's arch enemy, Norman Osborne/Green Goblin, he was just doing his best to win an award for the person who could sound most like DeNiro from TAXI DRIVER. It didnt help matters that the goblin costume looked like something out of the TRANSFOMERS. It looked and sounded better as described in the aforementioned making of book. A few bits of casting trivia. There is a fun cameo by actor Bruce Campbell in the film. Eagle eyed viewers will also spot Stan Lee, Spiderman's creator and actor Ted Raimi (The Director's Brother) in the film Directed by Sam Raimi, the film is perfectly paced. As the first film in the series, there is a lot of ground to cover. and yet the film zips along at a good clip. As for the CGI and effects John Dykstra and his crew do some pretty cool stuff to make the "webhead " come alive. The action is nicely staged. Still the final battle could have had a bit more punch to it. All in all, a good start. I just think that the film could have been better if Dafoe hadn't been so De Niro-crazy as a loon-esque. Recommended
Rating:  Summary: As expected.........awesome!!! Review: Wow!!! I'm not a critic so I don't have all those fancy words to use about movies. All I can say is...."If you want 2 hours of one hell of a movie, then cart your [rear] to the nearest theater and cough up some cash for a ticket to Spiderman." This movie rocked!!!! Great special effects with an outstanding plot and not too mention some totally funny scenes. This movie had it all and unless your one of those people that "analyze" every little detail, you won't regret seeing this.
Rating:  Summary: "SPIDER-MAN" a remarkable, action-packed popcorn flick Review: True Believers! For one reason or another, you fell in love with Spider-man. Maybe it was the comic books, or the cartoon series. But in any case, you fell in love with the Web-head. You wanted to be him. Climbing walls, swinging high over the busiling streets of the city that never sleeps. It was intriguing, beguiling, a dream within a dream come true. And now, it's just that, a dream come true... Sam Raimi, along with the talents of Tobey Maguire, Kristin Dunst, and Willem Dafoe, all courtesey of the colorful imagination of Stan Lee, have created the best comic book movie adaptation (dare I say it, ok...) EVER! All your expectations are dashed and surpassed in over 2 hours of nothing but web-slinging action. I was totally blown away. Sam Raimi certainly had a definite vision for Spider-Man, and it shows. He faithfully recreates a hyper-reality New York City for Spidey. His execution of the mythos of Spider-Man onscreen is simply flawless. And in these troubled times, isn't this what movie goers and film buffs want? Pure escapist fiction, comic books superheroes and exploits come to life. Stuff blows up, and throw in some computer-generated images for the kiddies, and patriotism for 9/11. Character and plot development, (the tormented superhero, and average joe who must struggle with the great power he has acquired and the great responsibility that he must deal with) along with exceptional talent and a director with a keen eye for the action flick to boot. Simply, it's pure movie magic. You're a Spidey fan, and to see these characters come to life on the screen, in such an excellent manner, and it's just TOO much. I was estatic, the entire film. Spider-Man stands alone by itself a remarkable picture. Why criticize it when there's so much to love about it? Spider-Man has it all. Columbia Pictures, Sony, and of course Raimi and Maguire have their work cut out for them for years to come, both financially, and professionally. It's Spider-Man, the comic book, the hero, the man, come to life. Don't miss this exceptional movie!
Rating:  Summary: Marval attacks the Big Screen Review: I yesterday witnessed The Spiderman Movie expecting alot, I have never really read many comic books or cartoon movies of Spiderman but since there was such a huge hype I had to see the movie. I must say that they did a fantastic job on teaching the audience on how Peter Parker began his journey onto becomming Spiderman, the movie also did a great job on making the movie feel like a Comic Book come to life. Anyways although almost everything was great about the movie I still had a few question left in my head. I still am not sure where those dam spider webs attach to, for the most part of the movie it looks like there being attached to the clouds. Also The Green Goblins outfit was made interily out of metal which shoulent have been. When the Green Goblin would talk his mouth would not move because of the costume problem. Also I dont see how people would not notice a giant web comming out of Spidermans arm especcially when he is in the Cafeteria. Anyways, despite those very minor problems the movie is a must see. Spiderman fans will want to see it tons of times as everyone else will still most likely enjoy it. I Would definately Recommened it.
Rating:  Summary: Spiderman sucks Review: I was so excited to see spiderman, i had heard all the hype, the previews looked mind blowing... Toby Maguire provides a decent performance as Peter Parker in the begining, but when he turns spiderman he [stinks]. The acting was poor, the long drawn out proffesions of love by kirsten dunst and peter parker made me want to throw something at the screen. A slow begining just got progressivly worse. I couldn't believe it. When the green goblin, who looked like an idiot in that suit, said "the itsy bitsy spider" i wanted to walk out. If it hadn't been so close to the end of the movie i would have. Never have i been so dissapointed in a movie, ever. The only other movie i've seen in theaters that bad was Wing Commander with Freddie Prince JR. Props to Josh Krogan of Nickleback for writing an awesome song. Wait for it to go to the dollar movies. It was a waste of 2 and a half hours and 7 bucks.