Rating:  Summary: A Genuine Blockbuster! Review: I'm not generally enthusiastic about superheroes, comic book characters, or even special effects movies--but I have to say that SPIDERMAN is easily the best movie of its kind that I have ever seen, a movie that packs a tremendous whallop in terms of being just flat-out fun to watch. The cast is solid; the story is entertaining; the special effects are first rate all the way.Unless you've been living in a hole all these years, you already recognize the character--one of the last to emerge from the golden age of comic books and still one of the most popular. But Spiderman differs somewhat from most comic book superheroes: he is insecure, angst-ridden, and carries with him all the uncertainties of youth; consequently, the character foreshadowed the current wave of much darker comicbook characters, many of whom might be described as underdog anti-heroes. While the film departs from the original comic book storyline in a number of ways, it retains that element. And it follows the legend in general outline: Peter Parker is a brainy but slightly nerdy and insecure kid--but when he is bitten by a radioactive (in this case a genetically mutated) spider, he develops amazing powers. And when crime hits home in a personal way, he sets out to rid the city of bad guys and comes face to face with supercriminal Green Goblin, who is determined to tempt Spiderman into a life or crime or kill him trying. I would have never imagined Tobey Maguire in the role of Spiderman, but he brings the right blend of uncertainty and joy in his newly discovered powers to the role, and as a result is a superhero character that is a lot more believable than most other big screen efforts. Willen Dafoe, who has made a career of playing unexpected characters, is also perfectly cast as The Green Goblin, and the supporting cast--which includes Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Cliff Robertson, and Rosemary Harris--is also extremely good. The film moves at a good pace, alternately witty and actionpacked, touching and sharp. And although the special effects are a bit dimmed by the translation to the small screen (I always find that CGI works better on the big screen), it is still fascinating stuff to watch. The double DVD set comes with a host of extras, including computer games, outtakes, and the like, but the most enjoyable of the extras are a documentary on the making of the film and a documentary re Marvel Comics with an emphasis (of course) on "your friendly neighborhood Spiderman;" frankly, bonus packages don't come much better. Now, if you're not a comicbook or superhero fan, you might want to rent this one before you buy it; the fact that everything is on the surface (no seriously deep meanings here) is also likely to annoy people looking for depth. But that aside, SPIDERMAN is just a tremendous amount of fun to watch from start to finish, and if you can enter into that spirit of fun you'll enjoy every minute of it.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing! Review: You must hand it to Raimi for not only successfully translating this larger than life legend to the silver screen, but also toppling the George Lucas juggernaut. I think the charm of this film is that it is a nerdy hero puts aside his pride and steps up to his duty and calling as a superhero. It is a very intimate and emotional movie that hits all the right butons. Maguire plays Peter Parker perfectly. I am glad that they found an actor who actually looked and played the part, rather than taking Hollywood's flavor of the month. You believe that Parker is really a goof and a nerd, and you know that he revel in being Spiderman, the coolest of he cool. My favorite scene is Parker's epiphany, when he decides to take up the mantel and captures the man who killed his grandfather. Parker is awkward and clumsy as he begins his chase, but he eventually get the carjacker, and gets a clue that he need to be a super-hero. I think the nice touch is when Park swings on street level, he has to dodge the streetlights. They paid that much attention to detail. Kirsten Dunst play MJ well. She is caught between several men: Flash Thompson, Harry Osbourne, Peter Parker, and Spiderman. Yet she manages to keep her head, and play a darn good scream queen to boot. She is the love interest, but is able to transcend the role and bring life. Judging from the gag reel, I think Willem Defoe was having too much fun playing the Green Goblin and it hurt some of his performances. He wasn't an menacing as he could be because he was laughing his head off behind the mask. As to the DVD, I am one of those people who likes the features disk over the film disk. Seeing all of the behind the scenes clips enhances the film for me. I love the commentaries, and especially the gag reels. I just wish there was a way to be able to reintegrate deleted scenes back into the film. "Buckaroo Banzai" and "X-Men I" have this feature, and I hope it catches on.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable movie, good entertainment for all Review: The story is very good, Kirsten Dunst is the perfect pretty girl next door (Marie-Jane, MJ), the fights and the special effects are great, the luxury arppatments beautiful ... it is a perfect action movie, and a simple one too, so it seems to be intended for children as well as grownups (but there is sometimes quite a lot of violence and tension). The images are great, so is the soudtrack. However, I found the actors and the dialogues very unconvincing in several scenes (one of the dialogues between Peter and MJ is really dumb). That is not too serious though, because this movie is essentially an action movie, and there are plenty of excellent action scenes ; all the fights between Osborn and Peter-Spiderman are fabulous, especially the attack on the Roosevelt Island cable car. One of the interesting points of the story is the fact that many people wandered if Spiderman was doing good or evil, in spite of all his good actions... even the Police was against him in an incredible -but real- scene. Also interesting is the scene near the end when Osborn realizes that he is losing, he starts to lie to confuse Peter's mind (he tells him that he never wanted to harm him or MJ etc.). Altogether, this movie is really enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: One Wild Ride! Review: I have always been a Spiderman fan so I was pleased when they finally decided to make a movie out of the character. This movie is a lot of fun and true to the comic book hero. Some people have complained about the special effects not being that spectacular, but that's nitpicking. The actors and actresses play their roles well, and the movie holds your interest throughout. Even people who are not big comic fans will like this movie.
Rating:  Summary: I thought it was too corny! Review: After seeing this movie a million times it gets really boring and stupid. Don't waste your money. The acting is bad and the special effects are dumb. I can't wait till Daredevil comes out. I hope it turns out to be better than Spider-Man. Ben Affleck looks right for the part too. The action scenes don't come up till the middle of the movie. You will not like the ending either it didn't turn out good. Tobey Maguire turns down a girl real smart Tobey! I would have said yes if I played for the role of Spider-Man what a dumb answer he said in the movie. Well, anyways as I said do not see this movie if you hadn't seen it you will not like it.
Rating:  Summary: Another Comic Book Hero Movie Review: Not a bad movie but after watching it for about the 30th time (my boys ages 5 & 3 love it) it begins to pall quite a bit. Kirsten Dunst looks awful as a redhead and there is little chemistry between the two lead characters in the romance department (except for the one kiss in the rain). Casting for Green Goblin & son were well done - lots of great stunt work and the actors look enough alike to make it believable. Cliff Robertson does a fine job but doesn't appear long enough in the movie to make much of an impact. After hearing nothing but great things about it after the theater release the actual movie was a bit of a let down but then I've never been the biggest Spidey fan in the world. If you like comic book superhero movies Xmen or Batman are much better done. This appears to be a quickly done version compared to the dark version of good vs. evil presented in other movies. Not worth a sequel!!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie , Great DVD But.... Review: The only problem i have with this DVD which is exceptional, is that thier are no deleted scenes. A monster hit like this movie couldn't have been perfect. Thier had to be stuff left on the cutting room floor and they even talk about it in the feature commentary, they could have included that in the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: (3-1/2 stars) Good for the most part Review: A lot of times when a classic cartoon/comic strip is made into a live-action movie, the result is unbearable. But the movie Spider-Man flowed pretty smoothly, and it had great effects that really captured the audience. There were a few things I have to mention, though. Peter (Tobey Maguire) was getting irritated that his uncle Ben (Cliff Robertson), who was also his guardian, was being too fatherly toward him, to the point that Ben said, "I'm not your father" and Peter replied, "Then stop acting like it!" It made it sound as though later in the movie we'd find out what happened to Peter's father, but we never do. Also, when Peter accepts the last-a-few-minutes-in-the-ring-with-the-champ challenge at the wrestling arena, he beats up the champ pretty quickly, and when he goes to the manager to collect his cash prize, he is only given a percentage of it because he didn't stay in the ring for the allocated time. He tries arguing with the manager without much luck. Why didn't he just beat him up for the money? He just beat up the champ, didn't he? The end of the movie was also unsettling, even though that's what had to happen (you have to see the entire movie to understand what I mean). And by the way, there was one scene in the movie that really drove the point home that if a bully beats up a nerd, it's funny, but if it's the other way around, it's mean. Why IS that, anyway? Oh well, despite the other things I pointed out, this movie still has enough good moments to make it worth your while.
Rating:  Summary: A Marvel Masterpiece Review: It is about time Marvel stepped up to the plate with a big time superhero film. DC had Superman and Batman with tons of success and sequels. This millenium belongs to Marvel. Spiderman came out. Daredevil will come out next month. The Hulk arrives in June. I was also eager to hear rumors about another great comic character, Hellboy. A Hellboy film is in the making. Anyway, back to the task at hand, this movie was outstanding. I bet I saw this film +5 times while it was in theaters. When I first heard Toby Maguire was going to be Spiderman I admit I had my doubts. I did not take into consideration that Toby Maguire had to be Peter Parker as well as Spiderman. Toby was great for the role of Peter Parker, thus making him better for Spiderman. Everyone enjoys watching an average Joe accomplish greatness. His urge to triumph over the school bully, his desire for the girl he loves, these are elements important to every coming-of-age hero story line. Taking someone in a low place and raising them above everyone's expectations. These are components in making a great hero movie. Spiderman includes them all. This movie is definitely of the best of 2002 and a great DVD to purchase. It has loads of supplemental material. The extras are actually entertaining also, which isn't as common as it should be in DVD extras. This is a movie to watch again and again. Everyone should own it. I give it five out of five stars.
Rating:  Summary: It's not like the best action movie ever......... Review: I saw Spider-Man in the good old theatre a ways back, and while its good, its not the best action movie ever. But hey it has Kirsten Dunst and Tobey Maguire so you might as well see it to see what all the fuss is about. Ok, well you have already seen it, I take it......... unless you have been living in a whole for the past decade. The DVD isn't anything magically special........ it has super souped up Dolby Digital 5.1, and it was relatively grained out. But for the most part, the special features are few and far between. The 2 discs aren't necessary and in fact bring down the value with features you don't need and aren't interesting. For the most part, however, it packs a lot more then most movies. Nehow, about the movie. It's about Peter Parker...... he gets bit by a spider and turns into a mutant named Spider Man, and falls in love with a hot babe named Mary Jane. As far as special effects go in movies......... this one blows almost every movie out of the water.