Rating:  Summary: "You're not Superman you know" Review: A young Peter Parker, while on a feild trip to a science facility, gets bitten by a genetically enhanced super spider, causing him to gain muscles, and better vision. Peter is now able to climb buildings with the greatest of ease, sense danger before it happens, and is able to lift very heavy things. How more amazing can you get? When all of a sudden a guy in green suit who calls himself "The Green Goblin" shows up to to make our favorite wall-crawler's life more hectic than it already is. Will Spidey survive this ordeal? Will people find out his secret identity? Will Mary Jane ever stop screaming? On May 3, 2002 the whole world will know the answers to these questions and more when one of the most anticipated movies of all time hits theater and snags us all in its web of adventure and excitement.Toeby Maguire playing Spider-Man will be awesome. I can't think of anyone else who would be better to play the greatest super-hero of all time. Finally he will be recognized as the great actor that he really is. Can you believe they actually had Freddie Prince Jr. up for the part? Kirsten Dunst IS Mary Jane Watson. The only problem that I have (Just by seeing the previews) is the Green Goblin costume. It looks like a robot from the Power Rangers TV show. Besides that small problem this movie is gonna rock. Be there on May 3, 2002 and experience the ultimate spin. "Hey there. There goes the Spider-Man."
Rating:  Summary: Oh yea. Review: Even though this movie doesn't come to theaters until the middle of next year, I am already going to say that this movie is going to kick some serious behind. If the movie uses the same effects and camera angles as is shown in the preview, than the world is in for an adventure like no other. It's Spider-man for crying out loud. He is the best superhero ever. On May 3, 2002, I am going to be the first in line to experience this gem of a movie. Hope to see you there
Rating:  Summary: CAUGHT IN THE WEB Review: While many critics complained that the CGI effects made the movie seem more like a video game, I found the effects jawdropping, awesome and quite fun. Sam Raimi's fast-paced, lively direction perfectly propels the comic book hero onto the big screen. Tobey Maguire is perfect as Peter Parker, showing his immense range (see "Seabiscuit," "Pleasantville"), and Kirsten Dunst radiates not only a beautiful physical presence, but the quite seductive beauty of a girl becoming a woman. Willem Dafoe is the perfect archvillain, although it seems at times he gets too much the best of our hero, but in the end, spidey prevails. Cliff Robertson and Rosemary Harris do nicely as Parker's aunt and uncle, and James Franco gives a moody James Dean turn (he played him in a TV movie) as Harry, Dafoe's neglected son. The whole production works mainly because of the heart the cast puts in, and the amazing effects. Looking forward to catching the sequel.
Rating:  Summary: ETMR - Spiderman Review: 1. Humanity: What events in the film drove Peter Parker to adopting his vigilante attitude toward crime? 2. Implications: How is Spiderman's understanding of "with great power comes great responsibility" an example of contemporary American thought? Think specifically about the nature of evil and the propensity toward intense individual classification when one's existence becomes threatened. 3. Evolution: Spiderman was a hero born out of the 60s, springing from both the dangers of genetic manipulation and the problems of substance abuse (in the form of Oscorp Chemicals). Raimi makes little mention of the chemical abuse in the story, and paints it in a much simpler picture of the probable evil in man's soul and the strange world of pseudoscience. Therefore, it is obvious that in many ways, the film departs from its traditional conditioning while remaining loyal to the original personalities of the characters. In which ways is Spiderman the hero shown to be a creation of the contemporary age, versus a creation of the 60s, in the film? 4. Realism: America has a long history, not only in comics but in legendary history, of people who take the law into their own hands. If a being like Spiderman existed, could he survive in our real world, or is he only a dream? 5. Stageplay: Spiderman is classicly a cynic, an individual thinker, an avid contemporarian (someone "in" the times), a man of passions (versus someone who could care less), an irreligious jokester and a man who is not sure of his destiny, but lives to succeed. Do you feel Maguire fulfills this role? Some critics say he is too much of a "boy" to fill Spiderman's shoes, while others claim it is his boyishness that charms us into belief. What do you think?
Rating:  Summary: Does Whatever a Spider Can Review: Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is the quintessential boy next door. He is kind of geeky, more than a little shy, and really nice. Of course he is also very good at science. Peter goes on a field trip to a laboratory doing interesting genetic experiments on spiders, and one happens to have escaped during Peter's field trip. Naturally the ferocious little critter bites Peter. Soon Peter discovers that he is really strong, and can shoot webs out his wrists, and can climb walls with his bare hands. Why, Peter has become a superhero! As those of us familiar with the superhero genre know, there is a lot of angst in the superhero world. In Peter's case, it is the guy that he could have stopped with his new powers that kills his Uncle Ben (played by veteran Cliff Robertson), a guilt that plagues Peter through decades of Spider-Man comics and now in this movie.
Peter also has yearnings for the beautiful redheaded girl next door, Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst). Given Peter's natural shyness and his feelings of inadequacy, he has a hard time telling Mary Jane that he is attracted to her a lot. Mary Jane adds to Peter's angst.
Peter's Aunt May (Rosemary Harris) gets to heap on the angst yet further since she has lost her husband of many years when Peter could have prevented it, though Aunt May has yet to learn this information. Poor Peter. If angst were money Peter would be rich. However, Peter also gets a cool enemy, the Green Goblin, aka Norman Osborn (Willem Dafoe). The Green Goblin has a cool sort of Jet Ski for the air that emits a smoky trail, so that environmentalists will hate him since clearly it is the good spider versus the evil industrialist.
As corny as the plot sounds, this movie is highly entertaining and enjoyable. The computer generated images are well done, with some of the scenes approaching phenomenal. While the quality of the plot and the ambiance fall short of "Superman the Movie" and "Batman," this movie still joins the select group of superhero movies that are sufficiently believable and sufficiently true to the original comics to allow followers of Spider-Man comics to enjoy this movie. Spider-Man is not an invincible superhero, and there are points where you wonder how he can possibly beat the Green Goblin. I kept hoping that he would tell Mary Jane how he felt about her, but that has to wait another day.
Technology has advanced to the point where movies such as "Spider-Man" are more than technologically advanced B-movies. Tobey Maguire can act, as evidenced by his phenomenal role in "Seabiscuit," and he does well in this movie. While there were a few places where I was a little frustrated, I think it was because Peter Parker was less predictable in this movie than I would have expected from the comics, and that is a very good thing.
There are several editions of "Spider-Man" available. I prefer wide screen, but the second disc of the special edition is, like most special editions, uneven in its extras. Some are reasonably good, others are filler. If you have purchased other special edition DVDs, you will probably like this one. Otherwise, get a lower cost wide screen variation and pass the special edition by. However, whatever you do, you should get this one if you like superhero movies, because as a superhero movie this one is a winner.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but slow Review: the slow part is almost predicted, because they are just trying to introduce the main characters. Sam Raimi does a great job directing this, great camera shots. Willem Dafoe does a great job portraying the green goblin and norman osborn. Kirsten Dunst plays an alright Mary-Jane, for some reason, i wasn't too pleased with that casting call, Kirsten Dunst is a great actress, but this didn't seem like her type of role. Tobey Maguire, of course, who portrays a wonderful Peter Parker, but a shaky spider-man in the beginning, but he got better as the movie progressed. Cliff Robertson and Rosemarie Harris, who do so well as the Aunt and Uncle. Even though the Uncle Ben character is only in the movie, probably 20 minutes, you feel connected to the character.
Plot seemed shaky, but good. Some script cliches and the wrestling scene was not needed aswell. It is not the best movie, but it should make comic book fans jump for joy.
Rating:  Summary: A Hero With Webbed Fingers Review: I like this movie a lot. I especially like how Tobey Maguire portrayed Peter Parker/Spder-Man and how Willem Defoe portrayed Norman Osborn/Green Goblin. The only annoying thing about the movie is Mary Jane, she screams too much and can't fight for 5 seconds. Other than that This movie is great.
Rating:  Summary: A Well Spun Tale Review: "Spider-Man" has to be viewed as the first chapter of a continuing saga. My reaction to having seen it originally that it was okay for a first film in a continuing series but I was hankering for more. "Spider-Man 2" filled in the blanks from the first film, therefore, this film should be seen in conjunction with the second for a more rewarding experience. Just think about the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy before it's cycle was completed or "Kill Bill:Volume 1" before the interminable wait for "Volume 2". That said, "Spider-Man" does a terrific job in exploring the origins of Peter Parker's evolution to the legendary web-spinner. It's only the film's main plotline involving the Green Goblin that get's short-shrift here. If the filmmakers were allowed to expand their work beyond the prescribed two hour time limit it's possible that this story would have been developed better. Tobey Maguire does an excellent job as Peter Parker/Spider-Man as does Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn/Green Goblin. It's good to see that an actor of Dafoe's calibre was chosen for this part instead of a "star". Kudos to Dafoe for having to act wearing that ridiculous looking green armor. Kirsten Dunst is fetching as Mary Jane Watson. This character truly comes into her own in the second film. James Franco broods effectively as Harry Osborn. Indications seem to be that this is a character to look out for in future installments. It was good to see an old hand like Cliff Robertson deliver a solid turn as Uncle Ben. I will admit that my familiarity with Spider-Man is limited to the cartoon series from the 1960's. For a novice like myself this was a satisfying viewing experience.
Rating:  Summary: I Hate to Say This, But ... Review: I'm sorry, but I hated this film. So much so that I refuse to see the second one.
Tobey Maguire looks about 12. He did not convince me that even with super powers he could battle evil. "I did all my own stunts." Please! In just about all the action sequences, Spiderman was so cgi that he looked like a slimmed-down Shrek with red spandex on.
The only positive feeling that this film left me with was knowing that I was right in all those school yard debates many years ago: "Who is the better super-hero, Spiderman or Batman?" I was on Batman's side, and this film made me feel all the more justified in my choice.
I felt sorry for Kirsten Dunst. She's a good actress, and she got stuck with this.
The best thing about it was it had a Nickelback song, and it's to Nickelback that my one lonely star for this film goes to.
Rating:  Summary: great gift Review: i gave this as a gift and since then i have seen it my self. i saw the movie in theaters, but this was just as great on the 30in lcd tv. very nice and complete gift set here.