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The Matrix - Limited Edition Collector's Set

The Matrix - Limited Edition Collector's Set

List Price: $79.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic!
Review: The best thing since "The Fifth Element",(which I had to watch like 5 times in my hotel room in Melbourne, OZ). Unbelievably good and even Keanu comes off a hero although Larry is the king. Still can't really vie with "Alien" for fright factor but the graphic sophistication is truly alien it's so amazing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Comparisons to other science fiction Masterpieces
Review: Wow... this movie is a fabulous on many different levels I could write pages and pages of praise, but for this review I'm going to take this perspective even though this is not an Asimov creation but rather a Wachowski brother brainchild: "Asimov's 3 laws of Robotics[and artificial intelligence]:" 1.A robot[or artificial being] may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2.A robot[or artificial being] must obey the orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law. 3.A robot[or artificial being] must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. Whereas the Asimov classic short story Bicentennial man deals with robots (and AI) not having enough rights. This movie deals with AI having too much control... total control in fact they totally violate the three laws! Interchange the words "human being" with "robot/ai", read the three laws again in this manner and that is the world of the Matrix, the robots rule! for Without giving any plot points away, at one part of The Matrix Sentient program:Agent Smith mentions that human beings are "the cancer of this planet and [the robots]are the cure". This kind of implies that the people that created this AI world run amok probably did it for environmental reasons. In Asimov's robots stories there is talk about robots having "solved the ecological crisis" but still not being accepted into the society. Comparison between these two great stories shows that being partisan about anything is dangerous. The middle road (balancing robot/AI rights and not giving robots/AI too much power) is the desirable route. In Frank Herbert's Dune (the novel not the horrible movie of the same name) there is talk of a very Matrix like "Butlerian Jihad" a war of humans against thinking machines and computers. In Dune the robots are wiped out, in Asimov stories the only legal place to have working AI and robots is in space stations. In The Matrix... well, you'll have to watch this excellent movie to find out...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Welcome to the "REEL" World: Where the Medium IS the message
Review: The Wachowski brothers certainly have a handle on the art of filmmaking for the new millennium! 15 or 20 years in the future, aplethora of both historical and imaginary virtual world venuesavailable at your fingertips, via your virtual reality headgear, youwon't be asking yourself, once immersed in the world of your choosing,"Wait, how did I get here and why am I here?"

MATRIXillustrates just how insightful and prophetic Marshall McLuhan'sassertion "The Medium is the message" has proved to be! DoesMatrix glorify violence? Is it really original? Does it border onblasphemous? Most of the discussion and critique of MATRIX really seemto miss the point entirely. MATRIX is the essence and epitome ofstyle...not substance.

Through a seamless symbiotic blending ofdiverse visual and auditory elements, most notably the 360ยบ sequentialsurround photography of artfully choreographed and precisely executedhuman action scenes, the Wachowski's have achieved a truere-definition of the cinematic experience, on their ownterms. Engaging, engrossing and bombarding your senses with theirsignature style, ultimately transporting you to a virtual world muchmore convincing than any drug-induced one.

MATRIX clearly speaks tous in a newly formatted cinematic language. My recommendation: Putaside any negative preconceived notions and just listen.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: NO NO this world cant be fake...I just got a good job! :(
Review: WOW the way the movie comes on "trinity" is walking on walls and jumping over buildings...Great effects but nothing new. I have seen many kung fu movies in the 70's, when men jump over rivers and jump on top of trees. Laurence Fish "Morpheus",acting is out of this "fake world", well you know what I mean, we live in a "dream world"(To bad my creditors dont see it that way.) Special effects and the fashions are great....uh no but then here comes Keanu Reeves "the one" I mean his style is cool but his acting is like...well imagine "GUMBY" with a black trench coat and shades on. I am curious though..I mean if you know your in dream world and have control, why not control the bullets that are being fired at you? Since were living in a "false or dream world",I wonder do prisoners who have 25 to life behind bars also believe their prison term is a dream? People who have watch and loved Kung fu movies (5 Deadly Venoms and other SHAW Bros. films) will not be surprise at the fight seens in this movie. For those of you who can't get enough of the fight seens in "The Matrix", buy "Iron Monkey" (1993 version). I do think that for the sequel, William Shatner should play "Morpheus" and Keanu Reeves "Neo" should be played by an Actor. There are many messages in the movie, Spiritual and Political, but it's basically things you already know. Have fun with this movie, the Wachowski Brothers are, I mean the film gross $500 million. Believe me we are living in a real world (my bills prove that). Although I do understand the concept in the movie, but if thats the "real world" let me stay sleep, I mean oatmeal and dirty clothes everday?

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Matrix delivers it all, action, animaton, special effects, suspense and MORE! This is such a great movie, I also suggust seeing The Cube and The Cell if you like messed up in the head movies :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The greatest sci-fi thriller ever made.
Review: What I've recently found out is that the people that don't like this movie is mainly because they can't understand the deep plot and storyline involved with "The Matrix". Broaden your minds you all! This film has the most spectacular special effects ever seen in a motion picture, Lawrence Fishburne is perfect in his role as Morpheas, has awesome kung-fu fights, and of course slow-motion shoot outs. What else could a die-hard action movie fan possibly want! Even though this was really meant for us teenage people, some adults may find this to be an excellent Show. This probably the best DVD out there. Go buy it today!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: War of the Worlds
Review: War of the Worlds indeed. Every movie heavy on production values must balance on the fine line separating the tasteful and the gaudy, and were this fine line represented by a tightrope, Matrix would have long gone "splat" on the pavement.

I don't know about you, but I can't quite enjoy a movie in which the plot bends over backwards to accomodate the protracted fight sequences, which, in turn, are interrupted with a plethora of "bullet-cam" effects that let you appreciate every unrealistic punch as it lands and every bullet casually flying by. For the love of all that is decent, this is a movie, not a zero-gee martial arts manual!

If, through some unearthly effort, you manage to ignore the multi-million-dollar special effects and try, just try to concentrate on the actual plot, you will be surprised to see a unique storyline occasionally marred by bad acting. Perhaps you might think differently, but Neo (Keanu Reeves) looks like a bat out of hell during the first half of the Matrix, and drunk (on power?) in the second. Beastly.

This dark movie wouldn't have had nearly the same impact had it not raised the unanswerable question of "is reality really real?" The dilemma is played out beautifully throughout the movie, although the producers certainly went to great lengths to illustrate the point to even the most dim-witted of viewers.

I'll go as far as to call this the best science-fiction movie of the year, most probably because there are so few of them made. If you derive entertainment from drop-jaw special effects rather than a spotless plot, I honestly recommend this to you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Highly polished and the most exciting film of the 90'.
Review: This film was created for me to love. It's a combination of science-fiction and martial-arts, the two most important things I do in my life.

Looking at the film science-fictionaly I have to say the script must have been written with outmost care and heavy thought, and by someone who has read good hard sci-fi before. There are no holes in the theory presented, and that takes thought. Often, when I see a sci-fi film, I find it's flaws in a sec, like the immposiblity of the time-loop in "12 monkies" or even "Back to the future" (Yeah, yeah, I don't take it seriously too). Any way, the sci-fi level of "The Matrix" is very high, and it's nice to watch a film you can feel was made to meet the highest standarts.

On the martial-arts side, what can you say? They brought YUEN WOO PING to train the whole cast for 6 months AND do the choreography. Yuen, if you don't know, is one of Hong-Kong's leading directors and choreographers. He is the one that made Jackie Chan a star (in his film "Snake in the eagle's shadow" and later in "Drunken Master"), besides, it's about time that Holywood notice the Hong-Kong action\Martial-arts cinema, and this film is a beautyfull token of aprreciation.

Another point to raise is the philosophic one. The questions posed in the film, concerning the nature of reality and how much of what we believe to be reality is objectively real, wo'nt be new to a veteran sci-fi reader (more so if he likes Philip K.Dick), but they are posed very gently and elegantly and they keep attacking the viewer throughout the film, a thing that will make a viewer that is dealing with those questions for the first time to be amazed at this new avenue of thought revealed to him.

The acting is excellent, the special effects are amazing, the pace is fast, the overall experience is MINDBLOWING.

See this film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great Libertarian Science Fiction film
Review: More that just great special effects and a lead actor obviously born for the part this is a very Important film. Much has been said but think of it as a satire on the government, the importance of self, and the acceptence of reality this is a very meaningful film.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Maybe if it hadn't been so hyped --
Review: I went to see this movie with very high expectations, and found it failed to live up to most of the hype. The fan hysteria over this flick is completely incomprehensible to me -- I don't understand why this outperformed the comparable Pitch Black or the superior Dark City.

Although there were some pretty computer effects and some exciting fight sequences, the movie wore out its welcome quickly. How many explosions/actors fighting in flight harnesses/slow-mo gunplay does one movie need?

The plot and the visuals are recycled from better movies -- Blade Runner, Akira, Alien, even old Star Trek. This movie doesn't have an original thought in it -- it's just a blended puree of Anime, Kung Fu movies, and old sci-fi. I always giggle when I read about the "deep allegory" of the film. It's just a little Christ-figure with a little Eastern Philosophy, and it serves as no more than window-dressing to an essentially mindless movie.

The weakest link by far is Keanu Reeves in the lead role. He has all the charisma and acting talent of a piece of celery. He's also got the wrong build for a hero -- when he starts martial-arts posing he looks like a 98-pound weakling flexing in front of a mirror. I found myself laughing through most of his "serious" scenes.

Maybe the rabid fandom for this mediocre movie pushes me from indifference to dislike, but the more people gush about this flick, the less I like it. It plays like some corporation's idea of cool, a calculated attempt to make teens go "Wow." For that reason, it occupies the same entertainment strata as N'Sync and Britney Spears.

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