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The Matrix - Limited Edition Collector's Set

The Matrix - Limited Edition Collector's Set

List Price: $79.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Truly a great special effects display!
Review: Matrix and Revisited are spectacular special fx. You won't be disappointed. This is edge of your seat spectacular. The plot is good, too. I've watched this multiple times. I liked the way Hollywood producers--the Wachowski brothers--went to great lengths of working out the effects with the best of comic makers--Anime.

Loved this movie and the first sequel I gave them as gifts to various family members. None were disappointed. Highly recommended

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a shocking adventure into the unknown world we live in
Review: saw this with my dad on dvd
I had my jaw dropping by the end
it's such a powerful movie
not only does the cast work
but they add depth to every character
Hugo Weaving is a brilliant bad guy
Keanu Reeves is brilliant in his role
and so on and so forth
I loved the action
the slight romance starting to fall in place
the whole synopsis
the red pill and blue pill scene
the effects
just everything about it
I love this that I have on dvd
It's so great that I could watch it again and again and again and go
"that was amazing" every time. I've watched it 8 times on dvd already.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the best of the Trilogy
Review: They should of just done this one cause it is the best and one of thegreatest movies of all time, if you don't know it stars Keanu Reeves as Neo or Thomas Anderson, carrie ann moss as Trinity, Hugo weaving as Agent Smith, and Lawrence Fishburne as Morpheus who is like a spiritual leader or some sh-T. This movie has great fight scenes like the one in the lobby with all the guns n sh-t. The whole movie is great and I'm glad when Mouse and them others die cause they are annoying.

the action is fantstatic and the whole movie is great. watch for a good movie

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you havent seen it, then what are you waiting for.
Review: I loved every minute of this action packed film. The sequencing of it is perfect, the storyline is amazing and different. The cast is great, escpecially Laurence Fishburne.
Its not a film that is going to change your live for ever. But it does make you stop and think. Eventhough it is part of a trilogy it works great as a film in its own right. The visual effects are amazing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: woooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww!
Review: The Matrix works because it repackages themes from older movies, and, indeed, older literature and mythology, in a cutting edge, sci-fi cinematic wrapping. It's more than just a wrapping actually. In reworking the old ideas it adds nuances that may or may not have existed (or at least explicitly expressed) earlier.

Cinematically, there's a strong thread going back to Kubrick's 2001. HAL 9000 (each letter of HAL is one away from IBM) turns on his human companions to murder them.

A decade later, Darth Vader appeared on the screen, a lethal, murderous monster, "more machine than man." Again, the creation (machine) turns on creator. (At the same time, there are nice, even heroic machines: C3PO and R2-D2).

In the next decade we were introduced to The Terminator. Governor Arnold (when he was just a mega-star, millionnaire plebian like the rest of us) comes from the future, where Machines have almost wiped out the human race, to kill the mother of the future leader. Once more, inhuman machine turned murderous against its creator.

The Matrix takes this to a whole new level. The Machines have already won. There's just a few stragglers who have not succumbed. The new, ingenious twist is that they are controlled not so much by physical force but by mind: the Matrix software that feeds directly into the brain and leads humans to believe they live normal lives when "in reality" they sit in life support pods providing electrical power for the machines. It truly is the grand illusion.

This theme goes back, cinematically, to classic silent film, Metropolis, as well (in a different way) to Frankenstein.

Before the advent of movies -- indeed, before technology and the Industrial Revolution -- this idea was found in ancient lore and mythology. The Golem of Jewish lore or Beowulf, for instance.

The bottom line of all these themes, though, is the internal struggle that goes on for each human being. The part of us that is human, feeling and has a heart vs. the part of us that is inhuman, unfeeling and cold-blooded. (Jurassic Park also explores the reemergence of cold-blooded human nature; not so much the dinosaurs and T-Rex, which nowadays is assumed was probably warm-blooded, but corporate greed that puts making money above human life.)

In the end, these movies, and other expressions, persist in human culture, because the hero discovers his humanity, and, with it, an appreciation of his humanity.

HAL 9000 is dismantled; David Bowman, a Messiah-figure ("David") survives and is reborn.

Darth Vader, starting with Episode V and climaxing in Episode VI, teaches us that even someone so far gone that he's "more machine than man," can regain his humanity.

Arnold returns in T-2 to be the good guy, the father figure, humanity's savior. He's really all of us who have struggled with our dark side, our unfeeling side, our addicted side (the addict turns monster in pursuit of his fix) -- our tendency toward inhumanity.

The Matrix works for many reasons, and has many facets, but its main one, in my opinion, is this age-old theme. We are not machines. We are not strapped into our fate. We can change. We can escape. We can overcome addiction -- be it to alcohol, some illegal substance, nicotine, porn, greed, food, TV, etc. We can rediscover our humanity, even in a very insane, often inhumane world, whose technological influence is all-pervasive and -- almost -- All-Powerful.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Matrix: The first of the trilogy and the best!
Review: The Matrix is the first movie in the trilogy, and the best. The Matrix has many fight scenes and mysteries thrown in. It is a movie about an unreal world that certain people can enter and when jacked-in the matrix, appear much more powerful. Through all the action and a hint of love story, this is an awesome movie that will take everyone that watches it into its grip.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ** THE 1, THE ONLY, THE ORIGINAL ! **
Review: This by far is one of the top movies of all time. The second and 3rd installments don't even come close to the first Matrix. Worth buying ... you could watch this movie over and over again and not get bored. Everytime it comes on tv I watch it. Even my baby boomer mother was blown away by this film and all she likes are old westerns! BUY THIS, OWN THIS AND FREE YOUR MIND!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very Deep Ninja Movie?
Review: OK, so it's not a ninja movie. Even though the only way these people fight hand-to-hand is through oriental fighting styles. Be that as it may, this film blew everyone away the summer of 1999, myself included. Granted, it took several viewings to get the whole thing figured, but that's alright. A story like this doesn't come along very often, and the mind-blowing visual effects are worth watching again and again and again. Keanu Reeves really doesn't have to do much here, other than fight judo-style, but he really doesn't have to. Laurence Fishbune is fantastic as Morpheus, the leader of the human resistance. Carrie-Anne Moss is a knock-out in her role as Trinity, the love interest for Neo(Reeves), and a real tough chick in her own fights. This film began the Matrix trilogy, and is easily the best of the three. It can stand apart from the other two, as it was originally meant to be a one shot deal. Personally, that's how I think of this film : as a stand-alone achievement. Not many movies this day and age make people go "huh?" and think about things the way this one did. Any DVD collection should include this fine film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best movies ever!!!
Review: Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity, oh my!!! I just saw this movie today and is dying to see the 2nd!!! I always liked Morpheus the best. I didn't like Neo that well because he didn't seem like 'the one' and I was expecting him to wear the black jacket and those glasses but like half of the movie he was bald! The only thing I didn't like about it was that they were in the real world most of the time! I recomend this movie to any sci-fi fan

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