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The Matrix - Limited Edition Collector's Set

The Matrix - Limited Edition Collector's Set

List Price: $79.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: So good u won't believe your eyes
Review: the graphics and new cinematography is so super in this movie u won't believe all the effects and the different angles. This movie you could say is ahead of it's time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best movie of 1999!
Review: This movie just boggles your mind while entertaining it at the same time. The special effects are amazing and the acting is great! GET THIS MOVIE! IF YOU LOVE SCI-FI, THIS IS IT!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best!
Review: I think this movie is one of the best sci-fi fantasy movies I have ever seem. It is very thought provocative and somehow leaves the viewer feeling like is this a movie or is it real. I loved everything about it and as an african american I really found the minority characters believalbe and drawing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Movie!!
Review: I think this is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I have seen it 7 times at the theatre and it gets better each time. Not only does it have great action, effects, and a good cast, but an interesting story line. The story line is great, makes you think "what if this is true."

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: One of the Worst movies ever!
Review: Yes the matrix has great special effects wow! That does not make the movie and either does ripping off Japan/China martial arts films. The basis of the story was good but the acting stunk and how about the costumes. If I were trying to keep a low profile I would not be out wearin all black leather and drive a pimed out continential. It also contained some scenes that were totally irrelivent to the movie i.e the scene with the oracle?? Was the head men in black supposed to be funny? This movie is a perfect example of where movies are going and it looks grim!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: amazing
Review: visually amazing, well put together, clever, intelegent script. This i believe is the best sci-fi film (modern) of them all.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Open your mind...
Review: This ain't a Kung-Fu movie. The fighting in the movie is only one part of bigger picture (no pun intended). It's the best movie yet that prompts people to open up their minds and start questioning whats really around them, metaphorically speaking of course...;)

The best thing about this movie is that I never got bored, and that's saying a lot. It's a very interesting story with great effects and photography. I'd also recommend picking up the soundtrack...it's one of the best!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One Of The Best Movies of the 1990's
Review: People's opinions on this movie fall into one of two catagories - they either love it to pieces or hate it to bits. The love faction is the larger of the two by far, but that doesn't prevent the occasional snipe from the hate side.

But then again, these days just about anyone with a computer and a modem can shoot off their opinion - and good for them. As a result, no movie ever is going to get a perfect rating, until they release a perfect movie. :)

"The Matrix" isn't perfect - but boy, does it ever come close. Many have commented of its lack of originality, and yes, even the biggest Matrix buff will have to concede that there's a lot of previously-enjoyed ingredients here. But they mix together for some tasty stew - the movie mixes stylized action with spiritual allegories and the computer subculture, and the end result is the type of movie that gets everyone to take notice - love it or hate it, the one thing you can't do is ignore it.

The movie's stylized look is called "manga style" by many, and "comic book style" by me. (Always hated different words for the same thing...) We move around inside of the world with some of the smoothest camera tricks, angles, pans, zooms and trasitions ever seen - it is like the Wachowski Brothers were born with a camera in their hands, so fluidly it all comes together. The characters they show us are, again, like comic book characters - strong, powerful, good-looking on the outside, but surprisingly human. Trinity's fear over expressing her feelings, Neo's uncertainty in himself, Cypher's second thoughts about his life - all these elvate them above normal action heroes.

The other thing that sets the heroes of the Matrix apart is what they can do. In a world freed of the limits of flesh, they can pull off incredible stunts, maneuvers and attacks. Why take the bus when you can leap 50 feet between buildings? This, coupled with the fact that they all seem to be former computer hackers and nerds, pulls the intended audience into the picture. The main character, played by Keanu Reeves, starts out as a soft-spoken, distant, meek man - just like every kid who's ever read comic books. In the end, he becomes who every one of those kids wants to be - a man with power, and with a clear sense of purpose.

The mataphorical allegories of this movie will be debated for years - from subtle touches like Neo's apartment number (101 - not only is he "the One," but 101 is binary code, the language of computers) to the more overt references to Buddism and Christianity. But as said before - they all mix into some tasty stew. It earns its title, not by what it incorporates, but by how well it's done - and it's all done so well, you can't help but be impressed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Puts Star Wars to shame!
Review: The Matrix is movie of the year for a number of reasons. One, it is an intelligent movie, well balanced with nuances that never go over the top or undershoot. It is a timeless story about repression, delusion, and the soul's stirring to wake up. It is allegorical and tells us the story of how all of us really are asleep to reality, living our lives in ignorance in this shadow land of the material world. The Matrix is in all our minds and this movie is closer to the truth than most would care or dare to admit. That is why it is so powerful. Those who laugh at the story line and think it is just a clever movie miss the point entirely. And it is not about anarchy although some may read that into it. What it is about is what we are all about: freeing ourselves from the limitations imposed upon us by our own minds.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Movie Ever
Review: Found it hard to understand at first but then I clicked on to what was happening, second time you go see it is even better than the first time.

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