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The Matrix - Limited Edition Collector's Set

The Matrix - Limited Edition Collector's Set

List Price: $79.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best DVD title ever
Review: I would have to say watching this on my 72 inch screen at homebrought me back to the first time I saw it. The Matrix has to be oneof the best Sci-Fi Films of all time. Oh and by the way this is posted before it is released on DVD. But Since I loved the movie so much I would recomend anyone to buy, rent it, borrow it, or even watch it on thier computerz. I love computerzz and I bet you do to, Hey thats what the matrix is all about. Check It out.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best sci-fi movie of 1999 by far
Review: This action packed movie is one of the best sci-fi movies to come along. A smart theme, a great storyline, incredible graphics, one of the best soundtracs since Pi (3.14). The acting is a little bit sloppy, but in any other aspect, this is THE movie of the year.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Definantly best movie ever!!!
Review: I loved the matrix soooo much... AMAZING fight scenes with spectacular special effects! Can't get enough of it! I could watch it a MILLIAN times...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Easily better than that "other" Sci Fi movie
Review: I have seen this movie almost as many times as I've watched the original Star Wars, already. I'm 28 years old, grew up with Star Wars this, Star Wars that, lived and breathed wanting to be Jedi. Then this movie came along, fulfilling any possible cracks not already taken by other factors of life. It consumed me, as it has countless other individuals over the several months of it's release. I've never seen a movie like it, and unfortunately, the next probably won't hold the same mystique. Sequels never do. However, I'll hold my judgement until then. This movie has more to it than just "wooden acting". If you think about the bad guy, he was over-dramatic because he was simply a computer program. He was designed to be the way he was. If you can't see the movie for what it is, you probably should stick to traditional Sci Fi. ie, Star Wars. Come on, you can't tell me that Neo is more wooden than Jar Jar.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "No one can be told what the marix is." (Morpheus.)
Review: No one can be told what the matrix is. You just have to see it for yourself. I was very intrigued and amazed at how well THE MATRIX has turned out to be. I myself have seen the picture about three times. The special effect are so amazingly done that it puts STAR WARS THE PHANTOM MENACE to shame. The story is good and the acting is ok, although I believe Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus was brilliant. Despite the fact that Keanu Reeves is in good shape in this movie his acting ability is nowhere in sight which is kind of good for his caracter. Even though in just about every Keanu Reeves movie he looks dazed and confused I think this or his caracter he plays here in THE MATRIX suppose to look confused. Anyway THE MATRIX was a great movie and I defenitaly recomend this movie to everyone.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A consuming movie that transends all other Sci/Fi material!!
Review: There was nothing that this movie showed that did not move me! The key is to understanding the concept and having an imagination (some people lack the ability to think beneath the cerebrum). When you enter this realm ot thought the movie opens up fanthoms of enjoyment and excitement. Thanks to the movie industry for giving us a movie that finally makes us think and enjoy at the same time!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A movie made for the millenium.
Review: This is the best movie I have ever seen. Some may think it wasslow to start, but it keeps you gripped once the action really starts.Keanu Reeves is, I believe, the perfect choice for the role of Neo, a quiet character who definitely comes through in the end. Worth seeing for the special effects alone but definitely worth seeing for a fantastically unique trip into the future. Enjoy the ride!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Matrix - A world that parallels Reality and your Mind.
Review: The Matrix - possibly the best movie made following the postEra of sci-fi/action movies of it's kind (e.g. Terminator, Total Recall and T2). Combining mythology, religion, literature and kung-fu to produce a high-octane mano e mano smash. We start our journey in this 2hr 15min flick with, Neo (Keanu Reeves). A man who lives a double life, a sofware programmer by day and hacker extraordinare by night. He is contacted by a group of rebels, lead by know-it-all Morpheus(Laurence Fishburne). Morpheus believes that Neo is the chosen one, the one who will defeat the computers who have enslaved all humans and blanketed their minds from truth & reality. The movie then follows on to see Neo's triumphant rise to leading the rebels, and most importantly, finding himself. Carrie Ann-Moss plays the ever so beautiful yet deadly Trinity, who helps Neo in winning the war. Hugo Weaving plays an encore performance as the vicious Agent Smith. The Matrix smartly uses it's sleek design and cunning special effects (SFX) provided by big man John Gaeta to knock viewers off their feet. The kung-fu scenes are explosive and imaginative (e.g. Walking on walls, blurred punches), picture a Bruce Lee fight scene raised to the 10th power. The Matrix is definitely worth seeing more than once, I left the theatre with a feeling of ehhhhhh ehhhhhhhh "I don't know".

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ultrasonic cool!! So ein Wahnsinn!!!!!
Review: The Matrix is one of the best Action movies of the year. It shows Keanu Reeves at his best. The Action and the special effects were ultrasonic cool. And it had some surprisingly good Martial Arts, too. According to the story, it was soooo mysterious, I like that. It's hard so understand, but the more I watch it, I will with time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: For those who doubt The Matrix contains a plot...
Review: The Matrix had a plot that had been conceived before the film, but let's face it... the effects, the killer soundtrack, the fact that Keanu Reeves actually performed well in this movie, the GUNS. What is not to love? This movie is for those of us who have KILLER surround sound and are not afraid to get lost in the special effects. Thank you for your time :)

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