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The Matrix - Platinum Limited Edition DVD Collector's Set

The Matrix - Platinum Limited Edition DVD Collector's Set

List Price: $49.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Bad character development, no plot It could have been great!
Review: I enjoyed the special effects of "The Matrix," but that is all. As deep as the plot may appear to be, there actually is none. Many of the story elements are very interesting, unfortunately they never pay-off in the film. We never see Zion, we never see a main villain, we never go anywhere. Neo plays catch-up with the audience the entire first half of the film, which grew on my nerves because I really wanted this film to get moving.

The fight scenes are spectacular and original. However, they are also fluff and extraenous to the plot. One of the first rules of a screenwriter is that if a scene does not propel the plot forward, it shouldn't be in the film. But considering how none of the scenes in this film propel the plot forward, I can see how it is easy to miss this fact when it comes to the fight scenes (such as Morpheus kung-fu training Neo).

Yes, I am aware that this is planned to be a trilogy now. HOWEVER, there is no way the Wachowski Bros. knew this film would hit it big like it did. they could have hoped and dreamed with all their hearts, but they did NOT leave their script the mess that it is so that they could add on to it with two more movies. Anyone that says the flaws in the film I point out are okay because it's a trilogy is mistaken. If it was true, that is a horrible excuse for this sloppy script.

I would be glad to discuss this with all of you "The Matrix" lovers out there, if you'd like. I really wanted to enjoy this film, but there were just too many flaws for me. :(

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A review from a viewer who is actually awake
Review: I enjoyed this movie thoroughly from the get-go. The storyline was interesting and the great acting performances from Fishburne and Keanu Reeves really helped to bolster this film. The biggest problem I have with this movie that people seem to completely oblivious to is that there's no ending. The story of this movie is about Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishburne, Trinity and the rest of their Team who are trying to fight their way back to Zion (a place where people are not controlled by "The Matrix"). Not only do Keanu and crew not make it back to Zion, we never even get to see it. That's the whole goal of the movie! I was left with a hollow feeling inside me, like something was left unfulfilled. Not to mention the fact that in the end, there were 3 deadly agents left. Keanu Reeves kills one of them with some deft moves, the other two agents scatter in different directions. That means that not only do we not get to see Zion, we don't get to see the destruction of the Matrix, and there are still two agents running around (who don't pose much of a threat to Neo, but...) who still have the potential to kill off the rest of Neo's team. I'm not going to argue with the rest of the reviews on the Amazon Dot Com site. They are valid. This movie does have great special effects, very good acting, and a storyline that pulls you in. But there's no sense of finality in this movie. To compare this with Star Wars, yes, Darth Vader was still alive, but at least the biggest impending force (the Death Star) was destroyed, and the Rebel Alliance could breath easy for a little bit. In the Matrix, at the end of the film, nobody can rest easy, not even Neo even if he did manage to kill off the last 2 agents. There's no telling what other kind of havoc the Matrix can dish out, because the Matrix still controls everything!!! That's what really bothers me about this flick.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sci-Fi for the 21st century
Review: I expected to see a plain action movie. Some sort of Speed 3. I went to the movie and it was more than what I expected. It has an interesting story based on the concept about "what is real" and it has martial arts.

If you are not familiar with computers or you do not like cyberpunk, you may consider it "so so".

I am going to tell you. I was a Star Wars fan years ago. The Phantom Menace dissapointed me because of plain characters (no real motivation), no sense of wonder or adventure, and a silly story resollution.

Instead, I realized that matrix was a movie to think. No glamorous spaceships or E.T. charm but a solid story.

I just liked enough to see it twice and purchase here.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sit close and crank up the sound.
Review: I experienced the illusion of attending a film called "The Matrix" while inhabiting pod T1123-9971, Sector19, North Zone 3. I found the film so exciting and thought provoking I nearly disconnected myself! It's a good thing this film is in absolutely no way a metaphor for our 'real' social, political, economic, media-induced cocoons or I'd be unduly concerned.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The movie, not the car
Review: I finally got around to watching "The Matrix" a couple of years after everyone else. I give it a mixed review. The notion of manufactured reality was its strong point. A weak point, however, was the film's anarcho-messianic theme. In between these poles, there was a rather ho-hum formulaic plot, akin to that of, say, "Top Gun." I must note that there are strong resemblances to a film which I'll bet few Matrix enthusiasts have ever watched. That is Alexandro Jodorowsky's "The Holy Mountain" (1973). Just about everything in "The Matrix" that is disgusting to watch seemed borrowed from the Jodorowsky film, as well as Neo's transformation into some sort of messiah at the hands of a magus figure. ("The Holy Mountain" may be available on some web auction sites - check it out.) The music at the end was good, but that's not to say I want to hear it booming out of some teenager's car every time he drives by my house. Some rules, some walls are not so bad.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Rich characters, excellent story-line, sfx/cinematography
Review: I first avoided this movie because in the trailers it seemed the movie was dependent on the special effects alone. I was dead wrong. What I found was a great, philosophical movie, with rich characters (each graced with a "signature voice"): Agent Smith, Morpheus, Trinity, and The Oracle who find themselves interwoven around Neo, our nascent savior. Superficially, it is a great science-fiction film. For those that are more cerebral, The Matrix's philosophical message (I hesitate to call it a "movie"), its story-line, musical score, breathtaking cinematography, direct yet subtle "faith and love" sub-plot, and use of captivating slow-motion, lighting, and sfx enhance this legendary tale of the Ubermansch in all of us. Like The Truman Show we are challenged with the question(s): "Are you really in control of your life? Are you aware of your destiny and living your life according to its greatest potential and purpose?" A very well-rounded work that is sure to become a cult classic.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A collector's item, a reference Sci-Fi masterpiece
Review: I first saw the film with my family and was dazzled by the special effects and the unsual plot. I admit I did not understand it much but made a mental note to see it again.

When I bought my home theatre, The Matrix was one of the first DVDs to buy. I have watched it 10+ times and will watch it again and again.

The story is fascinating and makes you think.. Some of the technology shown or implied in the film is already there or under research. The rest remind one of Leonardo Da Vinci's drawings of flying machines.. The danger of humans being controlled by technology of any kind is not that imaginary..

The Matrix is an artificial "real world" created to entrap humans and let them live their "lives" in a virtual reality while "real reality" is in a dark parallel world where time and space are mostly irrelevant as there is technology to allow crossing the borders.

The visual and sound effects are simply stunning. If you jump to section 29 of the DVD you will see and hear a battle taking place all around you - while bullets hit walls in front of you, empty shells fall on the floor behind you, guns fire from every corner of your room and you wonder what may jump out from behind your armchair or coffee table.. Just fascinating...

Choose the Follow The White Rabbit version of the film to see how the special effects were created and how "bullet time" was invented and put to the best use I have ever seen.

I don't think I will get tired of watching The Matrix. I hope a sequel will come out soon and I will buy it immediately.

The Matrix is the closest thing to Virtual Reality you can watch on your TV screen. I hope that other film directors will take lessons from it and we will see more IE (Immersion Entertainment) films soon.

P.N., Kent, UK

Rating: 4 stars
Review: I first saw THE MATRIX during opening weekend in 1999 and was completely knocked off my feet. Normally I am not a fan of science fiction or action but this film caught my attention with its underlying existential plot. It goes far beyond gunfights and the latest Hollywood special affects. There is really something to grasp and hold on to in THE MATRIX far after the movie has ended. In preparation for the release of the sequel today I purchased this DVD to refresh my memory. I can honestly say that subsequent viewings are almost as good as the initial one. But beware, friends and family will beg to borrow this DVD!! THE MATRIX is a decent addition to one's DVD collection.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Imagination, Suspense, Action...The Matrix has it all!
Review: I first saw The Matrix the day it premiered in theaters, after I saw a preview that peaked my interest in the movie. I have since seen the movie well over a hundred times (no kidding, really)and I never get tired of seeing it. The Wachowski Brothers have succeeded in making one of the most fresh and innovative Sci-fi/action movies ever made, with a gripping storyline, nonstop action, and stellar acting performances across the board. I've often heard people talk about Keanu Reeves' lack of acting ability, but he plays the part of Thomas Anderson/Neo to perfection in what I consider by far the finest performance of his career. Reeves portrays an early sense of doubt and disbelief very convincingly, and makes a smooth transition throughout the film as he comes to terms with the "real world" and his struggle to save it. Laurence Fishburne,(Morpheus, the leader of the human resistence) who has long been one of my favorite actors, delivers another riveting performance as his charisma and strong presence shine through in this movie. His interplay with Reeves is especially good, as he helps propel the film's suspenseful moments. Carrie-Anne Moss delivers a breakthrough role as Trinity, a member of Morpheus' crew as well as Neo's eventual love interest. The rest of the cast also deliver excellent performances, as they play their supporting roles to perfection. The strong acting alone would make this a solid movie, but the script really propels this movie into the stratosphere, making The Matrix one of the most innovative stories ever created. The backdrop of Man against Machine is not brand new concept, but the idea of the enslavment of the human race in a computer-generated prison for the mind is quite new indeed. The Wachowski brothers grab the audience's attention at the very beginning of the movie by dropping the viewer directly into the action, without knowing who the "bad guys" and "good guys" really are. The movie continues forward at backbreaking pace, offering riveting plot twists, suspense-filled action sequences, and some of the best special effects ever to grace the big screen(The combination still and motion picture technology, which is used throughout the film and detalied in an included behind the scenes documentary, is absolutely amazing). I believe that the entire DVD format was created to showcase this type of movie.(The Matrix is the top selling DVD title to date, so many people obviously agree with me) The visuals are crisp and clear, with extremely vivid images, This movie also features some of the best sound possible, as bone-jarring explosions and ferocious fight scenes are heard like never before in full Dolby 5.1 surround. The behind the scenes documentaries are fascinating, and the disc is also packed with loads of other extras that will satisfy any Matrix fan. The bottom line is this: The Matrix is one of the most innovative movies ever made, backed by excellent acting performances, an incredible script, as well as special effects that set a new standard in the motion picture industry. This movie will be remembered for years to come. I am one of the multitudes of fans who eagerly await the sequel(and for once I have greater expectations for the sequel than I did for the original). The Matrix is an instant classic, a movie truly fashioned for the computer age.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Take the Red
Review: I first saw The Matrix when everybody else did and I must say I wasn't nearly affected by it the way most people I know were. Here's why. The idea of the world not being what it really seems is not new. The idea of Kanoe Reeves (<-purposely misspelled) being a savior of any sorts is down right infuriating, it's like entrusting your salvation to a piece of driftwood riddled with knotholes. The friggin' acting is well, pretty darn bad. However, the movie has grown on me, and I did like some things about it.

The special fx of course were crazy intense, as were the fight scenes. The set design was sweet and the overall look of the movie definitely portrayed the Wachowski Bros. stark vision of a post-apocalyptic world run by machines.

Here we get into another problem, anybody seen The Terminator? Star Wars? Then you'll notice things that you've seen in other movies trying to be passed off as fresh and original here. Now this is a movie, and formulaic recognition gets things greenlighted by studios. That's fine, I accept that, just don't lie by saying we've never seen this before. It's an old story told in a new way. Period. So, the bottom line is this. The Matrix is entertaining, granted. Amazing technically, absolutely. Life changing, hardly. Maybe for those who wish their computers were sentient beings so they could abandon the harsh reality of the world this is the mecca of sci-fi. For those of us non-computer geeks it's merely a popcorn film, with really slow bullets.

P.S. If you want to see the directors not dumbing themselves down for the masses check out Bound for a great noir thriller with some HOT girl on girl action between Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon.

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