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Tomorrow Never Dies: Special Edition

Tomorrow Never Dies: Special Edition

List Price: $34.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good But No Goldeneye
Review: Good story .Interesting characters.Diden't really like carver as the villian.Overall a good solid movie.But a little more action and different settings would have made this film much better

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An action packed Bond!
Review: This is a very good Bond film! But it can get boring after watching it about 3 or 4 times. This movie has a very insane villain, which probably makes it good. Mr. Stamper was a good henchman!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Een hedendaagse Bond-film
Review: Het is duidelijk een film van de jaren negentig en niet meer een post-koude oorlog film. Ik vond de film prachtig vooral de scènes met de BMW.Ik ben zelf een Bond-fan en daarom ga ik nog met een kritischer oog te werk

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Action paked 007 movie if you dont like James Bond your trip
Review: The first time I saw it I cryed when Paris Carver died! It was sad! I felt sorry for 007! thats Insane to have somewon you know kill your wife,so towards the end Eliot Carver deserved to die!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Interactive CD I have seen yet!
Review: Firstly the movie is excellent. Bond fans and Action fans alike should enjoy this title. This "special edition" is without a doubt the best DVD title I have come across yet. The 45 minute "Secrets of 007" had some great insights into the actors/actoress that have played in the Bond movies. The menu deisgn was original and added to the overall "Bond" feel.The additional commentary and storyboard features let you in behind the scenes with the makers of the film.Try it! You'll like it. The most interactive DVD I have seen, I show it to all my customers when they are looking to add DVD to they're computer purchase.

Rating: 4 stars
Review: Pierce Bronson demonstrates elan as "Bond, Janes Bond" in this quirkiest of the franchise. He seems to really have fun with the role. In a plot culled from todays headlines, he battles an ego-manical media magnate bent on rulng the world via his media empire (did someone say ORWELL?). Ruthless and chilling, Mr. Carver uses his press to advance his agenda which includes war with China, and the obligatory humiliation of his personal enemies (did some say WELLS?). The "Bond Girl" this time around is the beautiful Paris Carver - played by beautiful Teri Hatcher. It's too bad Paris doesn't have more time, because she is one of the best characters in the film. I say "one of the best", because even Paris can't hold a candle to that wonderful car! Fast paced and typically Bond-like. Great song from Cheryl Crowl!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This a VERY special edition !
Review: I bought this disk even though I had bought the "not as special" edition two months earlier. and !WOW! my friend has been cutting out stuff about Bond, and recording every thing ever shown on TV wich is related too Bond, and on this dvd you can find 90% of the things he has collected about this movie, and that is ALOT. !

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great film...HEY MGM, how about a WIDESCREEN EDITION!!!
Review: I loved Tomorrow Never Dies and thought it was a great Bond flick. It's humor and gadgets reminded me of the old Connery films. But how come MGM only released the VHS verion in the Pan and Scan format? I can't stand watiching a film like this with half of what's really on the screen cropped off for TV viewing!!! The World of James Bond video was a great collectors item. So were the screenplay book, and the photos.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is the better of Brosnan's Bond films, very nice.
Review: The DVD technology is amazing, it really brings out the quality intended for all movies, especially Bond films!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: the second best bond movie but Goldeneye is the best
Review: Pierce Brosnan is the best man to play bond. In this bond movie Brosnan is playing god but I thinking this bond movie is not quiet god as Goldeneye the scripts to goldeneye is bether than Tomorrow never dies I dont have any bond movies on dvd.

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