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Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines (Full Screen Edition)

Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $17.96
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This movie is a flop, but good special effects.
Review: Its another plottless movie, bad guys chases good guy, they fight and someone wins. Special effcts do rock in this movie.
I hate to say this, but everyone dies at the end. The killer is really Elmo from Seasme Street. He traveled through time to kill everyone so big bird and burt & ernie could run the mob. awesome
special effects. I would say "a must see movie."

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It's good if you don't think about it
Review: This movie (like ALL the Terminator movies,) is really good as long as you don't think about. I saw a TON of bad reviews for T3 on IMDB.com and I can see where some of these fans are coming from in many ways. I agree that it is too similar to T2 in may ways but I have trouble with fans that dislike T3 for continuity contradictions. Every Terminator movie has big contradictions. I think I hate the Terminator movies as much as I love them if I really stop and think about them. If you stop and think about them none of them would make any sort of sense. These two questions proove my point.
#1.How could John Conner stop Judgement Day and still manage to exist?
#2. Humans built the Terminators from their remains in the present. Wouldn't they cease to exist if they were able to kill John Conner before he becomes a great leader?

You have to sort of shut your mind down and focus on the cool characters if you want to enjoy the Terminator films. You can't expect a story that will make sense and you can't expect good continuity. This rule will also always apply to any sort of Highlander movie or series. It is good as long as you don't think about it very much.

T3 is really good even though it is like T2. I think that it is interesting that fans thought T3 was a copy of T2. I saw it as a odd tribute to T1 & T2. The plot was like T2 but the evil Terminator's cold killing style (the knock on your door and shoot style,) was similar to the original T-800's killing style. I enjoyed T3 for the great action and the good characters but I also enjoyed it for it's message at the end: "The future may not be set but destiny is inevitable." This message really adds a unique twist to "the future is not set" moral that is in Terminator and Terminator 2.

I disagree with anyone that says that the ending of this film leaves the story open for a sequel. It really doesn't. How could it? The war of the machines was pretty much beginning by the end of the film. There would be no point in sending any Terminators back in time if the war was already on.
Watch this movie if you love Terminator but don't think about it too much or you will hate it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Decent for what it was
Review: Terminator 3 was an average film taken on its own. That is all it tries to be, and in that, it succeeds admirably. It is just another action film in an everlasting and ever-expanding pantheon of action films. The only saving grace is that it's a darned good action film. As a Terminator film, however, it falters quite miserably in carrying on the torch.

Just as the first sequel came years after the original, Terminator 3 comes about a dozen years after T2 (although it doesn't seem that long: it seems there's a new special edition DVD of that film every couple of months!). I guess I can't blame James Cameron for milking that cow as much as he can, nor can I blame him for refusing to helm this sequel. When you think about it, the minute that it was announced he wasn't going to make the movie, we should have known that it wouldn't be true to the first two: Terminator was Cameron's brainchild. Nevertheless, here it is.

The plot of the film is probably evident to anyone within several hundred meters of a television, radio, computer, bus stop, movie theater, etc. It is nearly a remake of Terminator 2 when you think about it: New machine comes back in time to kill future leader(s), old machine is sent back to save them. With such novelty it isn't a mystery as to how the plot seems to go nowhere amid incredible (and incredibly expensive) chase scenes. In all honesty, people who want a little introspection ought to look at the first two films, there isn't any here.

From a technical standpoint, the movie is a great success. With a budget in excess of $150 million, the film has sufficient resources for magnificent eye-candy. Car chases, explosions, robot effects, you name it, it is pulled off here with style and aplomb. The acting is also surprisingly decent. Arnold's last pre-political film has him back in the role that started him off. Nick Stahl and Claire Danes are both good actors and help the film tremendously. Kristanna Loken is brilliant as the new 'Terminatrix,' showing no emotion at killing dozens of people.

The major problem with this film is this: Would it have been fitting for Saving Private Ryan to have been filmed as a straight-action film? Of course not. It had very important messages-just dumping them for the sake of killer battle sequences (no pun intended) would have been a waste. The same applies here. Although the Terminator series has always been a good action series (even the first: shoestring effects rock!), the action is the focus here instead of the ideas. The ideas not only take a back seat, they are pretty much swept under the rug. It has been said before, but I will say it again: the first two films were about making our own destiny, that the future is not set, as several characters have commented during the saga. However, here the message that the war of humanity against the machines is inevitable. This is about 180 degrees from the original philosophy. Instead of examining this or even trying to harmonize it with the original message (impossible, but they should have tried), they just plow along on the chase scenes. This movie has no real insight into present-day society, nor does it try to. Being as the action was in the first Terminator primarily to service to the story and now the converse is true, it is no wonder that Cameron opted out of his own creation.

In short, the movie was a Terminator film solely because the franchise is an entertainment juggernaut. The studio just wanted the name. They should have changed the names and actors in the film and just made it a non-franchised title. At the very least, it wouldn't have been referred to as a remake by me.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Terminating a good trilogy
Review: Well... I hoped it would never come to this, but I'm here to complain about a Terminator film. "Terminator 3" ofcoarse... After growing up watching "The Terminator" and then especially "Terminator 2" I gained a great appreciation for the time and effort that James Cameron put into making his films. The reality that he situated into both of the films(T1,T2) created a greatly loved and charised story, that everyone enjoyed watching. But apparently the same effort was never put into the creation of "Terminator 3"... It sickens me that someone would take something that another person worked so hard on, and continue it without putting forth any effort at all. A story with actual meaning... where we can change our future for the better, and save what existence we have left... but T3 completely obliterates that idea saying that everything is anevitable, completely changing Cameron's original ideals being portrayed on film. Instead any real story ideas are thrown in the trash, and are replaced with extremely unrealistic situations, fueled with explosions and destruction, making yet another pathetic and pointless low quality action film. Coarse in the end run I wouldn't dought the making of this film was but a quick desperation for money gained primarily from the name created by James Cameron. This film is a mockery to the other Terminator films, and shouldn't even be considered truelly part of the highly irresistable and creative Terminator storyline. In the end, I believe this film completely insults the audience(especially those of the other 2 films). Well that's basically my opinion summed up real fast. Sorry I couldn't get more technical about it...

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Solid Summer Blockbuster but that isn't saying much
Review: This summer was plauged with every bad movie idea Hollywood could pull out of its ass. Pirates of the Carribean almost made me kill myself for seeing it, and SWAT sure didn't help. So maybe after seeing those two bombers of films T3 didn't seem all that bad to me. Some flaws did occur however, one, don't let Arnold speak so much there was a reason he said 10 words total in T1 and T2. Two, T-101 was infected for like 2 minutes in the film and then he cleaned himself out. Three they rushed want could have been an awesome 3 hour movie into a less than 2 hour movie, for shame. Cameron knew you had to have storyline with action to make a good movie, that is how you can tell this wasn't directed by him.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: terminator needed an upgrade

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: T3: A thrill ride but not worthy of T2 or The Terminator
Review: Arnold finally returns as the Terminator on a mission to save a "squemish" John Connor (Nick Stahl), and a few others including Claire Daines (far more impressive performance than Stahl's). Cameron didn't return to direct or co-write this inferior "sequel" to T2: Judgement Day and it showed. Kristanna Loken as the TX was a great idea but her performance (nothing wrong with her at all--just didn't think any woman could really portray this role like Robert Patrick flawlessly did) was flawed by allowing her to be so easily damaged and relied too heavily on CGI effects. Robert Patrick's performance in T2: Judgement Day was far more impressive: he lacked all emotion, acted human only when needed to, and was brutally ruthless. Loken was brutally ruthless but didn't evoke the fear Robert Patrick's Terminator did. Also, for $170 million dollars, couldn't they come up with some better action? T2 was far superior in this regard, and James Cameron only spent $90 million on it. The cool stunts just weren't there and nether was the great character development (Linda Hamilton wasn't invited to the party and killed off strangely). Claire Danes gave the best performance and Loken attempted greatly to pull off the Terminatrix role (some better writing for her character probably would have done it). Action missing: T2's Patrick flying out of an exploding building to take over a chopper, the ensuing chase scene involving the chopper, and the great scene of the Truck exploding through the concrete rail, and Arnold launching his motorcylce off the (well, you get the idea). Also missing was the cool transformations he did into others and how they reacted. Why not show Loken doing that more (or even once for that matter)? Also, a better plot would have made it better. Compared to the first two, T3 failed to rise in character development (Stahl was a geeky Connor with none of the brew of Edward Furlong in T2), action and stunts, and, of course, blowing the opportunity to make the TX a really cool compliment to a superior Robert Patrick's evil charcterization. Again, not Loken's fault, it was the screenwriter's fault. It is worth a watch but fans of the original two will notice all the missing elements that made the first two great (on much, much smaller budgets). -Felecia Constance Rowe

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: T3 - Ugh
Review: Do yourself a favor and stay as far away from this movie as humanly possible. It is 10lbs of monkey crap in a 5lbs bag! It was made purely for 14 year olds to watch all of the explosions and fighting and is missing the most essential piece, a story. Also, the acting flat out stinks.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Terminator 3 in name only
Review: After seeing this film in the theater's the only question I had was as to whether or not the film makers even bothered to watch the first two films at all. This film only goes on to insult the real fans of the first two with its simplistic story and character elements, overly exaggerated action sequences, and a tongue and cheek representation of itself. When Cameron made the first two films, his main focus was to try and ground them in reality while establishing large scale themes such the future is not set in its path, we can make our own choices as to how we live our lives. The point of the first two films was to show how we ourselves can decide our path, thus that is why the future war remained in it's place, the future. It was never supposed to become a certainty in its occurence, only a possibility. T3 decides to ignore this, however, and simply cover itself by telling the audience that the future can never be changed only delayed in its occurence, thus cancelling out the entire drive of the first two terminators. This third installment would have made more sense if they chose to set it in the future war setting as a prequel to the first two films than as a sequel. That way you could have shown how all the incidents of the first two films resulted. You could show how the terminator from T2 was captured by the resistence and then used to help them infiltrate Skynetwith a small squad of soldiers, perhaps even having that terminator progammed to protect Kyle Reese as they do to ensure his destiny. This would lead to Reese thus being sent back in time when they discover that Skynet during the attack sent a terminator back in time with its program to hunt down Sarah Connor. You could then finish with Skynet in a last attempt at survival releasing its new prototype weapons, a set of T-1000's, on the remaining resistence group. Realizing what has happened with Reese, Skynet would thus establish a plan B scenario where it sends one of the T-1000's back in time should Kyle be successful. As its forces fall to the T-1000's, the remaining resistance group in Skynet manage to send back the captured T-800 to combat with the T-1000 thus bring together the circular cycle of Cameron's vision of destiny and humanity. Do they do this however, no. Instead the filmmakers of T3 decide to regurgitate many aspects of the first two films, raising the action to unrealistic proportions while dumbing down the narrative for their own amusement. I do not know about other fans of the series, but I liked the seriousness that the first two films enstowed and how they took their time to respect the audience in how they came together. T3 manages to insult not only the audience with what it feels it is trying to do but also its entire series with what it is trying to say, that we do not need to make the story fit, we simply need to string together a couple of words and action sequences to get your hard earned dollars.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The Saga continues...
Review: but, as much as I tried to like this film, it just doesn't hold up. The Terminator stories was never about machines and it wasn't really about John Conner either. For me, The Terminator movies were really about Sarah Conner. She was what I was really interested in and how she dealt with the future. In the first movie, she was a normal young woman. Going to work, dealing with bad dates, etc. Then she finds out her son is the savior of humankind. Watching her deal with this, find a man she grows to love, and protecting her son's future was what made that movie worth seeing. The action was great, the special effects were cool for their time, but it was her story that made that movie.

T2 was a continuation of her story. We see her older, tougher. Sarah has become the protector and I loved seeing what she had transformed into.

T3 was a good film. It had great action, wonderful humor, and the story was pretty good, even if it seemed like a rerun of T2.

But I almost wish that they had stopped with T2. Because the terminator series was really the story of Sarah Conner. It's too bad. I really wanted to like this movie.

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