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Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Mediocre in all but Special Effects
Review: This first of three prequels to the Star Wars trilogy is big on special effects (indeed it deserved to win an Oscar in this category but had to make do with noms for Visual Effects, Sound and Sound Effects) but mediocre in terms of any human qualities, story interest or humor. It's dreadfully serious and uninvolving and rather formulaic - geared more for children than for adults. Not as deserving as the trilogy itself. For Star Wars groupies only.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Child at heart
Review: Ok, now how do I stand up to the critics who bashed this film. Well, first I'll thank them for lowering my expectations so that when I saw it I was blown away once again by George Lucas' vision. I can still remember walking out of that crowded theater thinking, "those critics didn't know what they were talking about." This film is a visually stunning acheivement, of course full of ground-breaking effects. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and characters. I felt the same childlike awe that the original had. Now I know many said that the characters were not developed enough but remember that this is the beginning of a six-part series. Mr. Lucas can't develop and explain everything in the first episode. This is an ongoing saga and I feel that Episode I fits in well. Now when watching it make sure you pay attention. There is alot of detail packed into this story that can be missed. It's like a kaleidoscope. There are several instances of forshadowing of future events. And keep an open mind. If you watch the film mainly looking for flaws, well, that kinda ruins the whole experience. And as for the critics, well, perhaps they are "getting too old for this sort of thing." Anyways, I thoroughly recommend this film. Lucas is a wonderful storyteller and The Phantom Menace is full of color, energy, and imagination. Thank you Mr. Lucas for keeping myth alive and allowing me to feel the wonder and awe of my inner child at heart.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Top of the line effects
Review: You know when a movie has awesome special effects when they can't be told from the footage of real performers. THAT's the case of Episode I. Sometimes the scenes have SO MANY DETAILS that they're hard to detail, but that doesn't take anything away to the movie.

Lucas has done it again. I wouldn't say this is the best of the four (that's why I'm giving it a 4 of 5), but it definitely is worth being in your collection, specially if you're serious about Star Wars.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: "11 things I hate about you!" or "but I still love you!"
Review: Overhyped, yes. The movie is an epic, with some amazing special effects, and some great salutes to the Star Wars world we all know and love. I actually enjoyed the movie and will buy it when it gets on DVD - it is entertaining, but the below faults are what keeps this movie from being the best ever - which, unfortunately, it could have been with a little more forethought and direction (sorry George - the rust is way too apparant).

1) Underdeveloped characters - made 2 dimmensional for kids, little development for adults, cookie-cutter and expected, creates little to identify with and care about. This immediately makes the movie "worse" than the other 3. Characters of Liam Neeson, Samuel L, Jake Llloyd, Natalie Portman as the slave girl. Caring or loving them is very, very tough!

2) The Force as chemicals and science - totally takes the fantasy out of Star Wars, which was always a blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. No more is it magical Jedi knights, but Hi-tech blood enhanced combatants.

3) Jesus Skywalker - he can be chosen, just don't make him immaculately conceived, that is just stupid and lame, and I think it has been done before.

4) Calling him Ani - everytime it was done it made me cringe...the kid is way too happy go lucky for being a slave on Tatooine, and does nothing to further his destiny - a slave who can build his own droids, has his own place with his Mom, and he can build pod racers? I never got the sense that this life was oh so hard! Just as much lack of acting talent as movie direction. Also, what is the deal with all of "Ani's" little friends - since when do Slaves get to hang out and play ball and build pod racers and act so happy? The Greedo kid played by Willow man also really looked bad and out of proportion.

5) Making light of war with the Gungans and Droids - no real drama. The droids were dramatic when they came in, then the battle turned into some sort of animated joke - even the Ewok battle almost brought tears to your eyes when you realized they were dying and little babies would be motherless or fatherless - it made the war real and you actually cared for a bit.

6) The horrible "World War II Japanese" English accents on the Trade Federation leaders. Especially being the first real dialogue in the film it made me cringe from the get-go. I was half expecting them to be planning another Pearl Harbor bombing - as someone mentioned, give them their own language and use sub-titles like Greedo. But alas, that would cut down on George's audience of kids who can't read, and wouldn't George hate to let those kids down instead of every person over 12.

7) Jake Lloyd - too stiff, bad actor, no intensity or drama in him. It was like he liked being a slave and he seemed really fake - horrible choice, especially, as people said, the "I see dead people" boy was available. Don't see how he turns into Darth Vader - Lucas does very little to further that to the audience in Lloyd.

8) Appealing to kids directly and not even to adults. Bad mistake. Star Wars has always been a young persons movie -but the genuis was that it truly did appeal to adults, in rich drama, fantasy, and loveable characters.

I hate that this movie or the others is not out on DVD - that just shows how much of a money grubber and teaser Lucas is. For all the 11 faults, I still liked the movie, found it very entertaining and an epic. If at least some of the above things were changed or improved I know everyone would have liked it more (even those who give it 5 stars) and if all of them were done, I know it would have went down as the best movie ever.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Suprised to be Typing this...
Review: Well...here i am, typing away to you, the reader...someone I will probably never meet...hoping that maybe my comments will affect the way you look at this movie. It's a good movie. I have it on VHS and have watched it several times....and it is proving to be a "true" Star Wars movie in that I can watch it over and over. Sure, at my first viewing in the theaters, I was disapointed...the digital animation seemed to take away from the lifelike appearance of the aliens in the original Star Wars...there is something to be said of a gritty looking alien as opposed to the free flowing, polished look of the characters here. I was also a little miffed at Jar Jar Binks. Now, I am a bit more accepting of his presence, but I hope that he will be a limited creature in the next feature.(HA! ) More criticism: Darth Maul was no doubt tough as nails...but, TOO much make up...too evil looking on purpose...lacked a taste of vilian reality...my real complaint here is in comparing him to darth Vader...Darth Vader had a political and intellectual presence that Darth Maul never attains...mainly because he rarely speaks in this movie...no dialouge or arrogent "I'm going to mop up the floor with you" type discourses that you would expect from his pointy headed appearance. However, watching him dance the dance of light sabers with TWO jedi's is wonderful...he puts on quite a show. Next realm of critisicm: The trade federation aliens were absolutely horrible...is that a racial stereotype i see in there?

So, why did i give this four stars? It's still a good movie. It's still fun to watch and it gives insight into the beloved Star Wars universe...Like many, I am a tough to please fan of the original. My ultimate complaint is that Harrison Ford isn't in the movie as Han Solo...even though I know that would have been impossible...he's still my favorite character.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I don't care what it says on the box, this ain't Star Wars!
Review: So I buy this video because it looks pretty awesome, right? I never got to see this movie in the theater because I was in the hospital last summer with a broken back and eight cracked ribs after a little car accident that was probably my fault even though I don't remember anything leading up to it. Anyway, long story short: I never got to see this ballyhoo-boo-boo when it was out in the theaters. Now, I'm a big fans of the "Star Wars" series (the movies, not the books - only mad freaks who don't get any play read those wack paperbacks), so I was pretty depressed, laid up in the hospital, reading "Death on the Installment Plan" for the umpteenth time, knowing that there was a whole nation of movie-goers out there who were getting to see "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace," and that I wasn't one of them. Boy, should I have been worrying about something else. When I finally buy the video, thinking it'll be one of those movies that I watch over and over again - like "Star Wars," "The Empire Strikes Back," "Return of the Jedi," and "The Ewok Adventure" - I discover that this movie stinks BIG TIME! I'm watching it, it starts out pretty good, with Obi-Wan Kenobi (looking like he's really pulled himself together since Darth Vader greased him in the first movie) and some other Jedi dude who looks like Oskar Schindler running around this space station fighting rolling robots with laser guns and out-crafting some evil Asian businessmen who've made some pretty weird fashion choices, if you ask me. Anyway, I already have no idea what's going on, but at least there's some action, right? However, 20 minutes down the line and I'm scratching my head and saying "What? This ain't 'Star Wars!' What is this? It said 'Star Wars' on the box, but this ain't 'Star Wars,' no way no how!" I don't know what else to say. That's about the long and the short of it. Even though this weird movie has "Star Wars" in its title, it's not a "Star Wars" movie by any stretch of the imagination. That pretty little girl from "The Professional" is in it, but I couldn't figure out it she was playing one character or two. Doesn't matter. She looks hot either way. There's also some tall freaky gay guy with a weird face and floppy ears. Also, the little blond kid from that Smuckers commercial plays Jesus Christ or somebody. The Devil is in it, too. I figured that the Devil would fight that little Jesus kid, but he ended up fighting Obi-Wan and the other Jedi guy, so maybe they're saving the fight between the Devil and the Jesus kid for another movie. That "Shaft" guy is in it, too. The new Shaft, not the old one. If the old Shaft is in this movie I didn't see him. Anyway, I found this movie pretty confusing, to tell the truth. I really didn't understand anything that happened in it. I don't know why Yoda stooped to appearing in this film, either. I thought he was loyal to the "Star Wars" franchise, but I guess he's just in it for the money like every other Jedi nowadays.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Come on man! Be wise. Don't watch that!
Review: A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME! This film was a complete waste of time. For these 2 1/2 hours i could have washed my teeth, called my boring old grandma and watched the beginning 'Gone With The Wind' fot 153th time and still i would have had more fun. First I should say that i would have given this film -5 stars if that was possible. The characters are flat likea blackboard. Jar-Jar Binks is stupid. Anakin shows an IQ of 50 points or less. The two good Jedis walkedaround like two boredcops tryingtofind someoneto knock down. They were so dumb, that inthe end i sympathised Darth Maul. He was the only guy inthe film who, despite being stupid, won my sympathy. On the whole this film is not worth watching if you want to see a logical film or at least something which has some kind ofa normal storyline.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Take this into consideration...
Review: I noticed some people on here saying that this movie lacked the soul of the other trilogy. Let me just say: that was a TRILOGY. The last time you watched Star Wars IV, did you watch Empire and Jedi soon after that? Since we can't see the other two films of this trilogy, all we can do is assume what's going to happen: Palpatine's rise to Emporer, the Clone Wars, the marraige of Anakin and Padmé, Anakin's fall to the dark side, and the birth of Luke and Leia. Aside from what we know of the story, we can't truly see the spirit until the entire trilogy is released (probably 2005 or 2006) and we can watch them all together, as a trilogy. I still like Jedi the most out of the trilogy, then Phantom Menace, then A New Hope. I liked Empire the least. If you're a Star Wars fan at all, I think you'll enjoy it. It just didn't live up to all the media hype.

Now, a trilogy of the story after Jedi would be good; The Truce at Bakura (a book), Grand Admiral Thrawn in the Heir to the Empire trilogy (by Tim Zahn), and the Jedi Acadamy Trilogy. They should make those into movies. Maybe by 2010.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: What we think in Germany...
Review: Okay, disregarding the typical fact that the German version of this movie is a classic sample of incompetent translators, I do not understand why almost everyone seems to hate it across the ocean (that means YOU!). I have to admit that SW E-1 (whose German title would translate into "The Dark Threat" by the way) doesn't spread the same, well, "magic" of the other episodes, but it still remains a good piece of family entertainment. Kids here loved that clumpsy Jar Jar guy (a weird mixture of Indiana Jones and Inspector Clouseau if you ask me) or that two-headed alien from the pod race, whereas older people remembered the time THEIR fathers saw SW E-4 with them. At the bottom line, The Phantom Menace stays a space-based fairy tale with all the necessary ingredients: Good knights, evil sorcerers, nice and not-so-nice monsters, a beautiful princess in distress and the certainty that there will be a happy end.

P.S.: The only thing that angers me is the fact that there is no DVD version of this movie, as I would like to see the US-version, too.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: great expectations
Review: I know that I have to be very careful when I say this, so here it goes. I have loved star wars all of my life and for me to say anything else would be a lie. That being said the original trillogy has had over 20 years to become popular and familliar with fans. EVERYBODY takes these movies completely for granted. Like I said I love star wars, but it's like fans all over the world have been brainwashed into believing that they are the most important movies ever. How can any movie live up to expectations that high? The answer is it won't. Episode 1 is a good movie that follows in the spirit of the original. I'd write a review, but would you care? REALLY THE PHANTOM MENACE IS GOOD.

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