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Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The First Episode is an effective prologue to the great saga
Review: A year ago, I could not wait to see Episode I. I did not once think that it could blow me away as Episode IV did as a young child. I was simply excited to see the saga continue. A year later, I must say that the movie was lacking in several respects, but set up the next two Episodes nicely.

The storyline was intriguing but dragged in spots. I can think of two characters that bogged it down. The first is the insufferable space minstrel, Jar Jar Binks. I have no doubt that Lucas intended any characters to be offensive, but he was, and he added nothing to the story. The second "character" was, simply, CGI. There were too many special effects, and not only were those effects overwhelming at times, but they also reduced some of the human element that made the 1st three so effective. That being said, Episode I added political intrigue to the saga, with the duplicitous Palpatine pulling all of the strings. I also thought that the movie did a good job of fleshing out more of the Jedi philosophy, and demonstrating the level of skill the Jedi had, which was only alluded to in Episodes IV-VI.

The cast, other than Binks, was solid. Liam Neeson is an ideal Jedi Master, and Ewan McGregor emulates Guiness' Obi Wan Kenobi with youthful spirit. Natalie Portman is stiff, but has potential as Amidala/Padme. I had hoped (even before Sixth Sense) that Haley Joel Osment would land the role of young Anakin, and I regret that he did not. Jake Lloyd was earnest, but he was very stiff. But the most unforgettable character in this movie is the awesome Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Maul. With only a few lines, and a show-stopping display of physical dexterity and prowess, Ray Parks' Maul becomes one of the greatest characters in the saga. Samuel L. Jackson and Frank Oz's Yoda didn't have enough to do.

All in all, the climax is formulaic by Lucas standards (space battle-ground battle-saber duel. And at times, the Jedi Council seemed like a recalcitrant City Council (it was as if they said "oh, Qui-Gon, that Sith thing, we'll form a commission to look into it, but just handle it the best that you can.") But the Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan/Maul saber duel is undeniably the best action sequence in recent memory (the classic Matrix sequences included). However, I think the cinematography could have been much better for all of the lightsaber duels, as many of the closeups were either too short in duration or cut off a lot of the action.

In sum, Episode I provides a very good segue for the next two Episodes, and I anticipate that both will be outstanding.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I liked it!
Review: I believe that most fans of movies and Star Wars forgot the most important factor to watching this movie and that is that this is the First in the episode. I walked into the theatre with that understanding and acceptance, not looking for it to 'out do' the others. It was not supposed to. This is was the beginning....

Anyone who expected more would be disappointed ... Granted, there were some actors that I would have changed - however, in my opinion they were very minor roles and the rest of the movie out weighted them and that is why I gave this movie a 4.

So give it a try with a different perspective.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Put me in Group 1
Review: I've read dozens of reviews of this movie and I've come to the conclusion that most of them can be boiled down to two different reviews, coming from two different groups of reviewers.

Group 1 : People who loved the first trilogy (though they may or may not have been disappointed by Jedi), who have been hugely let down by Phantom Menace. I won't go into why they were let down...their reasons have been listed very articulately hundreds of times.

Group 2 : People who have love The Phantom Menace and who have forgiven its shortcoming on the basis that this is the first film out of six and there's a lot of setting up to do.

Now let me address both groups for a moment:

Group 1 -- you are totally sane people. I would co-sign a bank loan for you anytime.

Group 2 -- you can't use "setting up" as an excuse. A good storyteller must tell a good story (hmm, makes sense) regardless of how much information he has to provide. He can't say, "I know, I know, this first part here is boring, but wait until later, wow, it's going to be REALLY good later, just hang in with me." As an aspiring writer, I realize this. You have to entertain from the very start, from the first page (or minutes, in movies). Also, some of you from Group 2 have compared Phantom Menace with the first Star Wars, as in "Sure, Star Wars was good but look how much better Empire was. See? You have to start slow and get better." Here's my response: Star Wars was not slow, it was not incomplete. It left you feeling satisfied. The fact that Empire was even better was a great thing, but only because it was an even better story. So, in closing, you can't excuse Phantom Menace simply because it was the first chapter, so to speak. A better storyteller would have been able to get the needed information in while still making it entertaining. That is what a good storyteller does. I guess good storytellers should not take twenty year vacations.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: No DVD, no matter. I wouldn't buy this anyway.
Review: After all the reviews on this one, I won't spend much time with it. Here it is: (1)What a waste of Liam Neeson's talent! I know nothing about his character. (2)Darth Maul was pretty worthless as the villain. Other than one incredible fight sequence he did nothing to impress. (3)The pod race that people seem to think is so great is straight out of Ben Hur. (4)That Jar-Jar Binks annoyed me throughout the movie and apparently will be around for the next one. That should keep me away from there! I wouldn't give this one any stars at all if it weren't for the special effects which are very well done. But I don't watch movies for special effects. I watch them for entertainment. And this one mostly just annoys.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: What happened?
Review: The Phantom Menace is an OK movie. The special effects were good and the overall story was ok, but where did that GREAT suspenseful story go that was in the original trilogy? In my opinion there were too many special effects that took away from the story. There were more annoying creatures in this movie than in the original trilogy. The drama and the romance that was in The Empire Strikes Back especially is not at all there in episode 1. There was too much focus on the special effects in episode 1 rather than the story.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is a great movie for the family. It has no bad language in it, so it's Ok for little ones. It has no gory violence, not even bloody. The VISUAL EFFECTS are worthy of an award. Theed especially looks great. When will George Lucas ever release this on DVD? The visuals are worthy of the crystal clear quality that DVD offers. If you like the original Star Wars films you will like this. The visual effects in this continue the trend that A New Hope started. To summarize this, the movie is excellent entertainment. And as I said above, it's Ok for the little ones. Nothing offensive in it at all. I recommend this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: No DUH!
Review: I'm writing this review for the rare Star Wars haters. Star Wars is so cool, it doesn't matter if you hate the series, you're still gonna like, that may not make sense, but it my favorite movie of all time, along with the older Star Wars. If you didn't SWE1 because you hat the series, rent this and I garentee you'll like it!

--Patrick Browning--Game Dude

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Force is not strong with this one
Review: George Lucas had years and years to make Episode I of the Star Wars saga, and this is what we get? One thing is for sure, it's obvious he hasn't directed a movie in 22 years. In this dry-toast re-working of the Arthurian legend, the Republic is in a Newt Gingrich type deadlock as the film opens with a 'trade-war' that is instigated by the Trade Federation: The IRS in outer space. The Federation is about to attack the planet Naboo which is ruled by a child i.e. Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman). Two Jedi Knights, Qui-Gon (Liam Neeson) and Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor) are sent by the Republic in an attempt to prevent the Federation from attacking the planet.

Needless to say, things don't go as planned and the Jedi escape to Naboo where they run into Jar Jar Binks, an amphibious and obnoxious Naboo 'local' who is almost indecipherable. Together they 'rescue' the Queen from the Federation's CGI battle droids and flee the planet. They then go to Tatooine, the soul of the Star Wars saga, and things start to get theosophical. They discover Shmi Skywalker (Pernilla August) and her young son Anakin (Jake Loyd). And what do you know, Anakin was born without a father. Qui-Gon is soon convinced this young boy is 'the chosen one' (think the Matrix, Dune, the Bible) as he finds out young Anakin is 'genetically' endowed with the Force to a very high degree. The film then gets to its high point: The Pod Race. A Turbocharged rip-off of Ben Hur.

After the Pod Race, they leave Tatooine and head on over to the capital planet of the Republic. Here the film gets tied down in political talk so dull and uninteresting, you think you're watching C-SPAN. We also find out that the Jedi council is a boring bureaucratic committee (even Yoda is boring).

Problems abound with this movie. The CGI characters and backgrounds are so overwhelming, there is almost a sence of dislocation. It makes you miss the cheap, but organic, backdrops of the old sci-fi classics. And the characters, who are they? Who is Qui-Gon? What's his past? What do Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan talk about when they aren't narrating the films over-wrought plot? Because there is no connection to any of the characters, it really doesn't matter if they get killed or not. Everyone is a wooden prop. R2-D2 and C-3PO have nothing to do. Darth Maul is only a standard issue villian.

The fact that The Phantom Menace is only a 'table setter' for the next two episodes is no excuse for the lifeless approach Lucas took with this movie. I just hope he learns from his mistakes.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: BIG Letdown! ......you know.
Review: So many years passed since the last Star Wars, and a lot was expected. I wasn't like these geeks who expected the greatest thing since slice bread, but I did expect a good piece of work. The movie was a letdown in almost all aspects. The story resembeled Christianity a little too much. Young Darth, the "chosen one", and his angelic Mary-ish mother, just too much! Anakin(I know spelled wrong!), was a little too talented. I know he is supposed to be this great warrior, but it's never cool to see a smart-ass little kid. And Jar-Jar was, well you know. The effects were good but not great, the droid fight was too fake looking. I guess the only true bright spot were the fighting scenes. I especially love the Jedi vs. Darth Maul battle, very very good.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Smooth Operation...Maybe too Smooth
Review: I have already submited a review, however through forces that are possibly too evil to mention here, the review did not go through....Such is the fate of those who brave the review section... Anyway, SW 1 is a good movie. I've watched it several times and will probably watch on and off for the rest of my life. This, to me, is the true test of a good movie; if it can be watched multiple times and still be enjoyed, then it is good. Episode 1, while not as breath taking as 4, 5 & 6 falls into this catagory. I have my complaints...but it is always nice to have the background on your favorite galaxy. As for those complaints, and the title of this review, the digital effects were just too smooth. The action sequences were great but the aliens used in this movie were too "Disneyesque" Not that Disney is bad, I love their movies...It's just that when you go to see the Jedi battle the dark side, you don't expect Bambi and Thumper to be weilding the light sabers... Jar Jar was probably a mistake, though a major part of the plot it seemed to me. Darth Maul was not as much of a presence in the film as I expected. Darth Vadar was a menacing politcal and physical presence in the original Star Wars. Maul simply fought with a very cool weapon with a lot of grace and agility. HE DIDN'T TALK! Why? He would have been much more intimidating if he had uttered a few more words than "At last we will have our revenge." There were other areas of disapointment, but you will notice I gave this movie four stars...that is because on the whole, when the movie all comes together mixed with a prior knowledge of the Star Wars saga, this movie is a lot of fun.

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