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Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A list of reasons people don't like this film :
Review: a) It wasn't as intense and action-packed as the first 3 films.

Obviously, this is true. But look at the film for a sec.

- It's based 30 years before episode 4. - It's a lot more elegant and peaceful time in the universe. - No one is really up for violent bloodbaths and money is not the major driving force for most people.

"Our security volunteers will be no match against a battle-hardened federation army." - Captain Pinaka

- The peacfulness was obviously suppsed to be explained toe the viewers visually rather than verbally. Look at the costumes and palaces, etc. You never see anything like that in ep. 4, 5, + 6 because everyone is so caught up in their own personal being rather than functioning as one society as a whole.

b) It's childish

- I do kind of agree with you here, but I see it as being relevant to make it a childish movie partially to gain a new audience. Remember that fans of these movies are 20+ years older now, and a new wave of Star Wars fans need to be bred. Episodes 2+3 will definately be better for those who were expecting the serious dramatic feel to the first film.

c) Special effects

- Were there too many? Were they good enough?

I don't think there were too many. As long as I can't tell the difference from real + effect when I watch the movie, I'm fine. But were they good enough? In some parts, no they weren't. When Qui-Gon saves Jar-Jar from the big tank right after he lands on Naboo, Jar-Jar's frame totally doesn't blend in to the background, and you can easily tell that he's not really there. Kind of similar to Jabba The Hut in Ep. 4 Special Edition when he talks with Han Solo.

d) The plot was no where to be found.

- Trust me, once u see episodes 2+3, the plot from ep. 1 will make a ton of more sense. If u don't want to know anything what will happen in ep. 2+3, I suggest you skip this part.

- Things like R2-D2 + C3PO having their memories eraced (remember in ep. 4 when they landed on tatooine and had no memory of the planet that they were on so often in Ep. 1? And Owen saying to Luke to have their memories eraced must point to that memory eracing is a common act in the universe), Obi-Wan's reasoning for keeping Anikan's existence hidden, Palpatine's reign of terror in the Imperial Senate, eventually destorying it and starting up The Galatic Empire, Anikan's struggles in training and temptations from the Dark Side + Palpatine, new apprentaces for Darth Sideous, Storm Troopers introduced in place of droids, and a ton more.

Note : All these plots movements have come from my own logical deduction. i'm with no way affiliated with anyone on the Star Wars projects, so these are not anything official, but they do make a lot of sense and give you something to look forward to.

e) Finally, too much happens by chance.

- I totally agree with you here, but for some reason maybe George thought it was neccessary to show how strong Anikan is with the force and doesn't realize it yet. Maybe showing he doesn't know his own strength and thus maybe shouldn't have been trained after all, or something like that. As for Jar-Jar's luck, I can't give any reasons for you there. But the film does get better every time you watch it and the luckiness doesn't really bother you after you get used to it. Expect a more mature and less funny Jar Jar in the next film thanks to his being general of the Gungan army.

Anyway, this is a great film, and a great prequel to start off the second trilogy. Can't wait for episode 2.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What are they thinking?
Review: Reading reviews of this movie, and how they seem to basically slam it, has promted me to reply.

This is a science fiction movie based on events that are in the mind of a single visionary, George Lucas. I have always thought that science fiction films were to entertain, but maybe I have a heart to much like a child.

The fact is, when Star Wars hit the screen in 1977, George Lucas invented the special effects used to make the movie. Looking at the film now, you can see how "cheezy" the effects are, but they still manage to entertain us and tell a story.

Episode 1 goes back to the special effects drawing board, breaking new barriers in digital film making. Does it look fake, well yes, but its pretty damn good. I often have to remind people that this is the beginning of the story, not a movie to compare with the first 3 movies released those many years ago.

Bottom line, this movie is so much fun, I cannot contain myself. I can do without Jar Jar, but hey, I cannot complain. Unless I can make a story better than Lucas, and provide the effects to bring it to life, I will just sit back and enjoy imagination at its best.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It did what it had to do...
Review: The Phantom Menace, one of the most controversial, criticized and anticipated movie of all time. it's impossible for any filmmaker to recreat the success of his first movie, but despite some mediocre momments, George and his crew manage to make a pretty, good movie. Episode I is just as entertaining as the original, but the cast doesn't have that witty, chemistry that Luke and Co. had.

However, the Duel of the fates fight scene with Darth Maul is excellent but interrupted by that Jar Jar. The podrace made Star wars haters show respect for the films. the sets, costumes,landscapes are beautiful. John Williams put alot of energy into the score. The story isn't that bad, needs more work on character developement though. For now I'd Accept the childish vibe that it has but i'd expect that ep 2 would be as mature as Anakin at 20. Since I'm a caribbean, Jar Jar was a bit offensive, but George won points with Sam Jackson as a Jedi and Capt.Panaka. Darth Maul, good villain but has nothing prove that he can be a match for Vader, except in a Duel. Qui-Gon is also a good character but has better cemistry with Watto than Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan doesn't mingle much with the rest of the cast or leaves Qui-Gon's shadow until the end.

I've been a fan since birth and I'm not very disappointed with this film. Yes, it could have been better, but after Matrix, It had some of the best Special FX than any other movie since Titanic so forget about Hollow Man! Still I wouldn't expect everyone to feel the same way about Menace.

This is a note 4 critics that dissed the podrace, for years movies has copied Star wars(ID4, wing commander, etc.) so what if the race reminds you of Ben Hur. The film did what it had to do- kick off The Saga and it did it! George, good luck wit' EP2!!!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Star Wars Snoozer ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Review: This is an absolutely horrendous pre-sequel. The first ten minutes are great. From there it slips into an abyss of boredom that even CG effects would not be able to duplicate. Hey! Great battle scenes near the end. Kind of looked like SPARTACUS. The only saving grace was John William's score. No, not the one we heard in the movie. That's right the one on CD. Sounded pretty good to me. But honestly, you have to admit that this film can't come close to Episodes IV, V or VI. There is no innovation here, no magic. CG effects are not the answer. Go back to good old-fashioned scripting, editing, acting and melodrama. I hope the Force is with the next one.

As for the letterboxed VHS tape, it was pretty poor. The images were not clear or crisp at all. The quality of the tape itself was rather poor. There were quite a few dropout streaks. Very disappointing. Not a quality product. Bad showing all around. I just watched a letterboxed version of "MOONRAKER" on VHS. It was excellent. It almost looked as good as the DVD. "Well done, James."

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Descent movie, good box set
Review: I enjoyed this movie, i do not see why everyone was soo dissapointed in this movie. It is worth about 3 stars in my book, but with what you get in this box set, it raised my rating a star. Pros of the movie are: Good special effects, Cool fighting scenes, and a cool pod racing scene. Cons are: Predictable, and not as worthly of a movie as its preceders. But, never-the-less this movie is average. If you like Star Wars, you should enjoy the contents of this box set. It contains a movie reel and the movie and a book(i am pretty sure it is the screenplay, but i cant remember for certain.)

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Captures only a fraction of the Star Wars magic...
Review: To anyone who hated this film the first time, don't see it once! I am NOW prepared to praise SOME of the film's aspects. Some of the film's dialogue was so bad that I now really appreciate the actor's performances. Jake Loyd was pretty good. Liam Neeson brought a lot of conviction to his role. I'll give Lucas this; he constructed the storyline well and the epic plot seems very Star Warsian. I payed more attention at home than when I was in the theater so the plot seemed more engaging. Some of the special effects are great; esp in the cloud city-esque chamber where Obi-One and Qui Jon fight Maul. It looks quite beautiful. I hated Jar Jar alot less this time and his simplistic good nature (NOT is annoying accent and slapstick) is very Star Warsian. John William's score was bombastic and serviceable but not as good as his other Star Wars scores. The Pod race scene was O.K. but it was too obvious CG. The problem with the CG creatures are the creatures design not the CG itself. Some of the aliens in the pod race look extremely cartoonish. The film is not a good movie. It has too many weak elements and unsatisfying scenes. One scene is extremely awkward; when Anakin asks Qui Jon about the micro-creatures in his blood. It's a really bad scene, and of course the whole notion of the force being generated by creatures in your blood totally demystifies it. The fight with Maul COULD have been alot better had Lucas milked more drama out of it. Everyone moved so fast. The duel had none of the power and finesse of the Luke/Vadar duels. The Jedi-council scene was weak because Yoda looked and sounded horrible. It was rediculous that just because Anakin said he had fear that Yoda deduced he would turn to the dark side. The kid was only like 9 years old; why wouldn't he be scared for his mother? The climatic battle with Gungans and the battle droids was very empty and unsatisfying. There were too many of those dull moments. Ultimately, TMP recaptures only a fraction of the Star Wars magic.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Star Wars: The Next Generation
Review: "The Phantom Menace" is an exciting entry in the Star Wars saga. However inventive and visually stylish, the film nearly fails due to a weak story and tepid performances. Comparable in quality to "Return of the Jedi", "Menace" lacks the charm and magic of the original three films.

The saving grace of "Episode I" is the highly inventive surrounding that Lucas puts these characters in. Everything in Episode I looks different from the classic trilogy. The worlds seem more populated and organized but it leaves you a bit unsatisfied. There are highly complex action sequences which are a Star Wars staple. But they would be more effective if we were given something more important to care about than a trade dispute on Naboo.

As for Anakin, I feel young Jake Lloyd did a competant job. I feel it was a mistake to make Anakin an eight year old but that was Lucas' fault. The film succeeds to entertain, but fails to offer anything new in the Star Wars saga. The biggest slap in the face to fans of the series is Lucas' blatant disregard of the mystical Force. Explaining the existence of the Force as if it were a Next Generation episode. Episode II better not have any midichlorians.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: What ?
Review: When I first encountered the first, or Im sorry the prequel or whatever it was, some twenty years ago I was enchanted by the somewhat radically unradical notion of the film's premise, simply two men having a conversation over dinner. It was a thoroughly delightful film which stimulated me. But now, I mean I really dont get the spaceships or poorly designed aliens. Louis Malle what were you thinking. I didn't even see Wallace Shawn throughout the entire film.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Jar-Jar Binks rules
Review: I first saw this movie on my tv. My first reaction was : what ?, why so much fuss about nothing ? The special-effects are very weak, you can see tranparencies on the screen ! The best actor in the movie is Jar-Jar, he could earn an oscar. There is no plot, the movie is dull and i fall asleep 30 minutes after the beginning. The movie looks like very old.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is a great movie!
Review: Okay, let me say something to all of you who don't like "The Phantom Menace" for whatever silly reason or another. First of all, don't expect one movie to completely change your life, people. Episode I is only the beginning of the saga, and there are two more to finish the trilogy. The complete story is not told in Episode I, just as it wasn't told in the original "Star Wars". What Episode I focuses on is the beautiful times of the Galaxy before the rise of the empire, which will be explored in the next two movies. If you don't understand that, then leave your negative comments to yourself. The only movie last year better than Episode I was "The Matrix". I thought "The Phantom Menace" had a great storyline. If you didn't read the opening credits that explained the story, then that is why you got lost during the movie. All props to George Lucas for continuing to write the magnificent story of Star Wars.

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