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Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A valuable addition to the saga
Review: I have read several rants and raves about this movie, and, quite frankly, everyone is entitled to a point of view. However, it's sad to express those opinions with such a lack of objectiveness. I went to see this movie on opening night and it certainly surpassed my expectations; I highly recommend it. I have to be honest, though, my favorite from the whole series it's Return of The Jedi.

Many who call themselves "fans" complain about the lack of character development; but, doesn't the preview start with the line: "Every saga has a beginning..."? Yes people, this is the FIRST INSTALLMENT of a series of SIX! It's true it's not a whole story in its own, but at the same time it's not supposed to be. This movie sets the ground for the entire saga. You need to see it in order to make sense of the story in episodes IV, V, and VI. Usually those who are disappointed are the same fans that were expecting an Episode I to fit THEIR taste, instead of looking for an addition to an amazing plot.

Now, you may ask why didn't I give it 5 stars. Well, after you see this movie you'll notice that there's too much political conversation and a story that branches often. Although some of the side stories and political issues are useful (the latter defined the origins of the Empire), too much of these elements might darken the original plot: the Jedi who brings balance to the force. And that's what the viewer will find often, a plot with too many details added. I recommend watching Episode I more than once to relate it to the trilogy.

As far as the "debut" of Jar Jar Binks, I admit it was somewhat of an annoyance. But, if George Lucas put him there,it must have been for a reason (guess what? Jar Jar will also appear on Episode II!) I specially liked Lucas's explanation of the Force - most people complained that it should have remained a mystery; ironically, those are the same people that complained about lack of character development.

In conlusion, set up your home system and enjoy this stunning-special-effects-packed film. Afterwards, watch the rest of the trilogy and immerse yourself into the rich story of the Star Wars saga.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cut Lucas some slack!
Review: Jezz, the movie wasn't that bad! I think many of the Star Wars fans had such high expectations for this movie, it was impossible for Lucas to live up to them. The special effects were incredible and the sound was simply amazing. I also thought it added a lot of cool little twists to the Star Wars history. The light saber duel and Pod race was worth the ticket price alone. I myself can't wait for the DVD to come out (if ever). So instead of nitpicking and finding as many faults about the movie as you can, try comparing it the other 99% of the movies out there. It won't seem as bad then.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Dissappointing
Review: You could go on forever about the short-comings and flaws of the first episode in the Star Wars saga but simply put; this should have been a brilliant movie, it wasn't. Hype and hysteria aside, the only real expectations this film had to live up to were the ones set by it's extrodinary predessecors; the characters, the engaging story and that elusive gem that simply makes a Star Wars movie what it is. Yet this film falls short on all of these aspects, except the special effects, which dazzling as they are, do not make for a great movie.

The spunk and attitude of Han Solo and Princess Leia is sorely missed, in it's place is drolling dialogue from strangely sombre and serious characters who you simply cannot relate to. Little Anaking Skywalker is just too nice to become Darth Vader, a simple hint of wickedness would have been so rewarding to the viewer all too aware of what is to come. Queen Amidala had so much potential, the talented Natalie Portman clearly tries to breathe life into flat lines and situations but there's not much hope. Darth Maul's evil appearance could rival Darth Vader's breathing mask anyday, but the character itself is a waste from start to finnish. Obi Wan Kenobi has none of the warmth brought to him by Alec Guinness, and Ewan McGreggor tries just too hard at the Englsih accent.

The plot of Star Wars movies have always been simple but here Lucas goes in a different direction of galactic politics and trade disputes, a far cry from the pure simplicity of the ways of the force (midi-chlorians are a blatant example of this)

But at the end of the day, the special effects are breathtaking, from the exhilerating podrace to precision-cut execution of the 3-way lightsaber battle. The screen gleams and sihines of colour from beginning to end, but it could be Lucas' new found obsession with computer effects that is tarnishing the concept of the film itself.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: uh......
Review: Well, George, if I can call you George, .... The Empire Strikes Back is still my favourite movie. I am going to try to be positive because I figure you have taken alot of flak for this. The first ten minutes are awesome! DIE BAD ROBOT DIE! Then Jar Jar Binks enters the film. Anyway, we can lose him in the second. [Should have had him less homnoid-looking; maybe kangaroo-like] I love the way the queen talks. Same with the Federation yokels. And I like the kid's mom's accent too. Uh ..... great special effects. Without peer. The sabre battles are perfekt. That Darth Maul can move. He must have hired for his background in dance, either that or his double. Those sabre battles are the best part of the movie. Except for the music during those sabre battles. Battle of the Fates. Unbelievably moving. Beyond words. Constructive critcism you want? I liked the old Yoda doll better, but you can edit that when you rerelease it. Whosever doing his voice doesn't sound at all like Frank Oz. Jar Jar Binks should be less homonoid and I must admit I wanted him dead from the moment I saw him.

I didn't see this until March of 2001. Everyone I talked to said it was a "kid's movie". If you ask me it was only slightly better than Return of the Jedi... which I loathed. The First two movies released are still the best and I would dare anyone to find another movie which compares to Star Wars or Empire. This one, however, .... George, please take your time on the next one. Sand it. wax it. Sand it again. There are very few Mozart's in the world. Beethoven had to rewrite again and again. This movie needs some sanding.

To be honest if you made JJB less homonoid looking and not so annoying [and less prevalent], the movie would be vastly improved right there. The kid needs to redo his scenes until it doesn't sound forced. And the ending.... the kid just isn't REAL if you get my meaning.

Take your time on the next one George. It's your baby.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: I am soooo thankful that I did not camp out in front of the movie theatre, unlike some of you others out there. I'm even glad that I didn't go to the first midnight viewing of the movie. It's just that bad. The good: The lightsaber fight with Darth Maul was really good, but not as good as the lightsaber scenes in The Empire Strikes Back, which is the best of the bunch. The music during the Darth Maul lightsaber fight was really good. The bad: Terrible acting. Natalie Portman saying "They're killing our people," (or something like that) and a grueling monotone. They could have hired a robot to say that. The spaceships looked even more sophisticated than the spaceships several years later. What's up with that? The SR-71 Blackbird look-alike was a real turn-off. The ugly: Do I even need to mention Jar Jar Binks? But what was equally as bad was when Anakin ACCIDENTALLY got into the enemy spaceship and ACCIDENTALLY blew it up. That was so lame. Lucas says that he directed the first one to set an example for the other directors. Believe me, he set a bad first example. And for those of you who give this five stars, sorry. I can see five stars for A New Hope, or The Empire Strikes Back, but NOT this terrible "Star Wars" movie.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: more then a decade of waiting for this ?!
Review: This movie has it all : ACTION , BIG stars , EXPENSIVE & STUNNING special effects and somehow it doesn't come to be this great movie I've expected it to be .. maybe it is the somewhat childish script and acting ( of Jar-Jar and other CG carachters ) which isn't convincing . While I enjoy watching the 1st trilogy over and over I wouldn't watch this one again .

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: george lucas triuph's again
Review: wow i must congadulat george lucas on the great movie scince episode 6 i love the trade federation battle droids jar jar binks was hesstarical the fight scenes are amazing i went to the movies to see it and i own it on tape it is great buy it or your missing out on a great peice of histroy

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: thoroughly dissapointed
Review: I am a strong Star Wars fan, who was looking forward to this episode. This was very predictable with no edge or excitement. After watching 4,5, and 6, you already had the idea of what took place. But to see it come together, it should be even more exciting. Yet, it was boring and predictable. Episode 1 lacked the action and intensity of 4,5,and 6. And I was greatly dissapointed with how little Darth Maul was used.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The beginning of a great adventure......
Review: Despite what you might have heard, there is a plot to this movie. Two Jedi Knights, Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, discover a young boy with tremendous potential named Anakin Skywalker. Meanwhile, the mysterious Senator Palpatine has created a situation which he hopes will result in him becoming the Supreme Chancellor of the galaxy. That's somewhat brief, but it gets the point across.

The Phantom Menace is not the best Star Wars movie, then again it is not the worst. While not quite living up to A New Hope or The Empire Strikes Back, many feel that it does in fact surpass Return of the Jedi, the final film of the saga. It could be said that both TPM and ROTJ both suffer due to their locations in the overall plot. TPM is the very beginning, introducing characters that will grow as the story develops, and ROTJ is the resolution (not the climax of the Saga, that's ESB), tying up all the loose ends and completing the storyline.

The acting is the same as it was in the first films. Neeson is fine as the compassionate Jedi Master who values all life, and McGregor is the perfect choice for a young Kenobi. The rest are something of a mixed bag, at times perfect, yet at times somewhat lifeless. This could be partly due to some of the dialogue, but it would be unfair to completely lay the blame there.

The effects are some of the best ever seen. Many people still don't realize that a lot of what they are seeing is an "effect". Many of the sets were extended and completed digitally, and there is a great variety of computer generated characters. Many complained about the abundance of "effects" in TPM, claiming that they distracted from the story. There is a scene in which Qui-Gon and company enter a dirty, dusty spaceport. In the background tiny little digital alien tourists walk along. This is not a distraction that harms the story, it is an effect that makes the setting seem more real. The worlds of The Phantom Menace are inhabited with creatures that lend a sense of life to the surroundings.

Many say "Phantom Menace should have been this or that.." What saddens me is that what these people wanted was, for the most part, a pretentious, heavy handed, dark and brooding film. I've read many "suggestions" as to how TPM "should have" been and basically, they wanted Anakin Skywalker to become Darth Vader immediately and do a bunch of evil stuff. It's not surprising that some were upset when they got a fun, kid-friendly (as Star Wars has ALWAYS been) adventure movie. And yes, the kids do like it. I couldn't help but smile when I saw a little girl (maybe 3 years old) looking at the Phantom Menace storybook with her mother, pointing at a picture of Anakin Skywalker in his podrace helmet.

Anyway, to sum it all up, it's a solid movie. Bring on the next two.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Must everyone badmouth this movie?
Review: Ok, I'm getting tired of all these reviews dissing Episode 1. I watched the movie in theaters and I LOVED it. When there was another chance for me to watch it, I leaped at it. When I bought the tape (the regular version), it wasn't as good, because... well it wasn't widescreen. Once I saw the widescreen, it brought back the same excitement and thrill I'd recieved the first time I watched it. But anyway, I'm not here to diss it. Get off Jar Jar's case! Me and my sister immediately liked him and his humor. Its funny and decent. So there's a lot of loose ends. They'll most likely be covered in the next two movies. So what if the movie is more computer animated than the first three, it looks cool! The acting was not horrible, although there were some places where it could have been slightly better.What's everybody got against George Lucas anyway? I'm not defending him, but will everyone stop complaining about the stupid DVD issue and trashing all the new stuff he did in the Special Edition? I liked most of it. Watch your original versions if it bothers you so much! We wouldn't have Star Wars if it weren't for his imagination. This movie wasn't all that it could have been, but it is just the first of three! My favorite parts are the cool podracing scenes and the saber battles.

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