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Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
Your Price: $13.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: "Worst Episode Ever"
Review: In the words of the comic book shoppe owner from the Simpsons "worst episode ever!". Episode one was one of those movies that are supposed to be foccused on the more mature audiences, was like a fairy tale for a two year old. Everything was predictable and almost impossible (i.e. Anakin winning the Pod Race, even though Sebulba malfunctioned it). Jar Jar Binks and Boss Nass are two of the most annoying characters in the movie, because of their annoying ways of speaking. The kid who plays Anakin is very young and isn't suited for the part. He is immature and he is ugly and annoying. Usually Lucas makes his movies exciting unpredictable (i.e. Darth Vader being Lukes father) and makes you want to see the next. Episode two is supposed to be a romance, between Amidala and Anakin, I can't imagine what Lucas will do! I bet there will be a scene where Anakin and Amidala start making out when Jar Jar enters the room with R2-D2 busted or something....The next movie should be more serious, no Jar Jar, higher rating (i.e. PG-13, R). Thank you for reading this I hope this helps you decide whether to buy the DVD.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Did anyone notice.....?
Review: Did anyone notice that the technology was better in the earlier days then the later years. I mean if this is a prequel then the technology would be far less advanced, correct? Not much to say on it otherwise. I was completely lost in the plot, nor did I bother to find out what is was about when it was over.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Original Trilogy...where are you?
Review: Ok, this DVD is great. The Beginning documentary is absolutely fantastic, probably the best extra on a DVD in a long time. The deleted scenes which were completed for the DVD are also quite cool. But all this just makes me want the original 3 Star Wars on DVD even more. Obviously Lucas can put together a very excellent DVD, so what is he waiting for with the originals. Come on George- there are millions of people waiting for Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi to come out on DVD, what's the big hold-up??? Now that you've released Phantom Menace (which is certainly the worst star wars of the bunch) you should release the others.

I heard he wants to release them in order, so he won't release 4,5,& 6 until 2 & 3 are made and released. If that is true then i guess we'll have to wait another 5 or 6 years to see the original classic Star Wars trilogy on DVD. Too bad DVd's probably won't even be around by then.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Hmmmm....
Review: Oh yeah!!! Star Wars is coming to DVD!! October 16 can't get here fast enough!! Six hours of extra stuff!! The time we have all waited for has finally arri...

Oh wait, never mind. It's actually Episode 1 that is coming out on DVD, perhaps the biggest disappointment in film history. So sorry for the false alarm. I guess it's back to waiting until Lucas gets off his butt and releases the original trilogy, movies that were actually good.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not great
Review: I in reality give it ***1/2 stars, even though it was good, it had really good acting, a great plot, great FX and it was very thrilling, i didn't enjoy it as much as the original triology, also i didn't like that the technology of the spaceships is a lot more advanced than in the original one, i didn't hate Jar Jar Binks, i sort of liked him and disliked him, but anyways is a good movie, and i hope that the DVD comes with a DTS track, i have an amplifier with that purpouse and of course i buyed my DVD Player, not only to buy this one, but the original triology.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Phantom Expectation
Review: The Phantom Menace is arguably one of the most anticipated films in motion picture history. So it stands to reason that George Lucas and company would have a hard time delivering on the expectations of his own Empire, which has grown more than two decades old and accumulated hundreds of millions of fans.

It also makes plain Lucas' dilemma: who IS his audience? Is it a massive army of twenty and thirty-somethings old enough to have seen the original trilogy when it was released in theatres in the late 70's and early 80's? Or is it the post Barney set, fresh from their last trip to the video store where they rented that dusty old space movie Dad kept talking about?

If he makes the Teletubby version of his obsessively awaited prequel, he attracts children...AND their parents, who will then be forced to run to Toys R' us after the show to buy little Billy or little Sue the Jar Jar doll with the retractible tongue.

It's the practical side of me that forgives Lucas this decision. Moviemaking is, in the end, about profit. It is business, and butts in seats equals money. Anything short of that is labeled a nonsuccess. Don't believe me? I could list for you a litany of critically acclaimed films that could have had a sequel if not for the fact that they had little audience. The opposite is true for awful movies that attract massive audiences. Witness Dumb and Dumber. Was there anything there that warranted a sequel? I think not. So my practical side understands.

It's the artist and wide-eyed child in me that's disappointed. Lucas has delivered so many moments of pure fluff, you'll think it's harvest time at Eli Whitney's place. Jar Jar Binks, a malconceived comic relief in a story that never explores its serious side enough to warrant one, is so distracting you'll find yourself putting your attention on pause until the screen relieves itself of his malodorous presence. He's interesting for the first few seconds, because overall the graphic work is pretty amazing, but after that I wanted to dig out my own eyeballs with a garden weasel.

Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor, fine actors who generally raise the bar of any production they take part in, seem uncomfortable and out of place. Their lines are stilted, probably the result of a hideous script that never finds a unifying tone. One minute, it's all darkness and fear, the next we're suffering a farting pack animal. No, I'm serious. A FARTING PACK ANIMAL. And in case Dolby surround 5.1 isn't good enough to get the point across, we then have to watch the CG Jar Jar hold his nose and make cartoon faces in response. Thanks, George. I wasn't sure the animal had ACTUALLY farted. I thought maybe a subwoofer blew out.

One of the bigger insults to Star Wars fans will be something called "Metachlorians," which apparently are the source of The Force. They are some sort of tiny symbiont, or maybe they're a chloride group. It would explain my tendency to want to doze throughtout the flick. In any case reducing The Force, which most of us had accepted as religion, to a biological event is not just disappointing, it obliterates any trace of mystery Lucas had built over the course of the three previous films.

All this said, the film has some bright spots. The vast majority of the special effects (which soak each and every frame, this is truly a filmmaking milestone) are stunning. Nothing even close to this level of reality has ever been attempted, much less accomplished. The few that are less than stellar probably wouldn't be noticed if it weren't for the high quality of the remainder.

Sound, sound editing, music, set design and costumes far exceed any other movie released in '99, including The Matrix, despite its awards.

And buried beneath a mile or so of marshmallow, goosedown and foam rubber is a core story that is quite complex and very clever. We know what the future is, and Lucas uses that to drop what are sometimes very subtle hints about why the characters we grew up with are the way they are.

Which is why you need to watch the film three or more times. If you see it only once, you've missed alot that went on while you were trying to settle back into the story after a Jar Jar appearance. By the third viewing, you'll be able to tune him out, and the movie rises up a level.

Overall, Menace could have been a MUCH better film, but isn't as bad as what you might have been led to believe. I understand someone re-edited it to eliminate most of Jar Jar and other extraneous kiddie fluff and it made it a truly great film. Maybe Lucas will get the hint and deliver a more Star Wars like prequel when Episode II arrives in 2002.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: More muppets than the Muppet Movie
Review: Now that all the hype has long since died down, true fans are free to express their disappointment in this film. George Lucas has given us his Disneyfied vision of the origins of the Empire, perfect for the "ages eight and under" crowd. One would expect so much more from the creator of the original Star Wars trilogy, but apparently the twenty years in between have revealed a kindler, gentler, and much more cheesy Lucas. (But let's face it, we all knew this would happen after seeing the singing puppets and ewoks in Return of the Jedi.)

The goofyness of the Phantom Menace extends far beyond what any of us dared dream. Darth Vader invented and built C3PO? Yep. The best CGI character they could come up with was Jar Jar Binks, a wacky slapstick sidekick who gets into trouble wherever he goes? Hilarious. You go it. And let's face it, shouldn't Episode 1 start at the beginning? I would like to know of Obi Wan's training, how he became a jedi, where Darth Maul came from, and where Yoda fit in to everything. I could care less about the trade embargo they open the movie with. I'm sure the "eight and under" crowd wasn't interested either.

Perhaps in twenty more years they will make an Episode Zero that starts things off properly. Then we can all skip this movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome......
Review: I am fed up with all of these cumudgeon reviews about the Phantom Menace. Although it has its share of flaws. No Real Comedy, and Cheesy Dialogue. It does not sink the spectacular scope and vision of the movie itself. The characters were underdeveloped with the intention of making an action movie...It is not supposed to have Academy Award Winning Acting. There is an overabundance of Special Effects of Everything else is perfect. And the Actors Do Convince. Maybe with more moroseness and less Jar-Jar, Lucas's Vision of his Series will come into full fruition. I do agree that Lucas needs to hold his shots though. He needs to let the audience care about the actors. Still a great movie though

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: What a dissapointment...
Review: I went expecting a continuation of the gritty, flawed, "deep" star wars we all grew up on.

Instead we got a wise cracking, THING that did nothing but distract from the other characters. An empty storyline that relied on flash and dazzle more than on real character development or a well thought out plot.

Very dissapointing. Only good thing I have to say is maybe now Lucas will release the original 3 episodes on DVD!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: breathtaking
Review: Needed room for improvement. Nevertheless, very entertaining and breathtaking. The film had style but less substance than the Original trilogy, but awesome. One of my favourite movies.

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