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The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

List Price: $69.99
Your Price: $48.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Six stars, maybe seven! You have to have this!
Review: These are all wonderful movies. The original films were each and every one of them classics. Each of these movies moves along at breakneck pace with a well-thought-out storyline, great acting, great direction, perfect special effects, and the works.

I didn't get much out of the "extras" with this set, but who cares? The DVDs are of ultra-high-quality and look great on my 40 inch Sony progressive scan TV screen. Let's be honest: Harrison Ford, Sean Connery & Co. are so good in these films that "extras" are not needed. I'm sure many afficianados will enjoy the various extra features, but to be honest I'm just into the movies. They are great!!

The wonderful thing about these films is that they have aged not just well but superbly. "Raiders of the Lost Ark" has as much impact, wonder, and adventure as it did when I first saw it in the theater in 1981. The same goes for Temple of Doom and Last Crusade.

We've all been waiting for this set to arrive and here it is!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Terrible video quality
Review: Got 10 minutes into the 1st movie and noticed the focus changing when they entered the cave. It would go fuzzy then clear up....fuzzy then clear up. I wonder it's just this set or all sets have this problem. I'll try a new set and see. Just beware.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great DVD Set to a set of sensational movies!
Review: This DVD set contains the adventures of the unforgettable adventurer Indiana Jones ( Harrison Ford) and made Ford into a household name. The first adventure called "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is a true masterpiece of the adventure genre, it's where Indiana Jones goes looking for a powerful relic called " The Ark of Convent" where he must head to Egypt before the nazis do. A highly entertaining, wonderful and original adventure that inspired two sequels and a slew of wannabes, Stephen Spielburg and George Lucas collabrated together to create the ultimate adventure movie of a lifetime. Then " Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom" which is his darkest adventure yet, it's set before the events of "Raiders" which Indiana Jones has a sidekick named " Short Round" and a singer named "Willie" ( Kate Capshaw) to help him from Shanghai to India where he must rescue an Indian village's children and five magic stones from a evil thugee cult. Considered to be the weakest of the trilogy but it's still very good, the stunts are quite good with the special effects and noteworthy for it's violence like the heart scene which made the MPAA make the PG-13 rating. Then last but not least, :"Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade" which is set after "Raiders", Indy and his father Henry Jones sr. ( Sean Connery) on a quest to find the holy grail in the middle east from the nazis. Easily the most entertaining in the series, loaded with non-stop action and some scary stuff that might frighten children.
These movies are classics of the 80's that have been ripped off but never equaled thanks to the help of Stephen Spielburg and George Lucas creating such three excellent action movies that no one will ever forget. Now they are finally on DVD!!! I must say the DVDs are excellent with picture, sound and THX remastering. The extras Disc is great with documentary on how the movies were made including four great featurettes and the original teasers with trailers on all three movies.
So if your into action, adventure, fantasy then you must buy this set and be happy with it! coming in 2005 is Indiana Jones 5.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great Movies, Disappointing DVDs
Review: Never did I fathom posting such a negative review for this series, but, unfortunately, it is necessary. Steven Spielberg, in my opinion, is one of cinema's finest storytellers, but when it comes to pleasing the fans (especially in this day and age when the capabilities of DVDs are never-ending), he continually falls short. 'Saving Private Ryan' remains as my favorite film of all time, yet the DVD gives us little...as is the same with the Indiana Jones box set.

There is a fourth disc, yes, and it does include special features, yes, but for a series as famous and well-known as this, Spielberg could have done better. There is no director's commentary over the films themselves, which I found incredibly disappointing, and while I did enjoy the near-hour long 'making of' features (actually, 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' is the only that comes close to an hour--the others are barely half an hour), there isn't enough to please fans waiting for so long.

I refuse to review the films themselves. If I'm willing to pay for a boxed edition, I'm obviously a fan. The transfers are nice, don't get me wrong, but I continue to use 'The Lord of the Rings' as an example while viewing these films. I do believe that, in twenty years, 'LotR' will be referred to--in the same breath--as both 'Indiana Jones' and 'Star Wars,' but already 'LotR' is producing more enchanting DVDs. ('Star Wars' is not even available on DVD yet, but I heard May, 2004.)

It sounds as though I'm rambling, but I've waited just as long as other die-hard fans for these films on DVD, and came to expect an abundance of special features to keep me satisfied for days. To my dismay, I watched the entire disk in only a few hours.

George, do better with 'Star Wars.' Take a page out of Peter Jackson's book.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Temple of Doom is the best one
Review: I have Temple of Doom on VHS, and I like it, my sisters dont like it that much.The first one was good, and the last one was good to, but I think the 2nd one is the best one.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: As any Indiana Jones fan can attest to, the release of this DVD set is long, long overdue. I can't think of many DVD releases that have been anticipated as much as this one has. Let's face it, for diehard Indy fans, VHS just isn't going to cut it.

The W I D E S C R E E N version of the Indiana Jones boxed set perfectly captures the original perfection of the movie trilogy. Along with each of the original, remastered movies, there is also a (fullscreen) bonus disc that includes documentaries on the making of each movie, along with several mini-documentaries on different aspects of creating the Indiana Jones trilogy.

It is obvious that a lot of work went into the making of the bonus disc. There are plenty of interviews, including ones with Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. Probably the most interesting part of the disc includes screen tests for the original movie that include Sean Young and Tom Selleck. I really would have loved to see more of this material, as well as some outtakes from the various pictures. Alas, you'll only get to see a few minutes of screen tests and very few outtakes. Why the producers of the boxed set didn't feel fit to include more of this material is a mystery, as it cleary is the highlight of the bonus DVD.

That being said, no one who buys this boxed set should be disappointed with their purchase. The movies themselves have been restored to full DVD perfection, there is an entire DVD full of interesting bonus material, and the price is certainly right. Indiana Jones and DVDs were meant for each other. Considering the high quality of the remastered films, the wait for this boxed set was certainly well worth it to me.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Don't Buy This Till the Fourth Movie is Released
Review: Don't buy this! There is a fourth movie in pre-production. So, if you spend your money on this then your only going to have 3 out of what will be 4 Indiana Jones movies. What until the fourth movie is released on DVD and truly complete boxed set is available. As of now, this set is one movie short.

I gave it 5 stars because the movies are still great and I didn't want to adversly affect rankings. I'm simply trying to spare you all having to make an additional purchase later on. Wait for Indiana Jones 4 to be released before buying an Indiana Jones boxed set.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Harrison Ford ROCKS!
Review: Indiana Jones is just about the coolest guy ever. I was so happy when i heard a boxed set of all the movies was coming out. My dad spent a lot of money of laser discs that just end up getting fuzzy. DVDs will last forever, i think, well at least till the next big thing. But anyways, this boxed set has all Three of the Indiana Jones movies, and a bunch of extra material, so you can know everything there is to know about Indiana Jones! You gotta get this set, you can't beat the price!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good DVDs despite flaws
Review: Only a couple issues:

1. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, at the 17:12 mark on the DVD (in which Indy is describing the Ark to the two feds), there is a frame skip/jump clearly visible. I don't recall ever seeing this skip on the videocassette versions of this movie or off HBO or any other source. This appears to have been an error made during the re-mastering process. Nothing earth-shattering, but it's annoying to see when quality is the primary reason for migrating one's collection from VHS to DVD format.

2. Would have liked to have seen the legendary deleted scenes and much more of the screen tests, especially more of the Tom Selleck ones (what a hoot!)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Adventures Ever On DVD!!!
Review: These movies are the best adventures that you can find! They are packed full of action and good times. I for one absolutly love this DVD collection. As hard as it may be to believe, I had never seen one of these movies all the way through. I had seen bits and pieces but I couldn't tell you anything about them. But when I saw this set, I thought that it would be neat to see the famous Indiana Jones for the first time. When I watched it for the first time, I thought they were the best action films I had ever seen!

Other reviewers on Amazon have been complaining about the picture and sound but I thought they looked like they were filmed just this year! The strange thing is that I'm serious! These movies looked better then I ever imagined them to be! The sound is awesome too! I was just so overwhelmed when I saw the movies. Now, I'll give my opinion about the individual movies.

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark:

This is one of the best in the series. Most people think this is the best movie ever made but I didn't think it towered over the others too much. It is the first time that we see Indy and I was amazed the first time I saw this. The picture is amazing and the sound is crystal clear. This is the best story of them all. Everything seems to fit into the movie.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom:

I started watching this one without a very open mind. It seems that EVERYONE hates this movie. But when I watched it, sparks flew. This one was even better then Raiders. Now, people looking at their computers are probobly thinking "What? Is he crazy?" But I thought this movie had everything: action, romance, evil, and best of all, Indy! The reason some people hate this movie is because it is too "dark". This is absolutly true; Indiana Jones is supposed to be dark. He's not supposed to go though his adventures la-dee-da! This one was scary and thrilling as well. I was always on the edge of my sofa. When it comes down to favorites, this is mine.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade:

In my opinion, this movie is tied for second favorite with Raiders. We get to see Indy's father, which shows us where he got his lovable personality. This is the funniest of the three, with jokes with ever chase. The story is good too, with the duo going to Europe. I have nothing else to say about this movie but it is pure entertainment.

In all, these movies rock. The only problem is the Bonus Material. I wasn't expecting much, just what's mentioned in the description that Amazon gives, but it wasn't even that. I went into one of these documentaries and within five minutes was almost asleep. They were the most boring extras on the face of the planet. I popped out the disk and never put it in again. But it's not the end of the world! The movies themselves more then make up for it!

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