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The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

List Price: $69.99
Your Price: $48.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's about time
Review: The movie is remastered, the surround sound is fantastic to say the least, the extras are lacking but still interesting. What can I say, it's been a long time coming for this little box set and it's worth your money. Just be sure you get widescreen or you're a complete fool. One of the best trilogies ever released into the world. You know you want your own copy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Terrific New Enhanced Version Of The Trilogy Of The Century!
Review: In the unlikely event that you have just returned from a twenty five year self-imposed exile in The People's Republic Of China or from an extended mission to the red planet,then you will want to introduce yourself to this new edition of the single most successful adventure fantasy trilogy of all time (well, at least until the recent introduction of Lord Of The Rings). Needless to say, this edition is well worth the money. Not only is the action in each of the three movies non-stop, but also the stories themselves are well-conceived and the dialogue well written, while the erstwhile cast in each does a splendid job of supporting Harrison Ford in his many memorable escapades.

As he did with the Star Wars saga, George Lucas acts as the producer for the epics, employing his good friend Steven Spielberg to direct the films and breathe the kind of exciting life into them that propels them forward with verve, excitement, and a tongue-in-cheek resolve. Who can forget the anti-hero anti of Ford simply shooting a swordsman rather than duel with him, or the several deadly encounters he has with snakes (as he tells us again and again, he HATES snakes!). The movies are mostly about Ford, as a typical throwback to the reckless daring-do type hero of the B-movies of the WWII era, and the fact that he succeeds so magnificently in his characterization of Indiana as an almost believable figure who is at the same time larger than life is a credit to his acting skills and his sheer animal magnetism.

The compiled DVD is replete with special features, and the quality of the print makes it a great improvement over the original VHS format, which was much more primitive technologically. The sound is greatly enhanced, all the way to the audible hissing of the damned snakes, and with the inclusion of many scenes, there are many reasons to order and own this version of the timeless classic, especially given the fact that all three movies are included. Get ready for some great entertainment, and pop up the popcorn! Enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dr. Jones FINALLY comes to DVD
Review: Out of all of the action/adventure films that I have watched, the "Indiana Jones Trilogy" will always stand out as one of the greatest series of all time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Indiana Jones beats Laura Croft any day!
Review: This trilogy boxed set features some really great bonus making of and behind the scenes extras. You get to see the collaboration between George Lucas and Stephen Speilberg during the filming which is a real treat. They look so young! This is back when George actually tried to make a good film instead of making brochures for his Effects company ILM.

Anyways, the movies are action packed just like you remember, and the image is clear and crisp. The original soundtracks for most were Stereo but we get treated to a surround mix which is pretty good! If you like Indy and his movies then you have no reason to wait, if you have never seen them before you are truly in for a treat! They just don't make them like this anymore.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Sequels, I hate those guys!
Review: I have to admit, the new DVD release of these 3 movies delivers on image restoration. But seeing "Temple of Doom" and "Last Crusade" again, I was reminded of how terrible these movies really are. "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is without a doubt one of the greatest action movies of the last century. Heart-stopping action with humor tossed in for relief. The two following movies seem to be just the opposite; centered on bad jokes with some lame action tossed in to keep the film going. Notice how in "Raiders" the Nazi's were terrifying, keeping movie goers on the edge of their seats hoping Indy will escape. By the time "Last Crusade" comes around, Nazi's have been turned into big boot and big hat wearing buffoons; to be laughed at rather than feared. Why should anyone worry for Indiana Jones when he's up againt a bunch of clowns?

Spielberg and co. are in the process of making a new film. Please, Please, Please do not ruin my childhood memories of Indiana Jones any further!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent
Review: This title is certainly a mark in history. An all-family movie, full of action. The best movie ever recorded, in its genre. Everybody should have this box set; after all, Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, is unforgettable.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Flawless Restoration
Review: What a beautiful restoration! Crisp, clean picture without a single flaw! Kudos to the restoration team! A commentary is the only thing missing that kept me from rating 5 stars

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Of course the movies rate five stars...
Review: ...But the quality of the digital transfer is suprisingly poor. Even my wife, who is not a DVD expert and is completely unaware of any "internet debates" regarding this issue, felt compelled to ask, "what's wrong with the picture?" during the scene in the Nepalese barroom. In several scenes after that, especially those in dim light or with high-contrast backgrounds, the edges of objects have a visibly "digitized" appearance. I love these movies and was happy to receive the widescreen set as a gift, but I must admit that the sometimes poor picture quality was a distraction. We have only watched "Raiders" so far, so I won't comment on the quality of the other two. I fear that many fans have registered a five star vote based only on the merits of the movie itself, perhaps without viewing the DVD version in question. Or, aware of the previous complaints, watched only the opening scene and were satisfied that everything "looks great." I assure you, the previous complaints registered by some reviewers are not groundless, and I disagree with any who say the film has "never looked better."

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Truly Great Adventure Series
Review: I will not bother you with with another summary of these already-well-summarized movies. This is one of the greatest adventure series, and the films, especially the first and third, have all the necessary ingredients to be the classics they have become.

Raiders of the Lost Ark -- Harrison Ford, who was already well on his way to being box office magic, shines in this film as the quintessential scoundrel-good-guy-with-a-heart-of-gold, and Karen Allen is the perfect blend of sultry, assertive, needs-to-be-rescued, and I-can-rescue-you-too-if-needed. The action is nonstop, the effects are good, the scenery is great, the plot is elaborate enough, the music is rowsing and memorable, the dialogue is witty and sharp, and there isn't a dull moment from start to finish. This film didn't have quite the impact that Star Wars: A New Hope or The Lord of the Rings had, but it will outlast Star Wars, and it was more fun than the magnificent-but-very-serious LOTR.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom -- While this is one of the best adventure movies of all time, it doesn't quite meet the standard set by its predecessor. If four-and-a-half stars was an option, I would have chosen that. While most of the ingredients of the first Indiana Jones movie are again here, the dialogue isn't quite as sharp, there are a few brief slow spots, and the complexity level dropped a bit in the plot. Still, this is a very fun movie to watch.

The Last Crusade -- This movie restores the series to the quality of the first film. Harrison Ford again shines in this film as the quintessential scoundrel-good-guy-with-a-heart-of-gold, and yet Sean Connery somehow manages to steal every scene he's in. What makes this film great is not that the action is nonstop, the effects are good, the scenery is great, the plot is elaborate enough, the music is rowsing and memorable, the dialogue is witty and sharp, and there isn't a dull moment from start to finish, although all of that is true; what makes The Last Crusade great is that the two stars shine side-by-side, with no apparent ego or star-rivalry getting in the way. This is a keeper.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: On DVD,Indy whips the competition!
Review: You'll experience the trilogy like never before wit this set of 4 DVDs!THX Sound,superior visual quality and exclusive internet features make the movies look and sound better than ever!I also love the fourth disc.It's my favorite because it has all bonus material.You can even see Tom Selleck's screen test for the role of Indiana jones,HE was George Lucas' first choice,by the way.If you like action,beautiful women and adventure you've got to keep up with the Joneses!This set is a MUST.

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