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The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

List Price: $69.99
Your Price: $48.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Try watching in internal chronological order!
Review: I'm not going to comment on the transfers or anything else about this reissue. I'll just say I'm glad to see it.

However, try watching these in strict internal chronological order: a whole new story emerges! The Young Indy of Last Crusade, then Temple of Doom, Raiders and the final part of Last Crusade. I promise you, more excitement, more fun and a tale of personal growth along with all the slam-bang action ma'am.

Have fun friends.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you don't already have it...buy it!!!
Review: Wow! It's about time this is finally on DVD! 'The Temple of Doom' still stands as my favorite Indiana Jones movie - but the other two are now getting equal play now that they are finally on DVD. The bonus disc is interesting, but the movies are the real gem here.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Disappointing quality
Review: The long-awaited saga of Indiana Jones is still agreat yarn, but is unappealing inside and out: The outside is held in less than fashionable poo-brown, and little or nothing has been done to work up the quality of sound and picture since the original release. In parts it sounds like they are holding the microphone under water! In little or no time we will, no doubt, be blessed with the 'ultimate edition'or the 'director's cut', or something like it, where these problems will have been addressed. In the meantime, don't get your expectations up too high.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Man With The Hat Is Back? But Why Only Few Extras?
Review: Ever since I was young, my school always takes to the school hall and show "Raiders of the Lost Ark". This is just once a year thing. After awhile, I wander why they didn't show "Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom".

As years gone by, I have watched the entire trilogy but didn't own it. Now, with this boxset alone and I was giddy like a school boy. I want to take out my whip again and put on the hat like Indy. But after watching the entire 4 DVDs, I enjoyed the movies yes... but why so few extras?

Was something missing? Are the featurettes enough? What about deleted scenes? Is that all the trailers?

I was dissapointed for the Bonus Disc. Although the entire trilogy was good, but the extras do pull the boxset down.

Was it worth? I would say yes for what it was delivered. But its the only boxset I can enjoy. So I hope in the near future they don't release a "Ultimate Boxset" like what they did to the Alien Saga. But now, its the only boxset I can enjoy... as a fan.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: There is only one Indiana Jones!
Review: Before there were death stars, the force, and luke skywalker, George Lucas came up with the idea for the gun slinging, whip toting, brown capped archiologist/historian Dr. Indiana Jones. Since that day, the Indiana Jones Trilogy, headed by Mr. Steven Spielberg and Produced by George Lucas, has been a fan favorite by kids and grownups alike, all of whom know the best scenes and lines by heart. Now, finally, the complete trilogy is here on DVD, and all this Indi fan has to say is...It's about time.

I'm not going to waste too much time with the in depths of each film, because I assume that if you're reading this review, you know the movies already...and if you don't: STOP READING AND GO WATCH IT. If you have the cash, just go buy it. I guarentee it will spend a lot of time in your DVD player from now on.

The DVD set comes with all three movies. Raiders of the Lost Ark, now aptly titled "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" (since it seemed necessary to tie in the main characters name after the fact), the slightly off kilter but no less enjoyable "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", and the wonderful closer "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", featuring the talents of Mr. Sean Connery himself.

While the movies alone are enough to make this set worthwhile, this one comes with a whole fourth disk full of goodies. There are a total of 7 featurettes on this disc, one for each movie (on average about 40 min each), reuniting the cast and crew to talk about the making of each film from pre-production to post. Then there are 4 featurettes dealing with stunts, sounds, music, and ILM work. Each one is very well done and contains current interview footage, archive footage, and archive making of footage. All in all, very in depth and very interesting to see. And while there's no real blooper reel, there are nice bloopers added into all the making ofs (although a true blooper reel would have been a great touch.)

As a whole package, I (a long time Indi fan) could not be happier. The films have never looked better in their 2:35:1 Anamorphic widescreen glory (although there are some slight color issues in the darker scenes...but it's a small oversite), and the remixed 5.1 audio and classic John Williams theme is lovely to the ears.

It is a bit of a shame that Mr. Spielberg and Mr. Lucas have refused to put in a commentary track on any of the films. But there is so much in all of the featurettes that I "Almost" can live with it. But I love commentaries, personally, and wish he might have reconsidered (maybe there'll be one on the Schindler's List DVD).

Of all the box sets to come out this year, if you don't have this one...shame on you. Go get it...now! You won't regret it.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Genre defining blockbuster.
Review: Watching Raiders presented in the new box set on big screen HDTV brought back all the excitement of seeing it the first time. Harrison Ford in his signature role, building on the cavalier tough/nice guy Han Solo routine, makes the film what it is. Sweeping in scope, Indy journeys across continents as a little red line on maps to fight the Nazis prior to WWII. Their mutual goal, the discovery of the lost ark of the covenant, containing the 10 commandment tablets. The fight and chase scenes are marvelously staged; doing without the sterile CG accompaniment of today's movies. The soundtrack is complimentarily epic and unforgettable, as are the sometimes brutal action sequences that Lucas and Spielberg would mellow considerably in following films. This film redefined the action/adventure genre with its humour, action, acting, and location shots. Highly recommended.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: C'mon folks. It's Indy for crying out loud!
Review: Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the few movies I regard as perfect and now it is minus one snake reflection. The Last Crusade is a complete delight from beginning to end. Temple of Doom.... well it was nice to hear Spielberg say that Temple of Doom was his least favorite of the three films because I'm not exactly partial to it, proving once and for all that I should be making films. (heh)

But the worst of shakespeare is still shakespeare. If Harrison Ford is cracking a whip, we as an audience are duty bound to cheer.

If you haven't yet bought this set, sell your car. Priorities!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Finally, an action movie for the whole family.
Review: This is a voilent movie, I'm not going to lie to u, but it's sooo good, the whole family will be able to appericate it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Kids love it!
Review: I was a teenager when the Indiana Jones movies came out and I remember how much I loved it, so I bought it for the kids for Christmas and they absolutely love it. Younger children might not have the patience to sit thru all the academic mambo jambo about the acheological artifacts that the adventures center on, but once the action gets going, you can't peel them off the couch. This is probably the reason why, they like watching "Temple of Doom" over and over again versus the other two. There is no ebb in the action and ofcourse kids like the gross dinner scene. Although at times I hear a complaint about Kate Capshaw screaming too much and how my daughter was dissappointed to know that Ke Huy Quan is not the cute little boy anymore but quiet a grown man now. This trilogy more than anything brings back a lot of memories when they came out in the theaters. I remember a teacher wasting a whole math period just talking about how she just saw the most brilliant movie over the weekend. She encouraged the whole class to go and watch it but thought it important that we should learn a little background about Hitler's fascination with mysticism and cult worship. No one minded that we missed our quiz that day. I also remember how there was so much hype and excitement when the second and third installment of the movie came out. But one thing is certain, Spielberg, Lucas and Ford never disappoint. I enjoyed all three movies and I am glad they are out on DVD for the younger generation to appreciate as well. I also like the fourth,behind-the-scene DVD. It's amazing how much effort and danger went into making these movies. Harison Ford suffered two orthopedic injuries and John Rhys Davies almost died, at least that's the way he remembered it, of Cholera in Tunisia. And the technical aspect of filming and building the sets is phenomenal, more so because there's was no CGI back then, so a lot of the action sequence had to be done the old fashion way. There's so much to appreciate in this DVD set that's too numerous to mention. Just buy it and enjoy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Quite possibly the best trilogy of all time!
Review: It's Indiana Jones. It's all 3 movies and more. It's on DVD. That's really all you need to know! I've been waiting YEARS for this!

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