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The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

List Price: $69.99
Your Price: $48.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Review: I just ordered this, but should the DVD-version be released soon, I'll probably buy that too (as I would Star Wars).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AWESOME
Review: This is so cool, This is one of the best triologys ever mad

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great remaster!
Review: Now, this is what re-mastering a movie for DVD is all about ! After being badly dissapointed with re-releases of films such as SCARFACE and ANIMAL HOUSE for which someone interpreted "raising the volume a little" as "remastering a soundtrack", the Indiana Jones come along amd managed to restore my faith.
What great sound and picture these DVDs back ! I hadn't watched these films in a long time and, having only seen them at home on cropped videotape over the years, this is like watching them for the first time again.
The movies themeselves are fantastic (yes, all 3 of them), the Documentaries are terrific. This is easily one of the best releases since the DVD format came out.
Can't wait for next year's similar release of Star Wars IV, V and VI !

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great set
Review: Indiana Jones has been one of my fave series of movies since I was little. Raiders of the Lost Ark is so great, it's so exciting and I really liked the female lead. I always had a crush on Indiana, and the movies have a great blend of humor, action and adventure. Last Crusade is also excellent, I love Indy's scenes with his father, they're so funny together. I really love the opening scene too, with the late River Phoenix (who was extremely talented, check him out in Stand By Me as a boy). It shows how Indiana became afraid of snakes and how an old rivalry started. Temple of Doom is my least favorite Indiana movie, Kate Capshaw wasn't my fave of the girls and it was kind of strange but I'd still rewatch it, just not as much as the other two. To tell the truth, even if there were commentaries and stuff, I wouldn't listen to them. Sometimes extras are really cool to me and sometimes they aren't, and for most movies I don't really care why the director lit a scene the way he did, or what an actor thinks of how he said his line. These movies are grea and stand on their own. I have the bonus disc though, not the one in the set but the other one that was taped outside the package. I'm not sure but I heard they aren't being sold that way anymore.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Why God Invented Movies
Review: Absolutely. Gloriously. Perfect.

OK, I'm basing this on having just watched "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (thankfully not renamed to the awkward "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" in the film itself). "Temple of Doom" and "Last Crusade" are very good movies, but pale in comparison to this absolutely perfect movie. I'm certain that they'll be as good, if not better than what I remember too. I thought that I'd seen "Raiders" too many times to really enjoy it, and that it would have aged quite a bit. Wrong. Seeing and hearing it in widescreen, on DVD, with a moderately good stereo system is unbelievable- it really felt like the first time I'd seen the movie. The sound in particular is mind-boggling- I'm certain that it sounds better in my acoustically poor basement than it ever did 20 years ago. Turn it up very, very loud during the truck chase and just listen to that engine, those bullets and that glorious, blaring brass. Some of the special effects, especially during the opening of the Ark, don't look as convincing as I remembered them, but they're still more impressive than Lucas's currentobsession with overrated, soulless CGI effects (someone else besides me is aware of this, because I've heard that Indy IV will make very little use, if any, of computer generated effects). The music is perfect, the dialogue is funny, the story is relentless, the sets are breathtaking, the costumes are cool, the characters are unforgetable, the stunts are still harrowing and impressive, the villains are wonderfully one-dimensionally evil, and on and on and on. THIS is why God invented movies and DVDs and popcorn and Spielberg and Harrison Ford. Now we just need the original Star Wars Trilogy on DVD...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best trilogies ever made.
Review: The Indiana Jones movies are easily some of the best movies ever made and they all stand the test of time.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is by far the best of the bunch and offers non stop comedy and adventure, two things that other movies just cant seem to put together. Who can forget the opening escape scene, or the coat hanger scene, or the one shot vs the flashy swordsman?

Temple of Doom is a decent follow up but isnt on par with the first movie. Short Round and 'Doll' are both hilarious in the movie and the bridge scene was truly one to remember.

The Last Crusade almost matches the first movie in its comedy and action scenes but falls a little short. It is still a tremendous movie and the scenes with the late River Phoenix and Sean Connery are classics.

If you are a movie fan and havent picked up this trilogy than what are you waiting for? You cannot call yourself one unless you own these gems.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: But Why is There Still a Scene cut from Raiders?
Review: Good to have the series on DVD, but I was disappointed, appalled actually, that a scene in Raiders that was cut from the video was also cut on the dvd. In the cinema release of Raiders, immediately AFTER the credits, there was a cutaway to the boxed Ark of the Covenant in the US Govt warehouse, and the U.S. Govt brand on the box is gradually being burnt away by the Ark. The implication (as I read it) was that the Ark no more wanted to be held by the U.S. govt than held by the Nazis. But check your dvd's, folks, it ain't there no more. Which is a subtle but disturbing little piece of censorship.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: *****Part I / ****Part II / ***Part III
Review: I LOVED the first 'Indy' adventure. It was a throwback to the old classic serials and reminded us all why the movies have been an important part in our lives. "I HATE SNAKES!!!" will always remain one of my favorite quotes. 'Temple of Doom' was still pretty good, but excessively violent (one reason for the PG13 rating). 'Doom' has one helluva rollercoaster type ride through a mine shaft that ends up on a falling rope bridge. This is exciting stuff. By the time 'Crusade' came out, the cast was older, and the action seemed tamed. The focus was on the comical bantering with father and "Junior" and not what made the other two great action films. Still, if you are alone in the house and its raining, this trilogy is a great way to pass the day away.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The coolest trilogy ever made!
Review: First of all, i love indiana jones. The story is so awesome, and the way it was filmed was so cool. The stunts, the special effects...all of it! This was overall a great boxed set, even though i would like to see a fourth movie explaining more. *SPOILER*The third movie explains a lot of indy in his younger years...it does bring some things together, and blames some on his father. But i loved this and thought it was worth my money. Its a good buy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a gret classic but still good today
Review: i love all of the movies and now ther all on dvd how cool is that i love dvd and ii like this set i got it this years and boy it call so if you like indiana jones then get or rent this move

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