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The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

List Price: $69.99
Your Price: $48.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Review: I love Indiana Jones movies so much, I just can't get tired of watching them, since they came out one by one. I have the original "full-screen" versions, and now I look forward to a new and very interesting "wide-screen" experience. However, I'm really disappointed, they have not been made in DVD form yet. I guess we will have to buy them again if they come out as DVDs. This would be a very successfull marketing plan, if DVD forms will surely be made in the future. Many extra purchases will be made. I think Lucas films should get the bigger picture and make these profitable DVDs (along with Star Wars Trillogies offcourse) . I think Star Wars & Indiana Jones Trillogies must be made into DVD form, at any cost. All the best to Lucas Films, always.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: At least! (por fin! ), a widescreen with THX.
Review: Finally I've waited for this trilogy to be realeased since 1994, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas did a great job making this films, and if you had only seen it on video you've only seen half of it! but now they can be aprecciated on our home at 100%, because they were released in the 80's and in that time theaters did't had digital sound, so I think that the only advantadge they'll take if released on DVD would be the picture quality (twice as sharp as a VHS. Note: I'm also a DVD owner); but these movies should be compared monitor with monitor with the previous mutilated versions just to se how much we've missed when the original picture is squared and cloistered to fit our screen.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Great Trilogy and would be even better on DVD!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Widescreen finally for VHS
Review: I'm sure you all know the stories so I won't go into how great an adventure these movies are. Instead let say if it's worth getting if you already own these movies.

I hear all the DVD/Laserdisc issues and I totally agree. However, for those who only have VHS as an option, the Widescreen version of the Indiana Jones trilogy is truly welcome and well over due.

For years I've been watching these films in their pan and scan. If anyone knows Spielberg, he loves using different sized lenses to get a panoramic shot during his films. You don't get that feel at all in pan and scan. Now with this gift set, you'll see the original vision. His great geographical settings will be seen the way he filmed it. Dialogue between two people will be seen in one shot, instead of annoying cuts between one person and the then the next in pan and scan. Watch the widescreen versions, and you'll see it as a smoother flowing film.

I must also say, the picture quality is much better than the original videos. The clarity will hit you right away. The only reason I bought this set was for the widescreen. I must say that it was definitely worth it and the fact that the picture and sound are much clearer is a great bonus.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Where's the DVD ?
Review: I know this is the VHS version, but I must ask where the DVD is? I am aware that there are something like 600 million VCRs in homes across the US and only about 3 million DVD players (*currently) ... however, as a DVD owner, I feel left out with the release of the INDIANA JONES VHS set. I just don't want to spend $30-something on tapes that I'll eventually replace with a DVD -- whenever it is Lucasfilm releases it! The Indiana Jones trilogy are my favorite movies. I WANT to own them. But I'm afraid I must practice patience (or "count to 10" as Indy's pop would say ... although I think the DVD release is more than "10" away ...) My favorite is RAIDERS. I love the way TEMPLE OF DOOM switches gears. And CRUSADE is fun, but ultimately unmemorable. Now ... if only I could view them in widescreen DVD (with extras, please, Mr. Lucas!) tick ... tick ... tick ...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Indiana Jones Collection
Review: I would say that this collection with the Young Indiana Jones stories added makes an excellent gift idea for anybody who likes action/adventure movies. I do have a problem buying the VHS format though. I have been a Laserdisc collector since 1991 and have seen all three of the Indiana Jones movies on that format. If Laserdisc was good enough then why not DVD? I do not know anyone who can say VHS or Laserdisc is a better format than DVD. As for me I will wait until the DVD version is released. I purchased the Laserdisc version of the Star Wars Trilogy that was shown in the theaters earlier this year. For my money it is a far better product than the VHS collection I purchased years ago. So George, what are you waiting for? Your fans are eagerly awaiting the DVD. How about giving us another opportunity to spend our money?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Review: Too bad George Lucas doesn't think the DVD crowd deserve this great movie. Maybe for the same adle brainedness that Braveheart cannot be seen on DVD. Indiana Jones, (any in the series)are some of the best action films available. Just imagine...GEORGE.....in Dolby 5.1 or DTS

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Indiana is a great hero!
Review: The Indiana Jonaes movies are wonderful!Harrison Ford was the perfect actor to play Indiana.They are great adventures.Steven Speilberg + George Lucas = Excellence!They rank right under the Star Wars movies.Sean Connery was great as Indy's dad.I love them.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: When I truly noticed what I bought, I was super excited! To view these movies through Lucas' and Speilberg's eyes is magical. It was like watching them on the Big Screen once again. My wife and I had loads of fun watching them. One special extra is the labeling of them in chapters...puts things in a time perspective

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Indy Rocks!
Review: Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones is just incredible! He is the best hero! All 3 movies rock! (Esp. the third with Sean Connery as Indy's father)

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