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The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

List Price: $69.99
Your Price: $48.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Benchmark Action Series
Review: This is a series that was born of 007, but surpassed that series because of it had a great, intriguing main character, great settings, an interesting premise (who is not interested in treasure hunting) and some of the best action sequences Hollywood has ever produced. This collection includes all three of the classic films (there's a fourth on the way, in case you did not know), plus one of the Young Indiana Jones films, entitled "The Treasure of the Peacock's Eye." The first, and in my opinion the best, of the three is called "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and has something for everybody: great action scenes, Jones at his best, a hint of romance between Indy and Karen Allen, and is nearly flawless. The second, "Temple of Doom," is the weakest of the three, but still very good compared to other films in the genre. This one has Jones trying to free a village from a curse by returning a sacred stone. The third film, "The Last Crusade," is a pretty complete movie: it has a beautiful Austrian who shifts allegiances more than once in the film, an old man who wants to find the Holy Grail, Nazis in the middle, and Sean Connery, who provides comic relief throughout the film, and some of the best moments on film when Indy and the Nazis meet at the cave. A very solid movie. I am not a fan of the Young Indiana Jones series, but this is a fair story about an adventure Indy had as a child. This is a great value for some great movies.

Rating: 4 stars
Review: How could you not love these adventures. England has 007, and we have INDY. Harrison Ford is awesome, and the special effects are suppurb for the times. Spielberg is the greatest director ever. GRAB this before it goes off sale. This trilogy ranks #4 on my all time top ten list. *Star Wars ranks #1

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A vigorous Frankenstein monster of a movie.
Review: It's virtually impossible to dislike that movie, but the desire to "look closer" - as the American Beauty posters urge - is hard to fight.

I think that Steven Spielberg's talents mostly lie in the sphere of management. Obviosly, Indiana Jones is a great hit, but only a few of us see that it's not exactly a movie, but a postmodern compilation of all the genre has to offer up to date. Rarely the modern men's need for excitement is addressed so directly. 20 chases, 30 fights, 40 shootouts - the film looks like an encyclopedia of adventure. Spielberg gives us what we want in a very generous - sometimes suffocating - helpings.

If you have a short attention span - no problem. You can doze for half an hour, wake up and still see the chase - it would be another chase, not the one that saw you switching out, this one comes 6 fights and 4 shootouts later - but is this really important?

I am not telling it's bad. It's just a bit...mechanical. The film is a total opposite of artsy vagueness, it really entertains, but to me it seems like a kind of joyous, vigorous Frankenstein monster, assembled from the previous films' body parts. And the parts are rather distinguishable, but they look enhanced, they look pumped up.

The finale is very consistent with the director's intent of giving the viewers 200% of what they want. I was hoping for a reality check, but nothing could stop Spilberg in his rush to impress. The film had to go over the top. Yes, The Ark is not just a precious archeological artefact - we are not stoping here - the box is really magical! And you will see all in every detail imaginable - the killer lightning, the Nazis turned to sceletons and then to dust.

The omnipotent and unbreakable American, who fights and conquers the world outside has a place in every WASPish heart. It's a pity the later two compilations are not so exciting. The formula is tired, and the world of magic, represented by the non-dead ancient knight looks ridiculous. The Spielberg's managing genius was enough to put together the first roller-coaster, but in his latter offerings the technical virtuosity failed to compensate for the lack of a sparkle.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Indianna Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Review: This movie is sure to be one of the classics of my generation (X). What can I say that would discourage anyone from taking a look at this movie? One not only has to apreciate the creative revival of the old Saturday matinee , but the real emergenace of Harrison Ford and the return of the true adventure flick. Now, when are those Suits in the industry going to grace us with this spectacular film on DVD??!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Action Film of All Time
Review: "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is the most thrilling action/adventure film of all time. It's a fast paced epic filled with challenging action set pieces, tight editing, and soaring music. Raiders if great entertainment.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Such a classic! One of my favorites!
Review: I came to know of Harrison Ford because of his Indiana Jones sequels, & I guess, these paved the way for his stardom, after being starred in Star Wars. We all know the story of these three movies & they're just simply great! A lot of action...too much excitement..& a happy ending.

A lot of other movies were patterned after the Indiana series, but none of them ever came close. These will always be in my favorite list of movies :-)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Harrison Ford, the avenging Adverage Joe.
Review: Of the three stories included in this giftset, The Last Crusade was my family's favorite. Harrison Ford and Sean Connery made a terrific team. In all these movies, it's a common guy making a save from his uncommon persistance. Tight stories, wonderful cast, hope to see a forth--just cause. Widescreen, letterbox versions are the easiest on my eyes. Without the choppy, pan and scanning, the true enjoyment of the theatre experience finally comes home in an affordable package deal.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: One Of The Greatest Trilogies Ever!
Review: Some of the greatest action/adventure films can be found right here, in this Gift Set. Harrison Ford plays the adventurous archaeologist, Indiana Jones, in one of the roles that launched him into super stardom. John Williams' score, which includes the well known "Indiana Jones Theme," is good throughout all three films. The Indiana Jones trilogy sort of follows the same pattern as the Star Wars trilogy. In the first entree, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, you obviously meet Indy and find out what kind of character he is. Raiders boasts a wonderful, action-packed opening and terrific direction by Steven Spielberg. The second film, Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom is the darkest of the trilogy but still very entertaining. The final film in the trilogy is Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade and it is, in my opinion, the most entertaining. The casting of Sean Connery as Dr. Henry Jones, Indy' father, is brilliant. The father and son pairing can make for some particularly interesting and many times humorous situations. If you are a fan of movies, especially action films, these are a must!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Adventure, thy name is Jones
Review: There's little more I can add which hasn't been said here already. I wanted to add my 5-star tally to ensure this film the due it earned.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: something missing?
Review: O.K.,it's all great but why is the ripping the heart out scene missing from the temple of doom? Is it because I have the british version of the pack or is it the same in the U.S. print as well? Please inform.

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