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The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

List Price: $69.99
Your Price: $48.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great Movies But...
Review: If they put out a special WIDESCREEN version that is "enhanced for 16:9 TVs", there should be no letterbox.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: No fullscreen DVD! + "Raiders" name changed!
Review: I have three criticisms about what otherwise will likely be an excellent DVD set:

1. Why can't I just buy "Raiders" by itself? That's all I want to own, really....

2. The name of the film is "Raiders of the Lost Ark." However for the sake of packaging, it's now called "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark." That's about the dumbest thing I've seen come out of LucasFilm since Greedo firing first.

3. And is there a DVD Fullscreen version? Amazon doesn't seem to have it. When will producers get that even we folks with BIG television screens would rather have 1.85-1 aspect ratio rather than 2.35-1. Or at least have a fullscreen option. Hope I'm wrong here and it's available fullscreen on DVD.

So for these reasons I give this product three stars, even with the assumption that the video/audio quality will be superb and the fourth DVD will be way cool.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Must have for your library.
Review: I just received my set. I have enjoyed the artwork for the box. It is a very welcome addition to my own library of DVDS. The transfer to DVD is great. The movies look fresh still. The new 5.1 surround sound is well done and delightful. The movies themselves are a must to own. I somewhat disagree with the MPAA's rating for Temple of Doom, it seems a bit strong for PG, granted, if I am not mistaken, PG-13 was not an option then. The heart removal thing seems harsh. Other than that, the movies are great. I applaud Lucasfilm's effort to porduce new matertial and interviews for the fourth bonus disc. However I give only 4 stars for the lack of feature length commentaries. A bonus addition that seems almost standard on most big productions.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Missing Scenes In "Lost Ark"!
Review: Five star movies (well, maybe not "Temple...") given a 2-star treatment on DVD. Right in the middle of "Lost Ark" several entire scenes have been cut. So we jump from Indy stuck in the "Map Room" straight to dropping by to see Marion in a tent. How did he get out? We never find out. Why isn't he surprised to find her alive after she was (apparently) blown up? Because the scene where he DID find out and WAS surprised was also cut. Why did they cut these scenes? Because they are hollywood idiots. Buyers beware -- this smacks of a planned future "Special Edition" where for another $25 we get to buy the "real" version that we thought we were getting in the first place.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Trilogy, an OK DVD set
Review: Like many others, the Indiana Jones Trilogy DVD was high on my wish list among the Star Wars DVD set. One can only hope that the Star Wars trilogy DVD's will not be far behind. I really have no problem with the packaging of all three movies together, although some are more exciting than others. Personally, my favorite would have to be Temple of Doom, which seems to be the most unpopular of the three. I feel that some people look too far into these movies...their just fun action movies. The thing that always throws me is why Last Crusade got a PG-13 rating and the first 2 got PG ratings. I actually found the first 2 more disturbing than the last one...although all three movies are nothing to get in a big huff about. The main reason I bought the the widescreen DVD set is I was tired of the full screen VHS version. Another thing I have to question is why sell Full and Widescreen versions seperately? It seems that most of us have gotten over our widescreen phobias, just have a widescreen version or have an DVD set that has options for both...it seems that earlier DVD's used to have that option which I kind of miss. The exclusion of the commentaries is a sorely missed extra which brings my rating down. The documentaries almost make up for it though. The documentary is pretty thorough. Including the trailers is always a nice (yet cheap) touch to make a DVD seem complete. I wouldn't say this is a horrible DVD set but, for the wait it could have been a five star DVD set.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The awsome adventures of Indy finally come to DVD.
Review: From the minds of Steven Speilberg and George Lucas, Indiana
Jones the name would change hollywood forever, and finally after
years that people have paitently all three films have finally
come and weither what order you like them in for all the papers
that reviewd these films Raiders Of The Lost Ark had the most
impact on hollywood and forever changed filmaking.A stellar cast
Harrison Ford,Kate Capshaw,Karen Allen,Armish Puri,John Ryes
Davis,Denholm Elliot,Key Huey Quan, and Sean Connery to name a
few.Incredible Special Effects and stunts and action make these
films the best adventure films ever made although The Temple Of
Doom is a very dark and morbid film and did not get lighthearted
reveiws it still manages to thrill in it's incredible stunts.

Raiders Of The Lost Ark:This is it the best adventure movie of all time Harrison Ford dawns the pendleton and the whip for the
first time.After a failed attempt to recover an idol in South
America , Indy is approched by goverment men to recover the Lost
Ark before the greedy Nazi's do, so he travels to Ciaro Egypt
with his old flame Marion to find the ark, but when Indy finds
the ark he is forced to hand it over to the nazi, not knowing
the power and mysterie of the ark the greedy Nazi's open the
ark and find more then they bargaind for in this first and best
film of the Indiana Jones trilogy.

The Temple Of Doom:After a death defying escape from Shanghi and picking up a all to pamperd guest a beautiful female singer
named willy,and escaping a crashing plane from a life raft Indy
and his two companions land in India where he finds out that
there is a legend of three sacred stones and a vodoo lord that
is enslaving children with the stones with powerful black magic
it will take all Indys strength to lift the spell from his mind
and also survive a non stop mine car chase in the darkest and
most morbid of the Indiana Jones Films.

The Last Crusade:From a kid to the Indiana Jones we know him as this film gives an insight on the past between Indy and Father
using the great Sean Connery , the search for the holy grail in
the fold as Indy is asked to reaserch and find the sacred Grail
be he only wishes to find the whereabouts of his father but on
the other hand the greedy Nazi's wish to find the grail to be
invincible but they need Indys father to do so in the end Indy
nust beleive in the power of the Grail to save his fathers life
in this comical but funny addition to the Indian Jones trilogy.

A fourth dis provides 3 documentarys on these popular films and trailers and many sdpecial documentarys about the technical and
special effects aspects of these films it's a worth edition to
any DVD collection one of the best DVD collections of all time.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: One good movie and two mediocre ones.
Review: I bought the set because I had to have Raiders since it is one of my childhood favorites along with Star Wars. The other two movies I don't really know if I want them or not, I guess I'll watch them again and see. It's complete BS that you have to buy it as a set, what if you don't want Temple Of Doom??? Also, it is SO lame they made us wait, why did it take so long? I even heard a rumor that some scenes have been edited, I sure hope that's not true. I heard rediculous things about how ET and Star Wars had been edited, makes me want to puke (on Lucas!). If they took out the (best) scene where he shoots they guy with the two swords then we'll have to start a Spielburg hate-club and write him nasty letters every day for the rest of his life.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: DVD's have errors!
Review: I thought DVDs didn't suffer from errors these days?

All the disks in this boxed set have errors on my Sony
DVD player. It's not like a lot of folks don't have Sony
DVD players...

About every 10th chapter the disk will pause and will then
just randomly jump to some other chapter, usually 3 chapters
back, but sometimes 1 forward or 2 forward.

While the sound and remastering are great, the packaging is
extra lame, just a simple paper cover on a cardboard box.
And with all the rain in Seattle, the paper cover became all
warped and wrinkled from the humidity.

I wonder if the DVD problems are systemic or just on my player?
I guess I will just have to return it and get my money back and wait
for "revision 2.0".

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the greatest film trilogies of all time
Review: Steven Spielberg directed all three films in the Indiana Jones trilogy and he had help from George Lucas in making these comic-like fast paced action films primed for mainstream success. Taking place between the 1930's and 40's, all three films feature professor and adventurer Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford in the role he was born to play; hard to believe Tom Selleck was originally considered for the role) on various death defying adventures all over the world. The first film, Raiders of the Lost Ark, features Jones attempting to stop the Nazis from getting the Lost Ark of the Covenent. This film is probably the most exciting of the three, with some cleverly imaginitive special effects and all around spookiness. The second film, Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom, is a prequel which finds Jones and two comrades (a young Asian boy and Kate Capshaw who is Mrs. Steven Spielberg) fighting against a cult who is enslaving Indian children. This film wasn't too well received because of it's surprising violence, but it is my favorite of the trilogy and is loaded with suspense. The third film, Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade, finds Jones trying to save his father (Sean Connery) from a Nazi regime who are hellbent on finding the Holy Grail. This installment is the most comic like of the three, and Ford and Connery are great together. This much hyped about DVD set is definitely worth owning, but the DVD extras are extremely lacking (then again, this is Paramount after all). A fourth film is rumored to be in the works, but until that ever sees the light of day, you should definitely pick up this set.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: No commentary on the best adventure movie of all time?!
Review: Of course the Indy movies are terrific, that's common knowledge. The thing is, issuance of the film on DVD requires higher standards in this day and age. All great movies on DVD today deserve at least four features: 1. anamorphic wide-screen (if applicable), 2. restored video and audio, 3. sub-titles, and 4. COMMENTARY. Paramount, you deserve the Bronx cheer for cheating the world of a commentary on one of the best movies of all time. Pthhhhhhhhhh!

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