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The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Full Screen

List Price: $69.99
Your Price: $48.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: INDY IS BACK!
Review: I cannot speak for those who are having problems with this set, but my Widescreen set is terrific. I just have one thing to comment on about those who are saying that the transfers are terrible! These films are old. Please people get over it! If a speck of dirt appears, don't worry about it. Raiders in particular is never gonna look better!! Enjoy these films now and be thankful they are even available to enjoy. It's better than allowing these gems to sit in a room decaying beyond recognition. This set is wonderful, worked fine and there were no problems.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: NOT a Director's Cut
Review: Only those who saw Raiders of the Lost Ark the first week it was out will _know_ this is NOT a Director's cut.

After 22 years, I'm quite disappointed those few seconds are still missing (in Chapter Nine: Fight For The Medallion). I do believe that it contributed to character development and wasn't gratuitous.

Perhaps this is a bit esoteric, but maybe in the next format Spielberg will get it right.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: excellent picture quality/ sound quality
Review: To all of you who said that the picture quality is poor, worse than on bootlegged versions. I bought this set, with that in mind, and it looks CRYSTAL CLEAR AND SOUNDS great. I am completely happy with this set in WIDESCREEN, and will never repurchase a new version, because this set is fine.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Go Indy!
Review: When I got this DVD set I hadn't seen any of the Indiana Jones movies in probably 10 years! It was great to watch them and experience them all over again - I barely remembered half the scenes! The set includes:

Raiders of the Lost Ark - The first Indiana Jones movie. This one has Harrison Ford as the infamous archeology professor Indiana Jones. He is recruited by the government to recover the Ark of the Covenant, which his arch rival (Belloq) is also searching for. He meets up with a former flame, Marion (played by Karen Allen), who is a sassy, no-nonsense bar owner with a key Indy needs to complete his quest. The adventure is non-stop and the story and acting are wonderful - this is easily one of the best adventure movies ever made!

Temple of Doom - This is the one everyone seems to like the least! I have to agree - but I still think it's an excellent movie! It's definitely darker! There is a LOT of action in this movie - they seem to always be fighting or running! I agree with what most of the other reviewers said - Kate Capshaw is just plain aggravating. I couldn't stand her, and while I didn't particularly like Marion that well - she is 10 times better than Kate!

The Last Crusade - My personal favorite.. but that's probably because I adore Sean Connery! This one has Indy and his father (played by Connery) trying to find the Holy Grail before the Nazis. The chemistry between Indy and his father is great - they have some of the best lines in the entire series! River Phoenix does great as the young Indy, and John Rhys-Davies is great in his support role (I'm a huge fan of him as well!).

The extras are good .. It doesn't come with 8 billion hours of extra footage like some other DVDs, but there are some neat things on the extra disk. The price tag on this movie is what I'd normally pay for 2 DVDs, and here I'm getting 3 solid movies - it's worth it. While the extras may be lacking for most, the cost makes up for it. And for me - I buy DVDs for the movies.. not for the extras. :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Re: Consumer Alert! Deleted Scenes!, November 24, 2003
Review: To the reviewer (Tom Horwitz from Cleveland, Ohio) who gave this DVD set a 1 star review because of a missing rat scene ("when Indy is in the well of souls, a bunch of rats flee an oncoming wave of gasoline/oil and the ensuing fire. That entire scene is missing from the DVD")...YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! The well of souls scene is in Raiders of the Lost Ark and they were SNAKES. The supposedly missing rat scene you're referring to is in The Last Crusade in the tunnels below Venice - and it is NOT MISSING from the DVD! Do some proper research before posting your incorrect comments.

This DVD set ROCKS!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Worth the Wait
Review: I have been a long time fan to Dr. Jones, and I have to say, I still found out lots of information that I didn't know for the bounus DVD. Nice to have it all in one package as well.

Rating: 4 stars
Review: It is great to see these movies again. I grew up with these films. There is no movie that I have seen more times than Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (it was the only movie that we owned for quite a while after we first got a VCR). I have to say that it is great to have these movies in all their glory on DVD.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is my least favorite of the three. It is rather like going back and watching the first performance of a play or the first season of a television show. Recurring characters do not yet have the full footing of their roles. Dialogue does not have the snap it attains in the later films. Overall, things are a little more "cartoony" than in the other movies. Yet, for all that, Raiders is still one heck of an adventure.

Temple of Doom is both darker and more developed than its predecessor. It has no huge rolling boulder, but its special effects (the rafting scene and the bridge in particular)transcend anything in Raiders.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is one of my favorite movies of all time. Denholm Eliot, John Rhys-Davies, Sean Connery and Harrison Ford have excellent screen chemistry. River Phoenix is also great as the young Indie. By the time the heroes ride off into the sunset, the viewer knows that they have witnessed a true epic.

I have comments about how these DVD's are packaged. The bonus material provided is solid, but there is suprisingly little of it. The pre-movie graphic presentations and menus leave something to be desired.

I recieved these movies and the extended edition version of The Two Towers days apart. The treatment given to The Two Towers (also 4 discs but much cheaper than this set) far outclasses the treatment of these classic movies. What a shame.

This however, is just quibbling in the presence of these great movies. It is, after all, the movies--not the extras--that we pay for. These movies are worth every penny.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Set
Review: Mine isn't defective and everything works fine. It's a great set. All the movies look and sound amazing. It has a lot of extras. If you don't have it yet, get it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: .....
Review: It was very nice to see this compilation of the Indiana Jones films, though I would have been able to appreciate them much more were they sold separately- not as a compilation.
This set features some of the best adventure films ever from the Indiana Jones series, plus the extra commentary on the making. My personal favourite film in this series is the Last Crusade where we get a glimpse at Indiana's father and Indiana gets an autograph from Hitler.
Also, it would have been much less complex had the DVD had both the widescreen and fullscreen versions, as some other films do. No seriuos technical mistakes, though one of the DVD's stopped dead and I had to re-insert it into the DVD player; and the audio could have been improved a bit also.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Spielberg Just Doesn't Get It
Review: These films are classics. The 1 bonus material disc is good. The problem is that Spielberg is not doing right by many of his classics' legacy when it comes to their release on DVD. When you see how the Lord Of The Rings series and the just released "Alien Quadrilogy" have been handled with their wealth of extras, and compare that with any of the releases by Spielberg so far, you wonder what is the problem. I think I know. So often, Spielberg has been scatterbrained when it comes to remembering aspects of HIS OWN productions. I'll use "Close Encounters" as an example. He has contradicted himself in accounts of how he got the classic reaction shot of the little boy when he's looking at the sound made by the door. He has given differing tactics on seperate interviews (Criterion laserdisc vs. Columbia Tri-Star dvd). Maybe he truly doesn't remember. Could it be the reason he refuses to add commentary to his dvd releases is for fear of "not getting his story straight"? In any event, he is doing to a disservice to film history with his reticence. Who knows - maybe when film lovers are forced to buy up all these films all over again on High-Definition DVD...maybe by then Spielberg will have something to say.

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