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The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (Full Screen Edition)

The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $29.95
Your Price: $22.46
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: great movie
Review: tha lord of the rings:the fellowship of the ring is a great comedy.it was helarious.I crack up every time dat i watch this great funny movie.the funniest thought of it is dat they are so determined to get dat ring.ha.and they tell many funny jokez along on da way and my 2nd fav.most funny part is when they slay dat dragon.DARN IS THAT FUNNY.so go buy this awesome comedy on a night u wanna laugh.also the two towerz was even funnier dan dis comedy classic and im not lieing.i just wonder why my friendz or anyone else didnt think dis classic was funny.i guess they all have no sence of humor.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Will make you fall in love....
Review: Thanks to this glorious movie with its wonderful effects, not only will you fall in love with the magnificant frodo (elijah wood) but you will also fall in love with magic. You'll adore the maginificant creatures that are met in middle earth and will just plainly enjoy the whole plot of the first movie of three... RECOMMANDED TO ALL WHO LOVE FANTASY AND/OR ACTION!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: To The Guy From Liverpool New York
Review: That Guy From Liverpool That Rated The Lord Of The Rings With A 2 of 5 Well Your Reasons Are Not Reason Enough Too Many Battle Scenes Man Thats One Of The Better Points Of The Books So Its Only Obvious That They Should I Don't Know Transfer Them To The Movie Obviously This Guy Has A Dull And Boring Perspective On The World And So Hes Going To Make People Mad Because He Doesn't Have An Imagination Now I Am No Lowlife Who Spends All Of His Time In His Parents Basement Downloading Porn And What Is Thought To Be Inside Info On Everything But I For One Think That Those Who Overlooked A Good Movie Because They Thought It Was Too Long Need To Rethink Thier Life Over

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Movie
Review: That has absolutely got to be the best movie I've seen in my life. I've seen it twice in the theaters (not nearly enough times) and plan to see it AT LEAST once more before it leaves the theater, because it just won't be the same on video. Please, if you have not seen this movie- see it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Absolutely Amazing
Review: That is all I can say about this movie. Beautiful storyline and excellent graphics. Followed the book very well. Can't wait to see LOTR: The Two Towers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Courageous Film
Review: That may seem like an overblown thing to say about a swords and sorcery sort of movie, but LotR: FotR, more than bringing the books to beautiful life, stands out for its heartfelt acting and presentation, and its daring choices in displaying that emotion.

In a culture where irony and sarcasm generally triumph over anything resembling sincerity, FotR triumphs in its unabashed love for its characters and their quest. From meditative shots of the faces of the fellowship and the films many moments of humour, to its grand landscapes and epic music, this movie demands that you become swept up in it.

Beginning with a powerful and eerie voice-over sequence to provide you with the background of the trilogy's events (you don't need to have read the books to enjoy this), you are immediately made aware of the power of the one ring, that causes so much trouble for our heros.

The film does an excellent job of portraying the willful nature of the ring through a number of small details (including a very eerie scene when Bilbo drops the ring, and it doesn't bounce, but stops dead on the floor before him).

As the fellowship comes together, not quite enough time is spent on learning each of its members, but if you're attentive to detail throughout the film, facial expresions and interactions to the side of the main action in a scene does fill in a lot.

The battle scenes, which are many, are very well done, although very blurry and hard to focus on. This is effective in conveying the fact that violence happens very quickly and that survival is as much as matter of wits as force.

While there isn't a single weak performance in this, special note should be made of the incredible work Ian McKellan brings to this film as Gandalf. The actors playing Aragorn, Boromir, Frodo and Legolas are also particularly good.

Two scenes in the film are particularly striking, because they show men, heroic men, grieving. The beauty, honesty, and unfamiliarity (although less so after 9/11) in these scenes is striking, and each time I saw the film (3 times now), I was floored by how utterly still the theater became in those moments.

Gandalf, as a wonderful speech in the film, in which he says, in response to Frodo wishing none of this had ever happened. "All men who live in such times, wish that were so. But all we can do, is make the most of the time we are given."

It seems, this year, we have gotten the art we deserve.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great!!
Review: That movie was the greatest movie I have EVER seen! ... I still say that that was definetely a movie that I could see over and over again, even though it is 3 hours and 10 minutes long. Peter Jackson is a good man, and he obviously has a good imagination and it was a great idea to make the book into a movie. I can't wait till the next one comes out and I hope it will be just as good as the first! I give it 5 stars, and two thumbs way way up. Good Job Peter.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I refuse the hype
Review: That said this is a truly great film. As any film will it does have it's flaws. The editing and cuts were sometimes to fast to follow properly, Legolas was unfortunatly underdeveloped, and Gimli was almost non-existent. The scene in which Arwen rescues Frodo really peeved me and was the main reason I deducted a star. That scene should have been great. Imagine poor Frodo, wounded perhaps mortally, facing the ringwraiths on his own. Attempting to flee on a massive horse he crosses the ford and pulls his sword weakly challenging the hissing demonic black riders. To bad it wasn't like that. But still that said everyone MUST SEE this flick. The way this film transitions from the epic to the personal is remarkable. It truly does rival Lawrence of Arabia and Seven Samuri. There are many moments that made me quake, cry, jump, stare in awe, and basically escape into middle-earth. The acting is top-notch in all circumstances. At times the script is painfully cheesy, but on a whole it is filled with a flood of subtle and emotional moments. Just keep your eyes open and you will find them. I don't want to give anything away. The effects are supremely intergrated in such a way that many of them rival Harryhausen with the exception of some of the vistas and locations. Now I am serious. If Peter Jackson does a even more skillful job fleshing out some of the characters in the next two installments I do believe we may have one of the greatest if not the greatest achievment in motion picture history. Just you wait and see. And finally to those few who gave this movie a severe trashing, did you see the same film I did? Go see it again and really take it in. Look for the small details. They are there even if they are hidden in a fantasy landscape.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Smaller...but still awesome.
Review: That scene at the beginning with the huge armies battling this evil warrior just knocked my socks off when I was in a theater with dts sound. I was most looking forward to seeing that again (along with the scenes of Frodo wearing the ring); only on my small pc dvd system. I knew the DVD would test my sound so I bought an Altec Lansing 251 5.1 sound system a week before this dvd was to arrive and promptly removed that middle speaker making it 4.1 instead. Hated that middle speaker. Testing everything from Star Wars Episode 1 to Pearl Harbor to Godzilla 1998 all DVDs with exceptional sound. I decided that I've had AM radios that sounded better than that little speaker. But with the 4.1 setup and EX sound selected from the dvd sound menu FOTR (like the others mentioned) just sounds like an epic. It's not a movie theater with dts sound but as close as I could get on my budget. Add my 19 inch ViewSonic monitor and I was happy. This will be a dvd I watch on special occations. The picture is definately better than expected. The character closeups are colorful and smooth with no noticable grain on my system. Watching AI: Artificial Intelligence recently I was disappointed that a current movie could be so grainy (Titanic was the same). But FOTR is colorful and vibrant. For sound and picture a solid 5 stars. We get a LOT of short features, 10 minute preview of The Two Towers (part 2 of the LOTR trilogy...am I the only one who is losing sleep waiting for it?), trailers and tv spots, lame EA game preview ("...and players will be so immersed in the game environment they won't be able to tell if they are playing it or watching the movie." Right), Enya's beautiful video, and more. What we don't get is the special extended version with 30 mintues of extra scenes and new music. You'll have to pay extra for it. Will I buy it? Does a hobbit have hairy feet? Be sure to get this widescreen version instead of pan&scan. If you don't believe me then check the net for examples of the difference between the two formats.

Quick review of the movie itself. Peter Jackson (the director) obviously knows his "Tolkien" even though you sure have to search the dvd before you see that name printed out (why not TOLKIEN'S The Lord of the Rings right on the front? The man spend years developing this epic). It would be fortunate for us to be able to view this same material done by a modern director who feels that long periods of dialogue without any setpieces (action or special effect) is disasterous in modern moviemaking. Back to back effects with rediculous interactions by male actors who look like underwear models and females who've retired from Beverly Hills 90210. The moments at the elvin city are among my favorite. I was glued to my seat (while others choose this moment to visit the restroom). I found nothing to dislike about FOTR. From the beginning to the end it's my personal most favorite movie replacing my favorite since 1977 Close Encounters. Way ta go Peter Jackson. After the next 2 lets go back and REALLY see how Bilbo got that ring and unleased a very po'd dragon. But please call it J.R.R. TOLKEIN's The Hobbit.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: FOTR - August 6 DVD Release
Review: That Tolkien's LORD OF THE RINGS is indeed the Greatest Fantasy Story Ever Written is not in dispute. That Peter Jackson has passionately managed to do the unthinkable - translate Tolkien's unequaled imagination, the book's literary wonders, tension and tenderness, to a movie masterpiece - is an incredible achievement. Thank you, Mr. Jackson, for your great talent - we are privileged to enjoy the great beauty you have created.

While most LOTR fans will not care much about the marketing blitz surrounding the first VHS/DVD release of the Fellowship of The Rings - Book/Movie 1 of 3 - some fans able to control their natural inclination to buy anything LOTR-related (fine for many of us) may want to read between the lines of the marketing onslaught. So here's a brief comparison of the DVD Aug 6 release vs. the DVD Nov 12 release to help.

Aug 6 DVD --- Disc1 has a good, crisp image and sound of film, in its original theatre release length, translated exceptionally well to small screen. Disc2 contains all the "special features": 3 Documentaries, Enya Video, FOTR Theatrical Trailers (now someone tell me: why are these here when you have the full movie on Disc1 ???) - all these, I would say, rather weak. The best part, of course, is the Two Towers Preview (feeding our impatience to see Movie 2 of 3 come December 18), and an inside look at the "Extended DVD Edition" due Nov 12 - a teaser to go out and buy the Nov 12 DVD as well.

Nov 12 DVD --- aka "Extended Edition" in widescreen format --- has 30 minutes added footage to the original film length, including: extended Shire sequence (with a hobbit musical number of sorts); extended Moria battle has Aragorn saving Boromir's life; fleshed out backstory on Aragorn, visiting his mother's grave at Rivendell; the complete Lothlorien gift-giving scene with Galadriel; a second Gollum cameo as "log with eyes"; and a fuller, zippier battle scene with the Uruk-Hai.

The studio's marketing plan seems to be: "skim" all fans ready to buy the VHS/DVD on Aug 6, then upgrade them again to buy the Nov 12 release (which is a must-have). A classic business case, and, of course, most of us will fall for it; but if you are both a VHS and a DVD buyer, as I am, and you will get both formats anyhow, you will do best to buy the VHS on Aug 6 - after all, who can wait until Nov? ;o) - then buy your DVD "keeper" on Nov 12 - DVD's hold out much better in the long-run, and the Extended Edition is so much better.

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