Rating:  Summary: A beautiful and increadible movie... Review: If you saw the two hottest movies over the holidays, you'll know what I mean. Harry Potter made you appriciate other movies, especialy ones with acting. Lord of the Rings makes you apreciate your collar bone for keeping your jaw off the floor.This entire movie is beutifuly crafted, with breath taking camra veiws, stunning special effects, dazling costumes and good acting. The story is keept amazingly pure, and even a devoted Tolkein fan can harldy criticise the changes. As someone who can never take gory movies seriosly (they always look too much like monty python skits too me), I thought that their action was amazing. Every digital effect left you clinging to your seat or begging your parents for a trip to New Zeeland. This is undoubtubly the best movie of 2001, and I egerly await the sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Best DVD in the world Review: If you take the time required to view all the content contained in this mother of all special edition DVDs then you have my pitty. I know, I've done it (whew). If you're reading this because you don't already own this set (and you even slighly enjoyed the movie) then you should be ashamed. What, you can't afford it? Go sell some of those lame DVDs you already own and buy this one!
Rating:  Summary: Don't love the ring? Are you sure? Review: if you think that this film is for the book worms, your wrong! It is full of action for 3 hours on end! If you want to know, head chopping, monsters jumping out and a strange amount of silence. Half way through the movie you would be sick of more action but desiring above all a few seconds of rest! I'll warn you, BEWARE OF THE MINE! But if you are looking for a film that is completely the same as the book, you well be disappointed, as there is no Glorfindel, lots of worrier Arwen and strange things are not suppose to happen. Enjoy the movie and please don't chock on your popcorn!
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT!! Special Edition is the best DVD of 2002! Review: If you thought 'The Fellowship of the Ring' theatrical version was wonderful, wait until you see this!! I love J.R.R. Tolkien's books and the movie is one of my favorite films of all time, but this Special Extended Edition is even better! More character development, more humor, more references to the book and more backstory. The great thing about this version is that, instead of tacking in irrelevant deleted scenes to the DVD, the scenes were completely integrated into the original version of the movie with additional music composed by Howard Shore. What you get is a much fuller and more fulfilling version of the film and changes the focus from being Frodo-centric to a layered story of Middle Earth and it's creatures. There are sprinklings of added footage all over the film. Sometimes if you blink you'll actually miss it. Everyone in the Fellowship has added scenes but the characters who receive the biggest boost are Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) and Galadriel (Cate Blanchett). You see more of Aragorn's backstory as well as a warmer, more endearing side to his character. While Galadriel appeared fearsome and grave in the original version, the elven queen is kindly and compassionate in this one. My favorite new scenes are: the 4 hobbit heroes in the Green Dragon Inn - having fun and a good brew with their fellow hobbits (new characters such as Gaffer Gamgee and Ted Sandyman are also introduced); Elrond and Aragorn in Gilraen's (Aragorn's mothers) grave; and a warm and endearing scene in Lothlorien with Gimli and Galadriel as well as Aragorn and Galadriel. Of all the locations, the Shire and Lothlorien get the biggest boost. The gift-giving scene is back in and we see and hear more of Lord Celeborn (Marton Csokas) and Haldir. All this and we haven't even began to look at the fantastic extra features and documentaries!!! There are too many to mention (20+ hours of extras!). In fact, I would suggest that you take in these behind-the-scenes documentaries a handful at a time as there is a LOT of information to absorb. My favorites are the features "The Fellowship of the Cast," "A Day in the Life of a Hobbit" and "Cameras of Middle Earth" in disk 4. They show loads of cast and crew interviews (many of them candid and funny - esp. those with Dom Monaghan, Viggo, Sean Bean and Billy Boyd) as well as informative (and sometimes hilarious) behind-the-scenes footage. And don't forget to locate the 2 easter eggs as well - the MTV movie awards spoof of the Council of Elrond and the fan trailer of "The Two Towers." If you plan to own only one DVD this year and especially if you are a "Lord of the Rings" fan, you MUST get your hands on this DVD. It is an absolute gem! Even if you own the theatrical version of the Fellowship DVD, this one is a must have. Both DVDs are completely different - in the movie version as as well as extra content. This truly is a wonderful Christmas present from Peter Jackson and New Line to the fans and one that you will keep coming back to in years to come!
Rating:  Summary: If you thought the movie was just good, not great Review: If you thought the movie was good but not great (as I did) then you are in for a treat when you watch the extended version on DVD. The original movie was visually stunning but surprisingly chopped up, often shallow, and surprisingly slow at times (surprising since it was chopped down to meet studio requirements regarding length). It is quite amazing what a difference a few minutes can make. In this extended version the story flows, the pace quickens, and the characters emerge as personalities. It was a real pleasure to watch this movie again.
Rating:  Summary: This Tolkien "Novice" Was Blown Away By the Film! Review: If you want a non-Tolkien fan's response to "Fellowship of the Ring," (FOTR) look no further. If you are anything like me, you have long heard of J.R.R. Tolkien's tales of fantasy and magic, but you've never developed an interest in reading them. As it turns out, reading the book is probably not a good idea before seeing this movie. As you can see, the other reviewers who have read the book complain about the film omitting this scene or that little tidbit found in the book. They generally give the film good marks, but these nagging omissions are ever present for them. I was not labored with this knowledge. As most people know, film is a different medium than literature. You can take two chapters to describe the local scenery in a book, but you can't spend an inordinate amount of screen-time on scenery or the audience gets bored. That is why it is a mistake, I think, to compare this film to the book. Treat them as individual pieces of work, respect them as such, and you will not have a problem. As someone whose knowledge of elves, orcs, and wizards was confined to the pages of Dungeons and Dragons books (which I believe was inspired by Tolkien's novels,) I had a familiarity with the kind of world "FOTR" would offer. However, I was NOT prepared at all for the way this film grabbed me. The basic story involves a Hobbit named Frodo who is entrusted with a golden ring that has the power of pure evil in it. The One Ring has corrupted many souls in it's long life, and Frodo's quest is to keep the ring safe and out of the hands of the monsterous beings seeking it out. After all, the fate of the world depends upon him protecting the ring. If the ring falls into evil hands, only death will follow. This is no cheesy, fairy tale. This is a story with teeth: Big, nasty, sharp teeth with fangs that will strike at any moment. It is sweeping in scope, frightening in its tone, and the hours fly by like you would not believe. You will care deeply for Frodo and the other characters as they face incredible dangers, deal with hidden temptations, and struggle to fend off the powerful forces of evil. You will feel the fourth wall melt before you as you are literally transported into Middle Earth with the characters, and with every setback, with every failure, and with every misstep, you will feel like you are taking it with them. It is a stirring film of immense grandeur and spectacle, and I recommend this film like none I have seen in quite some time. It is an epic the likes of which has never been done so successfully before, and I cannot wait for the next film to be released.
Rating:  Summary: BUY IT. Review: If you were kind of ho-hum about the theatrical-release version of "Fellowship", then you absolutely MUST see this version. The added footage not only make the movie more coherent and understandable, but it adds more character development and depth of plot. Some scenes are a MUST for total understanding of the second movie, "Two Towers". Oh yeah... and expand your mind... READ THE BOOK.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME!!! Review: if you're going to buy one DVD this summer, this is the one to get! With awesome characters and a real movie/pageturner, you won't be sorry you got it! After watching it once, you're going to watch it again and again! trust me! this movie is a MUST!
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely The most Brilliant movie I've ever seen!!! Review: If you're reading this review in order to help you make a decision whether or not you should buy this DVD set. I said, "Buy it!!" Personally, I already love the original movie showed in theater but I think, I love this extended edition much more. The story flows better in this edition from the incorporation of many deleted scenes. The story was expanded and showed details and history of middle earth so you understand the story more. This makes this movie is not just another fantasy one but a very Brilliant Tolkien's masterpiece. Although, I'd like to say, die-hard Tolkien fans will not see 'Tom Bombadil' in the movie as we expected, the rest of movie will not disappoint you a bit. I read the book and I LOVE the book and the movie is something that jumped right off the book. In this expanded DVD set, the first two discs are mainly movie. There're some commentary about the movie in each one. The last two discs is everything behind the making of The fellowship of the ring. It's two and a half hours on the first one and around three and a half on the other. This doculmentary is so much in details and you will never find it anywhere else. It starts out with how they came up with idea to make one of Tolkien's legendary books into movie. How they adapted the book into an exquisite screenplay, the storyboard and casting. It goes on to making middle earth, locations, shooting the movie, post production and finally the day the movie came out. It's an excellent documentary about the movie I've ever seen.... So If you're still deciding which one you should pick, the original movie DVD or this extended edition DVD... Believe me, pick this one and you will love it as much as I do..Happy watching!!
Rating:  Summary: These are such things as dreams are made on... Review: If you've read the books, you MUST see this film. Close your eyes and imagine each chapter from the books...and it's perfectly duplicated in this movie. The action and scenary are both epic. If this doesn't win an Oscar the hand of Sauron in closer than we think.