Rating:  Summary: best film ever!!! ( did i mention hunky actors?) Review: if you haven't seen it already i recomend. the hunky actors such as Orlando Bloom, Viggo Moreston, Sean Bean, Elijah Wood and Billy Boyd!! Though i aint read the books, i could ask my mum or dad. i am currently reading the hobbit. i am trying to read book 2 and one of the chapters is scary acording to my mum. i recomend 10 + coz i waz a bit scared and im 12!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: If you haven't seen this movie yet, you should. Peter Jackson is a great director. I give this 5 stars because it deserves 5 stars. If I could, I would give it 99 stars or more. The special features rule! Elijah Wood does great acting skills again! The costumes are great. Everything about this movie is great. Read the books and get the soundtrack.Go and get it somewhere now! Thanks guys for loving it.Running Time: 178 Minutes Rated: PG-13 For Epic Battle Sequences And Scary Images. DVD Special Features Include: 2 Theatrical Trailers Exclusive 10 Minute Behind the scenes of "The Two Towers" Enya "May It Be" Music Video 15 Featurettes Including Interviews with Cast Members like Elijah Wood, Ian Mecellen, Liv Tyler and More! Preview Of Ea Games Video Game of "The Two Towers" Passage to Middle Earth (Sci-Fi Channel Special) Quest of the Ring (FBC Network Special) DVD Rom Features: Exclusice Online Content Lord Of The Rings.net (Original Website) and Much, Much More!
Rating:  Summary: the best movie ever! Review: If you havent all ready seen this amazing movie, get this dvd! This is my favorite movie because the costumes, dialogue, acting, and just everything about it was just spectacular! There is a reason why it was nominated for 13 oscars, its just an amazing movie. But, if you haven't all ready read the lord of the rings books it might be a little hard to follow, i suggest you read the books, it makes the whole movie a lot more enjoyable! Have fun watching this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Peter Jackson does it again Review: if you havent see Peter Jackson's Heavenly Creatures then do so beacuse it kicks balls into the walls. a great epic and a great cast and a great script and lots of great things in here make this movie...great. the people I thought kicked in here where Viggo Mortensen(Aragorn), Orlando Bloom(Legolos), Elijah Wood(Frodo) Ian McKellan(Gandalf) Ian Holm(the ever so loveable Bilbo even in those black eyes)and Dominic Monaghan(Merry). the other supports kicked as well.well you get the point im making. it rocked the casbah baby. also watch The Two Towers
Rating:  Summary: The best film in the History of Cinema period! Review: If you havent seen Lord of the Rings yet, you are missing out on THE MASTERPIECE to beat all materpieces. I myself had doubts about this superb cast and how they could all act togeather, but after I watched it for the first time, I was COMPLETLY hooked. Superb acting by every person in this film. Unbeleavable story that has been brought to the film thanks to director Peter Jackson, who has brought the greatest book of all time and actuly made it the best book and film of all time. This movie had EVERYTHING. Acting, fights, story, love story, and villins. This movie has (in my opinion) surpassed the New Star Wars movies and will become the greatest trilogy of our generation. A MUST MUST MUST have dvd. DO NOT HESITATE TO BUY, this is truly one of the greatest dvds in the world. BUY IT.
Rating:  Summary: This mOvie is Excellent Review: If you like anything to do with wizadry youll love this movie.....
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: If you like fantasy you will love the journey you embark upon watching this movie. Peter Jackson has done a wonderful job maintaining Tolkien's world of Middle Earth.I loved it so much it makes me want to have played a part in the movie.
Rating:  Summary: MY FAVORITE MOVIE!!!! or DVD Review: If you like fantasy, action, or drama, this is the film for you!!! A little note to girls...plenty of cute guys in it! Anyways I never read the Tolkien books before but when I went to see the movie...I couldn't wait to start! After the second time (yes I saw it 2 times) I bought the book. I have now finished the trilogy and am starting on The Silmarillion, which is another Tolkien book. I reccomend this movie for any age and every age! It'll leave you speechless! I was.
Rating:  Summary: PUTS THE THEATRICAL VERSION TO SHAME!!! Review: If you liked the theatrical version this will blow you away. More character background, and a more maticulasely fallowed story. Crucial scenes were added back into this verson. George Lucas did this to his Episode I DVD release and fans hailed it. Any Lord Of The Rings fan will say that same about this version. There's more battle, story development, and character build up. You find that you have more connections with the charaters you already love. THIS DVD IS THE MOST COST - SATISFATION DVD YOU CAN BUY! OVER ^ HOURS OF BONUS STUFF THAT WILL GIVE YOU A GREATER APPREICIATION OF WHAT PETER JACKSON AND HIS CREW CREATED, AS WELL AS WHAT THE CAST WENT THROUGH TO BRING THESE BEAUTIFUL AND COLORFUL HEROS TO LIFE.
Rating:  Summary: all words fail me except one--fascinating! Review: If you liked the theatrical version, I guarantee you, you will drool over this Extended Version! Unlike most deleted scenes, the deleted scenes on this DVD are excellent, and with most of them I couldn't understand why they were deleted until I listened to the commentary by Peter Jackson, and even then I thought, "But......." As the Amazon.com review says, the new special features are 'far superior.' Far far far FAR superior! On the first Appendices disc, there's about 2 and a half hours of documentaries, plus storyboard to film comparisons and about 2,000 pictures. The second one has 3 and a half hours, plus about 200 something pictures (I counted them myself). The documentaries are far more in-depth than the theatrical version ones--they go into practically every detail--making costumes, prosthetics, miniatures, weapons, armor, music, sound effects, digital stuff, and editing the movie. There is a JRR Tolkien biography documentary, two documentaries on the cast, and one long one about where they filmed all the different locations. Most of the new scenes and extended scenes are interesting--It shows the entire ambush on Isildur, Bilbo starting to write his book, some different conversation between Frodo and Gandalf in the wagon, the Hobbits goofing off and talking about how "War's brewin" at the Green Dragon, Elves walking through the woods in the Shire and singing, the hobbits and Aragorn traveling through the Midgewater Marshes, Boromir trying to grab the Ring at the Council of Elrond and Gandalf yelling at him in Black Speech. On the second disc, There's a scene in Rivendell before Bilbo's gifts where Aragorn's at his mom's grave, Elrond bidding farewell to the Fellowship, Gandalf and Frodo's small conversation before entering Moria, more password-giving from Gandalf and more yelling at Pippin, a scene in Moria where they look down into a mithril mine, and more Cave troll. In Lothlorien, there's a nighttime scene where Haldir takes them to a fortress in a tree and talks with Aragorn. Then they show them walking through the woods until they come to Caras Galadhon where Galadriel lives. There is a little more talking with Galadriel, Sam making a poem about Gandalf's fireworks, Galadriel's gift giving, a nighttime scene on the Great River, in which Bor. and Arag. argue, more fighting in Parth Galen. There are also some small, five-second long extensions in scenes like the Ring Goes South, Caradhras, the Party, Very Old Friends, and Departure of Boromir. With some original scenes, though, they used different takes so that the extensions would fit in. But that's not really a problem...... this DVD without a doubt is the best one ever manufactured!