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Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Widescreen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Widescreen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Is The Force with you?
Review: Many (MANY) people complained that George Lucas made us wait far too long for far too little. I thought Episode I was a great show. Jar Jar this, and blah blah that. People are natural complainers, but I had a grand ol' time watching this (3 times) in the theater and owning the video now.

Very few movies are perfect, yet most people EXPECTED this one would be. Like any movie, it has it's problems I'm sure (whatever each person thinks), but George Lucas is not God, he's just a man who makes movies. And this one I thought was very good. I look forward to the next two chapters.

My only complaint is not about the CONTENT of the movie, it's just a disappointment in the fact that the DVDs are not available and the rumors that Mr. Lucas will NOT make chapters VII, VIII, & IX!

Is the force with him?

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Screw the critics, they don't know everything...
Review: Many critics who slammed this film don't realize the challenge George Lucas had in rewinding his famous saga and telling a story that started in the middle from the very beginning. It was over twenty years after the first film, a LONG time to keep fans waiting. Filmmaking had grown technologically by this time, but Lucas had to keep the simplicity of Episodes IV-VI. But still it had to be interesting, the casting of younger characters had to be right, it had to be accurate, it had to give hints......see? This is a lot for a director/producer to think about.
I think "Episode I" pulled off all of its set tasks quite well. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough to warrant its big box office draw. It was also a nice starting point to build toward two bigger, better films with Episodes II and III.
The actors: I think Liam Neeson was great as Qui-Gon Jinn. He had the serenity of a most experienced Jedi and the power of a master of sabre battle. Ewan McGregor, almost always a jewel, was the ideal to play the young Obi-Wan. He nails the character that Sir Alec Guinness set forth for him, and his youthful energy gives a lot to the battle sequences. Natalie Portman was more effective as Padme the handmaiden (or is she??) than she was as the stoic queen. Her accent was like nails on a chalkboard during the Senate meetings and other conferences. But that's okay. She's better in Episode II.
Jake Lloyd....hmmmmmmm....he is young and precocious and cute, but there were probably better child actors out there who could have played this part. I think Haley Joel Osment might have been good if not a little obvious. Ray Park as Darth Maul: He is a man of few words, but big action. He was fantastic and I was sad to see him killed off so early in this trilogy. Samuel L. Jackson: can't wait to see him get more screen time. Yoda: good to have you back if only for a moment. Still a wise master, you are.
Finally, I will address the issue that bothered audiences the most: Jar Jar Binks. When I first saw the movie, I liked Jar Jar. I thought he was quirky and kind of cute. But he seemed out of place in this movie. He was what I call the "toy character" in a science-fiction films. He was someone for the kids to laugh at, and there's nothing necessarily wrong with that. Adults just find him a bit annoying after a while.
The action sequences: MARVELOUS!! Not too phony, yet not too realistic that a fantasy element is lost. The light sabre battle was the best one I have ever seen. When Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan jump/flip across the platforms and land in front of Darth Maul, it is one of those moments that makes you go, "Oh yeah, something's about to go down!" (That aforementioned moment: watch it in widescreen or you lose Obi-Wan on the right. That irritated me about the VHS release.) The pod race scene was very good and should be enjoyed in stereo/surround sound. Turn it up, make it like NASCAR!
Overall, the movie was one of my favorites. I know I'm biased because I'm a Ewan McGregor slave, but I did consider everything about this film so as to be fair. I liked it, others didn't. It happens.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Adventure Begins
Review: Many people are critical of this film, and for the non-Star Wars freak that maybe true. However, for those who are fans of the books and the movies, this film is terrific. Yes, I will admit that Jar Jar is annoying, but so was C3-PO when the original trilogy came out. The true charm to this film is the explaination it depicts of many unanswered questions that the films and books have created. From the actual incarnation of creatures and aliens that our minds eye has not been able to create to the explaination of how Jabba the Hutt gained his power. (and what a female Hutt looked like) This is what this trilogy is intended to do.
On top of that, Mr. Lucas and company did a fantastic job casting this film. Everyone from Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman did a fantastic job playing the noble characters of an age in which the chivalrous order of the Jedi were the elite of the galaxy. Young Anakin was portrayed fantastically...he was portrayed as a kid...exactly what he should be, and exactly what Luke was in Episode IV. Overall, this is a film about introducing characters and explaining an unknown universe to a populace that already knows the ending and Mr. Lucas and company did a fantastic job!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's the first of a trilogy!
Review: Many people are judging Star Wars: Episode 1 on it's own, and really shouldn't. It is the first in a trilogy, and isn't meant to stand on it's own. Some people say that this movie is bland, but it's two purposes are to introduce you to several characters, and to give you a reference to several events mentioned in Episodes 2 and 3. I've read all of the spoilers to Episode 2, and many of the events in Episode 1 will make much more sense when the next 2 movies come out. Episode 2 will definately be the best Star Wars film released as of yet BY FAR (see my review of Episode 2 that I just posted on amazon).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It is GOOD... YES it is...
Review: Many people hated this prequel. I can understand why they would. After all, when something like Star Wars has an almost religious following anything less than a religious experience would be disappointing. What these disappointed people should do, however, is watch the original trilogy and see how many goofy and annoying things they can find in it... seriously. Everybody hails the original Star Wars as a godsend but let's face it, Princess Leia was a whiny brat, Mark Hamille couldn't act his way out of a paper bag, and the lightsaber duel between Vader and Obi-Wan was far from exciting. Even the dialogue was less than great; "But I was gonna go to town to get some power converters!!!" <<whine>>. Or how about the fact that Luke finds his aunt and uncle (the people who raised him) both charred to a crisp and then basically goes; "Oh well... I guess I'll be going to Mos Eisley with you after all..." But God forbid should anyone find fault with the original, because after 20 years it has become like the Bible of sci-fi, because that is the way as children we REMEMBER it. As children, we could care less about acting, special effects or dialogue. What really mattered is all the cool stuff... how Star Wars made us feel... that we had been transported to another WORLD full of new creatures and technology, a world so remarkably detailed and complex that it seemed real. NOBODY but Lucas has EVER been able to create that feeling of otherworldliness. Every sci-fi movie since seems to me like a director/producer just trying to make a little world for a little 2-hour film, but Star Wars is much more, it gives us a glimpse, a magic window into a very real, living world that you can believe continues to thrive long after your window has closed and the credits roll. With the beautiful landscapes of Naboo, Coruscant and Tatooine, with the miasma of aliens and vehicles, who needs to see more? If you want good acting, watch the Godfather... or better yet, watch CNN and stay in good ol' boring (but realistic) Earth.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A stage setting epic
Review: Many people have criticized this film. While i agree, the childish humor of jar-jar is tiresome and annoying, it captures a more simple, open feeling which is reflective of the young Skywalker. This film sets the stage for the upcoming tragedy that the other films part of. Peace is coming to an end, innocence has no place in the story being created by Lucas's vision. The parallels between Luke and his father are so easy to see in this film. My only dissapointment in this film (aside from jar-jar) was the Jedi council. It seemed a bit too oppressive and narrow minded... not that i would have any idea what such a society would be like. In all, i liked this film. By the third time i watched it, i was able to tune out Binks and focus on the story of the Jedi and Skywalker.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent and surpurb - most overhyped, but underrated film.
Review: Many people may have disliked THE PHANTOM MENACE because it was not made in the 70s or 80s and it didn't have Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, or Princess Lia. Well, duh...they weren't even born yet in this episode! And Darth Vader didn't exist, either. But this movie is just as excellent as the last three...just different.

I think everybody has seen THE PHANTOM MENACE and knows what it's about so I don't really have to write a summary. But in THE PHANTOM MENACE, there are some interesting and new characters such as the young future-to-be Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd), JarJar Binks, Anakin's mother Shmi Skywalker (Pernilla August), Qui-Gonn Jonn (Liam Neeson), Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman), and Darth Maul (Ray Park), along with many other new characters.

THE PHANTOM MENACE was aiming more toward Anakin Skywalker's point of view. The special effects and sound effects are incredible. The storyline is pretty good, too. Even though this movie is very long, it is a very good long movie that will have you engrossed until the end. This isn't just for STAR WARS fans - though I do say I am a STAR WARS fan - this movie can be for anybody. Of course, it would be better to watch the other episodes so you know what's supposed to be happening and you are not totally clueless about everything.

George Lucas did an amazing job with THE PHANTOM MENACE and I congratulate him on a job-well-done. It is a satisfying movie with excellent and surpurb acting from the entire cast essemble. It is a definite must see and must own for all STAR WARS fans and a great movie for just about anyone to see. Go and see this movie and I can guarentee you'll love it. Can't wait for Episode II out in theaters summer of 2002!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best DVD in my collection (even with Jar Jar!)
Review: Many people that claim to be Star Wars fans are venomously against this movie. I don't understand it - this is a very worthy addition to the Star Wars universe. The fun is there ("I have a bad feeling about this"), the action is there (especially the lightsabre duels - far superior to any of the previous ones), and the movie is a fun experience. All the SW movies are thin on plot and have hokey dialogue - why are people upset that this one should too?

The main problem with this film is that we already know the end (Return of the Jedi). SW fans will consider these films as history. There's little suspense in Darth Maul vs. Obi-wan because we know Obi-wan lives another 30 years! Similarly, Anakin is obviously going to survive the pod race and the space battle, because he lasts until RotJ. By the same argument, we cannot shed tears for other characters that we know are dead in the "present" - Amidala, Qui-gon, Mace Windu, etc. Thus, some dramatic tension is lost. Having said that, though, the fun of SW is the action and immersion in the Galaxy Far, Far Away.

The DVD edition is fantastic, even if you think the movie is sub-par. There are numerous behind-the-scenes features, all of which give a nifty inside look at the making of the film. Especially interesting is the look at the digital manipulation of people and places. Parts are very impressive - Coruscant, the Gungan city, etc. Others need some work - Jar Jar is the most obvious. There's something very unnatural about the way he moves, occasionally defying the laws of physics, and he's distracting in the background because he moves too much. The cut scenes are fun to see, the commentary is full of tidbits and features George Lucas and several others (including ILM fixture Ben Burtt), and a neat 3-way split-screen feature on how storyboards are brought to the screen. There's also the obligatory ads (both TV and cinema), some of which I never saw before, and the video for Duel of the Fates.

The combination of a pretty good movie on a great DVD full of extras makes this the jewel of my DVD collection, and highly recommended.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dark Undertones
Review: Many people watched this and thought it was merely a flippantly humourous entry in the Star Wars series, however, there is a dark undertone to this film which can possibly only be appreciated on subsequent viewings, depending on how observant you are. Also, watching the first three films (or should that be the second three films?) is a pre-requisite. If you haven't seen the other Star Wars films, this may make little sense, and the ominous tone will be lost.

On top of that, there's the state-of-the-art computer generated effects, a wonderfully fresh music score from John Williams and some excellent action sequences.

Yes, the acting's a little wooden, but then it was in *all* the Star Wars films. Yes, the plot's a little thin, but then it was in.... you get the idea.

Those afflicted with misguided nostalgia may want to avoid this, but for any *true* Star Wars fans, this should whet your appetite for the next installment.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Episode 1
Review: Matrix is not even a close second to this movie! Yes, the movie was geared towards children but that was good. The story was fast and fun and the plot was rich enough to enjoy as an adult and simple enough to enjoy as a child. The star wars trilogy was a hard act to follow and Lucas succeeded in in almost every way. The picture quality of the VHS version was blurry and drab but I suspect this is for reasons of the eventual release of a THX " SPECIAL EDITION "version in the future. That's it sell them the video two or three times not just once. I still think it's worth it even if the picture could be better.

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