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Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Widescreen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Widescreen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
Your Price: $13.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A good, clean, fun adventure.
Review: Let's get this out of the way first, Episode 1 did lack the feeling of magic and wonder that the old films posessed. Now let's make an excuse. Episode 1 is set in a completely different time frame (40 years earlier I believe),with new (old?) characters and struggles that are entirely political, and thus action will not be heavy until the final confrontation at the end. This movie does not make a heavy first impression, but definitely DOES grow on you. Only recently when reflecting back on the film do I start to get the nostalgia I have with the other three. Sorry critics, but I think you'll find a healthy chunk of us found Jar Jar endearing. This film is good in the sense of a Saturday morning cartoon. It leaves you with a sigh of "well that was fun" at its end. Those who worry about it being too childish may have forgotten what it was like to be a child. I'm assuming that the lightness of this film can be accredited to the guaranteed darkness of the next two, which will have their own sets of critics. But in ten years, society will reflect back on all six and think : "Man, what a ride!"

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good, but not Great
Review: Let's get this out of the way: the deleted scenes are NOT worth buying this DVD. Each of the deleted scenes deserved to be deleted from the movie, whereas other scenes everyone wanted to see (such as Qui Gon and Maul fighting on the ramp of Queen Amidala's ship) are never even hinted at. (In case you didn't know, the scene I just mentioned takes place when Qui Gon jumps up to the ship after scuffling with Maul on Tatooine; in the original, he's followed by Maul, where another melee takes place on the ramp with Qui Gon giving Maul a force push after Maul tries to Tomahawk Qui Gon, a move Maul later gives to Obi Wan that leaves Obi Wan hanging over the energy reactor shoot in the final battle). Of all the scenes to include, Lucas gives us more Jar Jar! WHEN DOES THE HURTING STOP?????

Okay, now that I have that out of my system . . . it's a good DVD. Even after watching it, I'd still buy it. If tradition holds, the second movie of the trilogy will be the gem of the series (we all know Empire was what made the first Star Wars trilogy what it is today), which means there's still hope of redemption from Jar Jar. I say: keep the faith. Like A New Hope (the very first one), The Phantom Menace will hopefully prove to be a "warm up" for Lucas for better things to come.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Put it into context.
Review: Let's look at what's being attempted here: a huge, multigenerational story spread over nine films. The story begins with Episode I. We know nothing about the future of these characters. We begin meeting them, not knowing for certain which ones will endure through the series and which will be short-lived. It begins on a low level and begins the story arc, which, I reiterate, will take NINE FILMS to be completed. Look at Episode I in this light; not that it has anything to live up to, but that it's the promise of things to come. Someday people will see the whole story, for the first time, in order, all 9 installments. Of course the first episode doesn't top the others. What kind of storytelling sense would that make? George Lucas knows exactly what he's doing. Wait and see.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Who let this happen?
Review: Let's not beat around the bush-- this was a bad movie. A very bad movie. It only makes things worse that this was the most anticipated film, well, ever. We waited 17 years and THIS is what we get?

Much was made of the fact that George Lucas hadn't directed a movie since Star Wars. It shows. If Lucas had been on the ball he would've fired the screenwriter, because the story and script are awful. Oh, that's right, Lucas wrote it, too. We begin to see the problem.

So what is The Phantom Menace about? Well, its about taxes. Its about a planet that doesn't want to pay what it thinks are too-high taxes. Now, this may be an acceptable subject for Bush and Gore to debate, but it seems an odd topic for Lucas to choose as the flashpoint for all that is to follow. Perhaps this is meant to be a civics lesson for the millions of politically uninvolved youngsters out there. Perhaps.

Anyway, it only takes about 3 minutes for the lightsabers to start waving around and no doubt the crowds went wild. Except that our fearless Jedi are fighting robots that are about as fearsome as a bunch of Furbies. Outnumbered 10 million to one our fearless Jedi make it to the planet's surface (exactly how is blessedly glossed over) and there Liam Neeson runs, literally, into one Jar Jar Binks. It is one of the momentous meetings in film history. Star Wars, perhaps the most revered (and profitable) story in the history of human creation is up against a character with the power to destroy it all. Like Lucifer himself, Jar Jar is an unholy creature. His pathetic attempts at comic relief, his unintelligable speech, the fact that a great actor like Neeson was forced to emote at empty air and then watched as it was filled by this abomination...it's beyond my abilities to describe how awful it all is. Did no one have the courage, the decency, to tell Lucas that this character was a horrible mistake? Cowards, all.

The other mind-blowing gaff Lucas makes is how he pretty much abandons what the whole Star Wars universe is based on, namely, the Force. If I recall correctly, Sir Alec Guinness describes the Force as a kind of New Agey cosmic energy emitted by all living things, a power that could be harnessed by those with the skill, training, wisdom, and patience to master it. Well, in this movie we find out the Force is actually a blood infection. The two Jedi analyze Anakin's blood & find out that he has a high level of this microbes or something and that's why he's so good with the Force. How on earth the people closely associated with Star Wars let Lucas screw up the Force is beyond me. It's insane.

The story itself is pretty blah. The pod race was neat and two laps too long. The assault on the Naboo fortress was about as exciting as preseason NFL game and ridiculous to boot. The kid who plays Anakin is annoying, as almost all child actors are. When he finds himself trapped on an enemy battleship and surrounded by murderous killer droids, Anakin utters the memoroable line, "This is NOT good." Ah, such scintillating dialogue.

Even the special effects are just kind of, ehhh. When "Star Wars" came out it was such a colossal hit because the special effects were light-years ahead of everything else. The opening scene, where the Star Destroyer is chasing Princess Leia's ship, was awesome, and I don't mean "cool", I mean awe-inspiring. Incredible. Today, digital technology (much of it pioneered by Lucas's Industrial Light and Magic) have made special effects, well, less special. Pretty soon any filmmaker will have the ability to hire a couple of high school kids with Macintoshes who can put together digital effects that can do anything. The director will wish it, and POOF! It'll be on the screen. Films will no longer be differentiated by the neato effects, but on such forgotten elements as the director's vision, good acting, great scripts, and interesting stories. All of which were sadly lacking in The Phantom Menace

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Remember - It's Just A Movie
Review: Let's remember what Lucas said in an interview shortly after the release of Phantom Menance - "it's just a movie". Do I miss Luke and Han? Yes, of course. Remember though that this film is set forty years before "A New Hope". Lucas is trying to lay down the events that led to the other films and is building a groundwork for the next two installments. If you have to think a little and mentally "connect the dots" well, I think that makes for a better story (like a good book) - not everything is laid out for you and you are forced to read between the lines (kind of like watching office politics). I'd see the film again. The special effects and the soundtrack were fantastic. I'm buying the video in widescreen (I wish it was on DVD). I can't wait to see how the rest of the story unfolds. Please, no more Jar Jar, though.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Flash back to the 80's
Review: Let's see now, three beings strong with the force fight it out, 1 good and 1 evil die while at the same time someone in a small spaceship flies inside a larger ship, blows it up and escapes just in time, while at the same time, down on the planet a bunch of [marketable] characters are fighting each other.... hmmmm...

Phantom Menace? - No, Return of the Jedi, remade 16 years later.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Star Wars: The Phantom Plot!
Review: Let's start this by saying I am a very big Star Wars fan. With that out of the way lets begin... There are 3 reason why I gave this movie 2 Stars. 1) The plot of the Star Wars Trilogy has always been one of plot twists, and this movie has enough, what this movie doesn't do is explain who is who. Who is the trade federation, who are the Jedi, who are the Hutts. Mr. Lucas has assumed (properly I admit) that those who see Star Wars 1- have seen the other 3 movies. But if I show the Star Wars movies to my grand children they will see SW1-first, and not have any clue about what's ging on until SW4 2) The charaters are the most shallow ones I ever seen. Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan have no chemistry together. I never once in the 3 times that I saw the movie believed that Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan were teacher, and student for any length of time more than the 6 months it took to film their scenes. Then there's Darth Maul, who has two lines, and has no ability to put fear into anyone. Mr. Lucas has short changed these characters no development with them, we see them and then there gone. Not even 10 minuets into SW4: A new Hope we were afarid of Darth Vader, and his storm troppers, no Maul is not one to fear, just to laugh at for having to many tattos. Then thers the jedi- for being a group a good natured i'm in harmony with the force people they are really a group of Jerks, no wonder Anni (Anikin's girlish nickname) turns to the Dark Side, and kill the Jedi, I would to those good for nothing Jerks. 3) The plot incosistances. Yoda was Obi-Wan's trainer, and princes Leia's father was Bail Organa, not Bail Antilies. I know this is Georges story but maybe he should have checked his source material. All in all I have waited sence 1983 to see a new Star Wars movie, and I was largly disappointed. Shame on you Mr. Lucas the force was not with you always, so do us all a favor let someone good like Speilberg, or Terinteno dircect the next movie, and make it a good one.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: this stinks
Review: Lets face it, if this film had not been a StarWArs movie. It would not have filled up the seats more than once. And no one in their right mind would have bought it!!!
All the elements composing a movie are missing.
This was made so that the bank account of mr.Lucas would become larger. Lets just hope that the last two are not of the same hopeless quality.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good movie to start a great saga...
Review: Lets start by saying that this movie will not live up to the hype that fans of the original trilogy have set. THE PHANTOM MENACE is an introduction movie, nothing more, so don't expect a really spectacular film. This is the first of the series, just like A NEW HOPE was the first of the original series, and A NEW HOPE wasn't that good either. In this first installment, we are introduced to the galaxy before it collapsed. The beautifully designed planet Coruscant is the home of the Republic and the home base of the Jedi Knights. Another planet, Naboo, the home of Queen Amidala and the gungans, is nicely designed to resemble a palace. And Tatooine, is a planet that resembles a home for the poor, also home of Anakin Skywalker. THE PHANTOM MENACE starts off in space where Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Won Kenobi are forced to settle a trade dispute, which happens to go bad. Then realize the Trade Federation is planning an attack on Naboo. Both head to Naboo to warn Queen Amidala of the attack. Then decide to leave to Coruscant where the Queen will be safe. But instead are forced to land on Tatooine where they meet Anakin Skywalker. The special effects are amazing. The pod race is absolutely great. The light saber fights are spectacular, and the war scene in space is really good. But the story is just a little confusing. Why does the Trade Federation want to start a war with Naboo ? I just don't understand. But THE PHANTOM MENACE delivers exactly what I had in mind, a decent first movie, which A NEW HOPE was as well. Let me say this, THE PHANTOM MENACE is just a setup. Thats it. A setup to what will be a great film. Just like A NEW HOPE was a setup to the spectacular THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. So just accept THE PHANTOM MENACE for that... Also a great DVD for the additional behind-the-scenes footage.

Rating: 5 stars

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