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Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Widescreen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Widescreen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bad Move, NO DVD AVAIL
Review: In this day and time, it is regretful that whomever (Lucas ?) is not offering this in DVD. We who have DVD will not buy it in VHS. Somebody is missing the marketing "boat"!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Democracy is not paradise
Review: In this first episode of Star Wars Lucas is once again an innovator. He uses the new possibilities that computerized imaging and creation propose to devise a completely new generation of films. These new tools enable him to freely create hundreds of beings, settings and even situations that could otherwise never be created. He takes great pleasure in the creatures he can create. In a way he is god. So he creates all kinds of monsters, aquatic or land monsters. He also creates intelligent beings with physiques that have little to do with man, and yet they walk and behave in many ways like human beings. Actually he used human models and then created the computerized beings from these models. These new tools also enable Lucas to set up tremendous scenes with strange machines and breath-taking races. This gives to the film a completely new dimension that is pure pleasure for the viewer. At the same time, in this first episode he introduces some characters we have met as older characters in the later episodes, but now in their young age or infancy. We can finally understand why and how the empire appeared and why and how the republic was destroyed. Lack of unity in purpose in the Republic. Democracy hijacked by bureaucracy in the Republic. The desire for a more effective and faster government in the Republic. The desire of the merchants, the industrialists, to impose their commercial rules to everyone and to conquer markets free of any taxation to increase their profits. Finally the ambition of some to seize that power and impose their own will over the whole galaxy. The Jedis are very powerless in front of such a decaying situation in which private interest is taking over collective interest. This film also has a great emotional value with the kid who has to leave his mother, who is freed and has to abandon his mother in slavery, because this Republic goes along with slavery on some planets. A great moment of entertainment.

Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University of Perpignan

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: prequel?
Review: in this one,there is a council of jedis who rule everything and keep the peace.yoda,ben,some black dude and on like that.a younger ben finds a little kid-who is called anakan and later vadar.that kid wins his freedom with bens help in a very cool pod race.ben recognizes the force in the little one and decides to train him as a jedi.the bad guy is darth maul who has a double bladed light saber-very cool.hes the coolest looking character yet.i think peple came down too hard on jar-jar.hes a dork but there have been a lot worse.the kids will like it.it is the 4th part but the first episode.everybody should go see this one because just anybody will like it.anakans mom was pretty nice if she cleaned herself up.this movie isnt as good as the tv says but they blow everything all out of proportion anyway.this movie is abselutely incredible though.i think the black dude may be in the matrix too.its good too.the special effects are good.after this there is one more.then there is an animated short film.there is also another one on the way next summer.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace
Review: In writing this review i will compare The Phantom Menace to the other Star Wars movies. First off the sound. The music in the Phantom Menace is mostly disapointing, besides the excellent 'Duel of Fates' the music is either repeated or not very good. 'The Imperial March' from Empire is far better than 'Duel of Fates'. In terms of story The Phantom Menace is fairly adequate, the plot is very difficult to detect and some people may think that it doesn't have one. In terms of set pieces i think that The Phantom Menace has only two real exciting moments, the lightsaber duel in the reactor core and the deployment of the droids onto the battlefield. These set pieces are both mediocre when compared to: the battle of Hoth, the asteroid chase, the duel on Cloud City, The first attack run, the second attack run, the space battle in Jedi and the speeder bike chase. I really didn't like the podrace. Now, here comes the big surprise, Even the effects aren't as good. I may sound mad but the models and puppets they used for the classic trilogy are for more realistic than The Phantom Menace's CGI effects. Overall The Phantom Menace comes third in the Star Wars quadology, lagging behind the exciting and deep Empire, the exciting and not so deep Jedi but still ahead of the not so exciting and not so deep A New Hope.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: -->Money comes in | Innovation goes out-->
Review: Int. evening - A dimly lit room.

George: The movie must have a child-friendly comic relief, and we also need some clever doll to sell afterwards... hmmmmm... Jar Jar Binks!

George: Wait it can't be too child-friendly or we'll loose the fans! Throw Maul into the ring, oooooh he's scary... hmmmm... we'll cut his dialogue down to three lines so the action figure can contain them all!

George: Liam Neeson is starting to complain about his lame character and dialogue... hmmmm... let's just give him a noble death at the end of the movie... wait we've already done that.. aaah what the hell! Everybody loves a cliché!

George: Wait! The script is a little thin... hmmmmmmm... Wait I own this cool Special FX company they'll fill out the holes!

George: All the cool authors have expanded my universe making it diverse and colorful... but let's just focus on places we know... like Tatooine!

George: Anakin is really smart... we'll let him build C-3PO... wait why doesn't Vader recognize him later? Oh yes... he's just been ignoring him... heh heh...

George: Oh yeah I've also invented these midiclorieans... which they for some weird reason haven't heard about in the original episodes... well the knowledge has just been lost in the huge Jedi massacres later on!

*George continues like this for months*

Actually I'm a Star Wars fan... and I like Episode I because of the cool action scenes, spectacular special FX and I actually don't think that the acting is so bad, and Jar Jar is pretty funny at times. I just have this love/hate thing for this episode. The whole Star Wars spirit, the innovation behind the old trilogy has been replaced by some kind of Disney oriented commercial family pack! To much money (minus 1 star)too little creativity (minus 1 star)... and George you better clone Darth Maul in Episode II and make it bloody and horrible for Anakin, and realease the original episodes on DVD (and not make 6000 special editions), or I'll cut off that beard of yours while you sleep! (can you get sued for this?)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A visual experience..........Flash Gordon+50..and beyond
Review: Is Episode I a good movie, you ask.....you bet....is it a great movie,..actually...yes it is....While it might have its quiks...Ep. I is exciting and entertaining with great scence and great characters...and a whole lot of science fiction fun too,and anyone who can take 30's space fantasy and adventure theater,..japanese movies, cowboys and westerns,...biblical and messianic undertones and mix it with egptian prophetcy and fairy tails deserves a lot of credit and all the awards he can get....The DVD is spectacular,a world-class first -rate production...showing once again that OL' Georgie leaves 'em all in the dust...so go out and get it today...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Force is Surely There
Review: Is it Obi-One-Kanobi's stylish accent? The cute defiance and ultra-intelligent character of the Darth-Vader-to-be? The antics of Jar-Jar Binks? Yup. It's all of it. This movie's got action. Style. Great costumes. And there is something touching about the story line that makes the Stars Wars trilogy even more romantic. Can you guessed that I loved it? Saw the movie 10 times while it was out a few summers ago. Now this DVD is as good. Very happy here.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The worst thing about this movie...
Review: is not Jar-Jar, though he is to movie making what a cold sore on your lip would be to your first date. It is not the dismal acting of youg Anakin. (I don't cut him any slack for his age. If you want to see good kid acting in a sci-fi flick, check out ET)It's the music. No, seriously, the music. Don't believe me? Go check out Star Wars. Review the scene where Luke is being chased by Darth Vader. Then go to Return of the Jedi. Go to the forest chase scene. Finally go to Phantom Menace. Go to the pod race. Notice anything missing? In the other two movies, the music heightened the dramatic tension of the scene. In the pod race, it doesn't. Why? BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ANY MUSIC!! When I sat through this in the theater, I wanted to walk out, but decided to stay to read the credits just so I could see what incompetent they picked to work with John Williams score. Surprise! It was John Williams. How could Williams and Lucas work on movies for over a quarter of a century and do such an amateurish job? If only Lucas would worry about film-making more, and merchandising less. I mean, come on, a movie this shoddy almost makes you wonder who was really in charge of making those first three movies all those years ago...

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A paradox for fans created by George!
Review: Isn't it odd that George Lucas claimed that he would not release Star Wars on DVD because he felt fans and viewers were being exploited? This is comming from the mastermins who released the original Star Wars how many times? My lord every year we had another reason to buy the same old trilogy just because it had a new cover. Well here we are again and it appears George has given in to the DVD craze. I guess I am a hypocrite for signing the petition to get it on DVD. Anyway I am always wondering what George will do next. To be quite honest he has been surprising me the past few years. First off he re-releases (And ruins) the original three films and then creates this mediocre film. Yes the action and graphics were exciting and yes the acting was lacking. (What was the point of Samuel L Jackson and Liam Neeson anyway? Both of them acted as though they were dying and uninterested.) What I find most compelling about this film and the subsequent release of it on DVD is that George really got lucky back in 77. He wrote some stories that are not too different from many of the classical Sci Fi stories and got in touch with some great film writers and directors. That is where we get the first three films. But please George spare us on the next 2 because now that you are solo it is obvious you have no idea what you are doing. The films are too childish and simple which is odd because in your books you can't come to a simple conclusion or come to a point without boring the reader with pages or drabble. Anyone ever read his stuff??? If you are still alive I am amazed. The Star Wars films will always be my favorite films of all time but I must admit I was let down by this prequel and it could very well be the last film George ever makes if only to spare us true fans the agony. Thanks for hearing out my complaining.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: why do so many people feel the need to hate this movie?
Review: It amazes me how many people feel the need to bash this movie! it was, and is, at its heart, classic movie making! a type of film making we dont see and is missed in this day and age of Independence days, men in black and wild wild west's! Good story telling and innocence! things that dont exsist in much entertainment these days!

this movie could never and would never meet the hype or the expectations of the original or empire strikes back(the best so far)!

this is just the beginnng so all you nay sayers stop being such jaded adults and sit back and enjoy! if not go watch independence day zzzzzzz zzzzzzzz, oh sorry just thinking about that pile of goo made me fall asleep!

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