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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Will they ever make a good DVD of this movie.....
Review: I bought the first DVD of this movie and it was still hastly put together by Fox. This one had better bonus features, but the X2 and DD film trailers are badly done (also because they were bad movies, but that is besides the point). I am still waiting for Fox to make the DVD release of this movie good so that the bonus features are easy to access. Maybe they will at last get it right when they re-release this on DVD in getting ready for X-Men 3 in 2006.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Utterly disappointed.
Review: First off, I'm not going to say anything about the quality of the video or anything, because I'm not concerned with things like that.

I got X-Men and X-Men2, along with another movie, at a Used Sale, all for about $10. I had never seen any of these movies, and, as a fan of the recent animated series, X-Men Evolution, I decided to give the movies a try.
And maybe my expectations were too high, but I thought that they were both horrific movies. The acting was okay. Hugh Jackman was an excellent choice for Wolverine, and he did a nice job. Ian McKellen also did very well as Magneto, I think. The rest of the acting was mediocre to upsetting.

Not only that, the characters barely had any personality. All the viewer knows about Jean Grey is that she's smart and pretty and nice. Scott Summers (Cyclopes) loves Jean. (That's really the only emotion that he is allowed to show.) Rogue is a little girl frightened of her powers. Logan (Wolverine) is a tough cookie. Everything the movie tells us about them is just simple, stereotypical, on-the-surface facts. The characters have no individual personality. They all seem to have the same sense of humor, say the same things... blah blah blah. So the script was terrible.

The one thing I can give you is that the story was great, but credit to that goes to the comic. So. I'll have to take that compliment back. There was absolutely nothing good about this movie.

Well... the computer graphics were pretty good.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It's a great film, but ...
Review: Same transfer.. No extended cut as expected. If you own the original, why bother to upgrade to 1.5? If you don't own it already, it's an easy purchase. "Nuff said," as Stan Lee would say.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: What is this?
Review: The X-men movie had me going once it was announced to hit theaters. So I saw it on HBO shortly after its theater run was done. And I must say that this film is bad! While the acting is not what it should be and the tone just wasn't there, the film seemed to lag at every turn. Hugh Jackman was a good choice for Wolverine, but just about everyone else didn't fit their roles.
The SFX were good and some of the fight scenes, while entertaining, were ridiculous. The film also seems to try and mimic the mood of Batman during the final battle of the film.
X-men, though, did try to portray the comics the way they were supposed to be, but comes up tremendously short!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: In the same genre as Star Trek and Star Wars
Review: There are moments in the DVD interviews where some of the cast and crew of this movie compare it with both Star Trek and Star Wars, and this is a pretty fair way of looking at it. X-Men is also a story about people and events that can not take place in the everyday world. A kind of comic book/science fiction movie that is certainly very similar to Star Trek and Star Wars. I think that is why this movie has appealed to a certain percentage of the movie audience, they like and want to see more of these kinds of movies, and it;s good to know that we still have many more of look foward too.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: X MEN. friday 9th april 2004.
Review: If you like action and power this is your type. I wanted it for ages, but never reading the reviews about it,but i could tell on the box what it was about. I have never been one for these films, but this is brill! x men i have wanted for ages well x men 2, and i had never seen the 1st and without seing the 1st the second probably carries on. I really enjoyed it, but from the beggining to the middle was the best, although normally the end gets better. I can't wait to see the 2nd and anyone who likes a film with abit of action and powers, will defently like this film, im sure of it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Wolverine Show
Review: Everyone says this movie lacks the action of the sequel because it has to "develop the characters". Where are these characters that are being developed? The whole movie practically revolves around Wolverine. Wolverine wasn't even one of the original X-Men yet he gets more screen time than all the original X-Men put together, some of whom aren't even in the movie (Angel, Beast)

Not only does this movie ignore the other X-Men's origins, it doesn't even follow the original plot. Yes, most movie adaptations tend to make a few plot adjustments here and there but this movie is what the X-Men would look like if you took the entire comic collection, shredded them into microscopic pieces, and then scotch taped the pieces together at random.

The casting is also horrible, Halle Berry plays the worst Storm possible. She seems to be stuck in the cast based on name recognition alone. James Marsden makes Cyclops seems lifeless, which I'm not sure I can blame due to the amount of screen time he gets. Hugh Jackman, the tallest cast member, ironically stars as Wolverine. The comic book character is named Wolverine because he is short and ferocious like the animal. For those of you who watch WWE, this is the same reason why Chris Benoit is nicked "The Rabid Wolverine".

During the special features when the cast each explain their character's powers, the guy who plays Sabretooth says something along the lines of "Durr, Sabretooth is really strong". Obviously, there wasn't much homework done before this movie went into production. No homework from this poor sap who landed the monotonous role of Sabretooth, none from whoever did the casting, none from even Singer himself. It looks like the whole point to X-Men the movie was to show off some crappy FX and make a quick buck on an already established franchise. This movie will most likely insult those who are X-Men fans and bore those who are not. Stay away!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: great
Review: I was hesitant when going into to see this movie. I heard that iw as plagued with production problems and had the release date moved up a few months. but with the previews and some of the actors involved, I couldn't resist.

I wasn't dissapointed.

Patrick Stewart was great as professor X, he took the character seriously and made him believable as the benevolent leader of the X-men. Ian McKellan was wonderful as the anti-hero Magneto. Making him no a butcher or a raving lunatic, but an idealist that wasn't afraid to spill some blood in order to achieve his goals. As well as the psychopathic Wolverine, whom Hugh Jackman makes himself look almost born to play. He looks as though he has depth, but is still abrasive and looks like he loves beating the hell out of people.

The FX were impressive, but didn't take away from the movie like Spawn. A good example was when Magneto was tossing cars around in front of the bus station. They also didn't go too far into the technobabble trying to explain everything that was going on.

The X-men were very similar to their comic counterparts, but modernized for a 2000 feel. But didn't delve into the Scream like self awareness. They did a good job to show the double edged blad of how it could be like if you had super powers, being feared and outright hated. It was also fairly well paced, a bit short, but felt like a complete movie with no dead areas.

In short one of the best comic book movies out there, and an impressive show by cast and crew.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I love the movie and the extra stuff is anything but bad!!!! Some people say the extra stuff stinks....maybe they didn't realize that there is A SECOND DISK!!!! If you liked the original movie, you'll love this. If you've only read the comic books or seen the T.V. show, you might want to rent this before buying it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: 'Hey it's me'. 'Prove it'. 'You're a dick'.
Review: I never really thought I'd be interested in watching X-Men. It simply never appealed to me, and the front cover of the DVD, plus the posters, doesn't really do the film justice. But I thought maybe that I'd give it a go. I was slightly disappointed by the whole film. I was expecting it to be a lot more violent, but there were very few fight scenes. As I've never read the comic books, I didn't know any of the characters, although I was quite surprised to figure out who they were for some strange reason!

X-Men starts off really strangely - it starts off in a concentration camp, in Poland, in 1944. None of this seems to relate to the rest of the film, nor does it get picked up on at all. Maybe it will in the sequel, but it seems kind of puzzling to use a scene that doesn't really relate to the rest of the movie. Unless you notice that the little boy at the start uses his "powers" to bend the gates back - but then again, it's never really explained who the little boy was. I thought it was Wolverine, but it seems more likely to be Magneto, Patrick Stewart's enemy.

I was quite impressed with the cast members in this. The names that always get batted about were Patrick Stewart and Halle Berry. But also featuring was Famke Janssen and Anna Paquin - the latter is a fantastic actress. It was bugging me when she first appeared, as I knew the face, and finally figured out that she starred as Mac in She's All That. I wasn't expecting her to be one of the main characters, as she hasn't had many big starring roles (except in Fly Away Home, but she was only young then), and was quite surprised when she appeared continually throughout. She's not really that big a name I suppose, and hasn't had a great many big roles, but I'm sure her role in this and the sequel will have boosted her name in Hollywood.

Another name who will certainly get a big boost in Hollywood is Hugh Jackman. Never heard of him before this, but he's certainly quite nice looking! (Hubba hubba ding-a-ling!) He's previously starred in little-known Australia productions, and he was plucked from obscurity to become the lead actor. He appears topless in a couple of scenes, and although the chest rug didn't do much for me, the rest of him did!

Most of the characters didn't really appeal to me, and really, the first film is all about introducing them to the audience, and what their powers are, etc. What I really enjoyed about this movie was the seeming parallel between X-Men and Labyrinth. How did you think I made that connection? Well, if you've seen Labyrinth, then you'll know that the relationship between David Bowie (his tights) and a young Jennifer Connolly seems almost wrong for a child's fairytale movie. If Labyrinth hadn't been directly aimed at children (although I still enjoy it as an adult, particularly the contents of David Bowie's tights!), then maybe they could have developed that relationship. The same can be said for the relationship between Hugh Jackman and Anna Paquin - although he seems to be more of a mentor than anything else. But it's the connection between the two, and I hope this gets developed in the sequel.

I'm looking forward to seeing the sequel, but I definitely suggest if you are watching this movie for the first time, you do NOT make the same mistake I made, and watch it complete with the extended scenes! It really interrupts the flow of the film, and is almost distracting at times - and then I couldn't find an 'obvious' option to switch the extended scenes off! A good movie despite that, with loads of extras, which will no doubt take hours to wade through (but no trailer?)! I hate DVDs that don't have the trailers for the movies - I prefer to watch the trailer first, THEN watch the film. It's a necessity.

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