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The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers (Widescreen Edition)

The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers (Widescreen Edition)

List Price: $29.95
Your Price: $17.97
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A film this good has to meet a higher standard.
Review: I'll be honest here, if I had seen this film as an independent story from new material, I'd have given it five stars. In essence I'm rating it here against the first film in the series. The first film was nothing short of amazing, incredible visuals, standout characters, and truly "boffo" action sequences. The reason for a letdown here is the characters were a bit forgotten. The majority of people I asked, and including myself came out of this film with the idea that the biggest standout character was Gollum. "Strange it is my precious", when the most notable character in an epic movie is an animated one!

I have to blame this on the direction. While a difficult thing to do, a director must give the movie some focus, and enough intimate scenes with the characters. This is to keep from being over shadowed by the special effects, and epic battles. Perhaps it was bit too easy in the first movie having the interaction of Tolkiens "Fellowship", to give the characters focus. I'll admit that since you have groups of characters spread in many different locations, it is nearly impossible to accomplish a good focus on each group. Yet, the Gollum character seemed to accomplish it. Perhaps by asking for a bit more "over the top" performances we have been able to see the characters, over the roar of the epic battle scenes.

Along with Gollum, the battle sequences just made the movie. Recent movies with big battle scenes such as the Aussie opuses, Braveheart, and The Gladiator, were actually dwarfed by the size, and scope of the battles seen here. I didn't think film could ever contain the huge scope, and flow of the battles Tolkien described in his "Rings" novels, but movie proved me wrong! The struggle depicted really made you think that the forces of evil, could indeed overrun, and control all of middle earth. It gave even more credence, to the mission of the ring bearer. This was a great movie, I just couldn't rate it "quite" as good as the first.

Some notes on the DVD, I like the wide screen version because I don't like my epics to be cut. I know some folk out there that complain they are missing content when it is wide screen, because of the bars on the top and bottom. It becomes hard to explain, that they are not really taking away any picture, they are just using less of your TV screen. My response (usually takes people by surprise) is that TVs near future is watching it on HDTV and plasma screens. These sets have a wider aspect ratio than our current TVs. Would you want your future dvd showings to have the bars on the sides where you, "really are" missing content?

One final note, I am prepared to hate the final movie in this trilogy. The reason is: like in the books, Tolkien understood that we the reader would know that the ring bearer would succeed somehow. Which is probably why the ring is destroyed midway though the last book of the trilogy. Its rare when a book plays out it's ending into the life after the big climatic sequence. Even though us as the reader usually wants to hear more of the story. Tolkien did that, and did it successfully, by returning the Hobbits to the Shire, and having them use their "battle tested strength", and "bred from experience" guile, to defeat yet another great evil. I hope this will be included in the final film, but because of time constraints I have my doubts.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: so many of you that leave these reviews take this stuff way too seriously. for god's sake just enjoy the fact that you were alive to see these movies made. to pick them apart like these people we all can't stand on TV (the critics) just shows how much free time you all need to fill with something else.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Rediculous...
Review: Personally, I think it's silly to buy a movie for that price, because that's all it is...a movie (with some behind the scenes and "the making of" etc.) I mean I love LOTR as much as the next person, but that's it. I don't care to watch all that extra stuff, it's boring to me. This is what they always do for these masterpiece movies; they make a real special DVD package with all these documentaries and stuff just...booooring. Pretty soon it's gonna get real old and no one's gonna give into it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sequels Can Indeed Rock!
Review: I recently read, once again, the original J.R.R. Tolkien triology of Lord of the Rings and was reminded of the "creative" ways in which the director, Peter Jackson, made a few changes such as having a character say something or do something that someone else had said or done in the books, dropped scenes, and added scenes that never even existed in the books. There is a rumor going around that some day he will explain these changes to angry fans of the original books. If this is true it will be interesting to hear what he has to say.

In the meantime...

I said all the above first to get it out of the way. When I went to see the first movie I was aware of the differences between the movie and original story but I didn't care...this movie was great! Everything good and beautiful were in place: great locations, top-notch acting, set designs and costumes,it was beautifully filmed, CGI done exceptionally well, beautifully written and directed...this film just rocked! I was carried along with a story of such breadth and height by all these things and couldn't wait to see the next installment. It did not disappoint me!

LOR: TTT has once again captured me up in the fine art of story-telling and the best of the best in making a film right. At my first full look at Gollum I sat there with my mouth open, amazed they were able to capture the essence of the creature so well. (I read the books in my early teens and I remember imagining Gollum just this way!) Once again, I cared deeply for the characters. Once again I could not find fault with any one actor's portrayal, even the bit parts were made interesting by the superb acting. In this film, as in the first, obviously everyone involved was on top of their game. Applause.

Now to the DVD. I was very disappointed that there were some elements on the DVD I could not access unless I got online and registered. There was no mention of this anywhere on the DVD itself, that I would need to register and give away, yet AGAIN, my personal information to a company whose only interest is selling me more of their products and selling my e-mail/snail mail addresses to others...GEESH! So, because I have not registered the product online, (with my very own personal registration code that came with the DVD), I cannot access some of the features on the DVD that I PAID FOR!!! Bah!!!

The other features included on the DVD consist mostly of "The Making Of..." type shorts which are a mix of interesting tidbits for the LORphiles and boring talk about how cleverly they went about all things LOR:TTT.

One more month before LOR: Return of the King!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "The Supreme Film Adventure of Our Time"
Review: After I saw this movie I had to buy a Thesauras just to describe how superb this film truly is. After the first LOTR, I admit that I had very high expectations for The Two Towers, and I must admit that this movie raises the bar for a major film production. This movie not only keeps the strong plot and epic feel that made the first an instant film legend, but also has wonderfully creographed battle scenes and extreme attention to detail. The introduction of Gollum/Smeagol proves to be another 'plus' for this film. His Schizophrenia is a very unique character attribute and joins Gimli as the films comic relief. As Frodo and Sam venture on toward Mount Doom they explore more of the folk of Middle-Earth that shows the diversity and genius that Tolkien wrote about, and Jackson interprets. This Academy Award Nominee deserves every praise it recieved. Tolkien is dancing is his grave!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Special Extended DVD Edition Will RULE!!!
Review: The origional version of The Two Towers is excellent! But I just don't care for it anymore because the Special Extended DVD Edition of it will be even better. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers Extended Cut DVD will have wonderful added scenes from the book and will even have better special features than the theatrical DVD version. If you already own Fellowship of the Ring Extended Cut DVD then buy Two Towers Extended Cut DVD as well. It will be fascinating!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Astounding and almost incomprehensible
Review: Director Peter Jackson must have some kind of PhD in moviemaking that few folks are even close to. The way he is able to put this whole project (look at the bonus material on the DVD and you'll see what I mean) together into an incredible work of art is just beyond words. The performances are out of this world, and as far as the ladies are concerned: some might say that the actor who plays Aragorn gives Brad Pitt a serious run for his money. Then again, maybe not. Let's face it.... it's Brad we're talking about all of a sudden, not chopped liver.

I do have some peeves that came out; maybe others of you have the same feeling:
1) Elija Wood as Frodo "The Dazed and Confused " during most of the film does get a bit tired. I realize the significance of hobbits in general (in Tolkien's world), but in this film he seems to detract from the story, not enhance it.
2) How did Liv Tyler get third billing on the credits when she had maybe two and a half minutes of screen time?

Regardless, the direction, storyline, cinematography, costumes, effects, battle scenes, and set designs are so amazing.... Matrix Schmatrix.

Rating: 5 stars

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Race Against Doom!!
Review: Presiding over a scene resembling a Bosch-like hell, renegade Wizard Saruman, (Christopher Lee), intones menacingly, "The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. A new world order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear." Saruman, in league with the evil, dark Lord Sauron, is bent on the destruction of mankind, beginning with the people of Rohan and leading to eventual control of the entire world. They want the One Ring of Power in order to succeed with their plans.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" takes over exactly where "The Fellowship of the Ring" left off. The transition from the first film to the second is so seamless that the idea to make all three films, parts one, two and three, at the same time with different release dates seems to have been an excellent one. The members of the Fellowship parted at the conclusion of the last movie. This film opens with Frodo Baggins (brilliantly played by Elijah Wood), the Ringbearing Hobbit, and his loyal companion Samwise Gangee, (Sean Astin), making their way through the grim landscape, over cold, misty mountains and through the Dead Marshes toward their goal to destroy the Ring. Demented, obsessed Smeagle, the Gollum, trails them and then, discovered, leads them toward their fate. Gandalf the Gray is left spiraling down a seemingly infinite abyss, fighting the terrible fire monster, Balrog. The man Aragon, (Viggo Mortensen), the elf Legolas (Orlando Bloom), and the dwarf Gimli (John Rhys-Davies) after meeting up with the resurrected Gandalf, now called The White, go to the aid of the besieged Rohan people. Saruman waits for word of victory at Orthanc Tower in Isengard, while Sauron's fiery eye searches for the Ring and its bearer from his tower and fortress at Baraddur, in the terrible land of Mordor. The climatic battle at Helm's Gate is probably one of the most stunningly impressive battle scenes I have ever watched.

The special effects used in "The Two Towers" are absolutely amazing. I have never seen fantasy characters brought to life more brilliantly than in this film. Smeagle, the schizophrenic Gollum, is just as nasty, pathetic and sad as I imagined him from Tolkien's wonderful description. The orcs, the Balrog, the Ents, all come alive on the screen, wonderfully imaged and as good as one's own inner eye could imagine them. There were stupendous creative forces at work on this production. And the photography and scenery are breathtaking - absolutely spectacular! What a visual treat.

There is some departure from Tolkien's original text, but, for me, the film kept true to the spirit of "The Two Towers." It is almost impossible to make an effective motion picture from a long and complex book, where all the details remain the same. A particularly poignant scene, worth noting, is the passing of the magical elves from this world. All in all, I really enjoyed every minute of this 5 star film. I have read Tolkien's Triogy at least three times, and never thought it would be possible to do such a wonderful film rendition. Kudos to Peter Jackson and his crew!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: you have to see it
Review: I have seen, and I own both of the Lord of the Ring movies. These movies are the highlight of my day. If you want to see a movie that will move you, and keep you coming back for more, these are the movies for you. After the movies is finished, you won't be able to get them out of your head. You will become instantly addicted. That is how good these movies are. I am patiently waiting for the arrival of the third movie. You have to see it in theatres though, because you won't get the total effect of the movie if you don't.

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