Rating:  Summary: Better than the book. Better than Tolkien. Review: I agree with those who say that the movie departed from the Tolkien in significant and surprising ways, and that's what makes all three of these films so good. The essential Tolkien - the story (with some modifications), the language, the magical world created whole, the darkness, the heroism, the love that binds the main characters together - which is the true heart of the book - is all fully realized and then taken even further in the three films. The films are faithful most of all to the central truth of the book: That the good in the world is worth fighting for, and we all have something to offer - we all have a part to play in that fight - whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.
Rating:  Summary: Great Film; Excellent DVD Review: Peter Jackson pulled off the impossible -- he translated an over-written yet beloved epic into a riveting trilogy. And yet even with dividing "LOTR" into three long films, Jackson was forced to make dramatic cuts in the story in order to make it fit. Fans of the books will love this extended version of the film, as it fleshes out the story. Extended scenes between the hobbits and the Ents, Faramir and Boromir, the relationship between Aragorn and Eowyn, and Frodo and Sam's journey to Mordor are treats.Did Jackson make some departures from Tolkein's novels? Sure -- he had to, if for no other reason than Tolkein's dialogue is about as dull as can be imagined. Still, Jackson has faithfully recreated Middle Earth and its stock of beloved characters. The ensemble cast throws themselves into the roles with gusto, and the special effects are amazing. The major surprise in this film is the emergence of Gollum (formerly Smeagol), the tortured Ring Bearer from whom Bilbo stole the Ring in "The Hobbit." Using CGI, Jackson uses a boffo performance from Andy Serkis (even though Mr. Serkis is never seen because Jackson superimposed CGI over Serkis' form) to create the most fully realized computer-generated character ever. The extra DVD discs show that this project was obviously a labor of love for those concerned, and their cinematic accomplishments are even more amazing when you see the process of how the film was made. These DVD extras are worth it!
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings Rules over all Review: This amazing DvD is am must-have for any LOTR fanatic. The extended battle of Helm's Deep is a valuble insight into Tolkien's world, while Faramir's flashback not only explains his relationship with Boromir, but also introduses an new character. And the Soup scene between Aragorn and Eowyn is just hilarious! Order now, you've missed out on it long enough!
Rating:  Summary: Terrible DVD Review: It is a bad story line. It is boring. Too much action= boring.
Rating:  Summary: I'm only giving it two stars because... Review: I'm only giving this film two stars because of the beautiful special effects (and the moment when Aragorn was making out with his horse... apparently Arwen's just that bad). Otherwise, it was the stereotypical, awful movie industry standard depiction of a perfectly good book. A complete departure from Tolkien's work. Having gone into this film after reading the books (many, many years ago, unlike most who only bought the movie release versions for the pictures of Legolas on the cover), I found myself unable to enjoy it. There were simply too many inaccuracies (Helm's Deep, for one), most of them huge and staring you in the face. Occasional lack of continuity, I can deal with. But not such total destruction of a wonderful, enjoyable story. -- The extras were good, but not much different from the extended release of Fellowship.
Rating:  Summary: A world of improvement!!! Review: Dear Fans: The extra 48 minutes in this "version" are a step up in the trilogy. It improves the whole movie, given the fact that in my opinion the theatrical version left out many details, or did not develop certain passages of the book to an appropiate level of detail, but how many minutes can you stand in a movie theatre? That is not the case of a DVD that you can watch in the comfort of your own home. The experience is greatly improved, specially for die hard fans such as myself. I was rather disapointed in the theatres and now I can't wait for the extended version of The Return of The King wich is rumored to have an extra hour and a half of footage.
Rating:  Summary: Beware, if you love the books Review: There are shockingly senseless departures from Tolkien.
Rating:  Summary: Buy this gift set! Review: Like the "Fellowship of The Ring", this gift set edition of "The Two Towers" completely trashes the theatrical edition of this movie right into the ocean because of it's greater scope. In this movie, the remainder of the fellowship have gone their separate ways due to unfortunate circumstances. Two of them were lost. Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee have now gone on their way towards Mordor and the Ring has gotten more powerful and Frodo has found it harder to resist it's dangerous power. However they have encountered the dangly creature named Gollum who once carried the Ring for over 500 years and has now aims to take back the Ring but Frodo and Sam who doesn't trust Gollum, have to trust him and Gollum guides them towards Mt. Doom. Meanwhile, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli have now gones towards Isengard to rescue Merry and Pippin but are now find themselves towards the kingdom of Rohan where it's king has been withered by Saruman's power using the palantir. Saruman's army of Uruk Hai has grown massive and now numbers thousands of Uruk Hai and have been unleashed on Rohan. This gift set edition of "The Two Towers" completely trashes the theatrical edition right out of the water and into the recycling bin because this edition has over 43 minutes of new footage that was not in the regular edition. The third and fourth discs are absolutely amazing and contain unbelievable amounts of making of, story behind and all the stunning sets and all the work that was done to create them! This also comes with a statue of Gollum which is really cool and I love the packaging too and don't want to throw it away because it is so beautiful!
Rating:  Summary: kicks butt Review: this movie kicks butt. the goreness rocks. legolas is the man with a bow and gimli is even funnier in this one than in the regular version. aragorns awsome like always. and you get to see so mouch more goulem. i soooooo recomend this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the theatherical Review: This version a whopping 223 minutes long and is one too discuss. With hours of features. Better than the theathrical. New footage. A longer begin an a later introduction to Golloum. It has some good new scence including a flash near the end of the movie with Bromir and and his brother Feramer. A good dvd four comentary for the whole movies 110 minutes long each. More action than the other and some fun hillarious scenes. Some new dialogue has also been added to some of the scenes. Frodo is great and so is Samwise. Better than the extend version of the Fellowship. If you like this see the Extend version of the Fellowship of the Ring and Return of the king when it becomes avilable.