Rating:  Summary: Brilliantly ties up loose ends Review: This is a must have if you liked LoTR: The Two Towers, but want more. The movie is a heafty 3 hours and 43 minutes long, but every bit of extended time was well worth the watching.The random horse that picks up Aragorn after his tumble down the cliff is explained. The endings seamlessly shift from LoTR: TT to LoTR: The Return of the King. From Merry and Pipin, the ring bearing group(Sam, Gollum, and Frodo), and Aragorn, each have scenes that meld this movie into the next. They should have been put into the movie, but most people couldn't sit through 223 minutes of Lord of the Rings(with this movie, I could have easily). Most scenes further develop the characters, Eowyn's character is nicely rounded with more scenes with Aragorn. Faramir's desire of the ring goes much deeper than for the power of his people, that loose end it tied up in this edition. What I liked most about the platinum series is the outtakes... and there are a lot of them. Everything about the movie, from how J.R.R. Tolkien painstakingly wrote the book, to the jaw-dropping performance of Andy Serkis(the man who MADE the personality of Gollum come to life(if he didn't get a Grammy/Golden Globe for his work, he should)), all is included. Galleries, galleries, galleries, and some of the pictures have commentary on how the picture/sculpture/scene was created. Another neat feature are the several tracks of commentary throughout the movie. They take the place of the audio, and it's a neat addition if you wanted to further your understanding of the scenes. All in all I recommend this edition of Lord of the Ring: The Two Towers to anyone's DVD collection. Well worth the extra money.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Movie Review: I was watching the extended DVD edition the other day and it was an interview with Peter Jackson and he said that the Two Towers was the most difficult movie to do because of the books and the way Tolkien wrote them well i really enjoyed the way they rearranged things all around it was the greatest movie i have seen up to date but i am sure the return of the king will have something to say about that
Rating:  Summary: The Lord Of The Trilogies Review: This one is up there along with Indiana Jones, and Back To The Future, as one of the best movie trilogies of all time. Just get it! The stories are amazing! Get Fellowship, and get Return of the King when it comes out! JUST MAKE SURE IT'S THE EXTENDED EDITION! You can't beat the DTS-ES 6.1 or the extra features. Quite possibly the best video quality of any dvds as well. GET IT!
Rating:  Summary: Top notch entertainment Review: Wow, just wow. This was such a great movie. I saw it in theaters and luved it. I already had it on DVD when the extended edition came out so I didnt buy it at first. "There's a reason those extra 45 min. were deleted." I told my freinds. Well it happens I got it for christmas. AND I WAS BLOWN AWAY. 4 hours at the edge of my seat. It was gorier, more in depth, it had flashbacks, u learned new stuff. For example, Aragon is in his 80s. I wont tell u any more but there is much more. U find out more about Faramir and Borimir. More about Rohan. It is just excellent. It inspired me to get FOTR (the 1st 1) exteneded, and it was also AWSOME. The bonus features are so great too. I watched all of them. A must buy for any action, sci-fi, adventure, and fantasy fan. Best DVD of all time, get it today.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous, Wondrous, Empty Review: If you attend a feast and find yourself at a table of wonderfully beautiful foods, heap your plate full, and eat the most savory delicious meal you've ever had in your life, amid all the sumptuous smells rising from that delectable table, but then find, after you've left the banquet, that for some inexplicable reason your stomach is growling with hunger, as if it were completely empty, then you'll understand the experience of seeing The Lord of The Rings.
Rating:  Summary: Extended version important to the whole LOTR story Review: The Two Towers extended version has important inclusions to the story to help bridge The Fellowship of the Ring and Return of the King. One of the important sections is to show the relationship of Boromir with Faramir and Denethor, and the purpose Denethor sent Boromir to be part of the fellowship. Definately worth getting and watching!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing -- a worse film than Fellowship of the Ring Review: Upon seeing Peter Jackson's Fellowship of the Ring, I thought it would be impossible to do a worse job capturing the story and character of Tolkien's work. I was wrong. This film expands on Jackson's horror-movie sensibility, using the bones of Tolkien's plot as an excuse to smear the screen with blood and over-the-top visual effects. A pox upon thee, Peter Jackson.
Rating:  Summary: My precious... Review: Watching The Two Towers after having just read the book makes me all the more aware of how much Peter Jackson has adhered to the book. True there are differences, but that is to be expected - for instance, the battle for Helm's Deep is not treated with as much emphasis in the book, but that is an understandable choice for making an exciting movie. The thing that most impresses me in this movie is Gollum. He could have easily turned into the Jar-Jar of the LOTR movies but he manages to be actually likeable. He is almost a perfect realization of his character from the book, right down to his voice (notice how he coughs "Gollum"). We can understand why Frodo pities him because we pity him as well. If it wasn't for the Ring, he'd be happy enough catching fish. The Ents also are very well realized. Watching Treebeard carry Merry and Pippin, I felt that I was getting a preview of what Jackson intends to do with the remake of King Kong. The DVD also has the prerequisite "making of" documentaries. It also has a short film directed by Sean Astin during his down time. It is worth watching because, rumor has it that Astin is turning his talents to directing now and is in negotiations to film the movie version of The Fantastic Four.
Rating:  Summary: loved the book, skip this 1/3 of the movie Review: We saw part I and the weak ending and hoped part II would be better. But like part I, this movie was high on commercial selling, high on computer graphics, and drawn out on meaningless dramatic scenes. Granted a foreign film may not have the satisfaction of a worthy character-driven script. But it is not a credit to the book....Sure has some interesting scenery though.
Rating:  Summary: Waiting for Return of the King Review: Well, what can I say? Undoubtfully, the best DVD of 2003. This DVD offers you whatever you need to know about The Two Towers. In spite of some rediculous added scenes, the extended version of the film is what a LOTR fan should have. Some scenes were better not to be added in the film but it doesn't mean that you souldn't add this version in your collection. This DVD is full of wonderful and unforgettable behind the scenes and features which will entertain you for hours.