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The World Is Not Enough

The World Is Not Enough

List Price: $34.98
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Least likeable Bond
Review: Brosnan brings a cold, souless quality to Ian Fleming's creation in "The World is Not Enough". There is something sad about a 40-ish man who has sex with anyone and everyone. He reminds me of a stray dog running around a neighborhood trying to hump any female dogs he comes across. At least Sean Connery, when he began the role, was in his early 30's, making the promiscuous behavior seem a little less pathetic. Connery didn't take himself as seriously as Brosnan does, either. He injected a bit of humor into his portrayal.
I give the film 2 stars because of the excellent chase scene, but I think it's time for a younger James Bond. Let's let Christian Bale, Jude Law, Orlando Bloom or someone else have a crack at the role.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Enough is nearly Enough
Review: I think Pierce Brosnan has had the most impressive debut as James Bond (in 1995's GOLDENEYE) since Sean Connery first invented the role in 1962.
(George Lazeby only got one shot, Roger Moore didn't taylor the role to himself until his third outing, and Timothy Dalton's lack of humor never allowed him to fit as 007).

But since GOLDENEYE, the producers of the Bond films have really squandered what a great actor they have for the role by jumping into lifeless scripts and listless direction. The action scenes have no momentum, the storylines feel like retreads without the witty, apocalyptic urgency of the early films, and everything just feels rushed.
Robert Carlysle is a great villain but he's pretty much by the numbers for the second half. Nothing is made of the irony that Bond is a hero who cannot connect with feelings and Carlysle is a villain who can't physically feel anything.
(Why couldn't Carlysle, lying at the bottom in the climax, laugh loudly at Bond and defiantly yell, "Hey, Bond...Didn't hurt!").

This entry also has the most cringe-worthy line of all the Bond films: "Who says Christmas only comes once a year?"
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: best and worst femmes fatales
Review: I really love this Bond.

Granted, every Bond is basically stupid--fun, but stupid.

(That's why I can't give any of them 5 stars.)

But this one has two brilliant high spots: the two polar women, Sophie Marceau and Denise Richards.

Sophie can act, so it does come as a surprise that she's the Bad Girl.

Denise can't, so it is WONDERFUL when (sticking out her chest like two nosecones) she announces that she's a NUCLEAR PHYSICIST!!!!!!

This is brilliant. Like casting Arnold Schwarzenegger as Einstein or Keanu Reeves as Hamlet.

This alone would make the movie worthwhile.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brosnan is great, the movie is pretty good too
Review: Almost everyone seems to agree that Peirce Brosnan is the best Bond since Sean Connery, and both Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies were two of the best Bond movies ever. The World Is Not Enough definitely didn't have that same flair, and I was a little disappointed when I saw it at first. I gave it another look and decided that I was being too hard on the movie by comparing it to Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies. It is by leaps and bounds better than most of the Roger Moore Bond films and way better than all the Timothy Dalton/George Lazenby Bond films. The story is pretty good, but the best thing it has going for it is that it has James Bond in it. Without the James Bond name, this movie would have fallen into obscurity quickly and forever. Denise Richards plays a typical good Bond girl and Sophie Marceau plays a typical bad Bond girl, but do the job well and play their parts exactly as you would want your good and bad Bond girls to be. They try to make an impact this time by having the enemy "hit close to home," but this is hardly a new idea in Bond movies, they just act like it is. Overall, the movie is really worth seeing and adding to your Bond collection if you have one, but I wouldn't make it the first one you see, the only one you see, or the starter movie for a new Bond collection.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Brosnan is the best Bond...
Review: and, as Bond films go, this one is pretty good. Pierce Brosnan really captures both the dark, brutal James Bond of the books and the suave, stylish Bond of the movies and weaves them together into a believable whole.

It's too bad the producers are still scientifically illiterate. Every time I saw people handling unshielded "weapons-grade" plutonium or calling it "safe" I wanted to scream. Really, five minutes of internet research would have told Broccoli et. al. that this is complete bulls***! It wouldn't have detracted from the movie to inject just that little bit of realism.

Other than that, the action scenes were excellent and well scripted, and the plot is deeper than in most of the other films. A very entertaining film. I'd give it five stars, but the BS factor is just a bit too high for me.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Stirred but not shaken - quite apt
Review: The Amazon reviewer noted that JB was becoming formulaic...well, in a sense, every movie is formulaic: Mysteries, science fiction, light romances, even drama. What was good about this were the terrific special effects, the complex, modern plot (The USSR is no more) and the music. Bad things: Alas, romance. The lead could not compete with earlier Bond women and being neither a femme fatale or a blushing virgin we are caught in the middle. Brosnan was good in this role, a more serious JB that brought much-needed weight and content to the part.

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