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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Awful Sequel
Review: The original Matrix (1999) is superb! Had this sequel been released first, I don't think any others in this series would have been made. This sequel was boring, disjointed and lackluster. What a waste of talent, money and (often boring) special effects. Save your money, just rent it if you haven't already seen it. An interesting observation is that the Matrix series is inversely related to the Lord of the Rings series, specifically, The Lord of the Rings gets much better with each sequel while the Matrix degenerated to an abyss of muddled storyline and rehashed special effects. Something to do with karma balancing out? Beats me. Just an observation I made, that's all.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good, but pale in comparison
Review: Everyone entered this movie believing they would see the first Matrix revamped, although what we got was not. This a very good and very bad thing. The good part about the change is a very epic conclusion and more character developement. However the bad part of straying from the formula is that is goes often from action to sappy 1950 war movie.

The two main things people tend to focus on is the lack of actually being in "The Matrix" and rather channeling onto Zion, and the dissaperence of interesting characters. These are both evident and most Matrix fans and viewers would have agreed they would of welcomed a longer apperence by the Merovingian or a couple non-Neo fight scenes in the Matrix, not Zion. Do not expect a comeback of the twins or another cheateu duke out, simply a chat with a few thousand guns that never fire.

So to people expecting a full out action/brawl movie you will be sadly dissapointed. The Wachowskis instead worked on finishing the series with a conclusion rather than a big bang. Personally I would of liked a little more of a brawler movie, because we didn't start watching The Matrix Series to see "an intellectual movie" we wanted to see bullets fly and awesome hand on hand fights. This movie on its own stands proud, but try to not compare it to the preceding Matrix movies or you may end up hating it completely.

So should you buy it or rent it? Well, to people who just completely were disgusted with the second movie then I say don't watch it at all. If you won't take my advice at least rent it to see. To people who really need a conclusion to the series and absoulutly dying to see what happens then I suggest renting or buying it. At least check out all the reviews before you heave out 20 bucks, in actuallity it is a one time watch movie.

This movie is not a masterpeice or a bomb, it is a well needed conclusion to a wonderful series, nothing more.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Psychobabalic Condribulum
Review: I feel obligated to let you know how awful this movie is. I am not going to bash the Matrix as a whole (even though it might deserved it), and I am going to try not to belittle the series' dedicated fans, but this movie stunk it up.

It seems as though the Wachowskis completely ignored logic, and decided that things would happen in this movie simply because they decided they would. Why else would Smith inexplicably die after defeating Neo? Why else would the machines just simply decide to comply with Neo's request for peace after (again) inexplicably defeating their common enemy?

This movie is the height of incoherent, mindless action dreck. Those fans that try to look for the deeper meaning here ignore the fact that there is no emotional depth to any of the struggles, they exist only fo their own sake. So what if we are all in a machine? I don't know, so it doesn't matter. For all I know, we are all just imaginings in the mind of God, but how does that make me any less real, or my life any less important? If anything, the humans brought themselves out of a computer generated utopia into a miserable reality.

For people who don't like this movie, don' t let the fans con you into feeling stupid or guilty. A bad movie is a bad movie. This CGI junk is getting way out of hand (a computer generated wolf man in "Van Helsing," a cgi Storm Trooper talking to the queen in "Episode 2.") I am weary of it.

Also, note the pathetic similarities between that annoying kid in the matrix and jar jar binks. Mind numbing comic relief? Inexplicable goofiness?

Wachowski's, you left me far behind with this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The THINKING epic of our time
Review: I'll admit it...this movie is not for everyone. The masses who went to this movie expecting for all of the answers to be fed to them surely left the movie feeling slighted...and perhaps mocked. That's because the third movie reveals the trilogy to be what it always has been...A THINKING MAN'S EPIC. (Nearly) all of the answers are in this movie, but many of them are hidden and require a good deal of thought.

This movie was also daring in it's willingness to escape feel good plot conventions. Return of the King was no more than a series of actions scenes followed by a feel good ending where all of the good guys are happy. Revolutions, on the other hand, mixes things up and doesn't take any cheap routes.

The action in this movie was fully deserving of the special effects oscar this past year, and the fact that it wasn't even nominated is testament to how political and catty Hollywood truly can be. Again, the special effects break new grounds. Where fight scenes in Reloaded depicting Neo in full CGI seemed fake at times, Revolutions has fixed the problem. Neo and crew look fully realistic even at times where you know they cannot be doing what your eyes tell you they are doing.

The score is again great, thanks to Don Davis and ensures that the pulse of the movie never stops.

Finally, the acting is actually very good. It has almost become a popular cliche to call Keanu Reeves a bad actor. The truth of the matter is, this is his defining role and he fills it masterfully. He deftly displays an array of emotions within the framework of Neo. There are scenes (you will see) that are actually quite touching. Fishburne returns again as Morpheus, a role that again, has defined the actor. Carrie-Anne Moss again fills the role of Trinity quite well and delivers some of the movie's best lines. And, of course, Hugo Weaving truly deserves high accolades in his return as Smith. Again, a missed opportunity for a well-deserved Oscar.

Not everyone will like this movie. The truth of the matter is, those that like to ponder their movies long after they are over will find a vast treasure trove of material here. THE THINKING EPIC OF OUR TIME!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: How could it come to this?
Review: I'll keep it short. If you need more just read any of the other couple of hundred on target negative reviews of this movie. How could a movie franchise that started with such promise come to such a dismal conclusion? As disappointing as the second installment was compared to the first, the third plumbs new depths of confusion, despair, and apathy. The Wachowski Bros. seemed to have studied at the George Lucas School of Bad Sequels. I suppose if you've seen the first two movies you may have to see the third. But be warned! Be prepared for disappointment! And rent it (as cheaply as you can), don't buy it!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: disappointing
Review: The fan boys would have you believe that this movie was good... and if you think it wasn't then you are stupid and just didn't understand it.

I understood it. It was a serious disappointment. The first movie was so good compared to the second and third movies.

Rent it - once is enough...

Rating: 1 stars
Review: This is the story....
I see something?

I know.


How do you feel?

Cold. How about you?

You tell me.

Now If you guys think that this is great stuff ask the Wachowski brothers to send me a line so I can make some money off of you. There is plenty more where that came from.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Bad film, no see
Review: How bad is this movie? Let me count the ways....

I rented this film in hopes of enjoying the end to what I felt was a rather well portrayed storyline. Like most I loved the first one and enjoyed the second. As opposed to many I spoke with I liked how the second movie got a little deeper into explaining the One and the Oracle and the grand scheme of things. The storyline got more intelligent and I enjoyed that.

Revolutions isn't good if you're smart and understand the whole story. You don't need to watch this movie more than once to realize its just bad. Not over your head. Not too intelligent. Its just a really bad bit of filmmaking. Couple points:

*We know the original actress to the Oracle died and was replaced. Who cares about that in relation to the overall plot? My problem with the Oracle wasn't her change of face it was how insignificant she became to the story. In the first two she was all-knowing and understood the grand scheme of the Matrix. The final installment? She makes about as much sense to the story as that goofy Trainman. Like what I found in most of the film, she seems to only provide a tie in to finishing the story up really fast (as with her somewhat anti-climatic *breakthrough possession* in Smith that we've grown bored with from films such as 'The Exorcist')

*Did the writers just come up with the idea of Zion for the last movie? The defense of that place makes no sense if you give it more than half a thought. We're told in the first movie that the machines can't get to Zion because its hidden and the approaches are heavily defended. Ok, that makes sense. But Revolutions shows that Zion's defenses are just as weak as the Sentinels to EMPs. So tell me; do the machines have no EMPs? They're able to create and run the Matrix while besting the thinking humans in the world. But only after a single ship blows an EMP practically all of Zion is defenseless. The machines couldn't figure that out? Again, we find a haphazard "just pretend that's what happens" in a film that is trumpetted as being a 'thinking' film. I think the plot is stupid.

*Sentinels don't have guns? They can only use those lazers to cut doors and jump-start machines? Hows about zapping those gun firing humans?

*Who cares about Neo being able to simply blow up machines at will? They don't explain why he has to go to the Machine City or give much build up to how he figures that out. The first two films say bupkiss about the city but, on a whim, it becomes integral to human survival. I hope the writers survive unemployment.

*'I'm the Frenchman. I have Neo and the fate of everything in my hand. I have a bounty on everyone and here they are! In my grasp! I'll finally get what I want. I'll win! Oh. Wait. They put a gun to my head. I guess I'll do something non-french and surrender.' STOOPID! Be in love and threaten a Frenchman with a gun and watch him do nothing but write himself out of the movie. How come? Why'd he capitulate so easily? Did he NOT think they'd pull something like that? Is he new?

*The second film really placed different levels of thought to the story. It explained that all of everything happening was expected, like a computer program. There were no suprises for the machines or the Matrix. Even the One and, as we're told, Smith are expected. Oh? Then how come Smith grows so out of control if he's part of the equation? Because Neo's powers grew so much faster than expected (allowing him to be uber-dude) so did Smiths? Somehow I don't find balance when the entire Matrix and Machine City are threatened by this unexpected turn of events. What was unexpected was just how stupid that idea is.

*So only fit, hot chicks ready to kill for guys populate the post-apocalypse future? And I'm supposed to support nuclear disarmament? BRING ON THE BOMBS!!!

I'm tired of driving a truck through the gaping wounds of this movie. I didn't dislike it because I just don't "get" the others or didn't pay enough attention. I dislike it because its a bad movie. The writers didn't explain enough and were in a rush to get it over with. They tied up loose ends sloppily. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the story, or multiple viewings to 'get with it'. What it takes is to have some sense of taste to realize this movie is garbage.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: How could it ever live up to our expectations?
Review: Critics, in general, maligned this movie - perhaps unfairly. The trouble is, it had SO MUCH to live up to. How could it fail to disappoint?

It's true that this is my least favorite of the Matrix movies. When I re-watched the film, I tried to ascertain the meaning of this. I think it is because it gives us the least of what we enjoyed about The Matrix in the first place. The Matrix succeeds in the unlikely task of making a sci-fi, kung fu action flick out of Cartesian philosophy. The first movie was about ideas and it also had a completely unique look to it. The second movie got bogged down a bit with its ideas and made them seem a bit like mumbo-jumbo. However, the second film had terrific fight scenes and a great highway chase.

The problem about The Matrix: Revolutions is that, not only is it not about ideas - we hardly spend any time in The Matrix. The big set-piece in this movie is the fight between the Squids and the defenders of Zion. I wasn't too interested in that. For one thing, there were so many Squids, I couldn't believe that the humans wouldn't be overwhelmed or retreat immediately.

After Trinity rescues Neo at the beginning, we don't go back to The Matrix until the end. That means no kung fu fighting and - even worse - no Agent Smith! Agent Smith is the most fun character in these movies and under using him here is a critical flaw. The best part of the film is the final confrontation between Smith and Neo.

The Matrix Revolutions is still a good movie and worth owning. The Matrix phenomenon has taken on a life of its own and the three movies fit well together as a set. However, unlike Star Wars, The Matrix starts out strong but progressively declines.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: not too good not too bad
Review: well the final chapter in the matrix series has come to an end and it was not what alot of fans expected who were all waiting 4 years to see what would happpen to neo and the gang and it ended and we still don't know what has happen to neo and the gang over there in zion. the brothers have left us guessing as if this is the end or not. in all the movie is nice . a romace a war story and a sci fi mystery. i am hoping for a part four something like matrix 7.0 seeing that neo has finallly found out he is the 6 version of a computer error in the matrix. well i overall the triology is a good one. the story is good the vfx are pleasing but the ending needed work. maybe the bros should take a page from peter jackson on his LOTR trilogy to see visa vi how you should end a trilogy for the loyal fans.

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