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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW. an astounding finale to a trilogy of great films.
Review: I walked into the theatre kind of scared of this movie. So many people were giving it negative reviews online, but i watched it b/c i had to. I was numb at the end. I felt it was so well done, so philisophical and action - packed with a purpose, because people's lives are at stake in this movie. People die, and this movie was such a well made and emotionally elevating movie i just completely fell for it (even some scenes in the beginning were forgivable). Over all this movie is an astounding acheivement as a parralel to our world today. I recommend it to all, but be warned, i went with several people to see this movie, and i was the only one there to truly understand the final 10 minutes. See it not to be given answers, but to go and form your own. That's what the Matrix movies have always been about.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Impressive Effects, Unimpressive Storyline
Review: The third and final installment of the Matrix trilogy is here, and the series doesn't end with the bang that most fans had been hoping for. Granted, the effects are impressive. The fight scenes, though far fewer in this film, are well done and loaded with adrenaline. Neo's and Smith's evolving powers are used to their fullest in the final battle. And the battle in Zion is equally impressive, with thousands of Zionites in battle robots fending off an attack by a horde of Sentinel robots. Unfortunately, as impressive as these things are, they have all been seen before. And therein lies the glaring fault with Revolutions - it's all been done before. In the previous films, the storyline was as engrossing as the effects, and the result was a series that continually fresh and groundbreaking. Revolutions serves up great effects, but lacks the storyline needed to make it a complete movie. The few twists that do show up in the movie are mostly predictable, especially if you have been paying attention to the previews.

Despite the storyline problems, Revolutions is entertaining enough for a matinee ticket or a video rental.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: it felt like a movie from a different series
Review: it felt like a movie from a different series, there were too many inconsistencies to forgive, and sheesh did the ending particularly reek, but overall it was closure of sorts. certainly not worth the $...i paid.

success clearly went to the wachowskis' heads, and enough depth wasn't there to justify the added attention. it is hard to blame the actors in this case. it's obvious everyone wanted to recreate the impact they had had with matrix 1, yet it just didn't happen (matrix2 & 3 do not even rank).

nevertheless, it would be wrong to trivialize the success/impact matrix 1 had - that movie will be a good watcher for a long long time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Matrix: Revolver
Review: Thank you, W. Brothers! Finally a huge movie has been made the doesn't cater to the 'lowest common denominator'! Finally a movie that gives the audience some credit! Finally a movie that strives to be something more than a tool to separate us from our money. I've spent the last few hours thinking about revolutions, and the more i follow the path of the characters and the plot of the trilogy, the more connections i see... and the more everything makes sense. What goes around comes around, as they say. Not everything is answered of course, but that's half the point! Consider it a puzzle, and you've gotta find a few of the pieces yourself. Some people aren't gonna bother, and that's their choice, but really that's what it all comes down to anyway: Choice. THERE IS A POINT TO ALL THIS! A MESSAGE! And a good one, i think. Every choice made by every character has an effect - as the Merovingian says. If any of the main characters had not listened to their heart and choosen for self-preservation or cowardice or greed or whatever instead, the ripple effects from that small decision could have doomed them all. If the 'marine-drill-sargeant' character hadn't trusted his instincts and let the 16 yr-old help, think of the consequences! Or if Link's girl hadn't choosen to stay and help? And there are endless examples of this in the trilogy. The future of zion, and our future as well, depends not only on the decisions we make as a people but on those everyday decisions we make as individuals as well. The Oracle embodies this message... and by the end, Neo as well. So thank you, everyone who brought this story and this vision to life. You have chosen... wisely.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Messy conclusion to a great story
Review: From the end of The Matrix: Reloaded we know Neo is back in the real world, we know something is different about him and we know in the last film somehow he is going to save the world. The Matrix: Revolutions opens where reloaded left off, but almost immediately the movie feels entirely different. From the first five minutes on the movie leads up the battle for Zion. This would be alright, the problem is the movie drags on slowly with a whole lot of nothing happening untill the machines reach Zion, Neo's character is isolated and becomes weaker and weaker, in the end he does save day (no big surprise), but the method is a cheap shop by the screenwriters, the big end battle for Zion is instantly forgetable (all 20+ minutes of it) and we're left with no clouser, what's worse the ending is left wide open for even more Matrix movies.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just saw MR in Los Angeles ...
Review: ... and loved it!

If you are a fan of the Matrix empire (3 movies, 1 documentary DVD, 1 animated DVD, 1 pc/ps/xbox game, commentary books, and comic book), then of course, this movie is a must see. You've talked to the Oracle, and she already knows that your decision is to see the movie.

MR (or M3?) is the mind-blowing finale of the trilogy (with an ending that leaves the door open for M4). I won't be repetitious of other reviews, other than to say that the action is awesomely rendered (the rivers of sentinels gushing into Zion was astonishing).

The film's theme "Everything that has a beginning has an end," softens the blow when a major character is lost near the end of the film. One major new philisophical exposition is on the meaning of Love, which is exposited by the Merovingian -- essentially that "Love" is just a word, but that the essential meaning of Love is that it is a connection that you will maintain, and not sever, at all costs. Thus machines can love too, if the machine's goal is to maintain a link at all costs. And it is Neo's eternal love for Trinity that softens the tragedy in the 3rd act of this 3rd film.

This film will also escalate the philosophical ruminations that were spawned by the first two films: To what extent does the "system" encourage "dissent," so that it can all the more easily channel and control rebellious individuals? Are all human societies repressive (whether run by machines or not), and is making the best deal with repression our only hope (e.g. the US's Jeffersonian framework leaves plenty of free pockets under the overall umbrella of societal weight.)?

One can go on for days with these and other questions. This overall deep philosophical foundation to the M1,2 &3 stories superimposed on the visible good vs. evil plot line, is what makes the trilogy so great. ... and makes probing the plot for weaknesses or inconsistencies (like how about defending Zion with a ring of EMP generators at a safe distance from the city, which would fry the circuits of any sentinels or drilling machines as they approached) not so important an endeavor.

So, of course you will see the 3rd movie, ... the decision is one of love, a connection to the Matrix story that you do not want to break!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Should've rethought revolutions!
Review: Maybe the first two where so good that expectations where just to high, but Revolutions definetly did not satisfy! Too much action, little depth. Hopefully the Wachowski Bros. will leave it at that and cut our losses. Some good scenes but generally not as good as the first two. See it, but you won't love it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Absolutely Brilliant!
Review: With all the bad reviews of this film I expected it to really stink!

My worst fear was the it wouldn't answer all the questions it set up in Reloaded.

Thank goodness I was completely wrong!

In the first act, Neo visits the Oracle and asks her why he could stop the Sentinals at the end of Reloaded. She answers him in a very plain and simple fashion that only a fool wouldn't understand.

Nearly all the other questions are answered as well, if perhaps sometimes in a more subtle manner.

The brothers set up the trilogy in the very first episode to have Neo play the role of the Savior, and they follow through all the way - pulling no stops!

It was executed brilliantly! I couldn't ask for a better finish!

After first viewing, my score is a very strong 9 out of 10. (since I have to choose between 4 and 5 stars, I rounded up in this case.)

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This was the conclusion?
Review: I have no idea what the Wachowski brothers were thinking when they imagined the resolution of the Matrix trilogy, but this is a joke. I was hoping for something on the order of Testuo in Akira, or Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi. But this?

Visually, the moive is absolutely amazing. The battle for Zion is spectacular and the final Smith vs. Neo fight was amazing. But the first Matrix movie didn't make millions because of fight sequences, but because of the thought-provoking theory of the Matrix.

The purpose of these two films was to introduce and resolve the real story of the Matrix. I enjoyed the story from Enter the Matrix (the video game) better than this. That story kept me begging for more. This story leaves me begging for more too: two more writers to write a sensible screenplay.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Revolutions Blew my mind...
Review: So you think you had the whole concept of the Matrix figured out? You think you knew how this one was gonna end? Well chances are you don't. I must say one thing to those of you who are saying (and might say once you see it) that this movie wraps it up too nicely: This movie is not the end. This doesn't wrap things up cozily no matter what you think. As far as this movie goes... The fight for Zion is AMAZING, the story and action keep you engaged, and YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPPOINTED!!! :D

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