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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Matrix Text
Review: Matrix Revolutions

The Matrix trilogy is indeed a set of movies well packaged and presented. As is the case with all things that human beings are witness to, perception differs with differing perspectives. At the same time, the perspective one takes reflects his/her maturity, overall orientation, predominant thoughts and the objective with which he/she comes to witness what he/she witnesses.

The Matrix trilogy is well packaged because it has something to offer both for those who just need some entertainment to break the monotony of life and also those who wish to fish for something deeper, something to take back home.

Beyond the façade of cool sunglasses, fantastic weapons and fabulous special effects - the kind Industrial Light and Magic have been known to produce - there lies a very interesting mixture of spiritual beliefs. If the characters and plot of the story are looked at as something symbolic, the movie offers an experience similar to cracking a code.

The movie has done quite well in the balancing act - That of carefully interspersing fight scenes, special effects and science fiction with what in reality has been talked about since time immemorial: perception ?reality, duality ?unity, bondage ?freedom, choice ?price and finally equilibrium ?disequilibrium. What is interesting is that by interspersing the two, the potential monotony and banality of having just one of the two is avoided.

With regards to the spiritual journey, the trilogy takes us from the point when one who believes in the illusion is disillusioned (being liberated from the Matrix, that is but a symbol for the world that we take as real), he proceeds to higher levels of consciousness, where at each level he is restricted by his own perception of reality. When to perform a certain function he has to return to the Matrix, thought liberated, he is again governed by the rules of the Matrix (When Gods descend to the world in the form of avatars, they are born, and thus they will die). Destiny plays a role in fixing the function of each character and as the function is completed, the characters disappear. Quite naturally, as the law of duality has it that "what has a beginning, must have an end.?(Hence the search for the eternal unchanging?) We also see motifs like "the chosen one,?"messiah,?"trinity,?"prophet?and finally the mindless, attribute less, omnipresent centre, source or ultimate, all in personified forms. The chosen one is chosen for a task he has to perform, which he performs with the aid of others whose function is to aid him. He moves on as they fall off and in the end he has to leave even the trinity behind (Matrix Revolutions). In all of this, there is again the play of free will, belief and choice. There is nothing right or wrong, there is only a choice, and every choice has a price to pay for. So an unbeliever starts from disbelief to experimentation, from experimentation to experience, from experience to belief and from belief to faith.

In sum, there can be as many interpretations of the trilogy as there are people. That is quite similar to as many views of the world as there are people. What is interesting is that in ways similar to what He has done, the directors have scooped a bit of the ocean and put it in a container for us to see. If the water in the container is a part of the greater whole, it would also present us a manageable microcosm of its source to analyze and understand. Naturally, we can choose to do that or take the container to be what it is. Again, it is just a choice!

As for hints from the director, the Sanskrit hymns at the end of the movie say a lot.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: What a letdown
Review: Don't get me wrong, I love the Matrix and the whole idea behind it. 1 and 2 were great movies, full of action and awesome special effects. Revolutions however was a horrible way to end such a legendary story. It was cluttered with scenery instead of cool special effects and fight scenes, and if felt very dragging. I was expecting to see Neo finish the whole thing and he didn't do anything monumental (I won't ruin the end for those who haven't seen it) I also got this feeling of a religious metaphor with the savior and sacrifice and peace and all....not my style, thanks. I actually booed at the end. Better than most movies, yes, but come on, this is the MATRIX! It was a disgrace. I won't buy the DVD.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: matrix revolutions just rulez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: totally amazing
Review: Way better than the Matrix Reloaded. This was the most exciting and dazling movie I have ever seen. It's almost like your brain is not quite able to take in all of the excitement and the visual imagery, which far surpasses anything ever shown.

It's not perfect, but what is? Go for the pure enjoyment of giving your overloaded brain a rest. It doesn't have to make sense, and those who try and over analyze it will be poorer for their effort. You don't need to analyze why chocolate tastes good. It just does.


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Most of the movie
Review: Most of the movie was very good. I took four stars off just because of the way it ended. It left to many open holes which where supposed to be awnsered and just plain sucked.

The first movie was worth 5 stars the second 4/4.5 this one is a 1.5.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: What a letdown...
Review: -I Don't reccomend reading if you haven't seen the movie-

I went and saw the movie yesterday, and I should've known something was up with the theatre being just maybe slightly more than half full on premiere day. The hype, the exciting aura, and the crazed fans just weren't there. Maybe it's the product of the Wachowski's trying to cram the release of 2 of the most anticipated sequels within 6 months of each other, something I have never heard of. As far as the movie goes, I think the "RickyMartin" reveiwer earlier couldn't have said it better, "How could something that started so good, end up so bad?" Each movie has been successively worse than the last. No one else pointed it out, but the whole oracle thing just really blew it for me, but then again you can't really blame the bro's and there is really nothing they could've done about it, being that the original had died. You just can't match the original oracle, just something about her made her perfect for the part. The acting in the movie sucked, almost laughable at points, and the ending sucked. Did anyone get a kick out of the atari-like turret gun controls in the ship as they are racing back to the Zion docks while shooting the sentinels? And a la contrare to what everyone though, I thought the Neo/Smith fight at the end was not all that great, I like the rain setting, and all the smiths standing around, but when it becomes airborne it starts to get a little lame. Anyway I could go on and on but all in all it was a letdown, not quite what I was expecting to leave me content.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: There's a glitch in the Matrix
Review: I'm still trying to decide if I actually like this movie. Unlike a lot of people I really liked Reloaded. The martial arts were incredible, and I enjoyed the thinking parts too. But Revolutions doesn't bother with that.
The movie opens with some vague disscusions about love and other emotions but than forgets about what makes it "The Matrix". There is one fight scene in the Matrix that is okay. It's very similar to the lobby shoot out in the first movie, but not anywhere near as original. From there on out, almost all of the movie takes place in the machine world. This could be tolerable in a normal sci-fi movie, but this is the Matrix. The war in Zion becomes a very gorey and graphic Star Wars Episode 2. There is no Bullet Time in the real world, and everyone is using large explosives rather than graceful kung-fu. There are many horribly dissgusting deaths. Yes I know that the movie is rated R, but the other two were rated R and they were no where near this violent. The war comes out to this very hellish thing. It's not that fun to watch either.
Neo and Trinity take the Logos to the machine city, but on their way they have a bit of a run in with Bane/Smith. In the process Neo is blinded ,yet since he's the One, he can see some stuff (can anyone say Daredevil?). The fight between Neo and Smith is simply incredible. This is what started it all. Incredible one-on-one kung-fu insanity. Sadly, while it's the best part of the movie, it's also really short (just like the Yoda fight scene in Star Wars).
Now what's weird about this one is that even though it's supposed to be the second half of Reloaded, it has an entirely different tone. In Reloaded, Neo was a bad a--. In this one he looks like he is on the verge of tears through out the whole movie (that might be because he's realized that he's gonna die while saving the world). Reloaded was clean, and beautiful, Revolutions is grity and disgusting.
All that asside, this movie does what it was supposed to do. It ends the story very well, closing up pretty much all of the loose ends. Neo's determination is beautiful to watch. When it appears that he is down for the count and Smith walks around him taunting "Why do you continue to fight Mr. Anderson? What do you hope to accomplish? Is it love? peace? Why Mr. Anderson, why?" Neo responds with "Because I choose to." It's a truly beautiful scene to watch and makes this movie, the Matrix.
However there are some other things that develop into problems. The dialogue has been down graded from the Arcitecht's monologue to "Shoot them bastards". Revolutions loses the intelectual feel that all the others had.
One other big problem is the blatant Christian symbolism. When Neo dies a crusifix of light appears around him. The Wachowski's have been fairly original on everything else, why that?
Now should you watch it? If you're a hardcore Matrix fan than you've probably already seen it but if you haven't than go, it's worth it. If you're not a big Matrix fan than wait for the DVD. If your one of those people who is just looking for a huge war scene than wait for Return of the King.
Overall, good movie, but it should have been so much more.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: not what you would expect
Review: I was looking forward to go see the Matrix Revolution, but it was very dissapointing, nothing like the first two. The whole movie is about fighting the machines, and they hardly ever go into the Matrix. There are no realy intense fight scenes. My advice is to never go see this movie, it is not worth it, a waste of money. I will never go and see this movie again, I wont even watch it when it comes out on cable. Life is to short, do not waste your time.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Hollywood plastic trash
Review: ....
Meaningless characters (cute little Sati girl), pointless action, atrocious dialog, every imaginable cliche (young soldier scared he won't live up to the combat expectations of his hard boiled commander), the Matrix has become a parody of itself! Maybe this is the Wachoski's ultimate inverted joke on us hapless movie-going sheep. The oracle actress was switched as in some low budget soap opera and they spin some embarassing dialog to dress that up in appropriately philosophical Matrix verbiage.
The only decent thing (mildly entertaining) was the swarms of insectoid machine attackers (at least they don't TALK for god's sake!).
For cutting-edge guys, the Wachowski's are pretty pedestrian. Even their martial arts is just boring Hong Kong chop socky....

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: a great old story
Review: Good movie, great special effects, very emotionally draining, a little depressing at parts, ending was straight out of the Bible. For those of you who didn't get it let me explain (spoilers ahead)

Neo (representing Jesus Christ) takes upon himself the nature of Agent Smith (represented the devil) i.e. the sin nature and bears it for mankind. Smith thought he had Neo at this point but finds out it causes his destruction (if satan had know he would not have crucified the Lord of Glory), thus Neo becomes the saviour of mankind that was prophesied about. In case your a bit slow Neo even dies in the crucifixion position. Of course it differs greatly from the true Gospel in that Jesus (as opposed to Neo who was a sinner, i.e. sex before marriage, blasphemy) was perfectly sinless thus He perfectly fulfilled the will of his Father and was qualified to bear the sin of the world. It was clear from "Reloaded" that the people of Zion were sinners, this may have been the purpose for showing the much maligned rave scene.

Now as a christian I appreciate the message but felt that it was more than hypocritical for the Wachowski's to steal this message. As a fan of the Matrix series I would have rather seen it ended differently, it seemed to me they were trying to preach the gospel message, it's been done far better in movies such as "Jesus of Nazereth" or "The Greatest Story Ever Told" (available on amazon)or in the upcoming Mel Gibson movie "The Passion Of Christ". Mixing in their belief in Karman and Hinduism/Buddism was also quite trite. Maybe the Wachowski's should have stuck to Sci Fi for their ending instead of stealing from the Bible, then again perhaps the Lord will use this movie to get people to think about their own need of a Saviour and recieve Jesus as the Saviour from their sins and dedicate themselves to Him as Morpheus and Co. did to Neo.

To sum up, good movie, great series, should get a lot of people thinking,

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