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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I know now.
Review: When I went into the theater, I realized that my questions would be answered. I thought about how everybody thought that this movie wouldn't live up to the hipe that it generated. You know what? I hate it when people do that. They try to force their opinions on others to try and ruin it for us. Well, when I saw this movie, I completely forgot what they said about this movie and the others before it. I loved this movie so much. I was so absorbed by it. It answered all of my questions, and if it didn't answer all of yours, you just didn't look hard enough. Instead of trying to look at all of it's faults, I paid attention to the actual movie. The battles were the greatest I've seen yet. The music was fantastic and went perfectly with the mood of each scene. I was totally satisfied by the end of this movie. And if you weren't, oh well. I liked it, and that's all that matters.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Why can't people like it?
Review: What's the problem folks? Why is this one so hard for people to swallow? It was an incredible film. And who keeps saying there wasn't enough action? Were they in the bathroom the whole time the machines were attacking Zion? Series not resolved? Of course it was. Neither The Matrix or the machines were destroyed, this is true. However, the series was about Neo, and Neo's story was resolved. And what was there to not get? I keep hearing from people who were confused during this movie. How? I don't understand that. Reloaded had so much more senseless babble that went on and on. Remember the scene with the Architect in Reloaded? Now that was a lot of long-winded crap. Or Neo's conversation with the Oracle in the park, now that had some truly bad dialogue. Revolutions is so much more advanced than Reloaded. I don't know. It makes me sad that so many are depriving themselves of an amazing movie, but that's alright, I loved it and strongly urge others to see it for themselves.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Sucks
Review: Ok, this movie sucked for a number of reasons. Hello, where is the plot? Didn't you forget something, like a story that made sense? So what happens in the end? Peace? Peace of what? It clearly showed all the little human embryos still in their little embryos. Maybe the ones in Zion just get left alone below the earth mid their rubble...that is a happy ending alright... And who is that little Indian girl? How sweet that she makes sunrises and sunsets I suppose, but who cares? What happened to her parents? Are they still locked in? And what about Frenchy? Is Neo dead or alive?

And what was the point in killing Trinity?

Only good actor was Smith who is always good no matter what crap he is doing~

Did Neo even have a story line? I can't remember it, except he didn't get to eat any cookies...

Too weird... See Brother Bear instead.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Why so sappy????
Review: I am truly one of the biggest Matrix fans there is, but I simply cannot recommend this film. The special effects were nothing short of spectacular. Beyond that, I was bored out of my skull. I loved the first episode (and have watched it about 50 times), was luke warm about Reloaded (bought the DVD), and was utterly disappointed with Revolutions. There really wasn't any advancement of the story, just dialog to fill in between the action scenes. And the ending...what ending??? Where's Neo? Dead? Injured? Transformed?

Just a note on the action scenes - how is it that Zion didn't fall in about 2 minutes? Thousands of sentinals vs. about 100 APU's, not much of a match. All-Powerful Neo seems to get his butt kicked a little too much in this installment. Isn't this the same guy who could stop Sentinals with his mind? Too many inconsistancies in this movie, so many that it became distracting. I know that this is an "adventure" movie, but there is only so much disbelief that I can suspend.

Lastly, I can do without all of the sentimental love scenes. Come on...how long does it take a person impaled with several steel rods to die? I could have lived without the 10 minute "I love you" speech. We know they loved each other!!!

With all this being said, I will probably still run out and get the DVD when it's released.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Oracle....where are you?
Review: Okay, I'm not going to go into all the small details that most people are complaining about on here. I saw the movie last night and I thought it was pretty good. I did like Reloaded a little better but I'm not disappointed with this one. I DID have one problem with it, however. They replaced the Oracle! Okay, I've thought this through from the point of view of the story and I can't find a reason why they would do this. There really was no reason to replace her, story-wise. That means the reason had to be on the actress' end. (I haven't heard anything on this, but if she died....that would be a good reason and I'll stop complaining real quick. Hopefully, she didn't.) Anyway, there must've been some dispute or something if that didn't happen. Regardless, the movie it'self was very good. A great way to end the trilogy. Taken as a whole (all three together as one movie), it's awesome. All you people out there that tore this movie apart....try to look at it as one movie, not part 3. You might see you like it more than you think.

Follow up: Ah...I've just found out the acress that originally played the Oracle did die during the filming of the second movie. Now it doesn't look that bad to me. I just couldn't figure out why they would do that but the replacement did a decent job of acting like Gloria. It's sad that she didn't get to finish a role that was really well done. At least they found a way around her death for the sake of the story. One last note: After letting the movie sink in for a few days....I find I like it more and more. A very good finale for a very good trilogy. And next, it's almost time to end another great trilogy! But we all know how it will end, huh?

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Wow... they really messed this up...
Review: Holly wow... I saw Matrix two days after it came out and I must say, I was truly disapointed. Some of the dialog in this movie was simply horrible. Pitiful. Hilarious even. "You can't die..." "Yes I can *pause*... UGH" Ummm.... right.... ok... moving on... Let's not forget the pointless focus on unimportant characters, such as the reload kid, and the bazooka lady, and also the little girl. I must admit the dock breach scene was amazing and the "uber" punch at the end with Smith and Neo was quite interesting... but appart from that, the movie was disappointing. The final fight scene with Smith... can you say Dragon Ball Z? What's with all this flying crap? All there was missing was the screaming and the golden hair... And the bubble explosion effect? Sure it was cool, but that doesn't mean they should use it 8 times in 10 minutes... Also, near the end, they keep switching between scenes, even when the war at the dock is over, and all you wanna know is what the hell is happening with Neo... it's annoying, and long. This Matrix was truly disapointing... and I think the series truly was a downward spiral.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best in the series!
Review: I cannot understand why so many people gave this one a bad review! I watched the Martix and Reloaded several times each before seeing this one and I think this one is the best! It is unbelievably good as an action movie and the special effects are blended in so well it appears to be real! This movie shows our planet and the pods in more detail, which I found fascinating since they just hinted at this in the other films. The first Matrix was about Birth, the second about Life and this one all about Death. You can feel death in the air and it is spooky. All the Matrix movies are so different and all have their own feel. I found myself not believing how good this movie is! The action scenes are reminiscent of Star Ship Troopers very much. The Captains in this movie make the movie with their superior acting and deep love for Zion. Lots of people have to have faith in Neo, since they are so outnumbered by the machines; they stand no chance on their own. They have to believe in miracles and you can see their struggle in doing so. A true battle of the spirit and the questions one must face in believing in more then one can see. But the true heart of this movie is the war. This is an Epic battle and I've never seen such immersive action and excellence in blending computer-generated art with reality so seamlessly. I came away from this movie saying to my husband that this was not only the best matrix, but also the best movie I have ever seen or will ever see in my lifetime. He saw it the next day and agreed with me 100%. Those people that gave it a poor review must see it again!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: what did you expect?
Review: I'm sure by now you have read all the other reviews flaming the movie for a variety of reasons. if you go into the movie expecting the movie to be as ground breaking as the first one then you will be disappointed. Guess what everyone, the ground was already broken by the first matrix. The purpose of the second and third movies in a trilogy is to advance the plot not to invent something new. Bad acting? overly long shootouts? cheesy lines in a pleasant overacting sauce? Not any worse than the first matrix.

now that I've got that out of the way, there were some notable faults in the movie. Like Matrix Reloaded, the "pep talks" in Zion were overdone and lacking in substance. lets face it, Patton is AWOL. The "touching emotional scenes" felt about 30 minutes too long. during one death scene I found myself thinking "just die already!" Not exactly the desired effect I believe. during the final fight scene the special effects (while cool) were way overdone. SFX should support the fight not the other way around. It would have been nice to see a little military strategy in the real world battle scenes. as it stands it had all the forethought of pre-revolutionary war battle lines. There was no maneuvering to speak of, no combined arms tactics, very little use of cover or concealment, and no changes to the original plan (if you can call "stand in a line in the open at shoot the enemy a plan).

on a brighter note, the plot was actually pretty decent for an action movie. The further divergence from the strict "it is prophesy" themes in the first half of the series was a welcome change. it was especially welcome that victory was not assured just because he is "The One". By the end of the movie I realized that several elements seemed to be heavily influenced by the Dune books (by Frank Herbert). Fans of that series may get additional enjoyment noticing parallels between the two.

all in all, the movie is worth admission but realize that it is just a continuation of the first two movies. Don't expect Reeves to suddenly learn how to act and don't expect anything earth shattering. Just go in to see how it all ends up.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Creative and Engaging...More to come?
Review: Very good movie. Very intense action, but like the first two installments the plot is paramount. You can't take this movie at face value. It requires thought and analysis - and if you are able to give it some thought, I think you will enjoy it. I would also recommend checking out Reloaded within a day or so of going to see Revolutions.

Revolutions is Neo's continuing quest to figure out his purpose. The basic plot starts out in two directions - first, the machines moving towards Zion attempting to destroy the remaining humans who are freed. In addition, Agent Smith has made his way out of the Matrix into the "real world" in the form of Bane. Neo has found that his powers exists outside of the Matrix and now Smith has done the same. I equate Smith to a computer virus that continues to adapt. Smith is Neo's dramatic foil and the Oracle tells Neo that he and Smith are "negative twins".

Break for the very long intense fight between the humans and machines. Great battle scene (despite no Neo or Trinity). Suspense builds as we wonder if Zion can hold off the machines long enough to get support from Niobe & Morpheous.

After the fight, Neo makes peace with the machines by telling the machines that Smith is a threat to the machine world just as he is the matrix (at this point, Smith has overtaken the matrix). The machines then allow Neo to go into the Matrix and attempt to eliminate Smith - in the second film, Smith had adapted and was stronger (than he was in the first film) - unable to be destroyed by Neo. The big question is how will Neo destroy Smith and what will the implications be. The way Smith was finally destroyed was very profound.

Inside the Matrix, Smith overtook the Oracle, just as he had done to about everyone else inside the Matrix. We even saw some foreshadowing here, Smith (sounding frustrated) asked the Oracle "if you knew I was coming for you, why would you still be here". This was the Oracle's choice, and she knew that allowing Smith to overtake her would ultimately lead to his demise. The oracle said to Neo earlier, "Everything that has a beginning also has an end".

Another cool fight scene between Neo and Smith. Just as Neo was lying on the ground and nearly defeated, he finally realized how to defeat Smith. This realization came about when Smith said (standing over Neo), "I am now supposed to say - 'everything that has a beginning also has an end'". Neo then allowed Smith to overtake him, and then the machines pulled the plug that linked Neo into the Matrix. By pulling the plug, the machines killed Neo and since Smith had overtaken Neo, this ultimately killed Smith. Thus, Neo (major symbolism here - Neo is Christ-like) dies to save everyone else. Smith dies and everyone inside the Matrix that Smith had overtaken turned back into themselves - hence the Oracle lying on the ground where Smith was slain.

A cut scene shows the matrix "repairing" itself. The Oracle is sitting on a bench next to Seraph and the little girl (all of whom were earlier overtaken by Smith) and the architect tells the Oracle that she found a creative way to beat Smith. The end.

Conclusion - The matrix still exists. Big question - was the architect correct when he said at the end of Reloaded that Neo is an anomaly of the Matrix and that 5 others came before him and more will come after him? The little girl (sorry, can't remember her name) asks the Oracle if they will see Neo again and the Oracle says "I think so".

All we know is that the Matrix still exists and that for now the freed humans and the machines are going to coexist. Another question - will the machines continue to use humans for energy, or will those humans be freed - stay tuned...I think there is more to come.

There is a ton of Matrix philosophy on the this web site. But it is limited to the first film.


On the top right, go to the mainframe and then click the box that says philosophy. A good article on the religious symbolism is "Wake Up!" by Flannery-Dailey & Wagner.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Dragonball Z?
Review: The final battle between Smith and Neo was kind of weird. It looked like a fight in dragonball Z (except for all the rays and stuff). They even had all the flying thing and smith even grabs neo in the air and throws him all the way down just like in the anime cartoon. Well, I wouldn't be suprised, after all the Wachowski brother do like anime and they did launch the Animematrix so, wha the heck? Overall the movie was good. If you expect a lot of matrix fighting from this movie, don't go watch it because it has a lot of other stuff except fighting.

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