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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: check it out
Review: saw this movie today, i must say it is like a B sci fi flick with a huge budget.

i'm not sure where all the philosophy talk in this movie fits in but it seems wholey unnecessary. the talk with the indian family was droll and didn't seem to serve much purpose in the movie. maybe if any character in this movie delivered any line with any amount of personality and conviction it wouldn't matter. the characters couldn't make me care about anything, except when agent smith expressed his disgust for humans, that was awesome when he said(in not so many words..):"anything this weak was meant to die." that was sweet. he was probably the only actor that 'acted'. if a scene was enjoyable it was because he was in it. it's frustrating watching keanu because his performance is void of character.

there are some action scenes throughout the first half or so of the movie. they're there.

there's a 'war' scene, and the swirling sentinels provide nice visuals. this gives you a nice break from over wrought dialogue.

people keep talking to the oracle, why i don't know.

the movie eventually lumbers along to the climax with neo and agent smith. thank god agent smith is in this movie. that is probably the most enjoyable part of the movie. nice effects, choreography lifted straight from any dragon ball cartoon. this was pretty cool..

and then there's an ending with more dialogue, confound it all. i was hoping this movie would be good like the first, but it takes itself way too seriously and really just isn't that good. you want it to rule but it doesn't... like a guy said here, you could probably edit matrix 2 and 3 to be one movie. that would be nice. but as it stands, this is more like a B Sci Fi movie with a huge budget. if you enjoy cheesy sci fi, this is good for a laugh.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: wham, bang, thank u ma'm
Review: i had been a hardcore fan of the series, and lets face it the first one was a absolute TNT for the brain..great twists,amazing subject and awsome action..2nd one was a lil low on character devlopment and story line but was fun cause of the kik a.. action, multiplying agent smith and the scene with the architiect..but this one was shocking..it shakes a lot of ur belief regarding matrix..cause i m one of those ppl who thought neo cud actually free the humen race..i have no idea what went wrong with this one ..the film just nose dives into oblivion..the allmigty all powerful neo from the 2nd part is just a caricature in this one..morpheous looks completly lost and trinity..she practically sleepwalks..the only saving grace of this film would b Hugo weaving and Jade pinkett smith ..there are few decent sequences like the shoot out in the club ,the war between sentinials and zion and the final showdown between neo and smith..but the style and penache of the first two films doesnt registers here at all..as a matter of fact it seems extremly raw..if u are a person who had been following the series ..no matter what i say but u ll watch it..but b ready to b disappointed..if u r not someone who has been following the series..watch it for the few action sequences..as far as i m concerned ,it was a overall disappointment for me..an anticlimax of the grand finale..well what can u say..every thing that has a begining has an end..sob sob..

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good conclusion
Review: A good conclusion to the trilogy, though it didn't live up to the unattainable expectations of diehard fans. While it's not as good as the first two entries, it's still a good movie.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Matrix is Back - M-R. A-N-D-E-R-S-O-N - ! Beep!
Review: This movie once again directed by Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski (Matrix 1 & 2) takes an more interesting twist then the secons film did. Where the second film did get alittle preachy - this one is more action orientated.

Extremely interesting visual effects, as always, and a plot that seems to twist and turn. For those who haven't seen the first two, it might be a little confusing. For those who did see the first two - you might really enjoy this more.

The action is intense with an incredible visual sequence of the Sentenals who are the machine that are trying to kills human. The finale is very open ended and leaves itself for your personal interpretation. The final fight sequence between Neo and Agent Smith - played by the very talented Hugo Weaving (Peaches, Lord of the Rings 1, 2 & 3, Babe:Pig In the City) - is incredible and visually amazing in detail and imagination. Hugo performance of the stoic and robotic reading of the computer program that went AWOL - is funny, mysterious and scary - all at the same time.

Overall the film is good and entertaining. Again - if you are not familiar with the first two - it might not be as entertaining. But if you like the first two...you should like this one. Give it a shot........."M-R. A-N-D-E-R-S-O-N# - (11-12-03)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazing!
Review: I was completely impressed by this movie. It was unbelievable, and I'm not sure why the reviews are so bad. Oh well. I thought it was great. I left the theaters, changed, and somehow, compelled to do something. It was a powerful movie of the beauty of humanity, and the beauty of defeat. I was very happy with this trilogy. Check out this site: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/p.stratford2/Matrix/The%20Matrix.htm

It explains everything... and I asure you that you will think twice before you say that the Matrix: Revolution was a bad movie...


Rating: 4 stars
Summary: the ending was fine
Review: I watched all 3 Matrix movies the other day and after doing so found the ending to Revolutions most satisfying. It was good to watch the movie a second time without all the expectations I had the first time I watched it. For those who feel that the ending was weak you may have to think about it some more. WARNING SPOILERS!! at the end there is a conversation between the Architect and Oracle in which the Architect promises to free all the humans who are still plugged in. This is a great result for the humans, think about it, every human will not only be freed but will become aware that they were under control to the machines and were in the Matrix, this will make them less vunerable to slavery again. After all, the key to the machines keeping their control was ignorance on the human's part. By sacrificing himself Neo not only saved Zion but freed all those who were still slaves in the Matrix and broke the Machine's control.

Peace with the machines was the best possible outcome, the humans get to live in a better world, although still in the Matrix at least they know what is going on and are no longer under control by the machines. If the machines were destroyed as some people here hoped Zion would have been saved but the humans would have to live in the real world which has been decimated by the wars. It's a win win situation, both machines and humans got to survive and it's unlikely humans will be ignorant again and live under slavery as they will all know that the are in the Matrix but it's a far better world to live in.

For those who feel their questions were not answered I urge you to watch all 3 movies again and pay attention more carefully, like all the Matrix films they get better as you watch them more. I did not enjoy any of them the first time as much as I did when I had a repeat viewing because I didn't understand them. Confusion causes us to feel irritated which will then lead to us not enjoying the experience as much.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: For Those who Believe......Not for low budget Critics
Review: THANX, Wachowski Brothers, you did it again(my hats off to you) People from various sources are giving Matrix Revolutions bad reviews, BUT I'm here to kill the noise. First of all PEOPLE, this is what Sci-Fi's are all about, "The Un-Imaginable & Artificial Intelligence". I appreciated the film writers keeping to the script from the very first dialog of the first movie.

What I mean by that is sticking with the definition of the themes and Characters;

((((MATRIX)))): A substance in which something is embedded or enclosed. ORACLE: source of wisdom: somebody or something considered being a source of knowledge, wisdom, or prophecy.

((((AGENT)))): Somebody representing another.

((((TRINITY)))): The union of the three (Neo, Morpheus & Trinity).

((((RELOADED)))): To put a new load into something (i.e. Film in a camera, HINT! remember they ran out of film and went bankrupt!)

((((REVOLUTION)))): A dramatic change in ideas and practice. NOW, I close you with this.

The Matrix Trilogy was to provoke Thought, Criticism, Idealism, Physical Capability, Love, Unity, Division, Faith and lastly to Form Moral Belief. The people that were disappointed may not be true fans of creativity and originality, they were maybe looking for trend (about like what Charlie's Angels did with BULLET-TIME, What-a-JOKE).

What I took from all three movies were: "If you don't STAND for what you believe in, you can FALL for anything" Not to mention allowing the non-believers to come inside of you (Agent's Smith's cloning method). The movie could have been 8 hours long; I still don't think the people would have caught the subliminal message. Everthing that has a beginning, must have an end...... Way to close the book.

I can't leave w/o saying: GOD BLESS YOU first Oracle and Aaliyah, you would have been great in the final wrap....

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I took them three films to say what others said in one.
Review: Neo asleep. Train station. Merivinginwhatever back, oh, no he's not. Neo awake. Fight. Smith in a man's body awake. More Fight. It's all about free will over destiny; but if you chose your destiny how can it really be free will?

That's the entire Matrix:Revolutions, pretty much. It was beginning to remind me more and more of the Dune novels as the story progressed. The battle of a messiah with a foreseen destiny, and all that. Of course, since Keanu's dialogue is limited to "Whoa!", you don't really know about the struggle he's going through. The "modern Lucas" comparisons are apt, there is no character development in this film.

The programs are human and the humans are programs. O.k. The happy ending that everyone is bugged by makes sense, but Revolutions and Reloaded could have been one movie. Cut out all that keymaster, and Mervinginwhatever, and last exile, and train-master stuff; then it may have been a fairly streamlined story.

So, aside from a smooth story, clever writing, and decent acting, what was the movie missing? Tension in the main characters. I was nervous for Zion during that battle; but Zion is a city, not a person. I really didn't care if "The Kid", Link, Bazooka Jane, or even Morpheous/Trinity/Neo lived. The only characters I cared the slightest about were the programs. Smith, Oracle, and "The Last Exile". As in the last one before the matrix program crashes and the robots decide to reboot the system. Sentient programs? That one still gets to me a bit. Why The Machines would want sentient programs? Programs that love? Hmmm, that's stretching it a bit, in my opinion.

Philosophically, "Existenz", "Dark City", and even "Children of Dune" got to the point much better than the last two Matrix films. The mixture of 18th-19th century European epistemology with ancient Eastern Hindu/Buddhist mythology and mild Christian mythological overtones were exciting in the first film, mildly intriguing in the second, and virtually gone in the third. If you want sci-fi philosophy rent "Dark City" or "Solaris", if you want action go see "Kill Bill" or the "Alien" re-release again.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: unsatisfying
Review: A film by the Wachowski Brothers

I had thought that the Matrix trilogy was actually going somewhere, that there would be some sort of resolution, some real change in the world we are presented. Unfortunately, there was not, and my disappointment in the conclusion to the trilogy magnifies any other flaw in Revolutions which I would normally have overlooked with a more satisfying ending. I walked out of the theater thinking, "that was it?". The promise of the Matrix was a big payoff to the hype and a big payoff to the story. Neither was delivered.

When the movie begins, we know that we are closing in on the end to the final chapter of the Matrix. The machines are only hours away from Zion and the final battle of the war is at hand. Neo (Keanu Reeves) is unconscious and is lost between the Matrix and the real world. When we last saw Neo, he was in the real world but was able to stop sentinels with the force of his will (as he is able to do with bullets when he is in the matrix). The energy required to do this is the reason why he is unconscious now. Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) and Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) fight to free Neo from this odd in between area which resembles a train station, a train station from which Neo cannot free himself. Eventually Neo is freed and we enter the final stages of the war. Neo decides to personally take the fight to the Machine City while the freed humans fight to keep Zion free.

What more do you really need to know? We have scenes with the Oracle (Mary Alice, replacing the recently deceased Gloria Foster), and Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) is also back. Surprisingly, the character with the most humanity is Agent Smith. Smith is, of course, a program in the Matrix. He is less real than most of the other characters in the movie, but yet he is more compelling and he felt more human. The fight sequences are, of course, well done. Neo's battle with Agent Smith near the end of the movie is probably their best fight since the first movie (the subway scene), and this may be because, in part, the end is uncertain. Because of the overwhelming odds stacked up against the humans, and because of how powerful Agent Smith has become, all of Neo's vaunted powers no longer seem to be enough. Part of my complaint against the second movie was that we never believed that Neo could lose. This is no longer true, and I feel the movie is stronger because of that.

I have heard complaints about various things throughout the movie, but even though I wasn't blown away, I had no problem with the first 90% of the movie. I wasn't overly impressed, but I had no problem with it. Unfortunately, in my view, the entire movie was undermined by the ending. Sure, the action was good and I even enjoyed the big battle scene in Zion, but the ending left me unsatisfied. With all of the questions raised by the first two movies (especially the first movie), the ending didn't really answer any of them. The ending also didn't resolve anything. The third movie of a trilogy has somewhat of a storytelling obligation to end the story. Maybe the point the Wachowski's were trying to make was that there is no end to the story, but if that's the case it feels like more of a cop-out than a success. All of the time and energy expended in three movies gets us to a point that is not significantly different than that from which we began the journey. This is a movie which the more I think about it, the less impressed I am with what I saw. It was just a very unsatisfying ending to a trilogy that had such potential and that promised so much. Ultimately, the Matrix Revolutions did not deliver.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The End
Review: Matrix Reload was a big disappointment for me that's why I believed that the final part(hopefully) of Matrix trilogy would be better.
Luckily, I was right despite of bad reviews of the all-knowledge movie critics. The Matrix Revolutions don't copy so much first Matrix and don't use so much same old special effects.
There are some good new characters for exemple Indian family andthe man who's saying that he is God. Mr. Smith shows that he is real, final enemy, who has a lot power and nasty face. Neo is going to be saviour and Trinity will help he so far as it possible. The people of Sion will fight brave and making many sacrifices to protect the last human race city. Robots are very cruel without feelings and the final battle is showed awesome well. Musics are chosen very well and specially the last battle between Neo and Mr.Smith offers great music. All in all, If you don't like Reload, you'll like Revolutions because it's better.

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