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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A complete and beautiful ending...
Review: The Matrix Revolutions was one of the most impressive movies I've seen in a long time, in addition to their predecessors.

This movie was just as beautiful as the ones before it, and just as exciting (possibly more). There was no slow point in this movie at all. There was no time to "quickly" run anywhere. The action was simply non-stop.

A lot of reviews that I've read seem to be very displeased with the way the movie ended. I read their reviews, and went into the theater searching for the negative things they saw, but just couldn't find it. It was hard to see the movie end, knowing this was the last, but our disappointment with the inevitable, to me, doesn't in any way reflect on the quality of the movie, the creativity of the writing, or the excellence of the actors and their performance in this last installment.

After watching this movie, I realized that I don't have a favorite Matrix movie. I realized that each Matrix movie was very impressive in it's own right. Each movie was very powerful, and fully executed its mission to give us a piece of this new world and share the stories of its mission with us. This one was certainly no exception to that.

Before you see this last installment of the Matrix, I'd highly suggest watching the first two again, and make sure you take from it all that you can. It helps you truly appreciate the work and brilliance behind this project.

I plan to go see this at the theaters again and again and again.

Bravo, Wachowski Brothers, Bravo.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: peace? what about the machine's power source...humanity?
Review: how can there be peace with humanity when humanity is the source of the machine's power? did anyone anyone come to this conclusion?

i like the matrix. alot. but i think it would have been wiser to choose war, not peace, and destroy the enemy...why? is the word of a machine that promises peace a word that can be kept?

at the end, the oracle's counterpart (the old man) says that keeping a promise is a human quality. is anyone else aware of these concepts?

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Leave no cliche unuttered
Review: Oh. My. God.

Who ARE you people? Action junkies, apparently. The original was, and remains, one of my favorite films. I reserved judgment on the second because it was obviously just the first part of the third one. Revolutions is easily in my bottom ten of all time. It had a few good moments, sure, but how any writer can look at himself in the mirror after putting that many tired, used lines in one screenplay, I don't understand.

In retrospect, it seems clear that BOTH these races, humans and machines, deserve to be wiped out. Has no one ever heard of portable EMP generators? "Ooooooo, there are thousands of squids here now, guess I'll kick off the EMP. Okay, they're all dead. Lunchtime!" A few minutes later, from another guy with a suitcase, "Ahhhhhh, millions of kalamari, boink. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em." Rinse and repeat.

The good guys have ships that don't get destroyed by the EMP, why are the machines too stupid to match that? Give me a break.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply amazing!!
Review: I strongly agree with the positive reviews that declare this to be one of the best movies of all time. If you haven't seen it yet, please ignore the critic's reviews as they are trained to see the technical aspects instead of being able to just enjoy a movie. This movie takes the viewer further that you could have imagined possible with the characters, plot, and visual effects. It keeps you glued to your seat and always wanting more. I never thought Neo and Trinity could make your love their characters more, but this movie does that and SO much more! I really got into the movie and felt like I was living and doing right along with the characters. I promise you that you will love it!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great conclusion to a great trilogy
Review: I have no idea what the critics are griping about. This is a _great_ movie.

And I do _not_ mean that you should refrain from looking for anything 'deep' and just enjoy the action and special effects. Oh, the special effects are fantastic, all right. But the 'deep' ideas _are_ there, and you can find them if you know what to look for.

I think the problem is that so many viewers misunderstood the main theme of the first _Matrix_ film, taking it to be a movie about the question 'What is real?' Then they were disappointed when the next two films had little new to say on that question.

But that's not the main theme of this trilogy, or even of the first film. The theme is: 'What is the nature of the relationship between humans and machines?' And the resolution of _that_ question in the third film has every bit as much mind-blowing power as anything in the original _Matrix_.

The question does get answered, and the answer does make sense. All the tension in the plot comes down to whether Neo is really the 'One' and what it means to be the 'One'. Well, what _is_ the One? I won't tell you, but I _will_ tell you to pay very close attention to the relationship between Neo and Smith.

In this final film of the _Matrix_ trilogy, humans and machines achieve the next level in their symbiotic evolution. The Wachowskis have done it right; the critics have it wrong. Don't miss this one.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: An Insult to the Matrix Concept
Review: I only rated this one star because zero stars is not an option.

When I saw the first Matrix movie, I was totally impressed with the great special effects, the creative concept and the style and content invested into that work. I would give the original Matrix movie 5 stars readily.
The second movie, Matrix Reloaded, was a let down by comparison but still enjoyable. I would have given it 3 stars. I can accept this because sequels are seldom as good as the original. There were some nice concepts, but the emphasis shifted to a drastic degree toward more action and less cerebral stimulation. Still, some nice philosophical issues were raised that one might expect to be developed further in the 3rd movie.
Then comes this tripe known as Matrix Revolutions. I think they simply spelled Revulsion incorrectly. In this third effort, which I would give zero stars if possible, we are treated to a wonderland of action sequences that are impossible to enjoy with the screen flooded with flashy lights and strobe effects. These wash out or mask the lack of effort invested in CGI or special effects. Where quality is lacking, expect flash and glitter to replace good film making. The philosophical concepts raised in the first two films are abandoned entirely in an orgy of violent fight scenes. (some of which are played out for such long periods of time as to become boring.)
The first film was a treat for the senses and the mind.
The second was less creative and much less concerned about quality of script or plot.
For the third movie, you can relax and leave your brain at home.
Great for those recovering from the disco era, when mirror balls and strobe lights blinded us to the totally tacky and guady leisure suit and polyester shirts that passed for quality at the time!
And if you have a photosensitive neurological disorder, you definately want to skip this flick. The film simply isn't worth a visit to the emergency room or a stint in ICU!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This movie just makes me sad...
Review: I actually haven't written a review for Amazon in quite some time, and usually when I do it's because a product was so good or so bad that I feel somewhat compelled to do so. Such is the case with the recent installment of the "Matrix".

First off, I have to say that the Matrix's "philosophy" is not really philosophy. The Matrix just put an interesting spin on Descartes' (among others) philosophy. I throw this in here because I can't stand people telling me that these movies have such a deep philosophical message, when it's actually just using philosophy as a means for entertainment (not that I'm against this use of philosophy, in fact I rather enjoy it). Second, I wasn't disappointed with "Reloaded", I thought it was fun action flick that made some great promises for "Revolutions". But, with that said...

...Revolutions did not deliver. Most the questions brought up in "Reloaded" were not only unresolved, many of them were never brought up. You want to know how Neo stopped those sentinels at the end of the last movie? Well you won't know, because it's not talked about, except in passing by the Oracle. Moreover, none of the people in the "real world" seem phased by the fact that Neo is able to stop these ultra-super killing machines by sticking up his hand and giving the angry face. Why not put Neo in the middle of Zion and let him do the angry face while all the ultra-super killing machines come in? Perhaps the humans are worried that Neo will go back into a coma, I don't really know. Which proves my point, you just don't really know about anything. We're just supposed to believe this is what happens, which I think is kind of odd for a movie that supposed to make you think. And the final battle between Neo and Agent Smith was anti-climatic! What's up with that! But I will say that the Zion battle was pretty cool, even if it did drag on a bit.

So in closing, this movie really did make me sad. It really lacked the heart the first two movies had; in fact I got the general feeling that the Wackowski bothers just didn't care about this movie at all. It's sad to see such potential go down the drain.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An Incredible Conclusion to an Incredible Series
Review: 10 years ago, no one had heard of the Matrix. No one knew what bullet time meant. No one knew knew who "the one" was, or ever watched Neo Anderson battle agents.

Well, that was 10 years ago, but since the Matrix came out back in the late 90's, it has truly become one of the most watched movies of all time. A few months ago, we saw Matrix Reloaded. Another great movie, continueing the story of Earth in a few hundred years. Finally, Revoltions came out. Simply put, the best of the 3, an incredible movie, great acting -even Neo this time-, and jaw dropping special affects. Here's what I thought of the Matrix Revolutions.

1) The Story: *no spoilers* This movie continued the story of the Matrix, the people fighting it, and the lives of free humans fighting for their life. At this point, Neo is an incredible fighter -both in and out of the Matrix-, and is madly in love with his girlfriend, Trinity. There is a huge battle about to happen. Morpheus believes that this is the battle that will end the war. End the Matrix. And finally free humanity. But things are getting dark. A huge army of Machines is heading toward the last free world, Zion. Neo is confused and doesn't know what he, the one, is supposed to do. Betrayals are being made, lives are being lost, and a great power is growing ever stronger in the Matrix. When suddenly, the Machines are attacking Zion....

2) Special Affects: This movie looked stunning in every single way. From showing us Zion to some of the big battles. To seeing first hand the world of the Machines, and the beauty in which all life holds. Seeing Zion under attack, the battles, all the Machines. It was incredible. It really made you feel that these machines were coming...coming for you. Lord of the Rings like buildings and battles, this movie was just...incredible. The bullet time action is back as well, and I still am amazed at some of the things the Matrix showed off. A great movie, and the graphics don't hold back here...

3) Acting: This movie had the best acting of the 3 in my opinion. Neo finally showed a little emotion in different areas, the love between Neo and Trinity is so strong on film. Agent Smith, Morpheus, the Oracle, etc... All play their parts to perfection. If you liked the first two, or even just thought they were okay, this is a must see. So much happens in this movie, and the acting, like everything else, is great. If anything, see this movie to see Neo finally act!

4) Overall- This movie was just...incredible. 6/5 stars, it was perfect in every way. Anyone not understand Reloaded? This movie will fill in all the holes. Wanna know what happends to Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, the Matrix, Agent Smith, Zion, and the world of humans and machines? You have to see this. And to see perhaps one of the coolest battles ever -for you action freaks like me-, this is just...awsome.

This is the best of the 3 by far, and if you -like i have said- loved the first two, or even just thought it was decent, The Matrix Revolutions is a movie you CAN NOT MISS! Head to your nearest theatre and buy that ticket! This is one of the best movies of the year. Great movie, great conclusion, Matrix Revolutions simply is AWSOME!



Rating: 3 stars
Summary: poor movie, but the series may have merit
Review: Note: comments also posted on IMDB.com.

The whole NYC crowd laughed throughout the movie. Every time the noise and action died down enough so that the dialogue had to fend for itself, it proved to be laughably lame and wooden, and everyone in the theater was reminded that there weren't a whole lot of actors on the Matrix payroll. On that level, Matrix Revolutions was a failure. I mean, Keanu Reeves is bad enough, but I kept expecting Ben Affleck to walk onto the set and start reeling off gritty, recycled, heroic, military-action-flick one-liners, all without ever losing that silly smirk that he always has on his face.

But I realize that the accomplishment of the Matrix film might lie elsewhere (I mean, besides the visual style, which remained stunning, even in this poor conclusion to the series). I think what the W brothers have given us is a metaphor empty enough that everyone who sees the movie, from third graders to PhD's, can argue at length about "what it means." All those grad students, IMDBers, bloggers, comic book fiends, and technogeeks out there can state with utter conviction that the Matrix is really all about _______, and they can all be right! That's the beauty of the trilogy. It's an incredibly rich and complicated network of signifiers without any definable connection to any set of signifieds. Another way of saying this is that the Matrix is so filled with ambiguous symbols that it can mean virtually anything, which means that, in the end, it means virtually nothing, in and of itself.

I've heard it myself. I've listened to two reasonable, intelligent adults argue about specific moments in the film and what they mean in terms of the constructed, mediated nature of reality. The fact of the matter is (at least I think it's a fact) that the movie can be used to support nearly any ontological position imaginable. What the W brothers have created here is not a statement so much as a vocabulary.

I guess that could be either positive or negative, depending on one's point of view. On the negative side, I keep thinking of the Yeats poem, "Second Coming," which foresees the end times, when the "best lack all conviction." Maybe the Matrix trilogy is a true product of our age--an incredibly consuming (time, money, creative effort, careers, etc.) venture that looks great but says nothing. On the positive side, maybe it's a good thing to give people a philosophical language that is both accessible and flexible, without the complications of history (as is the case with religious vocabularies) or intellectual elitism (as is the case with most academic, theoretical vocabularies).

I'm still trying to figure this out, but I guess the Oracle would tell me that I already know the answer; I just have to understand my choice (or something suitably cosmic and empty like that).

P.S. I would be remiss not to include in a list of Matrix accomplishments the opening of the cast to all genders and ethnicities. It is good to see strong, and sometimes even interesting, characters of many colors and sexes. I like that about the movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Matrix Trilogy
Review: I was hesistant to write a review so quickly after seeing revolutions. I saw it again the same week and than read all the love/hate reviews going around everywhere. I read interesting theories and some really inane ones. It appears so many people had this movie pictured inside their heads and when the wachowski's came up with the most simplistic of answers, they all go home crying and complaining. The machines could not just be destroyed. Life had been created by the humans. A species that has now cultivated the earth and taken it as there own. To erradicate them is irresponsible and the easy way out. The machines had zion and mankind literally by the balls. The only way out was for a half machine half man to sacrifice everything to bridge the gap between the two species.

I'm not here to change anyones minds, if you love or hate it than thats your perogative. But to call this movie mindless or plotless, is to really show how much went over your heads. The brilliance of this trilogy is to create what APPEARS to be a mainstream action epic but throw in much more creative thought and moral questions that have spawned a huge empire dedicated to it's mythology. The game, the animatrix, the comic, all these things feed into how thought provoking these ideas really have become. I'm not saying that if you didn't like it, you didn't "get it". But it's obvious some people prefer to have all things handed to them.

How delicious was that tease by the merovingian. Dangling the questions right in front of us. "How did neo enter mobil ave? How did his mind seperate from his body?" And as soon as you think he will spoon feed you some mumbo jumbo he doesn't and its almost funny, because like many mainstream art house pictures (Vanilla Sky etc) their are moments where everything is explained. As if at the last minute they got scared and decided to tell all, so no one is confused. This movie stuck to its guns and ended in peace because to kill man or machine is not the answer. We have to get there together.

The series ends with a short convo by the architect and the oracle. The two players who have been guiding each side for their own cause. They come to a compromise, but with a lingering threat that man may yet again make the same mistakes. I for one loved this trilogy. And others opinions are just that. So go ahead with the movie you pictured in your mind, the fact remains that they did not compromise their story for some ironic twist that would have been rediculous, or some unhappy ending that went against everything the story stood for. Our society is so cynicle that endings such as these are never respected because we want destruction and twist endings that feed that cynism. Neo was peace just as Jesus is peace.

Thats the answer folks, plain and simple, staring us in the face every hour of every day. So suspiciously simple yet incredibly elusive. We seek it yet deny it when confronted with it's possibility. Peace.

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