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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A vast number of bad calls trashes the series.
Review: I am dumbfounded at how many people actually gave this film five stars. Imagine if Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Lea where all given bit part roles to play in the final movie of the trilogy and Jabba the Hut, a Jawa, a Storm Trooper and an Ewok where made the central focus characters? Would you like that? Well this is EXACTLY what Revolutions does!

Okay so Terminator 3 was no Terminator 1 or 2, but it was satisfactory! Return of the Jedi was the weakest of the series but that too was satisfactory. Star Wars Ep.1 was nothing like the originals but again at least it was satisfactory.

Revolutions is nothing like the above. It is more akin to the kind of sabotage that we see in movie remakes!

The filmmakers obviously have absolutely no idea what made the first film so good. Reloaded and Revolutions have gone down the road of Disney cartoons instead of staying on the patch of action comic book type appeal. It was a tremendously bad call by the filmmakers to focus too much on Zion and bring bit-part characters to the forefront of the movie. Morpheus is forgotten about and does little more than sit in a co-pilot seat next to Niobe throughout the movie. It was Morpheus who made the metaphysical statements cool. When the same things are spoken by some bit part characters... (who are given a leading roles!... oh what a crisis!... you simply DO NOT DO THAT.)... it just sounds plain stupid and dumb. NEW CHARACTERS are introduced that serve very little function and are forgotten about just as quick. The Trainman appears as an important character and then... disappears. His whole scene at the start of the movie with Neo served absolutely NO PURPOSE. The Architect materializes briefly at the end for a few lines to try and consolidate everything. Persephone is back again with the Merovingian as if nothing is wrong after her releasing the Keymaker in Reloaded. The Twins who disappeared in Reloaded are obviously vaporized, because they are not here.

The original Matrix was a high like no other. Reloaded was satisfactory and at least had some knockout action sequences with elements that where in the first Matrix and a few extra scenes here and there to help develop the story around Zion. Okay so the dance scene at the start was totally out of place but in Reloaded as soon as Neo met the Oracle it was the Matrix rocking like you mother from start to finish. Revolutions is NOTHING like Reloaded and it certainly is at the opposite end of the spectrum when compared to the original Matrix.

Questions that where created in Reloaded are left unanswered. What is it with the Indian family who take up almost fifteen minutes talking at the start of the film? The copout for replacing the Oracle with a new actress is explained in the worst possible way..... AND WHOEVER WROTE THE SCREENPLAY DIALOGUE SHOULD HAVE HIS PAYCHECK REVOKED! What a cliche driven script! You will not believe the stereotype dialogue on display here! Seriously it is a SIN to do what they have done to the Matrix series. Watch the climatic scene between Neo and Trinity which lasts for ages. Listen to what they are saying! Watch Neo stand for a few minutes in stupidity as Bane, who sounds, talks and moves just like Agent Smith, almost has to tell Neo who he is before the penny drops with our savior character! Bill and Ted where on the screen for a few moments there. Sssshesshhh.....

The filmmakers have stamped all over this film as if they are out to harm the entire series - or maybe - is it just possible ..... that the first Matrix movie was just made a FANTASTIC MOVIE by accident? Everything on display in Revolutions seems to point to that conclusion.

There are only two key action sequences in this film. One which revolves around warriors controlling "Aliens" type robots with guns and the machines crashing around the place with lots of gun-fire and explosions. It is excellent stuff for the first few minutes but far too much time is spent on it. We WANT to see NEO getting it on with Agent Smith!... and finally ... (and it is a long time coming) when it appears, it is nothing compared to the Alleyway Brawl we saw in Reloaded.

This film is a disaster. Even if it where like Reloaded it would have been an acceptable movie but it seems almost like some sort of Direct to Video type movie. The filmmakers should never have given our principle characters a back seat to other bit part actors. They should have reduced the Zion fight sequence by at least three-quarters of the running time and put that space into Neo and Smith getting it on in some way shape or form. The screenplay should have been revised from the start instead of plowing so much money into the Zion action sequence. It is very hard to describe what an utter disappointment this film was. It could possibly be one of worst mega-budget pictures ever made. Fans will feel downright conned. Those who are looking for popcorn fodder will probably find it okay-ish entertainment but if we wanted to watch okay-ish entertainment we would hope to find that somewhere else other than in one of the most expensive sci-fi films ever made. Thank God that the Lord of the Rings is there to redeem our faith in high-concept large budget fantasy films. Revolutions is a prime example of a marketing confidence trick marred with bad acting, bad writing and bad direction. The special effects are on top form but this DOES NOT MAKE A MOVIE.

Revolutions is a bad stain on the Matrix series - if not trilogies as a whole. Fans should voice their disapproval so that this sort of humiliation does not happen again.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Comprehension is the key
Review: If you can understand this movie you will love it. Read all the reviews you want but comprehension is the key. All of the people I talked to that did not like this movie gave me very shallow reasons why they didn't. When I quizzed them on the movie they just gave me more complaints. I recommend this movie to anyone who can understand subtle hints without them being pushed down your throat. This movie is not for those with a lazy mind.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A decent ending to an awesome trilogy
Review: The Matrix Revolutions offers a satisfying ending to the Matrix Trilogy. While some of the charcters and story aspects in the film could have used a little more development, the theology of the film, including the ending, is rock solid. The battle scene in Zion and the fight between Neo and Smith are outstanding. If you've seen the first two, you should see the third. Revolutions is a great film.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A bag of hot air after all.
Review: When The Matrix: Reloaded was released, I decided that it would be impossible for me to accurately rate it without first examining its resolution. Finally, with The Matrix: Revolutions, that resolution has arrived, but unfortunately it turns out to be even less satisfying than what I could have possibly predicted in my most depressing nightmares.

To call the Wachowskis' spiritualizing a bag of hot air would be an understatement of almost biblical proportions, as the ending most resembles Tron run through a pretentious Anime filter (don't get me wrong, Tron is a very fine film and infinitely superior to this dreck). Add to that a barrage of bad sci-fi clichés (even worse than the Asimov and Bradbury 'inspired' Second Renaissance Part 1 & 2), hackneyed lines that will make you squirm in agony, headache-inducing action scenes, and characters one wants to die a most painful death, and you get a concoction fit only for the most fanatic Matrix fan, devoid of even the most subtle smidgeon of taste.

All of this wouldn't be so bad if the Wachowskis hadn't presented it in such a ponderous and padded manner. Let's face it: There is absolutely no good reason to split this material into two films - it could have been easily told in two and a half hours (at the most). If brevity is the essence of wit, the Wachowskis are the most humorless filmmakers since Rainer Werner Fassbinder (don't get me wrong, his 15 1/2 hour epic Berlin Alexanderplatz still seems much shorter than what they delivered here). For the love of all that is good and decent: Stop!

If Zion and all of its inhabitants had been destroyed it wouldn't have been a great loss for humanity. Heck, I haven't cared less about the potential end of humanity since Deep Impact.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than "Return of the Jedi"
Review: This movie is so good that it makes the Matrix trilogy better than the Star Wars trilogy.

This is the best "trilogy ending film" that I have EVER seen. This is how "Return of the Jedi" should have been. I was on the edge of my seat with this film even though I knew ahead of time how it would end. I never really felt that way when I saw "Return of the Jedi" for the first time. I just knew that Han Solo would shut down the shields and I knew the Death Star was history. I never really worried about the characters the way I worried about the "Revolutions" heroes. They were written very well and they were all very human and vulnerable and they made you really admire their heroism during the battle for Zion. They just made me feel that I was in the battle with them. "Return of the Jedi" never did that. It will never do that. I love Star Wars but I have to say that "Matrix Revolutions made it look like a $2.00 joke in comparison. This was an excellent way to end a excellent series of films.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: IMAX Presentation
Review: The purpose of this review is not to critique the movie itself as I have already done that in my previous review. There I stated that although many have been disappointed by the movie, I do not share those feelings. I enjoyed the action and found it to be a descent, though admittedly flawed, conclusion to a great science fiction trilogy. Here I review the IMAX presentation of the movie. The first time I saw the film it was in the Mann's Grauman's Chinese theatre in Hollywood. That theatre has state-of-the-art sound and video that was a perfect compliment to a movie like Revolutions. When I decided to see the movie again, I thought only an IMAX presentation could top my previous experience. For those not familiar, IMAX theaters boast a 7 story high screen and a 12,000 Watt sound system. They normally screen movies filmed specifically for IMAX theatres. They have however shown the last two Matrix films on IMAX screens. It is an experience not to be missed. If you saw Reloaded on IMAX, you have a pretty good idea what to expect. The clarity of the picture and richness of the sound is amazing. I did notice one difference though. When I saw Reloaded, I recall the film had been formatted to fit on the gigantic IMAX screen. In other words, it filled the entire area of the screen. I assume (but am not positive) that the picture's aspect ratio had to be changed to do so. For Revolutions however, the movie was letter boxed, so it retained is original aspect ratio. I personally think this is a better way to present the film. Seeing a movie on the IMAX screen is generally a little more expensive than your standard theatre, but it is worth the experience, especially if you are like me and love the big screen experience.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great film
Review: This film was great. It was awfully underrated and constantly criticised for it's 'bad acting'. Sure, it had a couple errors and cliches. But doesn't every movie? The questions left 'un-answered' are unknown to me. Apparently, some don't remember what the first movie was about. Basically, stopping Smith and stopping the machines. Which they did, so how exactly was it left open?Some say the lines were 'cheesy'. But how does one define 'cheesy'. Without taking lines from other movies as an example.Some came in expecting way to much of this movie. To be better than the first one. Which wasn't going to happen. The first was ground-breaking. But it's hard to be as ground-breaking as an original and live up to the expectations of an audience. All in all, I don't see why everyone believes this is such a bad movie. The action was great, the storyline kept faithull, and it had a good ending. Some say, Reloaded had a 'crappy story'. Well,hmm, the storyline doesn't change through a trilogy. It stayed the same, so how can it be crappy without the storyline all in all being bad?Doesn't make much sense to me. This film is a must see. It's a great finale to a GREAT trilogy.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Alien 3 anyone?
Review: You know the way I felt after I saw this movie is exactly the same as when I saw Alien 3, very disappointed. The whole thing felt rushed and seemed more of an after thought. But I am surprised about the similarities between the two franchises (Alien and The Matrix) as far as how the directors treated their material. Like the first movies was about mystery and lots of questions the second was about action and surviving and the last one was a disaster! I can expect that the next Matrix movie would be all about redeeming the mistakes made in the last movie like alien 4 did. But should you see it? I think yes just to finish the whole thing. Maybe time will improve the movie especially when watch back-to-back with reloaded but who knows? As far as I'm concerned I'll still love the first two just like in the Alien series and I'll just leave it at that.

Rating: 3 stars
Review: From the creative and visual and phyilosophical experience I had in Matrix and Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions is not what I expected. 1st : The $ 40 Million action scene at the discotheque...hey I dont' see the $ 40 million reflected in that scene. It's a very good action scene but not a $ 40 million budget. 2nd : extremely too too too too too too too many centinels going in Zion. 3rd : the battle between Agent Smith and Neo is too anime : Smith Flying !!! come on !!!. 4th :About Trinity (you have to see the movie)...I saw Neo puting a great effort in saving her in Matrix Reloaded but in this one NOTHING !!! CERO !!!. 5th : the ending is quite good but there is not a convincing final conclusion. Will there be a Matrix 4 ?.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not Perfect, but ....
Review: ....I sure enjoyed it. A guilty pleasure like South Park or Beavis & Bu++head? Maybe, but that doesn't detract from the plain and simple fact that I had a great time watching this movie and the entire trilogy. They are movies, entertainment, and are not meant to give the meaning of life or be some quasi-religion, so some of you people really need to lighten up a bit.

Revolutions had its flaws, but overall was well worth the visit to see it on the big screen and will it be a DVD I purchase to round out my collection. I went to see it in the theater knowing full well that it wasn't going to answer all the question raised in the previous movies, but you know what, that didn't matter. There was a story here, and a good one. One that kept me engrossed for the length of the film, expanded on the characters, and dazzled the eyes. Sure, some of the parts of the film could have been streamlined or made a bit clearer, and the big finalie could have been even bigger (though believe me, it is big enough), but on the whole, Revolutions brought the trilogy to a satisfying and entertaining end. It is an action flick, not a drama, so don't expect that level of depth when that is not what the film(s) set out to do. As for the unanswered questions, I for one like going out for coffee afterwards and getting everyone elses take on things, and seeing what they think happened. (ie.: When agents took over a person, did that person die?)

This was a slick, cool, adrenaline packed series of movies, worth being taken as a whole, though the 1st will always be my favorite.

The Matrix - 5 stars, a real thinker with effects that were never before seen on the big screen.

Reloaded - 3.5 stars. A good movie with even better special effects but relied a bit too much on the action and philosophical mumbo jumbo. Really just an intro to ...

Revolutions - 4 solid stars. There were some cliches and the Zion battle was just a bit too intense for a bit too long, but those are minor things. The special effects shine like never before (loved those rain effects at the end), the characters were more real and developed, and I left the theater feeling like I got my money's worth and pondering everything I had just experienced for the next few hours.

In the end, I think that is what really counts. Thank you Wachowski brothers for giving us a good trilogy, not an easy thing to do.

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