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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: OMG!
Review: The movie was absolutly fantastic. I loved it. The animation, acting, music, plot, etc. was unbelivably well crafted! I've seen the other two and loved then as well, but this one even gave me chills! I think this movie has something for everone; it has romance, action, adventure, tradgedy, humor, fantasy, etc. I highly recomend this movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Matrix Revolutions
Review: Excellent film. Really stands out to the other 2 films in the trilogy. It includes the final fight between Neo and Agent Smith, the final fight between the machines and the humans, it has the upmost greatest special effects and ending to the entire trilogy.

I was greatly looking foward and anticipating to the 3rd and final peice in the matrix trilogy, and I can honestly say I didn't walk out disappointed or unforfilled. I went back and saw the film for the 2nd time in the theaters, it was just as enjoyable.

During the entire film all I had in my mind was that final fight between Agent Smith and Neo. It was great, the usal expectancy would be that Neo would win because he is the "good guy" but the ending was amazing. Agent Smith was a big bad ass! He also got the same powers as Neo, so he could fly in the final fight. I pitty anyone who had the ending blown for them before seeing the movie. Thats why I went on the 2nd day of its release. The only thing I had blown for me was that Agent Smith could fly in the 3rd installment, I wasn't pissed off at the time but intriged, still I would have liked it better if it was a suprise.

yeah, I cant wait for its DVD release, I want to add it to my collection of The matrix, The matrix reloaded, The matrix revisited and The animatrix.

Get the DVD!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Greek trajedy done in the 21st century
Review: I have thoroughly enjoyed all 3 of these films. I have found them to be intriguing, original and just well done. Obviously, no one could ever recreate and capture the mind-blowing originality of the first film. However, this was a very well conceived story. Just to show you how we can become so accustomed to the typical storyline I honestly went into this film with the expectations for a conclusion that was in no way even close to how the series finally ended. Looking back on it; I realize that the series ended the only way it could end. It ended the way all stories about "messiahs" and "saviors" must end. Unlike some of the other reviewers here I will not give away specifics, although, if you have even the slightest literary background you will have guessed at what happens.

The film is a feast for the fans of martial arts, CGI graphics epic battles and contests between good and evil, (superheroes), fought between titans possessing almost godlike powers. It would be best to not make the mistake of assuming that Smith has anything to do with the goals of the machine society any longer. You will not leave this film having had every question in your mind answered. You will have closure to a great story worthy of the playwrites of ancient Greece and some great conversations with friends and family about what everyone thinks was going on and what perhaps will happen. The last scene with Neo in it I believed was representative of Mallory's La Morte D'Arthur, (King Arthur). Contrary to what some have wrote here I found this to be a well done, well told series and each film left me wanting more. If I have any criticism at all it is the same as most; I have never been overly impressed with Mr. Reeves range as a dramatic actor. While I have come to accept him as the "one" in these films I will always wonder whether someone else might not have been a better choice.

While I am interested in philosophy, unlike some, I have never attached more meaning to these films other than being smart well crafted entertainment. However, with that said I did truly appreciate the idea that more often than not it is harder to do what is right. It is more difficult, and sometimes even painful to make the right choices. Perhaps that is part of the reason why these films have resonated with the public so well; like the message from God you have "choices" and that is what makes life interesting, a challenge and very often difficult and painful.

In the lingo of the Merovingian, "tres bien".

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Matrix Revolutions
Review: A major let down, gloomy from start to finish. Mentioning no names but killing off two of the main charachters did not help.
The likes of Larry Fishburne and Lambert Wilson are woefully under-used, two great charchters that made Reloaded great!
However the final showdown between Smith & Neo stands out, a great set piece that reminds me of Superman 2!
Jada pincket Smith and Marvin Gay's daughter are very sexy.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Flawed
Review: The most palpable emotion I felt when leaving the theater for this movie was, without a doubt, disappointment. Most others experienced this because of the movies philosophical and deep conclusion, but I felt a much larger sense of dissatisfaction. The movie trilogy that opened with a mind blowing bang in the Matrix and continued in an acceptable fashion with Reloaded takes somewhat of a nose dive in the final installment. It is not a horrible movie, far from it, as many of the scenes are just visually amazing and the movie does stay true to its characters. However, one feels the script just needed a very close and good rewrite, as it seems meandering and senseless dialogue were more the order of the day than continuity and quality..............I hardly think we need to be reminded of the "story" elements when there's so much action to go around! Most of the action in this movie centers around Matrix confrontations with a whole new host of bad guys. The Morovaginian returns, with his usual Gaullic imperceptibility, a vagueness that I had no interest in attempting to understand. The hand to hand combat and the shooting is again top notch, with some new tricks thrown in to make it fresh. This minor action is pretty much forgotten in the wild CGI brawl that is the battle of the dock, as the machines take the war to the humans. Visually, the spectacle is really stunning as the humans blast away at the metallic hordes, but I felt the soul of the whole thing was kind of hollow. I just did not get that epic feel one should get when faced with such a battle that meant so much. Frankly, the humans at Zion always struck me as boring and meaningless, and the few characters that are highlighted out of the population are woefully inadequate. The whole thing is fairly meaningless however, as the conclusion is all in Neo's hands. Besides the numerous plot holes and inconsistencies, the conclusion and Neo's fate struck me as meaningful and prescient. A lot of viewers looking for that clean wrap up will go away disappointed however.

So what is the Matrix Revolutions? It is a fairly solid action movie that tries desperately to appear as fresh and stunning as its predecessors. In its core, however, it is emotionally hollow. While I felt attraction to the main characters, the supporting cast and the story around them just did not carry the day. The performances of Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus were all very good, standard in their quality throughout the trilogy. The one standout and really one of the best parts of the movie was that of Agent Smith, who seems diabolically evil in this installment, a step up from his merely mechanical treachery of the first two movies. It is a must see for fans of the series, but do not expect it to fulfill all your expectations.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: what's the deal?
Review: I have a hard time understanding all the bashing of this movie that's been going on, especially by established reviewers. One guy complained that the movie sucked because Trinity didn't wear tight leather for long enough, an astute opinion I don't intend to comment much on.
Mainly, I guess I just don't see what's not to like. I can understand those who say that it lacks some the impact of the first one (the first movie is an unrepeatable success by its very novelty), even though I myself don't agree. But those who simply hate it, I'm afraid I don't get. A popular objection seems to be that it was nothing but a special effects bonanza with no substance, but that's not accurate. Granted, the special effects were outrageous, and even the most devoted fan would have to admit that the whole Zion battle took too much of the movie, but there is so much more here than just action. There is a war of ideals between Neo and Smith that even writers like Tolkien could hardly improve on. Many parts of the antagonism of these two characters reminded me of CS Lewis, a favorite author of mine, well known for putting deep philosophy in a compelling fictional setting. The rain-soaked duel in the climax contains dialogue and fighting reminiscent of classical titans in a final battle.
I would also venture that if you actually care about the characters, the movie is very emotional. Neo sacrifices himself for Zion, my friends. He is a Christ figure. It's hard not to be moved by that sort of sacrifice. Trinity's death scene, in which Reeves proves he's a very good actor despite Neo's deadpan persona, is another example of this theme. There is subtle but genuine character development all through the film: the glimpse we caught of Neo's real self, his *choices*, through the screens in the Architect's chamber in #2, is more realized here, when we see him lose everything. And if all that fails, there is still the single brilliant scene when Trinity sees the sun for the only time in her life. I'm a guy, and I have no problem admitting it almost brought tears to my eyes.
So if you didn't like the movie for whatever reason, you have a right to that opinion. But I'd like to request you give some respect: not only for those who may disagree with you, but also for the filmmakers, because it's possible they have really made a high-quality film, which just didn't happen to be to your taste.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Finishing on a high note...
Review: First off, it is impossible to review this film on it's own, as it is basically a straight continuation of the second film in the series. Second, everything you have heard about the action and effects is understated - the sequences are absolutely brilliant. There, got that over with. Now, there must be a story in here somewhere... OH! got it. Yah. The series is a simplified parable about the various prisons-of-being humans and their progeny end up in. Kudos for making the machines behave as they are supposed to - like advanced machines, not people. The Keymaker and the Architect in particular say some of the dopeyest sounding things, yet taken as coming from an artificial intelligence, suddenly there is an undercurrent flowing through that helps explain exactly why the "war" between the humans and machines continues. OK, this could be the "Arnold" excuse for sometimes sub-par acting and poor dialog, but in these films, it isn't. Kudos also for pulling no punches - when telling the story of a savior, well, losses must be taken along the way. The heavier the loss, the greater the dramatic payoff of the resolution. Kudos as well for keeping the nature of what happens completely ambiguous - none of the pontificating poker-faced icons in this film end up being right per se, but they do manage to mature over the arc of the films into actual people. Morpheus, the Oracle,the Architect - none of them have any more clue than the others, and are all slaves to their own contructions/beliefs. Only the One, whose mind is free (and not too sharp, it must be said) is flexible enough to see around all the bumpers in the path to salvation. It was also nice to see Hollywood steal not only the "wire-fu" effects but some plot complexity from Japanese and Korean film. Kudos Maximus for the Bollywood-dance-number climactic battle for Zion. And for those who bash this film, I can't possibly imagine what they could have done differently to properly wrap up the story. If the ending battles - and the last half of this film is almost wall-to-wall fast action - aren't enough, and the sacrifices made to try and save humanity aren't enough and the "leave them thinking about how what happened did in fact happen" didn't faze you, well, you better write your own blockbuster. If you can beat this, you'll probably get a movie deal. Keanu Reeves awful acting, or lack thereof, knocks a star off this film. Otherwise, I can't think of a thing I'd change. I would love a sequel, but to do one would be artistically unpardonable. That is the strength of a created world - we want to see more stories in it, even if there are no more to be told. No, I am not giving anything away by writing that, no fear. See and enjoy.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Nice,but something missing..
Review: I thought the movie was brilliant, but each film has fallen to
progressively less and less in terms of overall impact since the original...

This in my opinion is due to the Wachowski brothers not having any more original sources to draw on -they know what I mean by that statement..(Can we say NT?)

In any case, I missed the enigmatic presence of Gloria Foster as the Oracle. She was one of my favorite aspects of the first two movies,and while her substitute did well,she paled in comparison with the original much like the two sequels did in comparison to the original Matrix movie..

It seems as if the Wachowski brothers have increasingly depended
on special effects in lieu of philosphical epiphany,and this "final" movie personifies this to a tee..
Not to take anything away from the special effects,as they are no doubt the best in the biz at this time. No doubt the Matrix series will be watched again and again by new generations,just as we currently watch the Wizard of Oz like our grandparents did..

But..I just left the theater feeling empty ,like the story was unresolved somehow..I don't know if this was due to my not wanting the trilogy to end as much as it was my sense that the scene was being set for yet another sequel..

For the vast majority of people,they will hail this as the best in the series ,but for those of us that like to have our thoughts provoked and our minds blown wide open,we will likely walk away less than impressed ..

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: loved it
Review: I really enjoyed this film. Saw it the first day it came out, have seen it a few times since then, love it each and every time. A lot of people didnt like this movie, however its brilliant in my opinion. if you are a fan of the matrix movies at all, hopefully you will like this movie. (...) that really blows.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Have we seen the last of neo and co?
Review: The matrix revolutions is a very good ending to a rather brilliant, ground breaking trilogy.Although it may not be satisfactory to everybody and not exactly what everybody expected i think it is a fantastic movie with excellent special effects and very good action sequences. Alot of people won't have actually seen the real ending to the film if they didn't sit through the end credits, because the actual ending, for those who don't want to know stop reading now, is neo waking up at his computer screen with the message "wake up neo" written on the screen, just like the beginning of the first movie. So either it was all a dream, or, the matrix is starting over, with smith gone, and the last exile now the creator, or thats what i think anyways, either way it is left open for a sequel, well they would be daft not to wouldn't they?, and i can't wait to see if there is one. All in all brilliant.

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